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Posts posted by Rantonia

  1. Rantonia

    » Username: Rantonia
    » Real name: Andrew Gardner
    » Age: 15
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 5'8"

    » About

    In the real world, Andrew is antisocial and not well liked by many people at his school. He grew up with three older brothers, avid sports players and good students who constantly overshadowed him. At the age of eleven, he discovered MMOs- finally something he could be better at than his high-and-mighty brothers and schoolmates. Almost instantly, he became obsessed; clearing bosses, collecting loot and becoming more and more powerful. The immersive experience of the games he played helped him to forget his troubles in the real world, and he spent more and more time at his computer, headset on and lights out. When SAO came out, he used a chunk of his savings and a lot of pleading to convince his reluctant parents to buy the NerveGear. In a weird way, he came to relish being trapped in the game- while other people were logging in with the intent to kill a few hours, Andrew already saw games as a way to escape reality- and what a good job they've done. 
    » Virtues:
    Loyal: Although Andrew has few friends, he will fiercely defend the few who really earn his trust, both in and out of real life. When he finally settles down with a guild, he will unlock this to become a better warrior.


    Tough: Having learned how to fight from his three brothers and altercations at school, he has developed some physical and mental resolve that translate well into SAO. Despite the risk of death, he always gives 110% during rough boss battles. 


    Quick-thinking: Four years of playing MMOs sharpened his tactical mind beautifully, equipping him to handle almost any in-game situation. Where other players would freeze up, he can even redesign strategies around unexpected twists, keeping himself and his party alive.

    » Flaws:
    Callous: Andrew, having grown up with older brothers, believes everyone should be equipped to handle criticism and insults. From this standpoint, he tells party members and fellow adventurers exactly what he thinks, be it good or bad. Due to this, he may have some trouble joining a guild, and may even provoke some PKers with short fuses. 

    Arrogant: A high-level player on his previous MMOs, he's confident in his ability to kick some ass in SAO, but this confidence can be fatal when dying in the game means it's over in real life. Despite his willingness to give all he's got in a fight, he often fails to keep an eye on his health bar and other stats in the heat of combat.


    Paranoid: The victim of many pranks at school and home, Andrew is slow to trust other players, and sometimes doesn't take full advantage of loot chests for fear of a trap. With his tendency to run solo or with a temporary party, many chests are wasted, and he relies on the safer mob loot to level up his gear and weapons.





    Weapon skills:


    10 bread, 15 water.
    »Bronze Light Longsword [+1 Damage]


    Other: Tan pants, green collared shirt, long black coat.

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

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