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Posts posted by Chuggs

  1. Chuggs smiled heavily as Skyrim was mentioned. He couldn't think of a better game to bring into the topic, or to start with. Although Elder Scrolls Online may have not been the best MMO. He didn't care, he met someone who enjoyed RPG's almost as much as he did when he played them. "Now there's a series of game's I like. Although Dragon Age was more of my favorite RPG of all time." He stated as he put his more serious face on at her question. First one? He'd have to remember....


    "League of Legends. It was the first MMO I ever played. I had a fun time playing it before moving on to other games." Chuggs stated with a smile, thinking back on his days playing League and getting destroyed as a newbie. It then brought a terrible realization. He was still considered a newbie on SAO, luckily he hadn't been destroyed. But that wouldn't last forever. He looked back up at Pyro with a smile, clearing his thought's of any of that mumbo jumbo inside of his head. "May I ask what brought you to this place? It doesn't seem like the best place to sit and think." He stated as his eyes glanced over the room. He wondered if anyone here was violent. He hoped they weren't.

  2. Chuggs looked at the meat placed in front of him. He wasn't sure what he should have done, but he didn't seem to interested in what the boy was saying until he brought up philosophy and debates. He looked up at the guy and smiled. "Yeah, I'm game. What did you want to debate then?" He asked curiously. Tonight could be a lot more interesting then he originally thought.

  3. Chuggs glanced up at the man who sat himself down in front of him. Was he sitting there to rub how rich the meat he was eating in the poor teen's face? He wasn't particularly pleased thinking with that mindset and a growling stomach. "Can I help you sir?" He asked as politely as he could, although a few of his words came out with a little more venom then even he expected. He would need to fix that if he ever hoped to have a pleasant conversation with someone that pissed him off. Examining this brute of a man, he couldn't really describe why this guy would be playing a VRMMO, like, at all. He didn't seem the type to play them. Of course, he kept his questions to himself, his eyes dead set on the table.

  4. Chuggs smiled as she brought up the performer profession. He was dying to unlock it's true potential. "Better then. They wont be curious on finding out." He muttered aloud. He had no real reason for saying it, simply just voicing his thought's aloud. He thought a little bit more on the words she said before deciding to continue the conversation. So far Pyro didn't seem to troubled to be having a conversation with him, so why leave when he could make a new friend? "What was the first game you ever played? Or better yet, the first MMO you ever played? Er....If you don't mind me asking, Pyro." He said, realizing how comfortable he felt asking those questions. He realized how rude it was to ask players about their lives before SAO, topic's that certainly weren't touched upon often.

  5. Chuggs did what he normally did. Walked outside alone, admiring the sky, thinking about what drove him into playing this game in the first place. What drove him into allowing himself to be trapped in this game of life. He didn't expect this at a-...*growl*....That was his stomach. Growling at the lack of food he had that day. Sighing, he made his way to the closest place to eat at the time. The diner. He smiled looking at the place, his stomach simply growled again. He walked in and sat down, simply here to sate his appetite. "Give me the cheapest thing you have to eat." Was all he said, waiting to see what it would actually be.

  6. Chugg's thought about what to say at first. He wasn't sure how much about his life to actually reveal. Even though Pyro was nice, he did just meet her. He decided he wouldn't give out his name, but nearly everything else was fair game right now. "I was a street performer. I used to do covers for songs a lot to attract attention and earn money. It...Worked I guess. I was able to save enough to buy myself a nerve gear and here I am today. Of course that didn't really answer your question, did it? I listened to music a lot when playing games. That was one of my more favored songs when playing. It was fun to add my own spin to different songs." He said with a smile. Pleasant memories indeed. "It wasn't your fault anyways, I got a little bit louder then I should have. I wonder what they actually think." He stated wonderingly. He wanted more peoples opinions, but he didn't have a nice tract with getting along with them. This was a start, he guessed.

