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Posts posted by Raijin

  1. Raijin looked at Lessa and laughed a bit, “I guess I won’t, some things trigger others while others effect those differently…†he said before he looked down the path they were on, “at least I’m not the only one it happened too.†He said jokingly as he nodded before he tapped his right fist against his chest softly, “okay!†he thought to himself getting himself pumped up for the quest before he looked back at Lessa.


     He smiled as she talked about the beast she took on known as, Avalanche, and the fact she was still here, “still, you showed your true strength and it won over the beasts, and I like those kinds of people, strong and determined, those who run away or cower or demand groups to have power mean little to nothing to me.†he said as he nodded in approval of her fight to himself.


     Shaking his head he sighed, “I did it again… I gotta stop thinking like it’s the real world…†he said softly to himself as he face palmed before he looked through his hands at the ground before he smiled, “hmmm… well how about for now we stick close to each other, I’m still unsure about certain points in the game but hopefully that will change soon.†He replied to Lessa before he looked down the road to the cities exit, “well I guess it’s best to be on our way for it.†He said before he turned fully and started walking before he sighed, “my body… feels different here, it feels heavy again…†he thought to himself as he walked onwards.


     â€œso… how far is the game beat so far?†he asked wondering looking at Lessa now.

  2. Raijin noticed Enjuru slap his hands away after saying something that he didn’t bother to pay attention to before he yawned heavily again, before giving a slight stretch, a bored look upon his face before he looked down to see Enjuru giving him a pissed off look, it made him smile, “boy, your showing your anger in the wrong direction, you need to be looking in a mirror.†He said before he looked over at Destiny before he shrugged grabbing a chair and pulling it up to the table with one hand, having it reversed he sat in it and laid his head on the table, “I’m still tired…†he said rather blankly, almost as if he just went monotone, but he yawned again and his voice returned back to normal as he remained still as if he looked like he was asleep now.


     Although aside from his chest moving in and out, one would assume he was sleeping, but he was rather wide awake and there was nothing he could do to avoid being fast asleep like he was, “What does Destiny want to do today?†Raijin asked simply as he remained still.

  3. Raijin was looking up at the sky, well truthfully he was passed right out snoring away like a pissed off banshee, okay maybe he wasn’t actually snoring but he was still asleep regardless. He was dozed off and dreaming about one of the actual good memories he had of the real world and suddenly it came to an abrupt halt, sitting up with a weird look of sleep and alertness was on his face half and half before he shook his head and sighed, “damn… I liked that year…†he said to himself as he looked around and sighed, “still here I see, oh well, let’s get to it, gotta go meet those two again.†He said as he climb his way down the side of one of the buildings before he dropped and landed on his feet to look both ways, “where was it again?†he thought to himself as he choose a random direction and walked that way, oddly it was the right direction.


     After a few minutes had passed he sighed as he walked in to see the boy from yesterday shaking Destiny awake, he walked over behind the boy and grabbed him and shook him just as much as he did to her, “you like it boy?†Raijin would ask as he started shaking the boy.

  4. Raijin stood there while hearing this boy try and say something back to anger or test him, his test was a failed attempt to make Raijin stir, he simply closed his eyes and raised his shoulders and hands at the same time, shrugging, “meh, think what you will it doesn’t bother me what you think, I never listened to the weak in the first place.†He simply said in reply to the boys reply, before he turned his head to face Destiny, and patted her head this time, he made a simple chuckle, “that’s cute, but I think you two would make a better couple for that.†Raijin said shrugging her simple remark about them kissing off as if it were a fly’s attempt at irritating him.


    Sighing a bit Raijin tilted his head a bit as he looked at Destiny, “elevate? You mean alleviate?†Raijin asked confused a little bit, he may haven’t been the smartest in high school, but he was still a smart person from all he learned in the prestigious schooling he went to as a child, he was already well past a high schoolers education but didn’t care to impress or act like he was the better ever, it pissed him off.


