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Posts posted by Atma

  1. Atma nodded as Sindon asked how he was doing and said in a voice just under normal volume, "I'm fine I guess. I was just praying, but it won't help, so I moved on... that is, talking to you." As he spoke, his mood seemed to return to that of a normal person, and he started blushing when he remembered the song he sang, "Hey, I've been thinking. Remember how I sang that song... for you... in front of all those people? Well, I'm sorry about that," he looked down at the ground and said apologetically, " I don't know why I did that, and I am immensely sorry about my behavior." He took several steps back to give Sindon some space, and said, "What have you been doing today?"

  2. Eventually, he felt like no answer was going to come, and adjusted his hair back to normal. Re-equipping his equipment, he turned around and saw, lo and behold, his buddy Sindon. Atma jumped to his feet and ran at the man, yelling, "Hey! Sindon! What's up?" As he approached, he slowed down to a stop, and bounced up and down in place for no particular reason.

  3. Atma sat on the corner of a street in the Starting City with nothing but his initial clothing from the start of the game. His hair, normally ragged and everywhere, was all neatly pushed to one side, making his hair look like it was short on one side and long on the other. As he say there, he spoke a prayer, begging for a path to take in life. "Lord. please hear my words... I'm lost, I've nowhere to go. Please, direct me to have a purpose..."

  4. Atma took a deep breath, looked the room over, and said, pointing at Sindon, "This is for my boy, Sindon. I chose this song as soon as we met!"


    With that, Atma began.


    "It's the night of the ninja dead

    Shoalin hunter, i'm the kung fu zed
    I got stealth and speed so you could never catch me
    I'm the real meaning of "silent but deadly"
    I don't need to throw stars, i'll rip my whole arm off
    And hit you out the driver's side of your own car
    And with my ninja skills perfected
    It's a matter of time before you're all infected
    When i bite you, you'll turn into a zombie."


    Atma smiled and hopped down. "I'll get off my soapbox now." With that, he walked over to Sindon and grinned. "So, what did you think?"

  5. Atma shook the man's hand and said apologetically, "Sorry about you're face." (Well, that's a mood killer, isn't it?) Atma did a fancy bow, showing Sindon respect, and then said to him in a questioning voice, "Say, why haven't you been talking to anyone? You do know that you can socialize, right?" With that, Atma took several steps back, turned in a full 360, and, after several moments of thought, said, "You should go talk to the one with the fire bird, he's a friend of mine, and I think you two would get along." With that, Atma walked over to a table and jumped up onto it. And now, for my first act of the night, Atma looked at Sindon and said, "I'm gonna sing to lighten up the mood!"

  6. Atma bounded across the room with energetic leaps. He landed next to a rather lonely looking player and said with enthusiasm, "Hi there! My name is Atma! Who might you be!" He looked at the player, and felt genuinely confused as to why this nice-looking chap was all by himself. Atma put his hand on the side of the man's face and said with a gentle whisper, "Hey, are you okay?"


    Inside, he thought, I am here for this man. He has ME now. Everything will be absolutely okay!

  7. Atma had gotten tired of waiting for Arekkusu, and had turned to look at the red haired girl. He stared at her (like, tried to look into her soul) for several moments before saying aloud (to her), "Hey! You! With the strange hair and an even stranger blue thing! Who do you think you are?" He walked up closer and looked her up and down several times, his expression becoming more and more like a pained grimace each time. Eventually, he spoke again, this time at normal volume, and said, "Are you trying to have better style than me? Because I am the only good-looking player here!" He pouted then and turned around, crossing his arms. He kept whispering to himself loudly, "Her hair is worse than mine, her hair is worse than mine, her hair is worse than mine..."

  8. Atma walked past a player who looked like he had a severe case of shellshock, and realized that something interesting had happened nearby. He continued on until he found a pretty little shop with a sign that said something about a party. Interested, Atma pushed the door open and made his way inside. He looked around the shop and saw people in little groups here and there, and a girl with bright red hair standing next to a player with blue hair. He liked the feel of the party, and so he made his way to a familiar face, Arekkusu.


    Atma just stood there, waiting for Arekkusu to notice him, and grinned as he waited.

  9. As Atma sat there and waited, he saw far to his left two players arrive within minutes of each other. Atma jumped up with excitement and ran to the two. "Hey guys!" he shouted, "I'm glad you could make it! This is extremely dangerous, though, and if things start heating up, feel free to step out and leave, okay?" With that, he crouched down and made his way to the side of a tent, right out of the sight of three of the bandits. He waited for the other players to join him before saying, "Okay, so this is what I've got so far. These bandits have extremely high health, and it appears that they are doing quite a bit of damage too. So, we could try luring them out one by one, or take them all on at once, it's your choice, guys."