  7. Chuggs was....Surprised to say the least. First when she blushed so heavily, again during her little outburst. He was at a loss for words for a few moments. When she turned back to him he quickly thought about what to say. Never being in a situation like this before came with many cons, not many pros. "I...I'm glad then!" He stated, a little louder then he should have. Quickly lowering his voice as a few people had directed their attention in his direction. "I'm glad that I helped you along a path to where you can finally set your emotions free, Pyro." He stated in a more softer tone, simply glancing in the direction of the other people. Hopefully they weren't too curious.

  8. Chuggs shook his head when Pyro apologized again. She had a knack for doing that it seemed. "I needed to get the topic out of my head. It gets tiring carrying around thought's like that on your own for such a long time." He stated, although the thought of Kayaba watching them did indeed cause a shiver to go up the boys spine. Then she muttered something that he barely caught. "Did you say something Pyro?" He asked curiously. He wasn't certain he heard her correctly at all. Did she say she was glad he sat down with her? That would be a first.

  9. Chuggs smiled a bit when she jumped. He was glad to make someones day at least. "No problem." Was all he said in response. He continued to think about Kayaba's motives. What drove the man to do this? It should have been so simple, yet Chuggs was blind to it. Why would someone do this? Then something that Pyro said clicked in his mind. "Your right....Why would he make a game so beautiful and not want to play it? I know I'd still want to play it if I made it myself." He stated, seemingly attempting to put together something out of nothing. "Of course I don't know Kayaba all that well either, so it can only go so far what I think, right?" He asked curiously, seeing if Pyro would draw a similar conclusion to his. 

  10. Chuggs waited for a few moments after she stopped humming the tune. What was the name of it? He knew it. Right on the tip of his tongue. Then it clicked, fitting into place like a puzzle piece. "Calls me Home....It's called Calls me Home." He started, a proud look crossing his face as he finally came up with the name. Of course he didn't finish there, he hadn't even told her who sung the song! "A female artist sings it...Erm....Not that I sing in a feminine voice....I mean...I add a more...Masculine spin to the song? Don't judge me. Her name is Shannon Labrie. A fairly good singer." He stated turning away from the girl with a slight blush. He should have thought more before saying that out loud. Now he was completely embarrassed. "Earlier, I had honestly stopped thinking about the name of the song. I was thinking more about Kayaba's motives...And what he's doing right now." He stated honestly, looking back down at the table, the embarrassment seemingly disappearing from his face.

  11. Chuggs took the seat across from her, looking for her username. He found it in a matter of seconds. 'Pyro, huh? Does she like fire? Is she a...Never mind. I'm getting too distracted here. She want's me to tell her what song that was.' He shook his head, thinking for a moment. That song was special enough to him that he found it odd someone else was humming it. He didn't imagine many people here remembered the joys of music. "That song is called...Erm...What was the name of it again...?" He just forgot. The name was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't seem to get it out. He struggled on a bit for a few minutes being lost in his thoughts, thinking of the name. "Could you hum it again please? It might help me remember myself. It seemed to slip my mind almost as soon as I tried to recall it. It happens a lot now. Distinguishing the real world from the virtual one...It's quite hard to remember the difference." He said his thought's aloud for once, looking down at the table in front of him, thinking even harder then before.

  12. Chugg's was surprised by her answer, expecting something...More to say the least. He was more than expecting her to know exactly where it was from. Silly of him to think that way. He simply sighed. He hadn't sung that song in ages. How long had they been in SAO? He was having a hard time remembering. Then the girl apologized. He thought at least, he could barely hear it. More of a whisper than anything. He looked at the girl curiously as she seemed to flash an obviously fake smile in his direction and say it even louder. He wasn't really certain why she was apologizing in the first place. "Erm...Why are you apologizing? It's not like you did something wrong." He stated, clearly confused. He was waiting for a response when a thought crossed his mind. "Hey, maybe I could tell you the name of that song if it's bothering you so much. Mind if I sit here?" He asked, a new purpose for coming to the inn inside his head. 'She seem's nice enough, hopefully she's as nice as she seems. It would be better to make friends then enemies.' He thought with a smile as he waited.