    Looking back to the boy before him he shrugged his shoulders and simply let out a “meh, I was never really bothered by such a bugs words anyways, words only sting if you let them.†He said in reply to Destiny’s words but sighed and scratched the back of his head, “I guess I could play nice for once… again.†Raijin said as he opened an eye and looked at Destiny with it, “you look troubled already…†he added looking at her. 


    ((just curious, your character is 6'11 or 6'1? either way it doesn't matter to Raijin))

  5. Raijin was about to grab Destiny’s hand and bolt but something about this glare, it was unusually familiar from someone he fought back in the real world, but then again, more than one person could share the same glare, but it felt nostalgic, to him at least. He looked at her and could tell that her heart trembled from the glare itself and he noticed it, she met eyes with him, their escape to trap this person had failed and he sighed, standing up he turned to face the man behind them. Sighing heavily he looked at Destiny who seemed to be more fazed by him than he was and he waved a hand in front of her, “If you don’t breath… you’ll pass out, it’s just a glare he’s giving, not like he can do much better.†Raijin said as he looked back to the man and closed his eyes shrugging, standing at his full height once again, although this person seemed taller he ignored it, he’d faced taller and bigger opponents with his fists and legs that this young boy seemed to have a general understanding of hurt and pain.


    “What’s it to you girl?†Raijin quipped at the slightly taller man before him; he finally opened his eyes and showed little emotion within his eyes, next to nothing, that only someone that experienced death would pick up easily. He raised an eyebrow before a grin spread across his face, “oh… it’s a boy, I thought it was a tall ugly girl for a moment.†Raijin added to his jest against the boy to see his reaction, how he took the jest, how strong this boys inner will was.

  6. Raijin heard Lessa’s name and was astound by it, well her username at least, it was a fitting name for such a kind woman, he continued to smile at her before he nodded his head accepting the hand, “It’s my pleasure to meet you.†Raijin said holding her hand, they were soft, but this was the game, he would give a firm grip but not overly hard to hurt, it was a downside of his that he didn’t know his own strength very well even after all those years of fighting in the real world.


    Looking into her deep eyes still he could sense kindness, before she spoke again and it almost caught him off guard as if her eyes were making him doze off into a wonderland, “yeah, I was asked by a random NPC as I was walking by and my pride got the best of me and I didn’t really know what happened till I accepted it and met you just now.†Raijin said as he smiled before he looked down at his fists clenching them tightly, “hmmm… that’d be favourable.†Raijin said before he felt a weird itch at the back of his head, Wait… does she think me weak? Or just simply wants to help? Raijin thought to himself before he nodded finally.


    “I accept your offer of help, I’ve been itching to get out into the wilds lately and this might just do the trick.†Raijin said smiling again as he looked at Lessa standing tall and proud full again.

  7. ((Sorry... the notifcation bar thing didn't notify me that you had posted!!! my bad!!!))


    Looking down at his quest screen he sighed again before he noticed someone almost bump into him he turned to look at the person to his shock, it was another woman, “is it just me or do I keep running into women… am I that unlikable by other guys?†Raijin thought to himself before he ignored the thought a few seconds later, this woman almost walked right into him and stopped before she did, “oh… hi, umm… maybe.†He said looking at this woman curiously, but surprised.


    Standing there still he averted his gaze from her eyes and scratched the back of his head, “I feel kind of stupid for saying this… but I don’t know why but I just accepted this quest for finding some antidote in a forest like quest and I realized I have barely left the town at all yet.†He said as he looked over at the woman before him again before he noticed that he didn’t know her name nor her his.


    Unorthodox as his style was he gave a slight bow with his head and stood back up fully, “I’m… R… Raijin.†He said stuttering for a moment before he glanced into her eyes, he grinned a tiny bit after he did, “She  has a strong look in her eye…†Raijin thought to himself standing there.

  8. slightly sitting at the same time, it was weird, she relaxed but he could tell she was still tense for some reason, well it seemed that he made a new friend now and it was interesting, would make for a good tale if ever asked how they met. He heard her words and smiled a bit more now before he stood back up to his full height and looked at Destiny before he looked around.


