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Posts posted by Legion

  1. Legion leaned forward, "Whats it like to have a sibling, I never had one, and I'm sorry if this is a hard one to answer." "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He said to her, his eyes giving off soothing and calming vibes, that usually gave younger people relaxing feelings. Legion was one person who could always try to comfort people when he could, he was somewhat of a people person. As he leaned back, he felt the window burst open, and he looked up, the whole room now had the wind gushing into it, he got up and went to the windows that were open. Another player doing the same thing as him, and he saluted them, and went back to this seat, and looked at MIriko. "Well now that, has been resolved, you don't have to tell me, but I do want to know, why'd you come to SAO in the first place?" He asked her, not sure ff he asked her this in the first place.

  2. Legion closed his eyes and then rubbed his chin, "Well... that would be a twin answer from me, I do miss it but at the same time I don't." "I do miss the fact that my family isn't here to support me." "And that I miss my nice apartment, as I know I am in a hospital now." "The one thing I don't miss is that, well... I don't have to deal with the Co-workers I have, I hated a few of them, one was Markus, and American who well, lets just say, he thinks too highly of himself." He said as he looked at Miriko, "What about you?" "What do you miss, family, friends... boyfriend perhaps?" He asked her, wondering, as he was more interested in her now, as he leaned forward, "Now before you say anything, these are just questions, I mean nothing more that to learn about you Miriko." He said giving her his usual calm eyes, his voice still the same as ever, abit higher now as he was excited and curious about her. His hands now folded under his nose, the black nails peaking through the air, and his palle white skin glowing slightly, as his jet black hair danced with each motion he performed.

  3. Legion took another sip of his drink and looked at Miriko, "Thats where you and I have something in common, my father was a Chemist for a large medical corporation, he was their head Chemist and was a excellent man." "Due to the fact my father made large increments of Yen, I was able to attend a Private academy as well." "I always looked up to him, I even wanted to be like him, but once I got my hands on a console well I took a different route." He said rubbing his eyes abit, his cool light, and soft toned voice rang in the air, sounding almost formal like, housing a almost suave tone. It was a subtle calm and cool feeling his voice held, he gazed at his glass the clear liquid, "I wonder... if this cup is like me, holding something I can't see, but it's there, and when we empty this glass... does our soul go to heaven, or stay in the earth?" He said to himself ranting along, as he was clearly somewhat absentminded, he then turned to Miriko, "Oh im sorry, I didn't mean to start ranting like that." He said giving a smile to her, then placing his glass on the table, "So Miriko, what kind of fighter are you?" "Me, I use dagger and light armor." He asked and told her.


    Voice ___
    OCC: Legions voice is similar to that of Tamaki Suoh from Ouran Host Club.


  4. Legion walked in with Miriko, and sat down at the table she was at, when she asked him why he studied abroad he chuckled. "Well for starters, I was interested in the Universities that the US held." "I studied at ITT Technical Institute for two years after high school." "I went through a program that allowed for double the work to get to the next degree in a whole year." "Unlike traditional Institutes or Colleges, this program actually made me get my Bachelors Degree as I completed both my Associates and Bachelors program." "Then I took another year to get to my Masters in Game Code development." He said to her, as he waved at the waitress, "Water please." He said then returned his gaze back to his compatriot. "After that I went to the University called AI, or the Art Institute, and took the Three Dimensional and computer graphics development courses, those took me the rest of my time to complete, at least 5 years."


    "I first went through Revit, AutoCAD and various other visual designer classes, but Z-Brush was my favorite type of program to use in my Professors class." "In short, Z-Brush is a program that allows a person like you or me to take a 3 Dimensional block of clay within the programs coding." "And form it as if you were in Art class, like in High school for example." With his rant done, the Waitress came back, and set a vase of water for Legion and Miriko to drink, as well as two glasses, the silver Vase with the handle had little water droplets on them, and Legion just chuckled again, "Look at that, the water droplets that form from perspiration have legs." He gave a small giggle afterwards and poured himself a drink, as well as one for his female friend. "Drink up, it's free, water is always free." He said with a confident smile and then took a drink of the ice cold liquid.

