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Posts posted by Rui

  1. Listening to the chatter going back and forth between the two girls, Rui gave a small smile. They acted close, almost like siblings. It assured him, seeing the light style of interaction, the enjoyment of one person with the other. Like there was more to this game besides death.


    The smallish male approached the table hesitantly, saying nothing as he joined the gathering. Groups probably aren't his thing, Rui thought to himself. But it was difficult for him to see the kid all alone, across the room. Rui curled his hand and brought the base of the index to his lip. He's here on his own free will, though, he recalled, resting his chin on his extended thumb.


    His crystalline eyes fell to the plate of muffins, and he suddenly remembered their existence. He took a blueberry one, setting on a small plate in front of himself before smiling to the boy. "This place has wonderful food. The tea is unlike anything you've ever tasted in the real world." It might have sounded like Rui was exaggerating; however, the alluring, exotic tastes of the brew enchanted even him, a person so far beyond enjoying tea in real life. "That's an interesting thing about this game. Our senses feel somehow.. Enhanced. It's sort of like experiencing the world all over again, in a way."


    After taking a bite of his muffin, Rui lifted his tea to his lips, enjoying the last few sips of the delicious tea. As soon as it ran out, the cup shattered, splintering into a thousand tiny white fragments of data before dissipating into the air. Rui leaned his head back on his hand, giving a small sigh.


    "Well.. Perfection can't last forever, I suppose."

  2. Rui gave a disdainful look as the female gave her brutish response. He sighed. She seemed like she'd be more interesting company, but she said nothing that Rui didn't already believe everyone else would equally say. Death isn't exactly fun, he thought to himself. But there was yet a person he came across who thought of the game a different way. He stirred his tea before lifting it to his lips, sipping lightly as he closed his eyes.


    After losing himself in the taste of the tea again, he followed the girl's gaze back to the table with her friend. Abandoning the boy it seemed, the female stood, wordlessly placing herself in a chair next to the pink-haired girl. Rui, catching her brown eyes, smiled back just as warmly.


    "My name here is Rui. It's nice to meet your acquaintance, Jynx." Rui spoke in a calm voice. He appreciated how kind the girl seemed in comparison to her friend, so there was no reason to be cold. His eyes moved to the waitress, who approached now with a plate of assorted berry and nut-flavored muffins. "Ahh, thank you," he spoke kindly to her, thought it likely didn't matter if one responded to the actions of an NPC. He then looked to the girls who sat across from him, turning his hand over towards the plate. "Please, help yourselves. It's on me."


    Feeling a nudging feeling on his shoulder, Rui glanced over to the boy at the table. Once he caught his eye, he gave a small wave to the open seat next to him, as if offering him to join them. It was of course, his choice.

  3. Eyes studying the menu, Rui wondered if he should eat something. He had the bad habit of not eating when he was at home, as eating took time away from playing games, exploring worlds, experiencing new things. He was experiencing SAO, but he felt so idle compared to when he played a normal game. His mother always complained about his skinny frame, always ushering him to eat something. The thought began to cross his mind, if how he ate in the game would affect his form in the real world. Would he build bulk, or even muscle? Rui felt unsure, but he had an idea his body would be unaffected. Food in-game was probably just to give the idea of not being hungry.
    A girl with pink-streaked hair suddenly placed herself across from Rui. He blinked, looking as she spread herself over the seat, like she'd been to the place dozens of times. Like it was her seat. She didn't seem to mean it in a hostile way though, so Rui figured she was just relaxed, or bored.
    He didn't need to respond, as his absence of action already gave her his response. He simply stirred his tea with a small spoon, though the warm temperature would retain perfectly throughout the item's lifespan. These small details of the game impressed Rui, but also mildly saddened him. It was almost a tease, a world seeming so perfect, yet with its ultimate consequence of death. If only they had made the game truly perfect, Rui thought to himself.


