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Posts posted by Russell

  1. "Talk about what? Did they not just hear me? Maybe I spoke too softly.. That's probably it. Let's see here, what's a good distraction? Oh yeah, the old hey look there's a duel happening over there." Looking behind them, he shouted out "There's a duel going on over there, look!" Using the distraction as a cover, Russell dashed away, not caring if they looked back at the fake distraction.

  2. "He's a little bit too care-free walking around with some one just met. I'm suspicious, very suspicious. Also, why let me go first when I'm obviously the lower level. I'll play it cool and run. I'm being way too paranoid right now, I need to stop doing this. I'm going to hate myself if I turn out to be properly paranoid." Hitting himself in the forehead, he ran forward seeing a hole in a small rock formation. "This looks cool, maybe we should go in?"

  3. "I er.. t-trust you." Russell fibbed. He didn't want to be rude, but he also didn't want to explain why he didn't trust him. "He should know it isn't personal, I just find it hard anybody will help me out of the good of their heart. I'm not useful to anyone, so its not like anybody will want me on their side. I should just tell him the truth."

  4. "I d-didn't mean it like that.. I r-rather explore than fight, but I would f-fight if that's necessary." Russell spouted out. He did indeed want to explore, as in adventure. He didn't want to kill players, just the monsters and creatures if he had too. He added "Not boring to me to, its fun in fact." He sprinted towards the player, not wanting to be left behind. "This forest is really huge, but I feel like I've been walking in circles.."

  5. "I really like this floor. If only I had enough money to buy a place to live..." Russell was overjoyed at exploring again. "If only I had a familiar.. I really should take the quest to get one. I have to be stronger, and I'm definitely not asking someone to accompany me. If I ever do, it'll probably because I'm either desperate or different person. Anyway, I should get busy training. Don't want to low-leveled forever!"  He then began to sprint. "Wow, I'm fast.. Maybe it's the game." Looking at the huge trees, he stopped when he saw the most weirdest looking tree. It was the size of a young tree, and its branches were curled in a way that it looked like a human. "It sorta looks like a treant.. Wait a minute." Gripping his sword, he swung at it, but the treant awoke and slapped his sword to the ground. "Bad move!"


    Russell's HP: 9/9

    Treant's HP: 7/7


    • ID: 689
    • BD: 2
    • CD: 5
    • LD: 8
    • MB: 2
  6. "Nobody runs out on my watch, so tell me why were you spying on us, especially me?" Russell froze, unable to move. "I w-wasn't spying on anyone, I w-was just sitting and er... over there and I um..." He looked down, at this point everything he was saying was too soft to be audible. "That's why y-you thought I was spying on you." Looking back up, he watched the three and hoped that he was able to run fast enough to lose them.

  7. "Err... N-nice to meet you too.." Russell noticed MacGrath looking up at the sky with a sigh. "Why is he sighing and what's so interesting about the sky?" Looking, up he then saw the sky two shades darker than before. "The sun is setting. Not really, its virtual." He looked back down at the floor, and mumbled to himself. "Everything is virtual here."

  8. "Baseless conjecture that's what I think." Russell muttered to himself. "Usually a story like this would be why someone hates life, or is always vengeful, not why someone helps others in need. Seriously, I think he either really believes this or I'm probably paranoid thinking this at this point, he's lying and he wants to do something nefarious. I probably shouldn't tell him that the story doesn't relate to-"By the way, you haven't told me your name, what is your name?" The train of thought Russell had was interrupted by question MacGrath had. "My name? Um its.. er..." "Oh god I forg- No, I remember. Its Russell, both IRL and in-game." Coughing, he muttered his name. "Russell"

  9. Still watching the two, Russell decided to get up from the tree nearby them. "Wait a minute, don't I know him? I think I do.. Best if I didn't make them aware of me." He got up from the floor, but collapses immediately from sitting and not using his legs for so long. "OWW!" Instantly, he gets back up, not wanting to attract more attention. "Dang it, they heard me and probably saw me." Russell immediately ran into a nearby alley to hide from the two players.