  5. Legion just chuckled, "What is little old me doing here, well to be frank its to study the new plane of gaming technology that the NerveGear has to offer." He said to her and then crossed his arms, "I mean, I didn't go to America to study abroad for nothing, hell this new technological breakthrough is something America needs, their just slower to understand the basics of Virtual Reality Simulation Devices." "They can make the device work about halfway, before their creations break, they can seem to understand that they require a large compact drive to increase the overall electro brain signals." "Or even a larger memory and processor chip to keep their machines from malfunctioning." He said as he was rubbing his chin, and talking to himself, "Should have removed the chassis to the rig, to see if the core processor was the Nzxt Lineware 3000, might have been the Lucrof Nezx 349N." He said as he was babbling to himself when the wind picked up and nearly knocked him over and he slide around. "Blasted wind, come on, lets head inside." He said walking to the door and opening it up for the young girl, "Come one in, better now than being blown over like I jut was." He said to her, as he gazed at her, waiting for her to walk into the tavern.

  6. The figure hit the ground, his dagger went flying into the fountain near him, and with a little ka-plunk the figure looked up. Seeing a young girl holding out her hand, he grabbed it, his pale white skin lightening up, and his jet black painted finger nails were revealed. As she apologized to him, "Not a problem... but now my weapon needs retrieval." He said as he blankly walked past her and literally walked into the fountain, not caring about others looking at him. "So your name is Miriko, the names Legion, but people call me Kioshi." He said to her, finding his weapon, and hoping out of the fountain, a dagger spinning in the palm of his hand, his clothes dripping from the water, as a gust of wind came in and he gripped his weapon tightly. "Bloody wind is a nuisance." He said to her, as his grip lightened up when the wind died down, his clothes and hair dancing about as he gazed at the girl. "So what brings ya here  missy?" He asked her, his mind somewhat wandering, as he was now interested in this girl, the simplest things usually held something of wonder. His ruby red right eye gazed as his emerald green one did the same, his eyes locked on the girl, wondering what she was doing here on this windy day.

  7. A not so normal day on floor one, though the sun was out, and players walking about, the days daily routine of wind was rather over shot. The gusts of wind came and went every so few minutes, making the clothes of players flutter, fly up, or fly down. This was a unusual day for many, as one players clothing was doing that as well, a black haired figure, with twin coloured eyes, one being ruby red, while the other was emerald green. His coat, a royal purple color it held as the main, as the orange typed highlighted areas as the collar and shoulders. The tail of his coat, reaching down to his calf's stood against a building, the Tavern to be exact, as his coats tail kept fluttering to the left and right. Between his legs and hitting the building, he just gave a  sigh and rubbed his temple, *Well lovely day this is... not.* He pondered as a silver like object was shown upon his arm, as he moved the weapon he had equipped to his right arm, it was in a leather sheath but due to the wind fell out and clanked on the ground. The man grabbed his weapon and spun it on the palm of his hand, and as the wind came in, he gripped it and held it tight, till the wind died down some, making sure his dagger stayed in his hand. He just looked around, trying to find something interesting, or at least something that would bring him entertainment, other than other players messing with their own clothings.


    Weapon ___



    Figure ___


  8. (Since Clarence has not posted in some time I think I will take this post spot.)


    Legion yawned at he looked at the woman, "Aww, I was just having some fun having company here, I mean purple eyes over here is lovely to have." "But if your going I won't complain." He said to her, taking the bottle and placing it on the ground, "Thanks, I think I will keep it, might help me later on, don't want to waste it." He said as it was about half full of alcohol, and he gazed at the pink haired beauty walking away, he rubbed his nose and let out a small sneeze as the wind tickled it. "Blesh me." He said in a more child like tone of voice, and looked at the purple eyed guy in front of him. "So mister gem eyes, since Miss Mari is leaving us, what say you and I take on a quest or two, might help me out if I get someone to go with me." "Hell, being alone here is dreadfully dull, and I find it rather boring." He said  to him, as he turned to Mari, and waved to her, "Bye bye miss pink fire hair, hope you have fun elsewhere." "So whatcha say there pal, quest, or not quest?" He asked him in a more baratonic type voice, as it boomed in the air, filling the surround place with his voice. 