    Rui noticed the girl look back towards the book area, where another young female and a young male sat reading. She was probably in a party with her, but he was unsure about the boy. His eyes returned to the pink-haired girl, and he smiled. Rui barely found himself the pleasure of company these days, and appreciated the stranger sitting across from him.


    The waitress returned to the table, smiling with the usual cheery attitude of an NPC. "Have you decided on anything else, sir?" she asked.


    Rui looked over the menu once more. "I'd like a tea for her. Oh, and some muffins, that would be fantastic," Rui spoke, smiling as he handed the NPC his small menu card, watching her run off towards the kitchen and return almost immediately with a big round cup of perfectly temperatured tea. He looked back towards the girl as the cup was placed in front of her, and the NPC left once more.


    "So how are you enjoying the game?" Rui asked, unsure quite what to say to her. He figured this was the safest kind of question to ask someone, as it didn't intrude on one's personal life, within the game or outside the game. Rui stirred his tea idly, before taking another sip.

  4. Gazing down at the cup in front of him, Rui gave a relaxed sigh.


    He didn't know what it was, but it tasted warm, natural. Through he was hungry, it filled up his belly moderately. Some kind of tea, but then again, Rui had never been a tea person. Is it this good in the real world? He thought to himself, taking another sip.


    The bustle and chatter of Floor 1's main city could barely be heard through the sturdy wood walls of the tea shop. This particular shop had a small lounge area along with what seemed to be a small bookstore, mostly just bestiaries and other useful resources for new players. Rui thought he might take a look over there, but as soon as he thought of leaving a small female NPC dressed in a short, fluffy dress approached the table. She promptly handed him a small card with some food items typed upon it.


    "Can I get you anything else, sir?" she chimed in that peaceful NPC way, her tone unaware of the uneasiness stirring in the hearts of all players at this moment.


    Rui smiled, and raised his hand. "I'd like a few minutes," he said, watching as the waitress returned to her spawn point. He glanced over the menu, giving another sigh before sipping up more warm tea.

  5. My friends and I play all the time between classes. I have a ton of decks, all just casual though. Sometimes we go places, but mtg is too expensive to play standard. Used to play right up until Worldwake when everyone started dropping hundreds on decks for Mind Sculptors and the kor forge chick, and I don't think it's stopped being that since then. Sealed events are super fun though, especially if they give packs per win and stuff like that. Pay 25$ for 6 packs worth and walk out with 3-5 extra packs easy. Watched my friend pull a Narset just last Friday from bonus packs-- super fun.


    Currently thinking of making a Tiny Leaders deck, one with a Tyramet commander, and maybe another with Eight-and-a-Half-Tails. I thought of one with that card Jaya and just 49 mountains in the deck. Would be a kind of ridiculous idea but we'll see. Trying to convince my friends to develop a small "Un" set just between us over the summer. Wonder what kind of silly mechanics they'd come up with. x3



    Edit: my favorite deck is my snake deck I've been building up since Alara. It's centered around Lorescale Coatl and has cool friends like Winged Coatl and River Boa and cool cards like Snake Umbra and Brainstorms.. Fantastic stuff. Sucks that it wins so much cause I want me friends to win too, so I don't play it unless I'm playing a standard jerk, haha.

  6. jzx6XBu.jpg

    r u i / a i n c r a d / l v . 1

    Judge a book by its cover only if you've read every chapter.

    My name is Ritsuka Ueda. In-game, I'm known as Rui.
    "Rui" comes from the letters "Ri" and "U" of my names.

    I am 23 years old. My birthday is January 21st, 1992.
    Secretly, it makes me happy when people remember it.

    My gender is male. My orientation is heterosexual.
    Not to say you guys aren't attractive, though.

    I'm 5'10", and am only about 130 lbs.
    I'm a pretty weak-looking guy.


    What can't be erased, can merely be forgotten.