    Raijin smiled as he heard Destiny ask about what there was all to do around the area they were in, “well actually yes… there is lots to do, how much have you discovered about the world so far?†he asked looking over at Destiny. She had a curious way of interesting for him, which was for sure.


     Suddenly he felt an icy stare and turned his head to peer over his shoulder and sighed, “damn… there’s too many people to try and pick whose watching…†he thought to himself before he looked back at Destiny, “I take it you feel like someone’s watching us as well, let’s draw him closer and away from the crowd so we can find him quicker by making him come to us.†He whispered as he leaned in closer to Destiny, he then pointed in a direction of alleys he enjoyed walking around in, it was like a maze and full of dead ends and would be easy to corner someone there.


    “Don’t worry, no one can kill another player in the cities, pkers can’t enter the city limits.†Raijin reassured Destiny waiting for her response to his idea.

  9. It caught him off guard he had to admit, her apologizing so suddenly, he was expecting her to yell at him to apologize to her instead, to which he had a shocked look on his face but she was already looking down to see that he was shocked, he smirked and gave a soft chuckle to himself before he took a step to be near her and knelt down and sat down in front of her, “No need to be so formal…†he said pausing before he sighed again before he sighed again, “look… I think we started off on the wrong foot, start again?†Raijin asked before he held out a hand, he was still pretty tall even sitting down.


     While he held out a hand he looked at Destiny and smiled now, “my name’s Raijin, I’d be happy if we could be friends.†He said as he wondered how she would react to this, he wasn’t always mean or crude, he could be nice, but it was a rare treat to see from him as he shut himself down mostly when he was younger.

  10. Raijin looked at the girl and sighed heavily, she was a chipper lively young woman, and some of the things were starting to annoy him, but hurting a woman was not in his top priorities to do. He shot her a bit of a pissed off glare when she mentioned about not really meeting the other person he was talking about before, “Mari… I wonder what she’s doing…†he thought to himself before he looked at Destiny and sighed.


    “This is starting to become more of a hassle then I care for…†he said pausing as he noticed she eyed his height and hers and sighed heavily, “are you normally this rude to your elders?†Raijin said, making it his strike back of rudeness making her sound like a little child.


    Taking a few steps to turn around and leave he stopped and looked at Destiny and sighed again, “Whatever.†He Said as he looked at her still, his body language said he was bored and he was, but he was really going to leave this girl if she didn’t smarten up, this world was full of death and he was trying to find friends that maybe he could find and receive help from and maybe help them in the long run.

  11. The day seemed peaceful and relaxing as Raijin looked around the main center of floor one, the city which everyone started in. Enjoying a his walk around he couldn’t help but feel a little down from the fact that he hadn’t done anything special or exciting lately. What was it that was making him feel down about his lack of leaving the city, was it fear? No he removed all doubts and ability of fear when he was younger from his mind and heart. Was it a delusion? Or was it just him feeling like he was holding back from something, he didn’t know but he was doing a pretty good job of moving past it like it was nothing before he noticed an NPC standing before him.


    Looking up to face the npc he noticed it had a quest marker beside the npc marker above it, “interesting…†he said as he looked at it, before he noticed the npc reach a hand out, “help me, I need medicine from the forest, the plants! They have the ingredient for the cure!†it called out, Raijin looked at it and tilted his head to the side a bit before he looked down to see the quest appear and his ability to choose to take the mission or not and continue on. But something tugged at him before he could do it properly.


    Finally finding the courage and his strong will power again, he placed his hand on the screen before he sighed heavily, and looked at the handle of his sword over his right shoulder, “What did I just get myself into…†Raijin said to himself aloud wondering what just happened.

