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Posts posted by Air

  1. Air smiled slightly and gently placed her hand into his. "I'm glad you think of me that way." She said in response to yet another compliment of his. Next to Legion, Air was fairly small and had to tilt her head up just to lock eyes with him. This caused her to blush in embarrassment, she'd always been the shortest compared to everyone else. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, and the blush disappeared however, when she realized that they were finally getting out of the dreaded tavern. It was once a peaceful place but now far too many people had discovered the fun contained on the inside and joined in the hustle and bustling party. Her blue eyes glimmered with delight. Air glanced up at Legion. "I've had a bow in my hair for my entire life. Of course, not the same exact one, but always in this style. I was lucky it transferred into the game. Who knows what I'd do without it." A little hint of playfulness carried along with her words, it was meant to be a simple joke. "Though I'm not completely aware of where this habit came from." She asked herself aloud before letting go of Legion's hand to open the door ahead of the two.


    Wind blew in and hit her face as Air pushed opened the doors. It was cold, but comforting and cooling, a huge difference from the over-heated tavern. Her short, green hair flew back and after the breeze died down, Air had to tug her skirt down and smooth it out along with her hair. She paced herself so she could walk alongside Legion as the two began heading somewhere different. "You mentioned a quiet place. Could we head there now? I'm in no mood to wander." When Legion smiled at her she felt better, like he cared to some sort, though her trust level was still extremely low. The reason she was in a rush was because Floor 3 wasn't Air's favorite. It wasn't the worst but still could use some improvement or a change. "Do you always hang around pals here in your freetime?" Air asked Legion in attempt to make small talk, crossing her arms over her chest, looking at his eyes as she spoke. Now Air wasn't so afraid to gaze at the male every once in a while. 

  2. Air glared at the player who'd decided at last minute to back out, but honestly let the glare go and nodded her head slightly at their decision. The wolf was still an animal... and Air loved animals whether they were in a virtual reality video game or not. "I wasn't planning to." Air snapped at Azide, frowning a little. It's not his decision! If I wanted to leave I would... but I don't. Still... the nerve of some players. She rolled her blue eyes and held up her rapier, ready for a fight.


    ID = 7686 Battle Dice = 1 Craft Dice = 10 Loot Dice = 6 Mob Dice = 2


    Unfortunately her attack missed, though it was obvious that the simple swing of her sword and the flick of a wrist wasn't going to cut it. She stepped back and motioned for Azide to prepare for his chance to strike. While stepping away from the battle zone Air began swinging the rapier in her hand again, wanting to get a good feeling of her weapon.




    Air 14/13 health points {wolf misses}

    Azide 7/7 health points




    Dire Wolf 2 8/8 health points {1/2 rounds distracted, Air misses}

  3. Air shifted her gaze from place to place as Legion spoke, gripping the end of her skirt. She gulped and nodded her head slowly, pursing her lips, agreeing with Legion. She could trust him... and if it didn't work there was always leaving as an option. He seemed to honest and trustworthy. This wasn't a game, his words weren't lies, or so it seemed. Air eventually focused on the male in front of her. "I'm fine. I don't feel like drinking anything at the moment." She placed a hand on her stomach and tugged uncomfortably at the blue cloth, her unitard, that covered the area and grimaced. Air's mouth formed into a frown. For reasons unknown the bottom of her stomach felt like it was rising. Instead of coming all the way out it filled her small chest and remained there instead of emptying.


    "A different place?" Her voice came out in a raspy, quiet tone. "...Sure. That sounds better." A shiver ran down her spine and Air shook slightly in reaction. It was true this tavern was uncomfortable to her as more people traveled through the entrance, moving into the crowds with ease. Even the air around was becoming warm and made it hard for the teen to breath. Only now she seemed to realize this. As Legion spoke about her hair she ran a hand through it. "Yeah, yeah it's the real thing. I have no idea who I got it from but I get that a lot." Her hand she'd gently tugged her short hair back with moved to the black bow twisted around a side of her bands and she twirled it, the other hand still gripped the hem of her snow white skirt. The bow was a basic fluffy ribbon tied in a fancy fashion, a bow she could never leave home without.


    Her hair, along with her skirt, felt soft against her rough palms. They were no longer delicate and smooth, it seemed, the more Air payed attention to her appearance. The game was changing almost everything about her, physically and mentally. "I appreciate the compliment. It makes me feel better to hear such things, I don't get as much praise in-game as I did in real life. It makes me wonder... no, realize how spoiled I was before." She paused and stopped twirling her bow, leaning in a little towards Legion. "Would you really be willing to become a friend of mine? To wait until I trust you? Others don't understand me and I honestly expect you, although you seem far more intelligent than most, to not be able to catch on so quickly... Just... do you really want to do this or are you being sympathetic?"