    Ritsuka grew up focused on gaming since he was a young child. While most other students dwelled on grades, gaming was easily the center of his life. His parents despised his love for gaming, addressing it as a "bad habit"; while away at school, his mother would sell his systems, cartridges, discs, and anything else they felt distracted their son from his studies. Ritsu didn't understand how fearful his parents were of technology. How could they hate something that held such beautiful places, very real experiences that people could only dream of seeing in the real world? He felt he could be free within his games, free to be himself and not what his parents or school wanted him to be. To Ritsu, the possession of his own identity was the most important thing he had, and the one thing he feared being taken away from him.

    With the pressures of his parents and his school work bearing down on his individuality, Ritsuka's focus became more inward. During high school he turned fully to video games, which he now played solely on his computer, in order to immerse and get away from the real world. He became obsessed with virtual reality, and dreamed of a game where he could fully be himself; a place where he could be enveloped in his own mind, living within a perfect, internal world. But such things seemed intangible, and even more so after graduating--not any amount of escapism would sustain the desires of his quickly maturing mind. He found that no game could reach out to him like they could when he was younger. Getting a low-paying part-time job and moving away from his disappointing parents, Ritsuka fell in a state of depression, unable to reach that world through games. That perfect place.. It was all Ritsu could hope to find in his lifetime, if at all.

    Sword Art Online. It was as if his fantasy had come true. Ritsuka wished he was lucky enough to play through the beta test, but knew his chance to play would come if he beat the main wave of consumers. He waited at the store for over an entire day, making sure he would be one of the first to purchase the game and Nervegear helmet on release day. So excited he could barely contain himself, Ritsu augmented his gear and flung himself on his bed, closing his eyes and resting in an odd moment of peace. Finally, the day had arrived. Ritsu could go home. He could be himself. He could be free, at last, in a world of perfection.

    Link Start!


    To be complex is to be human, to be beautiful.


    s i r e n s - p e a r l  j a m

    Rui is an idealist, a lover, a perfectionist, and a feeler. His primary passion in life is to be himself, and to express himself. He enjoys helping those close to him, and protecting those he sees as innocent. Rui has an extreme dislike for conformity and suppression of the self, and will fight with everything he has to maintain his person. He greatly fears losing everyone close to him, but his biggest fear is losing himself.


    Perceptive: Though Rui mostly stays inside his thoughts, he pays attention to the most minute details when it comes to people and feelings. He can usually spot when someone is distraught or depressed given how they act or how they sound, or even just the details in their expressions.

    Devoted: Rui stays loyal to his friends and close ones. Abandonment bothers him deeply, which ensures Rui doesn't make anyone else feel abandoned. He has a hard time prying himself away from bad relationships, and will likely give people more chances than they deserve.

    Nurturing: Rui enjoys providing for and protecting his close relationships. If someone is going through a tough time, Rui will talk it out with the person and help them feel better. Rui's instinctively helps random strangers if he thinks they're in need, unless they make him feel strange.


    Reserved: Rui keeps to himself, and finds it hard to open up to others. Though he desires the comforts of being accepted, most of the time Rui doesn't think anyone would accept him, so he does things on his own. Even with those close, he can be hesitant about expressing his feelings.

    Sensitive: Rui intensely dislikes emotional conflicts. It's difficult for him to not take comments and criticisms personally. Rui tends to let issues build up, but he is open about confrontations and will explain his feelings if he believes it will make the relationship grow stronger.

    Altruistic: Rui is selfless to the point of not paying attention to his own needs. He will agree and do things that maybe he wouldn't normally do, especially if it means helping someone else. This wears him down, especially if he feels like he can't open up to the other person about it.


    Fearing death every day is what brings you to life.



    (will complete when skills are sorted out)


    10 bread
    15 water
    1 One-handed Longsword
    Winter Yukata


    None currently.


    Reality exists only as how we percieve it to be.


    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress


    Welcome to Aincrad!

    Hey Rui, before you start running off to RP, make sure to create a journal, and have it approved. See you around!



    Question, is this a rp that's strict with profile layout? Wondering if I could change the design as long as everything from the original layout is already there. You know, for creative purposes.

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