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Posts posted by Gavmull

  1. Hello everyone! I just made my character and now, here I am! I love SAO, ALO, GGO, etc. I've only seen the anime though! I've had about.. 3-4 years of roleplay experience, so that should help out a bit, and I look forward to roleplaying with you all!

  2. «Gavmull»


    » Username: Gavmull

    » Real name: Gennosuke Kanno

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5"7

    » About: Throughout his entire life, Gennosuke found not much meaning to anything, he mostly kept to himself and did not interact with any kids his age, in person at least. Gennosuke eventually took up a deep interest in online gaming at the age of 13, and tends to be glued to his computer monitor 24/7. Ever since then, his mother being the only other person he interacted with, became very nervous about Gennosuke's overall health and education due to his excessive time playing games. At one point, Mrs. Kanno banned Gennosuke from the computer for 2 whole weeks, during this time period, Gennosuke was even less involved in anything than he was before, he would barely even speak to his own mother, mostly due to his anger. Once the two weeks was up, Gennosuke returned to his normal lifestyle, playing videogames as much as possible, and here we are today.

    Despite being quiet and such, Gennosuke secretly craved power, power that he some day believed he could gain, hopefully without too much trouble. He loved to gain power in anyway possible, whether it be having better armor or weapons than someone, having more money than someone, etc. This only ever worked out in MMORPG's though, where Gennosuke felt like he could be who he wasn't, and who he wanted to be.

    Gennosuke tends to rush into fights and tries to get stuff done quickly, with or without his fellow players.

    » Virtues:

    Perceptive: Gennosuke is very Perceptive, to the point where he can almost tell when someone is lying, right after they say a few words. Gennosuke tends not to look over anything obvious or important.

    Focused: When a battle does come along, or when on a quest, Gennosuke becomes focused on the battle or the quest only, and does not get easily distracted, with the exception of noticing his party members or guild members alongside him.

    Courageous: Gennosuke is Courageous in many ways, the number one way being that he will try to lead the other players to victory, or try to take down a boss or group of enemies alone, despite their stats and size. He does not get easily frightened by enemies, even if they are more than twice his size, he still tries to take it down no matter the cost.

    » Flaws:

    Ambitious: Gennosuke is very Ambitious, especially when it comes to MMO's, which he loves to get power in. Gennosuke aims towards befriending other powerful figures, in hopes of getting more power for himself in the end ( loot drops, exp, etc.) or to gain reputation and followers.

    Boastful: Gennosuke can be very Boastful when it comes to obtaining special or rare loot, or even to tell a story of his accomplishments. He takes notes in his mind on what was the most amazing part of his epic battles, just to tell a good story and brag about whatever he possibly can.

    Greedy: Gennosuke ( as mentioned before ) loves money and loot, he would love to take all of it for himself if he could on each and every boss fight or something in that manner. Even if he was told to split the gold somehow, he would always take just a bit for himself, each time, so he feels like he gained more out of it than any of the others.









    Weapon skills :






    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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    Story Thus Far (optional)


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