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Posts posted by Alixhuranu

  1. Alix laid in a field of flowers, looking up at the sky, his life in the real world feeling like nothing but a dream. He was on the verge of crying as he remembered his family, his friends. He didn't like his family, but he missed them. Most importantly he missed his dog. He wiped the tears from his eyes, making his blonde hair fall in his face, covering them. "I...I can't stand being here...how long till we beat this damned game!?" He asked then slammed his fist on the ground, his eyes closed, tears rolling down the side of his face. "I can't believe this...I may die here...leave my dog...never accomplish anything in life....never do what I want...never go to college....This damned game...it was the only way I could see her...but now...I might not be able to ever see you again..." He said in a murmur, remembering the girl he had a crush on, and why he only bought the game.

  2. He nodded at her explanation and let out a small sigh. "I understand...that sucks...i know I we are stuck here until that person that stuck us here is dead...but..." He chuckled a little at what she said about wonderland, then quoting Edgar Allen poe. She she said his name in a questioning manner he looked at her and let out a soft smile. "Yeah? What is it?"

  3. "Well yeah I'm new. Isn't everyone here new except for the beta testers? And how could it have hurt. I don't remember anything about the pain being turned up or anything. I remember when I first logged in and when to fight some monsters, there was no pain." He looked at her, confused a little. "But then again I haven't fought any since we all got trapped here." He then looked at the sky and sighed. "Do you think we will ever get out of here? Be able to see our family again?" He asked, just making small talk. He didn't want to see his Family, all he wanted to do was get out of the game and get in a new one. One where they didn't have to worry about being trapped or dying in real life.

  4. Being pulled down with her caught him off guard. He landed on his back, next to her, looking at the sky. "...Are you ok...? Looked like that would have hurt" He said as he looked over at her and laughed a little. "Of course you are...there is no pain factor in the game..." He then got up and wiped the dirt off of him. He held his hand out to her to help her up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you fall out of the tree. Its my fault." He had no idea what to say or do, he hadn't really had any social interaction in a long time. Since he met the girl he liked and started the game. "Alice huh? I like that name. Kinda wish I knew an alice outside of this game."

  5. Alix was walking near by when he heard the poem. It sounded familiar but from where? He had no idea so he just continued listening as his blonde shaggy hair fell infront of his face, covering his deep sea blue eyes. He stood about 5'6", had the build of an athletic young male, and a little face hair.

    The young male followed the sound, his jacket bottom flowing in the wind behind him, allowing the handle of his basic short sword to be seen. He hadn't been able to scrounge up any money, nor has he wanted to risk his life leveling up, or completing quests. He knew they only got one life, and he had seen several of the friends he made in the game get killed. It hurt him and made him want to not risk anything.

    When he found the person who was saying the poem he sighed and looked at her. "The crooked man right? I've heard it before, but I can't quite place my finger on where I heard it from." He smiled a carefree and joyful smile, that was the one thing about him that had never changed. "I'm Alix by the way. Nice to meet you." He said as he extended his right arm to her, his hand eager to grasp someone elses. He hadn't felt the touch of someone in so long that all this, the game and everything else, had started to feel like a bad dream.

  6. «Name» Alix Huranu

    » Username: Alix Huranu
    » Real name: Alex
    » Age: 19
    » Gender: M
    » Height: 5'6"

    » About: Alex, also known as Alix, grew up playing MMO's. When he was in elementary school he had alot of friends, but as the years passed and he got older, he lost those friends. In middle school, he met a girl, who stole his heart from the very first second he saw her. They became inseperable until 8th grade, when she had to move away. In 9th grade he got back intouch with her, and they talked about playing games together. A couple years passed, and they planned on playing Sword Art Online. But she never logged on. So he decided to play for a little bit. Much like the others trapped in SAO he found out he couldn't log out. He was stuck in Sword Art Online. Unlike most people he went on and became a loner. He grew strong over the days. But, being stuck in Sword Art Online was a blessing.


      He was normally a laid back person, someone who didn't get in trouble unless it was needed. He stuck up for people who needed it. He was kind hearted. Sweet and kind.


       He didn't have to deal with his abusive family. He was constantly beat by his father. Bullied by his siblings. And most of all, bullied and picked on by his school members. He thought it was a blessing until he made a friend in the game and lost her. It was then that realization took over. You die in the game and you die in real life. It began terrifying him. He had to get out. But he couldnt do it on his own. No one could. So, he began to set out to look for a guild.

    » Virtues:
    Courageous: Through all his life he has been picked on, beat, bullied, which has made him courageous. He doesnt care who you are, if you need help he will stand up for you, no matter the consequences. If you are one of those that pick on people, bully them, he will stand up to you. He will not let his fear take over.

    Loyal: Those that have became friends with him, or even if you aren't a friend, he will be there for. Ready to die. He will fight for those he cares about, and those he doesn't know, no matter what.

    Strong willed: He will fight for what he believes is right. No one can talk him down. If he is doing something, nothing will change his mind. He will not do stuff because other people make him. No. No one can make him. He does it only if it feels right.

    » Flaws:
    Restless: He can not sit still. It is hard for him to be still and calm while there is stuff to be done. Bosses to be beat. Floors to be defeated.

    Troublemaker: Although he isn't one to intentionally find trouble, it happens. No matter where he goes, trouble is soon to follow. Can't blame him, his whole life has been that way.

    Unpredictable: No one can tell what he will do from moment to the next. One moment he could be fighting minions. The next he could be fighting the boss in a one on one.





    Weapon skills:

    One handed sword 1


    15 Bread

    10 Water

    Basic short sword (equipped)

    Cloth clothing (equipped)

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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