  10. "Well, how long have you've been having trouble speaking to people?" "I don't think this is something you can fix like that, it takes time and I don't know why, but I'm just not good with people. This is definitely a trick, he's planning something nefarious. I'll have to improvise for now." It was at this point Russell noticed that MacGrath was looking right at him. "Does he know I know? Or maybe I'm just being a bit too paranoid on my part."

  11. "I do like exploring, so I guess I'm up for it." Russell said, slightly speaking louder a little bit more confident after being surprised. "Did you just want to go exploring or did you have some battle in mind too?" Looking back at his right hand, which at the time was carrying his sword, he make a quick decision to lie to the person. "If he thinks I just explore, it'll come to bite me back later. I have to give off the impression that I am capable of fighting." Clearing his throat, Russell spoke again. "I was looking for some creatures to fight, I'm severely under leveled."

  12. "My name is MacGrath, got it memorized?" "Yep, I got it memorized." Looking around, Russell made a mental note to bring out his sword at a moment's notice and run as fast he could. "I have to be wary, most people don't have the best of intentions." Sighing, he looked back at the player hoping that his suspicions were wrong.

  13. "What do you say, want some help talking to people?" "You would really help me?" Russell asked, surprised about the offer the boy gave to him. "Wait a minute, why is he being so nice for no reason? There is always a reason, I can tell. I'll play along for now." He nodded, not showing that he was suspicious of the offer.

  14. "I hate this, I'm not good talking to people. I have to try to worm my way out this situation." Russell thought. Talking to others was as hard as beating this game, he thought. "What's wrong? Hey listen, if something not right, tell me I can help you." "I wish I could just shrink to the size of the ant right now, I hate this." Taking a deep breath, he spoke again a bit louder than last time. "I'm f-fine, I promise."

  15. "I should get a familiar, it'll be safer to travel and I can do it more often." Russell sat down on the bench, pondering on whether he should get a familiar or not. "Although, I have to spend more Col to feed it so there's that." Quietly looking up, he looked around to see an abundance of players passing by.

  16. As soon as he felt the boy's hand on his back, Russel jumped and turned around almost instantaneously. He was surprised to find a much taller player than himself. Noticing his smile, he assumed that this person could be trusted for now and listened to what he had to say at the moment. "Don't look so nervous! I doubt you're in danger at all here. You need help? You look a bit lost." Mumbling very softly, the timid player said "I'm not lost, I'm just exploring this floor."

  17. "This looks a lot like Vermont. All these giant trees." Looking around the woodlands of Floor 2, Russell smiled, happy to  finally muster up the courage to ignore the rumor of PKing guilds and begin to explore Aincrad. He gripped his sword tightly, still wary of the possibilities of a sneak attack. "Just imagine all the other floors, it makes me so anxious to explore them and all their nooks and crannies!" He said to himself as he walked quickly across the earth.

  18. As soon as he heard talking, Russell turned his head towards the speakers and saw the boy who was complaining being spoken to by a boy and a girl. Leaning over to hear what they were saying, his mind began wander. "There are lots of things to be done, but I don't think I should go out at the moment. I heard a lot of rumors about PKing guilds killing unsuspecting players." he pondered.

  19. Thanks for all the helpful tips. At first I was a bit confused about how all this worked out, but I get it all now. I think I got the hang of roleplaying now too, both writing on my own and reading some of the topics.

  20. "I would think more people would die of fright, not boredom. He must not be scared easily." Russell thought to himself. He had noticed the boy who was complaining about boredom. Sitting quietly at the tree, he looked at the various players walking together and all the conversation that were being had. "If I had known otherwise, this would be hard to tell from the real world. Except for the gear and swords everyone is caring around." Sighing, he looked at the ground, as if the floor was more interesting than anything else going on.

  21. Hello, and I know none of you know me and I am new to both this website and to this roleplaying stuff. So I wanted to introduce myself as I'm ready to start this I guess in a sense, story. I would really like if anybody could give me tips in how to, I know this sounds stupid, but give me tips in how to properly portray my character. Any tips would be really helpful, but you don't have to um you know post. So hello everyone!

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