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Posts posted by Lírneth

  1. Profile

    » Name: Lírneth

    » Real name: Lírneth Felnarial

    » Age: 13

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 4'11"

    » About: Lírneth was born on a snowy day in July. Her parents lived in Antarctica.They were doing some kind of research there for fifteen years. But when Lírneth was 7, her parents got caught in a snowstorm, and never came home. When she realized they weren't coming back, she called some of their friends, who lived in Japan. It was the only number she knew.

    When they answered, she told them what was going on. She said they hadn't come in for a week. A team of scientists, police, and doctors were sent down there, to help Lírneth get to Japan, and to find her parent's bodies. She is now terrified of any form of snow, ice, or water.

    Lírneth then lived with her parent's friends (who she didn't know were actually her aunt and uncle), until they died when she was ten. When she found out they were her aunt and uncle, she was devastated. She now lives in an orphanage caring for the rest of the kids, because the owner of the orphanage doesn't care about them at all. She hates boys and doesn't want to ever marry. She hates people in general, to be honest, because she doesn't think they do anything good for the world. Until she found out about SAO. She got a part time job and works non-stop. When she had saved up enough money, she got the NerveGear and the game SAO. She is one of the only players to use their real name.

    » Virtues:

    . Honest- Never tells lies to anyone, unless absolutely necessary.

    . Smart- Very intelligent. She can always solve any problem. Does not believe magic is useful, and believes logic can solve anything.

    . Pretty- Very pretty. People (especially boys who she hates) compliment her white-blonde hair and violet eyes all the time.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    . Overemotional- Excessively or abnormally emotional. Sensitive about themselves and others, more so than the average person.

    . Phobia- They have a severe form of fear when it comes to these things: reptiles, amphibians, water.

    . Timid-Tends to be shy and/or quiet, shrinking away from offering opinions or from strangers and newcomers, fearing confrontations and violence.

    Profession: Tailor








    Weapon skills :





    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Doesn't like any people. Avoids everyone.

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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