  10. Atma was stationed not too far from the camp, and couldn't help but admire how strong these guys looked. He was waiting now for two players who had signed up to join him, their names was Crozeph and Tyrius. Atma bit his lip, and couldn't help but feel worried that he may die against these bandits. He looked at his sword, and did some quick math, realizing that he was doing about three damage without a critical. He knew his armour would protect him from two damage, but still didn't feel reassured.

  11. Atma stood directly outside of the Starting City, waiting for a player that was around his level to show up. He unequipped The Rising Edge and equipped his Iron Broadsword, which only did one damage. He unequipped his Poacher's Armor, too, so that damage would be more fair. Atma waited, and waited, and waited for several hours. He was eager to have a First Strike duel, which is something he had recently discovered.

  12. -Acquired Poacher's Armor


    Atma was very pleased at the armour he had gained, and said as he walked away, "Thank you, Santa. Let's hope we run into eachother sometime again." With that, Atma broke out into a jog. He was happy to be getting stronger, and he was even more happy that there were players out there like Santa. These people might not be so bad after all.

  13. Atma nodded in approval of the armour, an said to Santa, "This would be really useful in future events. I like this, could I have it?" He looked around and smiled at the Christmas environment. This was one of the perks of being in-game. Things still happened that reminded him of home. Atma said with curiosity, "Did you set up this tree?"

  14. Atma approached from a distance, and nearly burts out laughing when he saw what appeared to be Santa. He jogged up for a closer look and said, "Please, tell me, what is going on here. What's with this Christmas-y tree?" He looked around and noticed multiple pieces of equipment, and decided that further investigation was needed, "What are all these items for? Some strange guild meet?"

  15. Atma's attention was drawn to his missing sword, which he retrieved, and then to a familiar face. "Arekkusu," he shouted, smiling, "what's up, man? I've been having a lot of fun since we last met!" Atma turned and jogged over to the wall and looked at the player known as Kiru. "Kiru," he said, grinning stupidly, "just wait till I'm stronger, then you won't have reason to look down on me." Atma was very concerned with this girl though. She was a stupid high level, and such a powerful enemy this early could be bad. He had to find a way to keep her neutral, for now. Speaking to everyone, he said loudly, "Arekkusu knows that I'm not a problem, and that I just like to try to be one. So, since I am a partial cause, you guys need to avoid being the other part of the problem. Such as not walking over and scolding us because we were 'talking'."


    Atma knew his little speech might make absolutely no sense to any of these people, but to him, it was the grandest of any words spoken. With that, he pivoted quickly and made his way out of the alley and into a bustling street. Out of sight, out of mind.


    {OOC: Alright, you guys can wrap this up at your own pace.}

  16. Well, this girl was proving very fun. Atma walked up to her and started jumping up and down, deciding to have a mood change. He looked at the dagger and even crouched down, his face mere inches from the blade as it swung. "Ooooohhh," he said, teeming with curiosity, "how are you doing that? I have never been able to do it with daggers and the like." He looked up at her and smiled, expecting an answer. He pouted for a second and said, "I would try it now, but I don't have a dagger. IRL I had this awesome knife set though."

  17. That's idiot number three, Atma thought, and turned around to speak to the player who had just walked up, apparently bothered by the conversation that was being had. "Hey," he said with an air of extreme dislike, "you didn't have to listen, so shut your mouth, turn around, and leave us be. Besides, why did you even go to such lengths if you were having such a nice day?" He swung his sword once more, sheathed it, and sat down. As he sat, he finger-combed his hair and said to the newcomer, "You have pretty cool hair, you know."

  18. Atma scoffed at this player who had made it their goal to show up, insult Atma, and then act like some sort of 'cool kid' from an old movie. Atma still had his sword in hand, but was no longer twirling it. Atma started swinging the sword again, but this time, it was swinging far faster than it had, a sign of agitation. He spun around and made his way to the end of the alley, where it opened up into a bustling city street. "You ever wondered why people act so strange in this game? Like life is normal or something? It's fear," he said, "and people like you who try to 'remind them to be cautious' are part of the cause of that fear." Atma ran his fingers through his hair, which actually had a metallic purple look in the sunlight.


    He turned and looked at the over-confident fool and said, smiling, "If I were you, I would stop smoking, it's bad for your health."

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