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Posts posted by Michiru

  1. ID: 2779

    BD: 5 (Fail)

    MD: 8 (Success)


    As I was thinking about how I failed, I didn't notice the boar running at me. I clumsily swung and missed, and it stabbed its tusks into my leg. I felt my body begin to crystallize, and my vision began to fade to black. As I silently contemplated my death, the boar withdrew its tusks, and walked away, its job finished. 


    My vision got darker, and darker.


    "You are dead."


    Boar: 1/3

    Michiru: 0/5

  2. ID: 2778

    BD: 3(Fail)

    MD: 1(Critical Fail)


    The boar quickly counterattacked, swinging its tusks at my ribs, and I could do nothing but desperately fall in an attempt to dodge its attack. The tusks miss me, but I knew that attack would have been lethal if it connected. I backed off slowly, keeping my eyes on the boar. Thinking back, I realized that this was all because I had underestimated it after I managed to strike a blow against it, thinking that I could after one strike. 


    Boar: 1/5

    Michiru: 1/5

  3. ID: 2777

    BD: 4 (Fail)

    MD: 3 (Fail)


    I decided to go for an all or nothing attack, and rushed the boar. The boar sidestepped, a move that I had just tried to perform, and left me swinging again at nothing but air. I realized that I was in great danger. I was unprepared to stop an attack against the boar, since I was off balance from my attack. I realized that this was a terrible move, far too late. I saw my adversary's tusks begin to swing upwards.


    Boar: 1/3

    Michiru: 1/5





  4. ID: 2774

    BD: 5 (Fail)

    MD: 3 (Fail)


    I quickly decided that the best path of action was to dodge this attack. I wasn't ready to attack the boar, and if it hit me again, I would probably end up dead. 


    As the boar was nearing, I stepped to the side, and the boar rushed past me. I felt the displacement of air from the boar. It really was fast. 



    Michiru: 2/5


    ID: 2775 

    BD: 3 (Fail)

    MD: 8 (Success)
    I felt a tingling sensation on my leg. It looks like I didn't step sideways fast enough. While not a killing blow, now, my health bar was in the red, and extremely close to zero. The next attack could decide if I lived or not. 
    Boar: 1/3
    Michiru: 1/5
  5. ID: 2768

    BD: 2 (Fail)

    MD: 10 (Critical Hit)

    Damage Taken: 3 (1+2 from critical)


    The boar looked weak. I relaxed my stance, getting ready to intercept it and make my first kill in the game. It was getting closer. I swung low, at the centre of its body.


    The boar jumped over my attack and crashed into me, knocking me over. Its tusks left a nasty slash just under my ribs. I felt no pain, however. The developers of Sword Art Online must have blocked all pain transmissions to the user of the NerveGear. Nonetheless, I watched as my health bar move into the yellow area. I was below half health. If I took much more damage, I would die forever. I quickly stood up and saw the boar already in another charge-type attack.


    Michiru 2/5

    Boar 1/3

  6. ID: 2763

    BD: 7 (Success)

    Damage Dealt: 2 (1+1 from 2H mastery) 

    MD: 3 (Failure)


    This time, I managed to not fall over from the weight of my sword. Based on my previous failure, I needed to control my swing and go for an accurate hit, not a massive miss.  As the boar charged me, I took a more reserved swing at it, and felt the sensation of my blade being stopped by flesh. The boar was stopped in its tracks by my attack, and backed off. I saw the large, pixellated cut that it had received from my attack. To my surprise, the boar did not fall dead, but it again prepared to charge at me.


    Boar: 1/3

    Michiru: 5/5 




  7. ID: 2756

    BD: 1 <Critical Fail>

    MD: 1 <Critical Fail>


    The boar took off towards me at a frightening pace. I planned to stop it in its tracks with my swing. I raised my sword over my head, preparing to strike a devastating blow to my first opponent. As I swung, I lost my balance  and ended up falling clumsily sideways to the ground as the boar rushed past me. Both of us had hit nothing but air. I picked myself up and faced the boar again. The boar looked like it was going to charge at me another time. 


