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Posts posted by Kikyo

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    «Kikyo» The Traveling Saint

    » Username: Kikyo
    » Real name: Kirara Aihara
    » Age: 16
    » Gender: Female
    » Height: 5'4

    » About: From a young age Kirara was very adventurous and brave which was a bit off for a Japanese girl raised in a wealthy environment. Though she was enjoying herself her parents were not pleased with her behavior. They sent her away to a boarding school in hopes of controlling her wild whims and adventures. Though she meant well she soon became annoyed by their efforts to censor her. Sadly she could do nothing about it at 16 except bite her tongue and serve her time at the school where she knew no one. Though through months of good behavior she was allowed to purchase something from the outside so she pleaded with her parents to get the new game "Sword Art online" along with it's Nerve Gear though she was not expecting to be trapped inside of the enchanting world once she placed it on her head before her classes for a quick test run.


    » Virtues:
     Brave/ She never looks away when faced with danger. It might be her adventurous attitude that makes her want to fight back and see what will happen as a domino effect or the fact that she's just stubborn.


    Curious/ She always manages to find wonder in every little object. She loves learning about her surroundings strictly because she's so fascinated about how everything works which really helps her stay on top of things and out of danger while on one of her little "Adventures"

    Obedient/ She never argues with her elders or superiors even when she is right. Maybe it's because of the shunning done by her parents or the strict rules of the teachers at the Boarding School, but either way it managed to scare her into staying quiet and simply coasting by or doing what she wants in secret.

    » Flaws:
    Naive/ She was sheltered all her life so she never really had the chance to learn from any mistakes or see the worst in people.

    Scatter Brained/ She tends to get distracted by simple things that cross her path. Whether it be her adventurous nature or just plain curiosity it's always present in her random decisions.

    Too Forgiving/ Adventuring tends to get lonely throughout her life Kirara has tried to make friends though people saw her as weird or off so they tended to avoid her so when she successfully makes a friend she refuses to lose them if it can be helped and if that means being hurt repeatedly that is a fate she is ready to accept. 

    Profession: Currently None




    Weapon skills:

    Weapons/Tools: Basic Longsword
    »10 bread, 15 water

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