  4. (OOC: My apologies for not posting like I should have been. Commitment is key after all. I hope you don't mind)


    Air had been watching the whole time, too scared and too nervous to decide on whether or not she should attack. After a few minutes of messing with the bow in her hair she grabbed her rapier and unsheathed it, twirling it a few times to get the hang of movement before rushing over to a wolf to attack.


    ID = 7019 Battle Dice = 9 Craft Dice = 4 Loot Dice = 3 Mob Dice = 8 


    She rushed towards the closest wolf, focusing on her aim and position before swinging the steel blade at her target. Hopefully she hadn't scared the others into thinking she was another enemy. As she swung a white streak followed her sword's movement and when the weaon made contact with the wolf, the animal burst into crystal shards while letting out a howl in pain.


    (1 base damage+ 1 critical hit+ 1 life steal+ 1 skill point)




    Air 14/13 health points

    Ariel 13/15 health points

    DrakeWing 11/11 health points

    Azide 7/7 health points




    Dire wolf 1 0/8 health points {dead}

    Dire wolf 2 8/8 health points {2/2 rounds distracted}

  5. X, or apparently that's what people called him, gave her an unsatisfying answer but Air nodded her head up and down anyway. "Well alright. You weren't too bad." She kept a straight face and flat tone, placing a hand on her hip. The way he flustered didn't bother her, in fact, it reminded her of boys from her school and how they acted. "Stunts, huh? Wanna show me one that you've finished 'practicing'?" Air was a bit interested in seeing a stunt done, she loved watching performers, and wanted to see how good X was. "I promise I don't bite unless provoked." She smirked at him.

  6. Air was traveling away from The Town of Beginnings hoping to get away from all the annoying havoc and chaos of players running around. She was actually finding peace in the quiet until she heard music and the sound of someone singing loudly. They weren't bad, actually they were really good at whatever was trying to be attempted, but Air simply wasn't in the mood. She pinched the bridge of her nose but had no choice but to move forward or go back to the city.


    Whoever it was that was singing earlier had fallen as soon as she got to the top of the hill. They looked like an idiot and she scowled, rolling her blue eyes at them. I just want... 5 minutes... She told herself and sighed. Air cleared her throat to get the attention of the strange boy. "That was foolish of you to try and balance on that cutlass. When are you ever going to need to do that anyway? Why practice it?" 

  7. Air was surprised that the stranger had reached out to her so quickly and suddenly. He wants to me stay? She asked herself and scratched the back of her neck nervously, a burning sensation she recognized as blushing covered her cheeks slightly, pink appearing over her cheek bones. She couldn't seem to take her focus away from his eyes, it was far to hard if she tried. Before Air could change her mind, before her feet began carrying her away and outside, Air forced herself to sit down and plopped down into the seat. Speaking seemed so easy to Legion, or Kioshi, as that's what he told her his username and real name was. How can he trust so easily? No wonder he has so many friends. Air smiled weakly and put her elbow on an arm of the chair, leaning her head against a hand that was curled up in a fist. Before speaking Air cleared her throat. "Air. My username is Air." She spoke slowly and quietly, staring at her feet. It wasn't that she was shy, socializing just wasn't something she was talented at and Air found herself avoiding anymore eye contact. People, people weren't her thing. They were usually oh-so annoying and needy. But this time it was different. I don't know why but it is... it just is. She told herself over and over again in her head. 


    A large man appeared behind Legion and sent him flying forward. Air could feel the wind and her hair blowing along with it as Legion's body was thrown. The person that had caused this was so big Air had to tilt her head upwards to look at him. She scowled and turned her head to watch the reaction of the male whom she'd just met, expecting him to be angry. His friend helped Legion up and the to spoke jokingly and in a friendly and warm way towards each other. Air's mouth hung open in awe and surprise. She would've scolded the person and made him feel as bad as she felt, but the two were so calm and still happy. "H-How?" Air muttered and clenched the wooden ends of the chair tightly. A dumb expression made its way onto her face and stayed there, plastered, her eyes clouded once again with confusion. The intelligent answer that ended their conversation, however, pleased Air and she smirked only a little. She'd never allow herself to fully smile or laugh as loudly as the others were. 