  13. Chugg's had been wandering about the town as of late. A habit he had gotten used to. Something he just couldn't stop doing now that he was stuck in this virtual world. He sighed as he wandered, wondering where he was going to stay for the night, being as broke as he was at the moment. He thought he might as well have gone to the inn, do something there that might be thought of as crazy and get kicked out. Or just....Get off the streets for now. He needed to make friends, sooner rather than later. He had turned around and made his way to the inn, which wasn't that far from where he was now. Hopefully he wouldn't encounter any problems on his way.


    Fortunately for Chuggs, He didn't. No one tried to force him into a duel, no one tried to force him into anything. He opened the door to the inn and no one stared at him, it was much too noisy for the door to be heard anyways. He would have continued on his way, going to bother someone to listen to any song he would perform, when he heard a slight humming. He stopped and perked up instantly at the sound of it, half-way through walking to his desired location. The sound was coming from right next to him, the song was familiar. So so familiar. He had heard it a few times before, hell he had even sung it while he was alone. He turned his attention to the booth next to him, his eyes locking on a girl who seemed distracted to say the least. He opted to speak up. "Hey, where did you learn that song?" He asked curiously, the words coming out before he could think of anything better to say. He didn't even introduce himself.

  14. Chuggs, an odd username in an odd place. Like many other's he had been trapped inside the game. Like many others he was trying to figure out how to survive. Like many others, he needed a job. He had always enjoyed singing and playing instruments, although he never liked performing in front of crowds. That's the one reason he never joined any of his school's choirs or bands. Never made many friends and was overall all on his own. So when he joined Sword Art Online looking to hide himself, he was met with the surprise of being revealed. Fortunately he still hadn't made any friends, so no one really knew the difference.


    As soon as he regained his composure in this virtual hell, he had realized he wasn't going to be going anywhere without a job. He needed a way to make money if he wanted to do anything in this place, seeing as he wouldn't be going back to the real world anytime soon. He sighed as he approached the establishment he had been directed to. An odd place to say the least. Apparently, he would need to gain some attention before he became a performer. Which meant performing in front of crowds. He shivered at the thought, but entered the place none-the-less. A small pub-like area filled with NPC's and regular players greeted him. He stood frozen in the doorway for a few minutes before regaining himself.


    Chugg's approached the stage and hesitated before making his way onto it. He wasn't really sure how to go about it. He hadn't even thought of a song he would sing. A song he made, or a song that was already made? He couldn't decide as he was already on the stage. Strange, he didn't remember climbing up the steps to it, or climbing onto the stage at all. He looked around as everyone turned towards him. He spoke into the microphone hesitantly, not really sure how to start out. "H-Hello! My name is Chugg's, I wish to become a performer and the only way to go about doing that is to perform! I'm going to sing a song that I made before....Before joining Sword Art Online!" He stated proudly, although he stuttered near the beginning. He moved towards the piano that was already on the stage, and began to play.


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Am4cHMBKM ((Instrumental that goes along with the lyrics :P))


    "...Can you believe?


    That I had to leave?


    Trust me I didn't mean...


    To say good-bye....


    I know you couldn't see...


    How bad I needed to leave...


    But I am no longer here...


    I'm so sorry it had to end...


    So abruptly...


    But I need you to see....


    That I still...


    That I still...


    Care about you don't you see?


    Don't you see?


    Don't you see? You just weren't safe right beside me....


    I still really care! But I really knew....You weren't safe right...beside me...


    ((solo until 2:03 :P))


    I! I still really love...I still really love...everything that makes you you...


    I still really love, I still really love! I still really love everything about you...


    I'm so sorry I had to go, but it was for the best, I hope you understand everything I'm saying, I hope you really know how hard it was to make this choice, it was completely unavoidable I really love you...


    I hope you are safer without me beside you. I really hope you are. I don't think you know how hard this was on me I really cared about you I just hope you feel the same way about me to.


    I know you hate good byes...I really do to...I just needed to go on with my life...


