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Posts posted by Evelyn

  1. Her high voice started, as she covered her eyes with her hands. She was a little scared; but This man was smiling and if he was smiling then he must be ok, he lead her out of a boring city and into what he called an enchanted forest.

    Maybe this would be fun.



  2. ((Alt for Mari pretty much created as suggested to fall in line with a PP RP that was made))

    Username: Evelyn
    Real name: Evelyn
    Age: 4.5
    Gender: Female
    Height: 45.4 inches

    About: History/personality

    Evelyn is Mari's daughter, and was placed on the Nerv gear by her father who wanted to distract her so he could continue with his party lifestyle. Evelyn is very young - and quiet spoken and often will not say much at all. She was taken away from Mari at the age of 2 due to a corrupt Lawyer - now known as Uriel who helped Evelyn's father win the case - despite her father being a womanising, raging alcoholic. 

    Innocent: .being a child Evelyn is very innocent and sweet - trusting everyone to a fault. It could quite easily land the girl in a lot of trouble. I am not sure what else to write for innocent - Evelyn is innocent, she doesn't know the cruel harsh realities of the world, if you asked her if santa or the tooth fairy were real she'd say yes. She doesn't realize the severity of this world, or that she is stuck in a game- she is too young and innocent to comprehend that. She may just think this iss all a dream

    Sweet: Evelyn is very kind - and despite her young age is always thinkiing of others, picking them flowers or picking up pretty rocks and giving them to people. Whenever you see her she will have a big  bright smile on her face and will greet you with cute little energetic waves. If she thinks you are cute or pretty she will follow you around constantly giving you flowers

    Energetic : Evelyn is quick - and energetic, aren't all kids that way!? She loves to run around screaming and laughing, and where others will soon tire out she still has boundless energy, she rarely leaves the starter town but maybe thats why she has survived for so long, the girl could run a marathon and sitll have energy to spare!


    Trusting:  Evelyn is too trusting, it has landed her in trouble before with the kids at school and even some of the older kids in SAo who tricked her into giving them her only rations. It will probably land her in trouble again in the future. Evelyn wasn't taught the difference between a good person and a bad person, nor was she taught tat strangers are not always nice people.


    Quiet: Evelyn is really quiet; she rarely talks to anyone, and when she does its inaudible mumbles or half spoken words. Despite being trusting open and sweet toward people she can't use her voice properly. This makes it hard for her to actually communicate what she wants or needs at the time.


    Moody: Something she inherited from her mother, Mari - Evelyn can really quickly change her moods one minute she is happy the next she is sad. this makes her quite volatile and sometimes difficult to deal with.

    Profession: None




    Weapon skills:




    Mari: Mother


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