  12. Raijin looked at Mari and placed a hand on his chin and pondered for a few moments, “hmm…†he said thinking to himself before he remembered a few places in the city that had decent alcohol and food, bread got really boring after a while he had to admit before he realized he hadn’t even ate anything yet so far, but all he had was water and bread, to which he sighed about but shrugged his shoulders releasing the thought to be diminished as he continued on with the conversation he was in.


    He looked at Mari a little hesitantly when she seemed to be a little gloomy, or dark, as if she just suffered from something, something about her eyes seemed to hold his, well that and they were pretty, deep and filling. But that was something he didn’t have time for, nor was he that kind of guy, normally, “I haven’t gained a profession yet, but I’ve decided to go with tailoring, to create new clothes and accessories for those who want them, though I really could care less what anyone wants, I’m more of a do things for myself kind of guy.†He said simply as he turned his head to notice some clouds in an odd shape.


     He looked at her a little odd before he shrugged it off, apparently she didn’t like the thought of trust or loyalty, but that was little of what he was talking about, it was more of you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours, when it best suits me kind of way of things.


    Her words about her not giving a damn made him laugh though, it was good, of course he knew she wouldn’t give a damn, and that’s probably what drew him towards her or them together, this guild was perfect, he’d have a blast, although mainly he’d be out running around wildly and rampant on his own… or at least that’s how he viewed it.


    “So… I take it I’ll be running into town to get you some fine grade alcohol, and food--†He said cutting off for a second before he raised a finger, “any preference of food aside it not being stale old a** bread?†Raijin asked curious about what kind of drink and food she’d prefure so he didn’t come back with some garbage food, there had to be some cooks within the city that would hopefully make something good for her to enjoy. “What if I was to become her cook? I could be just a simple message away and she’d always have a good meal when I could arrive there…†Raijin thought to himself before he shook his head, disdaining the thought for now, he already chose his profession as a tailor and he was sticking to it, he wasn’t going to live his life in the game wearing the same ratty low leveled clothing he was wearing at the moment, in fact he’d build a nice pair of clothes for himself and continuously to do so.

  13. ((I totally forgot about that… my bad, thanks for the heads up.))


    Raijin looked at the women with the pink hair and scratched his head that was covered in a rather short black hair, he raised an eyebrow and thought about it for a moment and sighed, “I meant no offence by it, I just take into consideration that sometimes my actions lead to the consequences of others.†He said as he heard her first words and smiled.


     Standing there he looked at her and nodded with a grin, “well, consider it more of a lucrative business deal, you help me I help you in any way that I can, whether it be just getting you food and supplies from the city, in return for occasional small favors in return.†He said as he looked down at the woman, “either that or a henchmen or however you wish to look at it.†Raijin said brushing off the quip about him being an errand boy.


    Raijin knelt down and looked at the woman before him and realized after she called him a hoodman that they didn’t know what to call each other, he slapped his palm against his forehead and sighed heavily, “sorry, I’m not the most well manner person anymore…†he said trailing off, before he cleared his throat, “My name is Raijin.†He finished as he looked at the pink haired woman, before he laughed a bit about her final words, “I’m not looking for someone nice or kind, in a world where you can die, I consider it a weakness, and I’m not looking for words of wisdom or any of that other pathetic weakling crap, I just need allies I can trust and offer the same back, I’ve learned some hard valuable lessons back in the real world that made me a bit… disdained from everyone, the fact I’m trusting people I barely know with my life is a huge step for me.†he finished as he smirked.


    “All that aside, that sounds like a guild I could get used to.†He said after some thought about the whole guild speech she finished off with at the end.

  14. Standing at his full height he looked at the woman again, he tilted his head to the side and smirked at her reaction, “funny…†he simply murmured to himself before he was about to pat the woman on her head before he stopped his hand and remembered one of the girls he got into a huge fight with back in his middle year of high school and laughed, “that was a good fight back then.†He let slip out of his mouth before he looked at the girl and held his hand out in front of him, “forgive my rudeness, yes of course, where are my manners…†he said pausing, before taking a slight gentleman’s bow, “yes I am Raijin, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Destiny.†He said before he stood back up at his full height and shrugged his shoulders.