    This was the hardest thing....Hardest thing I had ever done in my.....Life." ((I tried my best to sync up the words with the music although I may have failed a bit ^^, sorry!))


    When Chugg's finished, he froze in place, sitting on the piano, waiting for a response. He really didn't know how to continue from there.

  15. «CHUGGS» Subtitle.

    » Username: Chuggs
    » Real name: Jeison Akito
    » Age: 16
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 6'4

    » About: History/personality


    History: Born in Japan, Jeison had always been fascinated with video games. Ever since he was old enough to hold a controller he's been playing video games. His favorite genre being strategy games in all their wholesome glory. He dominated the Strategy MMO market and even won himself a few tournaments, locally of course, he didn't have much money to go around the world to win in other areas other than his hometown. He took an interest in Fighting games around the age of 10, and begun playing those. He wasn't the best at them but he enjoyed it nonetheless. Although the genre he preferred over fighting was Roleplaying. The interesting story-driven based games intrigued him to no end, keeping him interested and always wanting more when he completed a good one. Thus, he got a nervegear as soon as he could save up the money from his little street performances. Most said he wasn't that bad of a singer, could probably get into a singing career if he really wanted to be bogged down by the restrictions the Music Industry placed on him. It didn't really appeal to his inner nature. He thought it would be better to spread his voice through the nervegear as a performer, hoping it would allow him to spread some of his fame. Of course that was a little far-fetched....He didn't even know if they had that type of profession in the game, and he hadn't seen it much in other games. Hopefully, he didn't jump into something that was too crazy to be bargained with....Hopefully.


    Personality: Cold, calculating, but nice when you get to know him. Jeison has been called all these things and a few more, although it's usually bleeped out. He smiles every time it is and walks away. Patience is a virtue that Jeison holds close to heart. Just remember, earning the loyalty of a performer can become annoying quite quickly.

    » Virtues:
    Strategist - A perfect strategist, he thinks before anything and is always the first one to stay back and examine things rather than run up and touch the button. Most would call him a boring tactician. However, his strategies have kept him alive through everything, so he doesn't mind. These strategies have also allowed him to avoid getting killed in SAO by orange players, since he knows the best ways to avoid confrontation.

    Patience - Perfectly capable of waiting things out, he prefers to listen to others and can wait almost endlessly while they talkMainly to gather more information about certain topics. He has used this to set up an endless amount of working ambushes and usually beats more headstrong opponents who enjoy rushing the gate, as he calls it.

    Nice - An overall nice guy once you get pass that cold, hard exoskeleton he calls emotions. Or what other's call emotions, He prefers to call it his shield from the world. It keeps him safe from those who wish him harm. Can still go without the hardened attitude before hand though.


    » Flaws:
    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Hard - He keeps himself unknown top others, shrugging away any and all help that is offered to him. He is extremely hard to understand in any way shape or form. The outer shell, the shield that keeps him from harm, but also makes him a bit insubordinate. He barely obeys commands given to him and usually goes with his own strategies. It's kept him alive so he doesn't care what other's really say.

    Indecisive - When coming up with a decision, it takes longer than most, thinking out the best way to deal with it. It's especially worse when done under the pressure of his or others livesThe one thing he's tried to fix, as it killed someone he was close to. His indecisiveness ended with the death of a friend that he has tried to forget, sadly, it always comes to mind in those important decision making times.

    Theatrical - A bit over-dramatic at the best times. Knowing when to keep these little dramas to himself, he usually doesn't go into the much more fun, over-dramatic guy he could be until the right...Or most likely, the worse moments. He puts on a little show for himself and others during quests to lighten the mood and take away from the seriousness of a conversation. Usually might lead to a better friendship if he didn't hide behind that cold shell.

    Profession: None (Yet.)




    Weapon skills:
    » One-Handed Straight Sword - Rank 1


    » 10 Bread, 15 Water, 1 Bastard Sword (Is the bastard sword a one handed weapon skill?), Clothing

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)
    None (Yet)

    Story Thus Far (optional)
    » None (Yet)

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