  9. Legion looking at the woman who now called herself Mari, as he caught the bottle, he sighed, "Nothing you would find interesting, nor is it important to mention." He said to her, being honest as he focused on the man in front of him, as the bottle returned to Legion. "Shame, but if it don't wanna work wit ya, the ya gotta fight it." He said, as then heard him say about his eyes and rolled onto his back, and looked up at the sky. "Their nothing special, just a set of eyes to me." He said to the man, as his black hair dancing in the slight breeze that washed over him, his eyelid blinking and his chest coming up. As he was relaxed in his position, the nice cool wind was something he liked as he now the clouds were filling the sky, and giving shade around them, "Wonderful, more shade." He said to himself, and let out a breathe of air from his lungs, and let the coolness of the day sink into his lungs.

  10. Legion shook his head, "No not really, I just came here because i needed a nice drink, the wine here is somewhat better than the other floors." "And yes we can head there now." He said as he placed a hand behind Airs back, gently nudging her along with him, as he looked at her bow, "Well Im not surprise, the NerveGear scans the persons face a they begin a new VR game." "Thats how my eyes were set, so it saw your bow and incorporated into the visual data of you avatars facial view." "Think of it as a facial recognition." He said as he was letting his intelligence come out, and walked to the gate of the town, "Well what floor you want to go to, floor three is nice, but it's okay on a certain level, I was thinking a more summer like feel, maybe floor one?" He asked her, his words calm and collected as the words filled the air, and collided with Airs ears, as he was looking directly at her when he said all this.


    His coat fluttering behind him with each step he make, and his boots clanking against the ground as he hit it, his hair clinging to the wind as it caressed his cheek. The light from the sun made his skin light up even more, as his eyes seemed more vivid now, as he looked at the gate, waiting for Air to speak, and one thing caught his attention, when Air said she didn't know where her habit of wearing her ribbon came from he spoke. "Hmm.. I think the reason you wear a bow all the time must be that you hold a dear memory when you wore it, or something like it, and you like the bow because you hold that memory close to your heart." He said to her, not sure if he was correct at his observation or not, but all in all he gazed down at the smaller figure before him, as he was ready to get Air some palce more comfortable.

  11. Legion shook his head, "No I am being serious, I find you rather intelligent and rather pleasant to be around." He said to Air and placed the Col down on the table as he looked up, and holding out his hand. "Come, lets get going Air, I'll take us to a place less crowed." He said to her, his twin eye colours gazed at her, his orbs glew in the light of the candles the tavern gave. While his paler colour skin colour lite up from the low glow the candles had, as his black finger nails came into view, while his black hair danced in his face, with each movement he made. Legion was being serious with his words, he wanted to be friends with Air, she was a nice change to this place.


    And with everything she said he spoke, "Well if its praise you want I can always give it to you Air, and I don't care what other people say, if they don't understand a person, then they should try." "And if they can't then thats their own problem, as me I wish to know more about you." He said as he saw her fidgeting with her bow and then setting her hands in her lap, he smiled, "Something from home I presume?" He said as he stood there waiting for her to take his hand, as he moved his eyes to her ribbon bow in her hair, his own clothing moving as he moved his body every so often. The royal purple coat with the orange colour lining outlined fabric, tails began to flutter behind him as he felt the wind come in from the door being opened. His hair grasping on the hands of the wind to move in the dance of the breeze, Legion just smiled as he waited for her to make her decision.

  12. Legion leaned in forward as he looked at Air, "No your wrong, you can change, you just don't want to, I can't say I know how you feel, but I can say this, if you need a friend, someone that you can spend time with I can be that person." "Now your the only person who can make that change, but if you want me I can help you out, I can see you aren't going to give me your trust, but I have time and patience in my soul I can walk down this path of you would let me?" He asked her, seeing how she was trying to avoid eye contact, he leaned back then and spoke once more, "I understand your underage, but a few sips won't kill you, but digress, your right, you should drink something more appropriate for your age, what do you want then?" He asked her, his twin eyes darting around the room, always they returned to her, and he leaned his head to the side and shot her a look. "Air, if your not comfortable here, we can go someplace abit more quieter, if you want company I can tag along with you, because you seem abit nervous here."


