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Posts posted by Silentblade25

  1. «Name» Zack Centria

    » Username: Silentblade25
    » Real name: Zack Centria
    » Age: 17
    » Gender: Male 
    » Height: 6'5''
    » About: Zack has never really cared for 'risks' if he fails he'll just simply get back up and try again....and again, and again, until he finally breaks down whatever wall that is slowing him down, as for his previous life, well it was too average for him, he just go so bored with everything he did, he wanted to make Sword Art Online his second life, one where he's the hero that everyone's talking about, be it for

    sacrifice or achievements, he wanted to always be remembered. The craving for adventure was in his eyes and he would beg for this world Sword Art Online promised.

    He just found the routine of everyday life boring, now the adventure of waking up to a different battle, new lands, a band of true brethren who he would throw his life away for, the idea was just perfect. When Sword Art Online was announced he was so excited, he spent so many hours of his job just to afford the console, to the point where his family grew worried when he didn't return home, it wasn't unhealthy what he was doing, he just seemed so eager to leave. He was confronted several times by his family (Father,Mother, Brother (14)) but he just said he wanted to be one of the first to get the console and left it at that. Finally when he rushed into the store and got a game and console he laid on his bed and readied himself, ready for whatever this new world would throw at him, and so his new life began.



    » Virtues:
    Quick Learner- Zack learns incredibly fast. When taught something, he'll memorize something to the detail despite his tendencies to act stupid. He has learn't the tricks to almost any video game he's played but frustratingly was never recognized for it


    Strong Will - He has never really been afraid of anything despite his lack of fighting ability in the real world and will never back down to anything that threatens him


    Leadership - He has found himself at the lead of many things throughout his life, while not very tactical, Zack brings around an aura that encourages others to surpass their limits and protect eachother

    » Flaws:

    Stubborn - Will never allow himself to run away if he thinks he can win


    Overprotective - While he never backs down himself, Zack will always protect someone nearby in even a hint of danger


    Overconfident - He will always find a threat as a challenge, he refuses to back down unless the situation is truly hopeless






    Weapon skills:

    » One-handed Straight Sword

    10 Bread

    15 Water

    Traveler's Robe




    » N/A

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