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Posts posted by Gohan

  1. Okay, so hi. I dont really know what to do *cue anime sweatdrop* But i guess i just tell you about that stuff. NEXT TIME, ON DRAGON BALL Z! sorry. Had to do that. 😠Okay. So i'm eleven, and i'm a boy, and i LOVE to read, type (it's strange. I love typing but hate writing.), and be strange. It's unlikely for me to do this, because i can read what i say and think about the comsequences, however, can't do that in real life, so... Yeah. I Don't really think i'm good at RP's, but you can judge that. Tell me if you Actually WANT to know more about me.

  2. «Name» Subtitle.


    » Username: Goken

    » Real name: Gohan Atimaro

    » Age:12

    » Gender:male

    » Height:'5' '2'

    » About: He has a hard history, his mother Was an alchohalic and beat him a lot. His father, being oblivious and naíve, Never noticed. If Gohan attempted to tell his father, his father would chalk it up to a prank, and told Gohan's mother. This made the beatings worse. When his father found out that she really WAS beating him, Gohan's mother Killed Gohan's father in front of Gohan, then nearly killed Gohan. Gohan survived, but had to take 1 pill every 5 hours, or he would die. His uncle, aunt, and cousin took him in, but he imersed himself in the world of gaming. When he went to school, he was bullied every day, but it wasnt to big. He made two friends, Goten"Brick" Kimaki, and Videl "punch" Kimari. Videl was in a car crash and is in a coma currently

    » Virtues:

    He has a heart of gold, and belives everyone has good in them. This can also be a flaw though, because someone could manipulate him.

    He is SUPER protective of his friends, and will do everything in his power to protect them. If he has to lose an arm, so be it. Giving up his life? Sure. And if you mess with his friends, he will Try to kill you. Again, he can be manipulated with it.

    Generous. I dont really know how to explain this. Basically, he gives to to the poor, and will do anything to help anyone with less than him.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    He is cold to EVERYONE, other than people he knows very well and they know him well. It's like this:

    Gohan meets someone for the first time: he is very cold and mean to them, but will protect them. He values life. Little by little, the more Gohan and (imma call them "X") "X" get to know eachother, and he is nicer. Eventually, you'd forget he used to be a jerk to you. :)

    He hates violence. Like, he will try to solve everything peacefully. In a video game, he can deal. But in real life, He won't want to hurt anyone. only ti

    He has great power, however... You have to get him angry for him to use it. Like, SUPER angry. Killing-someone-in-front-of-him angry. Otherwise, he would be at moderate strength.









    Weapon skills:






    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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