    He said his black fingernails tapping his wine glass, and the long slender fingers he had wrapping around the bottom half and slipping the shaft of the glass in between his middle finger and ring finger of his left hand. He stirred the alcohol up abit and took the last sip of his glass and sat it down his smile coming forth, and he picked his leg up and crossed it with his other one, as he rested his hand under his cheek and laid his head on it. The chairs having arm rest, giving Legion the chance to look at Air and still be relax, as he spoke once again. "Your hair, is it natural, either way I find it fascinating to say the least." He complimented her, and pulled the few hairs in his face to the side and his smooth young mature facial features finally coming out, as he looked like a young Johnny Depp, mature yet still young looking, not half bad on the looks either. Though his eyes and hair were far from what some ladies called him, he still tried to play the part of the distant yet caring person, though in this case he was more caring than distant, as Air was someone he wanted to help out, and get to know her more, as he gazed at her, trying to figure her out.

  13. As the voices all booming and laughter, Legion felt a tap on his shoulder, seeing the girl he bought the drink for, and hearing everyone start to mumble and look at her, with her saying thank you to him he smiled. "Your quite welcome there, care to have ano... hey don't run away I'm not going to bite." He said extending his hand out, and almost getting out of his seat, his black fingernails glimmering in the light that was being reflexed from the window, his pale skin glowing as the light bounced around. His twin eyes zoned in on the woman, locking on her green hair and deep blue eyes,  he stood up and bowed to her, "Please take a seat, I can get you another glass of wine if you want." He offered to her seeing how she quickly darted away from him, he took his leg and scooted the chair out for her to take a seat, and then he spoke again, "And if not, can I at least have your name, mines Legion in the game outside the game I'm known as Kioshi Kuo Valentine." He spoke to her, not caring that he gave her his real name to her, as his eyes seemed to glow, his ruby red one and his emerald green one, while his obsidian black hair fluttered with each move he made.


    His coat doing the same as he stood there abit more professional like than usual, though he didn't do it a lot, he wanted to at least know the name of the player he was going to be with, while the other player around him chuckled and laughed at him, one big guy about 6'7 or so slapped a hand across the back of Legion and sent him flying into another empty table as he yucked at him. *Ahahaha, oh man, your trying to get friendly with the ladies I see, so your a lady killer eh Legion, never thought of it.* *Ahaha!* He chuckled and spoke out as he helped Legion up, *Wow mate, can't say that I took you for that kind of man, but whatever floats your boat there.* He said as Legion spoke, "No I am just trying to be a good host, I did buy her a drink, the least I can do is treat her as a guest to my table Bartron, I know you and I just met a few hours ago and you did say you would be on floor three, but really thats what you got from what I said, you need to trail your mind away from the gutter, and think in a different perspective."


    He said to his huge giant of a pal and looked at the woman again, "Ignore him, he can be somewhat of a child at times, but he's a good ally to have when you need him, now pal go back and drink with your friends." He said patting him on the back and picking up the mess he made and taking a seat at the table he was thrown into and pulled the seat to the woman, "Well, I understand if you wish not to, but at least try to enjoy your time here, you only get to live once, might as well enjoy it while you have a chance to." He said waving his empty glass at the bar Keeper as he poured another glass for Legion and did so for the young lady and returned to the back of the counter cleaning and sorting the glasses by size and shape. While Legion sat there, and sipped some more of his wine awaiting the young ladies decision. 