    Boar 3/3

    Michiru 5/5

  8. I walked for around five minutes outside of the safety of the Starting City, looking for a monster to kill. Aincrad was really a stunningly beautiful place, even if I was trapped in it. Everything was so lifelike, you could say, well, that it was like the real world. 


    I noticed a small animal walking around in the grass. It looked harmless, possibly just there for visual effect? I didn't want to kill it. A couple of seconds later, it turned around, and I could see its razor sharp tusks and small, reddish eyes. It looked like a boar. I realized that this was a monster, and that I had missed a chance for a surprise attack by mistaking it as harmless. The boar pawed the ground and snorted loudly, preparing to charge. 

  9. The first thing I decided to learn was how to fight monsters. The two-handed sword I had was heavy, and I wondered if I would actually be able to hit something with it. After training for a while, just performing practice swings, I decided to head out and find a basic monster to train on. Finding a gate that lead outside, I took a first look around the outskirts of the city. The Starting City seemed to be surrounded by grass, with a lake and a forest further in the distance. I set off looking for a weak monster, that could be killed by a beginner easily.





    Username: Michiru
    Real name: Aoki Michiru

    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'6


    The third and last child of a well-off family in Tokyo, Michiru was always considered the future brains of the family. Her father is a judge, working in a different city's court, and does not make frequent visits home. Her mother is a nurse, often staying overnight at the hospital to tend to her patients. Both of her older siblings are living on their own, so Michiru is normally alone at home. This has been the norm for her for many years. However, she does not mind the constant solitude. Michiru has been quite the loner ever since she was young, preferring to read books over interacting with other children. 


    A natural born intellectual, Michiru has no problem whatsoever keeping up with schoolwork, consistently scoring in the upper echelons of her grade. One subject that she struggles in is physical education, as she does not exercise often, and finds it difficult to play sports, although she is decent at swimming.  She spends most of her spare time reading, swimming, or on the computer. 


    Since she spends so much time on the computer, Michiru has a decent knowledge about the basic mechanics of video games. She plays video games with her circle of friends, and although not the best player, her experience is quite a boon in every game she plays. Recently, Michiru was introduced to VR games, specifically VRMMOs such as the newly released Sword Art Online by one of her close friends. She has played some MMOs in the past, and has a decent, but shallow knowledge of the general workings of games. She decided to wait in the long lines before the release of SAO, and managed to acquire a copy on release day, unlike her friend, who was stopped by their parents from waiting for so long.



    Intelligence: Michiru is a top student in her school. She picks up new concepts and learns to apply them very quickly. She is able to process information very quickly and is observant of her surroundings.

    Perseverance: When Michiru starts something, she wants to finish it. The same goes with Sword Art Online. When she realized she was trapped in the game, she promised to herself that she would get out of it alive, and that she would not give up.

    Self-control: Michiru is blessed with the gift of extreme self-control, most likely because she has does not live with parents of siblings to control her; she has to provide the control herself. . This is a benefit in a game such as SAO, where acting too rashly can lead to a quick death.




    Withdrawn: A naturally quiet individual, Michiru prefers the peace and quiet of solitude much more than the unpredictability of being in a group.  Even at school, she always requests  that she work alone, rather than in a group. This has lead to her being a bit of an outcast in social settings. 

    Blunt: A result of her lack of social interactions. Michiru can be very blunt and to the point, to the point where her words can hit like a truck. Although she does not really mean to be rude, she often comes across as rude, making her social skills less-than-desirable.

    Soft-hearted: Michiru can be easily swayed into believing the "brighter" side of a story, even if it is not true. She wants to believe that things and people can be good. This can lead to her downfall, as she is easily manipulated into believing false truths.






    Weapon skills:
    »Two-Handed Straight Sword (1/5)


    0 unused Skill Points.

    » 10 Bread

    » 15 Water
    » Basic Claymore (equipped)

    » Cloth Clothing (equipped)


    »Beginnings (COmplete)


    Story Thus Far 

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