    Legion sat back down and attempted to explain why his friend had acted that way. She lifted her head from the leaning position and straightened her body, crossing her legs, and nodded up and down quickly. "It's not that I don't "want" to enjoy my time. It's that I can't." Air placed her hands in her lap and glared at Legion, though the glare wasn't intended to hurt him or scare him of, if that was even possible. It was to let him know her words were true and spoken from the heart. "I probably shouldn't drink. If you couldn't tell I'm underage, and besides the bitter taste gets old after a few glasses. Here's how I enjoy my time," Air, despite her answer, took a sip anyway and set her glass gently upon the surface of the counter before speaking again. "being alone. Not among... these kinds of people. Even you, you I would never be seen with. Not because I think I'm better it's just because I don't like anyone. Anyone at all, really. Why I'm here I'm not completely sure. Maybe I thought I could actually make a friend with my attitude. Maybe... maybe..." Air's voice cracked. "I don't want to be alone anymore." She was satisfied with her answer but felt as if her heart was being compressed. Air put a hand over her mouth and closed her eyes, looking at her feet again. There was no way she was going to cry, it was impossible, it was a sign of weaknesses in her eyes. "Sword Art Online made me realize what friendship means and that I've been foolish to push everyone away. But I can't help it. I can't change." She shook her head and laughed very quietly at herself. "This is silly. I'm sorry."

  8. Air was interrupted from a zone she desperately hung onto until it escaped from her grasp as an older man placed a drink in front of her and explained it was from the newest player to enter the tavern. She waved him off and shot the poor NPC an angry glare that could send a shiver down anyone's spine. Pinching the bridge of her nose she inspected the glass and shook her head, rolling her deep blue eyes, and pushed it away from her. The last thing she wanted was a drink from a stranger, let alone give him a chance to speak to her at all. Air ran a hand through her short, odd, green hair and she twirled the black bow in it before sighing and flashing an apologetic look at the male who'd offered her the drink in the first place. I do wish the old man hadn't called me ma'am... I'm only a child. Do I really look that old? Air placed a hand upon her cheek and shook her head, closing her eyes for a second before opening them to return to reading the beloved book in her hands.


    It made her sick to hear and see everyone having such a good time. She planted herself in a far corner and kept her eyes from meeting anyone else's the best she could, though every once in a while she managed to catch a glance of the mysterious man who'd entered when she was at the bookshelves. He's just one of those people. She told herself. The kind who are interesting, the kind everyone wants to know about. Air twirled her bow once again and pulled up a chair to ease the pain in her aching legs. Sitting with legs crossed, book in her hand, eyebrows furrowed and frown plastered on her face, Air was still distracted by the liquid in the cup abandoned on the counter. More giggles echoed from the other side of the room and her stomach flopped. Maybe she really was going to be sick. Was that even possible in-game? Even if it wasn't she'd still be embarrassed. Air turned away even more from the bustling crowd and tried her best to focus only on the black text among white, brand new pages placed in a solid fold wrapped in brown leather. Its touch was no longer magical. The paintings upon the walls seemed bland now. Do I want to join in the fun? Why now, why me, why here? She asked herself and slammed the book shut furiously, shoving it back into the inventory of the bookshelves, storming over to the drink. She gulped it down and slid the empty cup over to the bar tender, her eyes clouded with confusion and anger. Blood boiled in her veins. Why exactly? Air was angry at herself and she felt the need to socialize more than ever at this time. For once in her life Air wanted to talk, to let her feelings out and to feel happiness while laughing with companions. Her perception of life usually wasn't so... like this. Lonely to be exact. There were no words to explain how she felt on the inside. One side of her personality begged to be let free while the other fought to keep calm and refrain from speaking to others, to hide feelings.


    Air sighed for the millionth time and leaned against the counter again. Though now her body was stiff and her eyes stared at the party of friends who seemed to be enjoying themselves. She saw the situation as opportunity to let herself be known, to be heard, but she remained still instead confused as to what she wanted to do and how to perform it to her best interest. Hesitantly she headed over to the person who'd bought her a drink, the one who started it all, and tapped his shoulder. It seemed all eyes were on her when in reality only his were focused on her form. "I... I-no. Thank you." She said simply and quickly, turning to head back towards her spot, heart racing. Exciting. One word to explain how just approaching a stranger and speaking to them felt to her. Air stopped, and turned around again, facing the person she'd just talked to. I'll stay, just for a little, to listen is all. 