  14. With Legion hearing the words of Keith rang true, he knew this guy was someone who cared about others, and by helping him Legion now had a better look about this guy, Legion nodded and looked about. "Kills a boar huh, well easier said than done, I mean look, this place isn't exactly teaming with mobs." "But then again, we might get lucky." He said as he began walking around in a circle to find some kind of enemy to kill, as though Legion wasn't all that powerful he still wanted to get one down to get him going. As Legion spotted something in the distance, "I think thats one over yonder." He said as he pointed at the small speck in the distance, as he rubbed his back abit right where his knife was at, hoping to kill it off really quick like, while he looked at Keith, "Lets get going then." He said as he began walking forward.

  15. The wind upon floor three was wonderful, salty sea air filling his virtual lungs, the sting of it as it slapped him in the face, his twin eyes gleaming as he wandered about, seeing a tavern he smiles and makes his way to it, As he walked, the clomping of his boots hitting the cobble and sand ground echoed in the wind, and his coat fluttering behind him, his royal violet colour with the dark blue hue to it, as well as his pants having the same variation as his coat. The tan leather boots he wore somewhat matched his attire, as he opened the door many players and NPC's turned to him, his spiky jet black hair fluttered in his face as his fingers black as his hair gripped the door frame, and he looked about. Scanning, observing and scoping the to place out for a place to sit, and he found one in the far back, as his coats tail flicked upward, the bluish purple coat with the orange highlighted lined and fabric, and red hoodie under it danced along the trail he weaved.


    He looked and saw another player reading a book, the title he could see as she had her hand upon the cover, he saw her look at him once and then returned to her book and he sighed, taking a seat and waving the Bar keeper to bring him a drink, as he got here he spoke kindly and pointed at the young woman. With that out of the way the Bar Keeper grabbed a wine glass and poured a drink for the man, while another came into play and after the man got his drink the Bar Keeper handed a glass to the young woman before him, *The young man says this drink is on him ma'am.* The older looking gent said as he placed the glass on the counter ledge and the man saluted the young woman and turned his head away sipping upon his drink, enjoying the sounds he heard, people talking, and chatting, The stores that were being told here really made Legions day all the more reason to listen in, as a few jokes were spoken out, some funny others not so much but never the less Legion laughed with the other players, all of them laughing with him. As the Tavern was one place everyone could have fun, while he gave off a few smiles and such his face mostly doll like and cool looking,


    He gave off a mature and rather calm and relaxing aura from hid body, the mans figure was rather fit, from what people could see he was in shape, and from his way of interacting, he was quite comfortable with conversing with others. This was a nice day after all, the wind and sun all together near the ocean was enjoyable, as the Tavern was a place of  relaxation and drink, Legion was not going to let this day be ruined by far everything he heard today was somethings that got him going which was rare, but still it was something he could look forward to, as he sipped his wine some more, and returned his gaze at the woman, slightly keeping an eye on her and any new players that entered the tavern, he did enjoy this all, as the stories continued and the players around him enjoying their time.


    -Cloth clothing.-

    Leather Coat & pants

    Leather Boots

  16. It was another lazy day today, the wind blowing, making the trees dance and the leaves flutter around, as the sun was high in the sky, and the sky littered with puffy white clouds. The breeze making the warm air feel nice, a man sitting upon the roofs of the local town, as there was bustling and chatter going about, Legion was upon the first floor, he was having a lazy day today, something he somewhat had all the time. And was having a nice time being bored and relaxed, being upon the roofs of Floor one was something he did a lot, his feet hanging over the ledge of the building, the tan colored boots he had one was the only thing people saw.


    As unknown players and NPC's all looked up and stared at the pair of boots there, and the person who could be upon the roof, as a couple of sighs rang from the roof as boredom was what filled his lungs. Legion just laid there looking up at the sky, his eyes closed and his hands in his pocket, while the sounds of people below him walked about, and chattered away, he just sighed himself and rolled onto his side and looked at the wall of the town then back upon his back. As he liked this kind of setting, warm air, settled by the cool wind of the summer breeze, and the blue sky filled with the clouds that gave off a nice patch of cool shade, this was a perfect day for him.


