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Posts posted by Clouds

  1. ID: 2829

    LD: 3



    Clouds again received a material from the two slain boars. It was good to receive so many materials, who knows when she would need them? She decided to keep them. Seeing Hakiro's expression, she remembered one of her father's old sayings. 


    "Rewards will come to those in need. You just have to wait," were the words that come out of her mouth. With that, she accepted her loot and began to walk.

  2. Smiling to herself, Clouds prepared to finish off the boar. She leapt forward and made a slice through boar's side. The boar finally exploded into a million fragments of pixels, as all things do when they die in Sword Art Online. 

    "How was that, Hakiro?"  she asked with a small smile. 


    ID: 2824

    BD: 6

    MD: 6


    Clouds: 4/5

    Hakiro: 5/5

    Hari: 6/7


    Boar: 0/4

    Boar: 0/4

  3. ID: 2820

    BD: 4 (Fail)

    MD: 4(Fail)


    "You two miss too much. Watch how I do it," said Clouds as she went in for a strike against the boar. The overconfident girl took a slash at the  remaining boar that had somehow eluded the attacks of the others, sure that she would be able to strike the boar with her skills. 




    Her blade slashed nothing. Clouds' eyes widened in surprise as she realized that she was going to take yet another hit. She rolled to the side, just barely evading the attack of the boar. Her face was red from embarassment as she got up from the ground.

  4. As Hakiro struck the boar, Clouds yelled, "I'll finish it, Hakiro!"  As Hakiro stepped back, Clouds leapt forward and struck the already dazed and injured boar in the face, with a loud scream of "MEN!" ,an old habit from her kendo training. The boar let out a loud squeal, collapsed, and exploded into crystals from the damage from the two players. 


    The second boar, infuriated by the death of its comrade, rushed at Hari and bowled her over, causing Hari to suffer minor damage in the form of a small laceration and some bruises.


    ID: 2816

    BD: 6 (Success)

    MD: 7 (Success)

    Damage dealt: 2 (1+1 from Two-Handed Mastery)

    Damage taken: 1


    Clouds: 4/5

    Hakiro: 5/5

    Hari: 6/7


    Boar: 0/4

    Boar: 4/4

  5. The motley crew of the three adventurers continued on their journey on the First Floor. As the three took a steady pace through the grasslands in the outskirts, an endless green surrounded them, and the Starting City slowly became smaller in size until it was only a small decoration on the blue early afternoon sky of Aincrad. It was almost peaceful. Clouds took some bread out of her inventory, and nibbled on it during the journey, eventually finishing it.


    Eventually, Clouds noticed a rustling in the tall grass in front of them. "Stop, there's something ahead," she told the others. As if on cue, two wild boars appeared in the tall grass. They looked weaker than the one that the group had fought before, but only by a little, and there were two of them


    Clouds: 4/5

    Hakiro: 5/5

    Hari: 7/7


    Boar: 4/4

    Boar: 4/4

  6. ID: 2804

    LD: 3 (Nothing)


    Clouds noticed a drop screen from the boar.  There wasn't much from killing such an insignificant sort of monster. Absentmindedly, she accepted the drops from the boar, and wondered if it was really worth the effort. Although she earned some experience from killing the monster, she had taken damage and needed to heal it off quickly. She looked at her party-mates health bars. Not a scratch. It looks like she was the only one that had made a mistake during this battle. She wondered: "If I took damage from a boar, what would happen if I was fighting a stronger monster?" After thinking this over, Clouds decided that she would work to become stronger, so she wouldn't die in this world.



    +1 Mat

  7. ID: 2801

    BD: 1 <Critical Fail>

    Damage Dealt: 0


    As Hari fell on the ground while trying to attack the boar, Clouds was tackled by the boar. Due to the force of the boar's tackle, Clouds was disoriented for a few moments. She took a dazed swing in the general direction of the boar but missed by a wide margin. 


    Clouds: 4/5

    Hakiro: 5/5

    Hari: 5/5


    Boar: 3/5

  8. Clouds readied herself for her first combat experience in SAO. She assumed a standard kendo stance, as she had done so many times before during her kendo training. To her, the boar was just another training dummy in the dojo. She lifted her two-handed sword, ran towards the boar and dealt it a heavy blow. 


    ID: 2797

    BD: 7 (Success)

    Damage Dealt: 2( 1+1 from Two-Handed Mastery)


    Clouds: 5/5

    Hakiro: 5/5

    Hari: 5/5


    Boar: 3/5

  9. Clouds was walking along the plains, deciding what to do next, when she saw her friend from school, Hari, running towards her. When asked why she was out here, Clouds responded, "I'm out here because I've decided that I should try to get stronger, if I'm going to be trapped in this game." Cloud asked, "What's your story, Hari, and who's that person over there? I don't recognize him."

  10. Profile
    » Username: Clouds
    » Real name: Aya Takahashi
    » Age: 15
    » Gender: Female
    » Height: 5'6

    » About: Takahashi Aya was born an only child to a religious middle-class couple in Kyoto, Japan. Her father is a kendo practitioner, and her mother is a computer scientist. Aya has trained in kendo from a young age, even after her father moved away to take care of her ailing grandparents, and while not skilled enough to win major tournaments, she is considered the top martial artist in her school. She gets average grades, not particularly good or particularly bad, but does very well in gym class. Aya excels in small-team sports such as doubles tennis. She aspires to be a computer scientist like her mother when she grows up, but her knowledge of computers is somewhat dubious.


    Since the departure of her father, her main kendo teacher, she has maintained connection with him through VR technology, training in a program that includes martial arts equipment, as well as practicing by herself in the real world. She was introduced to the NerveGear by her mother, a technology expert. She knows some of her friends use VR technology to play games, and has casually played with them, before. It was her friends that introduced her to Sword Art Online. As a kendo practitioner, she was interested in a game that mainly involved the use of basic weapons.


    Aya is an introvert, preferring to be by herself  than be with others, but enjoys spending time with her friends, although she is more reserved than most of them. However, that does not make her a pushover. She believes in herself, and will argue fiercely if she truly believes that she is right, sometimes even in an unreasonable fashion. 


    Her username comes from her childhood fascination of watching the many shapes of clouds. 

    » Virtues:

    Disciplined: Aya was taught the strict discipline of kendo along with the religious teachings of her parents. This makes her worldview very righteous and fair. She wants to live a good, honest life. She shuddered at the sound of Player Killers when she entered SAO, likening them to murderers.

    Team Player: In the real world, Aya excelled at small team sports. She is skilled at communicating in small group scenarios. She can work well together with people in a small group.


    Martial Artist: Aya became interested in SAO because of the weapon-focused aspect of the game. She hopes that SAO will give her more time to practice her swordsmanship.

    » Flaws:

    Stubborn: Aya can be very stubborn when she feels that she is right. This can lead to lasting grudges between her and others because of her refusal to accept what she believes is not right.

    Practical: Ties in with her disciplined nature. Aya's hard, down-to-earth type of thinking can shock people with more dreamy personalities.


    Insectophobia: Aya has an extreme fear of insects and will run away when she sees them. This was caused by a childhood trauma of hitting a bee's nest with her shinai during a kendo practice session.





    Weapon skills:
    »Two Handed Straight Sword (1/5)


    15 Bread

    10 Water

    Basic Greatsword (equipped)

    Cloth clothing (equipped)

    » [Private] The Boaring Grind - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)
    » Classmate and friend of Hari 

    Story Thus Far (optional)

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