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Posts posted by Lime

  1. Unknown smiled at her party's actions and upon seeing the worm turn its attention from her she frowned. Dashing forward and flinging sand everywhere she yanked Ruby up, shoved her towards Siren, and tackled both girls to the side just as the worm slammed down where they had once stood.

  2. Lime watched as Ruby stumbled again and sighed after her friend. While she was happy Ruby had gotten over the depression about going orange the fangirl status she had now perturbed her for a reason she couldn't name. Trotting forward she did a brief sprint and hopped up to the monster and her rapier flashing she jabbed the worm once more.

    (Sword Art Succeeded.)

    And got a satisfying jerk as the response.

    {Sand Worm 5/11}

  3. Ruby watched the actions of the two ladies and had stars in her eyes. She charged the monster and let her sword light up with a Sword Skill once more!

    (Sword Skill rolled 3. Failed)

    But the light shattered once more and she tripped to the ground before even approaching the monster!

  4. Unknown gave an impassive look at Siren's actions and then she smiled serenely. "Well then let's try this again." She put her hand to mouth and whistled again. Making the worm's cursor flash once more...

    (Skilled Used. Rolled 8. Success.)

    And was rewarded when the worm turned from Siren with its cursor still flashing. She moved away from Ruby and Lime calling out "feel free to give it your all ladies!"

  5. Unknown gasped lightly. This wan't very good. Both girls strikes had failed and her whistle skill was on cool-down still. Dashing forward she leaped forward and scooped up Ruby moving to the side as the worm slammed down. "It would appear this has become something of a train wreck" she called out.

  6. Lime took one look at how the situation snowballed so fast and more or less panicked for a split second then guided by pure instinct charged the worm and her rapier flashing pretty much stuck the worm like a pin.

    (Sword Skill. Rolled 4. Failed.)

    But the light shattered and her weapon slid off the worms hide sending her to stumble too!

  7. Unknown spear in hand shot Siren a look that didn't really say anything in particular. Looking at the situation and Lime who was now backing up from a rather vexed monster she got the clarity she needed. She brought a hand to her lips and whistled the sound rippling across the area as it flew across the worm making its cursor flash.

    (Skill Used. Rolled 2, failed.)

    But nothing happened and she made a slight frown "maxed out and I still get this!?" She muttered under her breath then she flipped forward and then more or less soared over the worm. Landed in front of Lime, turned and faced the thing's face and bopped it with the blunt end of her spear. She looked at Lime and made a gesture.

  8. Lime had started out to a brief trot when they made their move. She then witnessed Ruby's dash towards the monster and rather spectacular failure. Well at least she isn't focusing on the players she killed. She thinks. Scanning around she saw Unknown had retrieved her weapon and observing the situation let's hope she has an eye for this. Was a muttered thought in the back of her brain. Grasping her basic rapier firmly she sprinted forward and unleashed light along her blade as she she swiped it along the side of the worm.

    {Sword Art. Rolled 9. Criticial. 2 Damage.}

    And was rewarded with a deep flash of light as she tore into the monster and saw it's HP bar go down.

    {Sand Worm 9/11 Hp}

  9. Unknown got her weapon and ran her hands over it to feel its form. She turned around in time to see Ruby attack the worm... and miss. She then hissed at the worms next move. It hit her with its tail... and it moved her into a nearby dune not much damage was done though she saw in the window with some relief. Not much technique but she's got passion. She thinks.

    [Worm Attacks. Missed. I'll alternate posts for attacks between myself and the enemy.]

  10. As Unknown dashed to get her spear Ruby charged the monster and then veered to the worms side she raised her sword and held it at an angle letting the diamond patterned blade pulse with a sickly light. She swung.

    [sword Skill Failed. Can't use it for two posts]

    But she over shot and stumbled.

  11. Unknown looked at Siren her face showing no sign of what was going through her mind. Waving her hand and making gestures in the air she sent party invites to the other three girls. Hefting her spear in her hand she pulled it back and began to aim it as it pulsed with light. She threw it. It missed though but it did let the poor ghouly ghouly know they were there. And it began slithering their way.

    (Rolled 2. Sword Skill failed.)

    "For glory and honor here we go" she said. Looking at the two girls she said "let's hope you two can keep the brat in front of us busy while I get my weapon." She took off running.

  12. Unknown nodded slowly looking thoughtful. As she looked at the overgrown brat near them she slowly said "I do not think horizontal positions is the issue. I think it's what comes from under that is the issue." The woman awaited the inevitable reply.

  13. Unknown stepped lightly to the side. As the bully before her struck the ground She twirled her spear hand over hand and thrust it forward it glowing gold. (Sword Skill. Rolled 5. Miss.) She grimaced as the trailing light missed and knocked her off balance. As she hit the floor she scowled at the beast.

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