    -Cloth clothing.-

    Leather Coat & pants

    Leather Boots

  17. Legion nodded, "Yes nice to meet you as well Keith, why am I here?" He asked, then rubbed his chin and then responded, "Simple, to kill some things, I'm trying to get some mats, loot some items off the MOBs here and get some training in." "So your in a guild, thats cool." He says as he looks about and yawned himself, "But it seems not much is here for me to farm off of, I was hoping to get three uncommons before I went for the mats, I need a weapon, armor and accessory." He said as he looked at Keith, thinking he wouldn't help a low level player like him, "I can see your busy though, I don't want to take up your precious time on a lowly level player like me.." He said to Keith, using reverse psychology on him to see if this Keith guy was a ally and a person who was caring, or just another player that would look down on him. 

  18. Legion looked at the man in front of him as he asked him for his name and he spoke, "Legion, yours?" He asked him, as Legion saw the hand come out and he shook it not trying to be rude, as hie jet black finger nails came into sight. His coat fluttering as he moved his body, and when he got done he released this mans hand and spoke again, "So you seem distracted, something on your mind?" He asked the strange man, while he looked him over with his heterochromatic eyes, one being red, his right one, and the other his left one, the Emerald green colored one, while the breeze kicked up slightly, making his jet black, mid length spiky hair dance in his face.

  19. Legion looked at the bottle and grabbed it, as he pulled the cork out and smelled it, "Hmm... Whiskey, thats a nice change from wine or Sake." He said as he took a drink and whipped his lips afterwards, with a smile on his face, he leaned back again and this time looked up at the sky. "Well I think I would rather stay down here, higher floors are nice, but I like a nice relaxed one, would rather not try to get killed out there on the higher floors, besides, I have business down here." He said as he placed the bottle to his lips again and smiled "This is Cask Strength Whiskey, nice stuff you got here." He said as he could taste the distinct flavor of the alcohol and could Identify the type from the taste, as he did some tasting in his time when he started drinking, and then capped the top on it and tossed the bottle towards Clarence. "Well I have two eye mutations, my right eye has an extremely low quantity of melanin all the time, which allow the blood vessels to show through my eye, so thats why." He said as he was rather comfy now, his hair dancing in the wind, and his coat now flat on the ground and his legs crossed and stretched.

  20. A flutter of clothing in the wind, a figure sitting upon a rooftop within the Town of Beginnings, his black hair dancing a mess in his face, as a pair of eyes unlike many others gazing about to the fields. One that was emerald green, his left one, and a ruby red one, his right one as he looked about the plaza, his royal purple coat fluttering in the wind with the dark orange collar and lining. As a dagger was well hidden under his coat, between his shoulder blades, while his feet dangled from the roof ledge, a pair of tan colored leather boots were upon them. Legion was doing mostly nothing today as he was bored out of his mind, and you could see it as he jumped down from his perch and looked about again. A plank expression appeared upon his face, while he walked, and he found himself outside the town and bumped into a figure (Keith) before him, and he bowed in respect, "Pardon me." He said as he looked at the figure before him, his hands in his pocket as he stood back up, hiding his jet black painted nails.


    -Legions Facial Expression-



    -Cloth clothing.-

    Leather Coat & pants

    Leather Boots

  21. Who here will make me a weapon, armor and necklace for free if I bring them the materials needed for the crafts? Please put your name here and the Profession you are so I can write you down. And yes, this was an Status update, but in here I can see the people posts without having to go through the time of waiting for the pages to load up, and here is the template I want so I know the person telling me. Copy it and paste it in your post please.

    Player Profession:
    Player Shop: [Url link/shop name here]
  22. Legion looked up as he leaned back abit, "You don't question drinkin, it's to forget, and that's that." He said as he then looked at the woman, her pink hair was what caught his attention and he sat up, but hear what this woman said he kept his mouth shut. "There another bottle somewhere, if not then don't mind me, just needed the company bloody floor is devoid of interesting things, so far you two are the only things here that aren't boring." He said as though he scooted back and leaned against a rock trying to rest his head as he did fall out of a tree and well Clarence, The Drink pleasure to met your acquaintance." He said to them both and then just went quite, as he knew he said all he needed to say right now, as his bicolor eyes gazed at the sun, and his black hair danced in the wind.

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