  9. Air lazily propped her elbows up on a counter, leaning over to do so, surfing through books and pieces of artwork. Though she seemed bored, Air was far from it. A small grin made its way to her lips and successfully curled the corners as far as she'd let them. Art. Just the word made her heart race, the beauty, the self-expression, the wonder of it all was something Air loved almost more than life itself. What was life anymore though? She found herself asking nobody in particular everyday. Scavenge, kill, gain levels. For what? To get out of course, to survive they say. Please. Air scoffed and shook her head, staring at one painting that'd caught her eyes, forgetting the thoughts that corrupted her mind. The dark blue, emotionless orbs sparkled for once and she reached out to touch the hologram. The scene of serenity became distorted and fuzzy, her hand only moving through it rather than grazing the surface. Air grimaced and sighed, remembering that this was not reality, and began her searching again only she was less amused this time around. She grabbed a quill, paper, and ink and began sketching. Unfortunately the game didn't support this format very well and sometimes it would glitch a bit when she started to draw instead of write but as long as she got a short time of bliss it didn't matter. "If only I could draw pictures to match my stories. That'd be the day..." Air left her sentence at that and frowned. Her drawings were awful, probably the worst she'd ever seen in her lifetime. But her stories, they were brilliant, and she needed something just as eye-catching and spectacular to match it. 


    Leaving the drawing on the counter, Air stood up to her full height (which isn't very tall) and turned to read a novel. She stood at the bookshelves, her back to the door. As she searched the numerous names the bell indicating the door had opened rung. Her head spun around slightly but not all the way, enough to see who was entering. Even the NPC at the front desk seemed surprised that a player had entered. The elderly lady stared at the older male past her glasses and then focused once again on a book she held. Air kept her eyes on him, not moving her body once. She couldn't help but take a look at the odd colored red-ish eye of his that was completely mismatched with the other green orb which she assumed was his true eye color. Her usual scowling expression returned and Air began looking through book titles though her attention was distracted by the other presence in the room.




    Painting (hologram from paragraph 1)


  10. Floor 4... the best floor there was. At least to Air it was. If it wasn't for all the annoying players that roamed it as if they were little kids then it would be perfection. Alas, things never worked for her, and there were many people that inhabited her beloved winter wonderland today. She frowned more than usual and her eyebrows pointed down in the same fashion they always seemed to be in. A glare was flashed with her cold blue eyes anytime someone stared at her to greet the girl. 


    Though she did find herself interested in a flash of blue. Blue was her favorite color other than pink, after all. Her clothes were blue, her eyes were blue, and of course it stood out among the crowd of white snow and plain colors. She stared at the person who'd caught her attention with an intent to go speak to him, but with her personality Air decided against it almost immediately. Instead she leaned against a wall and waited for the action to hit her like it usually did. Air made sure to keep her eyes on the person. Who wouldn't feel her intense glare? Hopefully it's not just another annoying player encounter. She shivered at the thought of bumping into a female named Pyro. I'll just retreat if it is.

  11. Air cleared her throat and lowered Pyro's arms, her forced smile returning to a frown. "Please don't do that." She said calmly and glared sternly at Pyro as if training her like an animal. "So this is our guild? I should have guessed you were a popular girl with such an annoyingly optimistic attitude. I take it not everyone is here at the moment?" Air remarked and smirked at her comment, though she was annoyed that the rest of the members hadn't taken the liberty of showing up early as respect for the leader. She focused her dark blue eyes on the other two males there. Air wasn't one for introducing herself or meeting new people and kept quiet, only paying any attention to her new leader who still had an arm around her.

  12. Air sped off in the direction, leaving Pyro behind. In her peripheral vision Air noticed Pyro copying her walking style and Air turned her head to get a full look. When Pyro noticed her staring she turned again so she wouldn't see the smile on her face. She wants to be like me... wow. Air hid her smile expertly and in a few moments found herself outside Shinzen's door, Pyro still far behind. When her ...friend... made it to her Air knocked three time and an elderly man with his wife came into view. The man said something to Air that made her blue orbs glare intensely and annoyingly at him, but he only returned the look but ten times harder. She almost replied to his question but Hanna seemed to have known and interrupted in time by dismissing and almost apologizing for her husband's behavior. Stubborn as she was Air still glared at Griswold while walking into his enormous shop. 


    She stood next to a counter and Griswold brought out ink, a quill and paper ready to take Air's order. He mumbled something she couldn't hear but guessed Griswold was just complaining again judging by the look on Hanna's face. "I desire a leather battle coat that is dark blue to match my eyes. There should be no sleeves, reach my ankles, have a hood, and have white trimming along the edges of the sleeves and around the bottom." Air had it memorized and smirked at her success. Griswold began speaking once again. "This will be the only time we compromise I bet." He started to speak. "Alright. On Floor 1 you can find lizards and alligators roaming around ponds and water-holes, or in tall grassy areas. Harvest the leather and my wife will sew your coat. Come back soon, or not, I don't mind either one." He chuckled and glared at Air who grimaced back at him. Hanna smiled tenderly. Her and Pyro had been having a conversation this whole time and the two seemed to have taken a liking to each other. Air rolled her eyes and turned on her heel, motioning for her back-up to follow to the teleporter that would take them to the correct Floor. "That Griswold surely is something." She smiled a little. "Reminds me of myself."