    “I don’t know anyone, your actually the second person I’ve met, the other is somewhere else and rather… unknown to me, so I can’t really say I know that person.†He said thinking about it, he sighed and looked back to Destiny and smiled a bit again, “but to better answer your question… no, you’re the only one really…†he said looking at her still.

  15. Raijin was walking around through the city once again as he sighed, thinking to himself, “I still can’t believe I have very little friends…†he said to himself casually as he walked like a giant amongst the sea of players in the city, he was easily notice able in the crowds that was for sure, why he stood at his full height. He stopped and looked around the field wondering, looking and seeing everyone had their friends or allies to rely or call upon for friendship and support, he on the other hand, found it complicated in his current position.


     Looking around he spotted a woman with brunette hair, she looked cute from a distance and she appeared to be alone, but most of all… she seemed to be looking around, walking through the crowd easily, well sort of, he made his way towards her and raised a hand before he looked at her, “yo, looking for someone?†Raijin asked curiously as he looked at her, noticing her username 'destiny', it made his smirk.

  16. I am only on the 360 and I doubt I'll be getting any of the new gen. consoles for a while.




    PS I have a LOT of games... lol I'll put them all in a spoiler...


    Well the multiplayers at least lol

    Borderlands 2

    Halo 3 (ODST)

    Halo wars

    Halo 4

    Halo Reach

    Battlefield 3 (Premium)

    Battlefield bad company 1&2

    GTA V

    GTA IV

    Max Payne 3

    Tomb Raider

    NHL 13

    Madden 13

    Mass Effect 3

    Ghost Recon Future soldier

    Ace Combat 6

    COD Modern Warfare 1-3

    COD Black Ops 2

    COD Ghosts


    and a few more on my HD that I'd go check but I'm in the middle of posts & Skyrim atm lol


    I have more than that though... I have like 3-5 full game collections lol

  17. I suppose I can join in on this, I have no fears of showing my appearance as I once did when I was younger. This was last summer during a softball tournament which we lost horribly but we had a blast drinking and partying that weekend, that's for sure lol.




    ... side note... that mark under my hat's writting is a pretty good bruise I got from getting pegged in the forehead from the softball, bahahahahaha! the ball lost, I won!


    btw, our summers get really hot, as it's almost desert conditions where I live up in Canada.

  18. Raijin stopped outside a shop and looked at it, before he sighed after he placed his hand on the door handle and walked in, “hello?†he asked as he poked his head in before he walked in the door and stood at his full height of six foot two inches, he glanced around the shop and noticed there was a mass difference of potions and crystals lying about the location. He walked over to a crystal and smiled, “I could really use that to start out fighting and building my characters level.†Raijin said to himself softly admiring the craftsmanship of the crystal, he totally forgot to look around for the owner of the shop and snapped out of his foolishness and looked around to spot the owner.


     Location her he walked over and smiled, “I’m uh… new to SAO…†he started saying as he looked back to the crystal, “would there be any chance that I could get three to maybe five of those crystals for the only Col I have on me, I know it’s not much but a favour would most likely be repaid in later endeavors that I’d go out on, or maybe when I manage to obtain a profession, I could help you in turn, or  maybe a trade of goods.†Raijin said looking at who he figured to be the owner, Celes, as he bowed, "I only have 400 Col on me right now." he finished with feeling ashamed at the moment.

  19. Raijin walked around before he sighed, “I guess I should check my inventory to see all the goods I’ve got to work with instead.†He said to himself as he opened his inventory and looked at it, “hmm… I only have my clothes, my sword, and some water and bread… oh and it seems I have 400 Col… seems to be the currency here.†He thought to himself as he looked at it before he smirked, “I guess it’s time to go out and get some potions to see how the alchemy can help out, then to go check other shops to see how they all come together for gear and what not.†He said softly before he looked off in a direction of a shop district location before he started to make his way there.



    ((Only gains I know of from this is the 400 Col for 1 page xD))

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