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Posts posted by Todinashi

  1. Looking where Steel was pointing, Todinashi nodded slowly. "Alright then, if you think that's a good place to start, then I'll have to take your word for it." Todinashi opened his menu and equipped his one handed dagger. It appeared in his hand and he turned it, observing it carefully before sheathing it. Todinashi then looked towards Steel, waiting for his lead.

  2. Todinashi arched an eyebrow as he considered Steel's offer. He looked up into the sky for a few moments before giving his reply. "Yea, sure that'd be great!" As he stood up he would stretch out his hand towards Steel, to offer a handshake. "My name's Todinashi, pleasure to meet you."

  3. Todinashi looked up from his character menu after hearing the question, raising both of his eyebrows. "Er, yea.. Although I'm not exactly sure where to start..." he replied after a brief pause, while continuing to observe his character menu. "I think I understand the basics of this game, but I still don't know how to actually /do/ anything yet."

  4. Todinashi rubbed his eyes again, only stop halfway through. He took in a deep breath as he wandered the Town of Beginnings, glancing left and right at the shops and buildings. As he walked, he tried to completely process the events that had unfolded before him earlier that afternoon. He knew that he was stuck inside Aincrad, and that if he were to die in the game, he would be killed in the real world. Todinashi unconsciously frowned as he continued to think, actually taking a pause from walking to grasp his chin. Suddenly he plopped himself down onto his butt, blowing upwards and closing his eyes for a brief moment. Opening his eyes once again, the exasperated gamer swiped his hand upwards to access his character menu and looked it over repeatedly, vividly noticing the missing "log out" button.

  5. «Todinashi»


    » Username: Todinashi

    » Real name: Rowan Ockley

    » Age: 15

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: Slightly smaller than average

    » About: Todinashi has always been into gaming and was deeply disappointed when he failed to get into the beta test. However, he didn't waver from his desire to play SAO and was able to successfully score one of the copies on the release date. His life was up to that point was rather easy, he made good grades and his parents were rather nonchalant about their child. Never failing to solve a problem made it rather frustrating when he was encountered with problem of escaping Aincrad.

    » Virtues:

    Open-Minded. Todinashi is able to see many sides to a problem which contributes to his ability to find a reasonable solution. He rarely takes part in rash or abrupt behaviors with the rare exception of helping any friends he might have.

    Critical Thinker. Todinashi has had experience in gaming from his whole life, which he applies to his dilemma in SAO. He stores away new experiences/memories as he goes through them, then extracts important information when needed.

    Friendly. Todinashi has never been a gamer to go it alone. He has always had a good sense of humor and enjoyed the company of others so that he can not only share his information with them, but to overall improve a groups morale.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Dependent. Although Todinashi is great with others, he finds it near impossible to things alone. His mindset and playstyle require the help of allies and friends to provide him safety and usable information.

    Impatience. Even though Todinashi can think critically and analyze different situations, he gets very flustered and unsettled when any task takes longer than he would like. Even when he's thinking to himself, he might become frustrated at the progress of his own pondering.

    Pest. Todinashi can easily become annoying with his constant need to assess the situation. Rather than make a quick instinctive decision, he often tries to think an action through. This can greatly hinder progress in a group or create very awkward moments.


    None yet







    » Parry [Rank 1]

    Weapon skills :



    Weapons/Tools: Beginner's Pack

    » One-handed Dagger

    10 Bread

    15 Water

    Dark Blue Hoodie-Jacket


    » [OP-F1] Where to start? - In progress

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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