  13. Asen your lie is number 2 guess its my turn now


    1) I always hand in my college Assignments in at the last second

    2) I am a sucker for lovey dovey fanfictions

    3) My character is not based off of an anime i once saw


    I think your number 3 is the lie.


    1. I'm a lesbian

    2. I've eaten a lot of coins before

    3. I'm in love with Creepypasta

  14. Air was simply relaxing when a flash of red jumped at her, forced her up from the bench, and pulled her into a tight hug. Air glanced down at the form clinging onto her. They were on their knees and had their face buried in her stomach which felt awkward to Air. She groaned and a shadow covered her eyes. She moved her hands to Pyro's arms and pried them off with brute force, holding them up to get her attention. When Pyro did eventually look up at Air she smiled warmly at her and Air's heart melted. She's adorable. Air rolled her blue eyes and helped Pyro up. "Ah... yeah, sure. I missed you too. Ready to help me with this quest? The shop is called Shinzen and it's on this floor. I'll lead the way." Air said quickly, not waiting for an answer, already heading for the shop using her quest tracker.

  15. Air sat on a bench on Floor 3, arms crossed, casual and oh-so normal frown on her face. She had to ask... practically beg for Pyro to come with her through a PM on a quest as backup just in case things went wrong. Pyro got nothing in return and Air doubted that she would even come in the first place but there was a place in her heart that hoped she would. It was an odd thing, Air wanting a friend, but she couldn't help it. Pyro's optimism and caring yet very annoying attitude was extremely addicting and being around her made her happy. She sighed and played with the bow in her hair, glancing around every once in a while to see if she could make out the purple-haired girl somewhere in the crowds.

  16. I accept this quest and desire a leather battle coat that is dark blue to match my eyes. There should be no sleeves, reach my ankles, have a hood, and have white trimming along the edges of the sleeves and around the bottom. Pyro is accompanying me on this adventure as friendly backup.

  17. Air made her way to the High Fields of Crossing. She was annoyed to be bothered on such a nice day, not like everyday wasn't nice, but she still didn't enjoy standing around with a crowd of random people. However, she could admit that when she received the message it made her happy to realize some people actually like her. Pyro wasn't her best friend... she would never even come close but they had some sort of connection that brought them together and made them close in a way neither one of the girls would ever admit. Air sighed when she saw two other people had already made it. She stood among them and crossed her arms, a frown on her face, and remained silent hoping that nobody would speak to her. Meetings weren't her thing either. Another problem added to the list. She thought and started to play with the bow in her hair.

  18. "Floor 4 is the best. I walk around here all the time, it's my favorite." Air said and smiled at Tyrius. "I'm glad I met you too. Surprisingly you... aren't annoying like everybody else. Spending time with you is great." She agreed and twirled the bow in her hair, feeling happy when in the presence of someone for the first time. "I hope we hang out more often I'm usually lonely with nothing to do."

  19. "Oh.." She muttered when Tyrius said he didn't have any friends. "Blue? Yeah, this is my real eye color." Air replied a bit confused why he would ask about her eyes. "Do they look strange?" Air blinked a few times and tilted her head up at Tyrius so he could get a good look at them.

  20. "Uh..." Air hesitated and awkwardly chewed on her bottom lip. "I only have about two friends... one of them I barely like. It's more of a frenemy relationship. I would believe she's out trying to make new friends at the time. My other friend, I really don't know her that well. Probably causing trouble or something." She said referring to Pyro and Kiru. "Everyone else I've gotten off on bad terms with. Why do you ask? Are you wondering what your friends are doing right now?"

  21. Air frowned when Tyrius seemed... sad. Why? They were just having fun. "I was just joking around like you were, don't take it so seriously." She played with the bow in her hair and looked at Tyrius before giving him a small hug. "Feel better?" She leaned in and whispered in his ear like he had done to her earlier before poking his cheek once again. 

  22. Air watched Tyrius fall to the ground laughing and looked straight ahead, her expression changing into a confused one. She scratched the back of her head and grew even more embarrassed when she realized he was only joking. I bet I looked like an idiot just then. She thought. "That was far from hilarious! And you don't know that it's not possible... s-so don't even talk about it anymore." Air was flustered and couldn't help it. She'd overreacted, been laughed at, and was fooled all at once. A scowl was flashed at Tyrius.

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