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Olivia Antheia

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Posts posted by Olivia Antheia

  1. No no no no no no no! I'm sooooo late! If there was anything she was fearful of now, it was making a bad first impression. She had received the message along with the rest of her new guildmates. Guildmates. Being able to call them that felt amazing, but she was still a bit concerned. She had received the invite and accepted it with gusto, but her mind had been plaguing her conscience. What if I can't hold my own? How would I be able to protect them in a fight? What if I get killed? Even worse, What if I get someone else killed!? The idea of letting herself and others down terrified her, but after the incident with David Parsons a few days ago, she knew she had to find other people.


    So after accepting the invite to join the guild Twilight Spectrum, she threw on her Red Coat, said a hurried goodbye to her friends and caretaker, and rushed out the door. The brunette found herself wandering through town, sprinting to find her guild. When she finally found them, they had already congregated, and she ran up to them panting. "Sorry... I'm... Phwew..." Her hair fell over her blue eyes as she leaned over, hands on her knees, catching her breath. When instructed, she happily crashed down on the end of one of the benches, going limp.

  2. - ROLL -

    ID: 10823 ; BD: 9 ; CD: 10 ; LD: 4 ; MD: 9


    Without any further hesitation, the man pulled open a drawer in the cabinet and laid out a few materials. Bits of iron chain, torn apart; a gemstone, yet to be chiseled; a pendant, ready to be turned into jewelry. "It's a lot easier than the book makes it out to be." (Cue a relieved sigh from Olivia.) "The crafting system helps you along, you just need to know what you're doing first. Which is why I'm here. How about we start with the chain?" With that, he motioned for Olivia to grab one of the pliers, and she began working.


    It took a few moments for her to get it right, but once she had finally understood what he meant for her to do, she began to repair the iron chain. Once it was fixed, the man showed her how to cut a gem, chiseling it out and turning it into a round gem perfect for the pendant. By the time she was done with it, it was... "Did I do a good job?"


    This earned Olivia a pat on the back and another hearty laugh. "It looks perfect!" He accepted the pendant from Olivia and held it up to the sunlight. The emerald gem glistened and shone, and he smiled before setting it down. "I have to mention this now, before anything else--you won't be able to keep what you make today. Although, I will start you off with a few materials once you're finished."


    The girl nodded briefly, watching as the pendant was placed in another drawer. It was going to be a long day.

  3. Did he get ANY of that? Olivia gave a small groan as the boy recited her instructions back to her. Opening her mouth to speak again, she finds herself watching as he threw her a confused glance. Grumbling, she closes her mouth and turns back around. Beckoning to David, she motions for him to follow her. "Come on, I'll show you. It'll be a lot easier than giving you directions--I was never good at doing that."


    So, So, Olivia began to lead David through the streets of the First Floor's city, guiding him to her home. It took the a few minutes, and Olivia made small talk the entire way there. She enjoyed having someone to talk to after so much time of just waiting, patiently awaiting news from the raid parties working to free them from this death game. Now, she felt so much more comfortable with someone to talk to.


    As they finally reached her home, she moved to knock on the door as she had taught David earlier, but hesitated. Turning around, she walked back up to David and grinned. "Thank you. I had always been afraid to go out of the town on my own, and now I can feel comfortable doing exactly that." She hesitated a second longer, but with a quick lunge, she wrapped her arms around David's waist and pulled him in for a hug. "I can't thank you enough."

  4. Of course she knew what David meant. How could she not? It still brought a blush to her cheeks, thanks to his compliment, and it still left her wondering exactly how to respond. As David sighed, she bumped into him with her shoulder, laughing to try and make him feel not as shy. "Oh, relax, you big 'oaf. I'm just... Really glad that you said yes." Now it was her turn to blush. "T-to the training! Thingy... Ehm... The going out of town and fighting. That bit. Not the other bit, with the dating, and the..." Wait, he never said dating... Oh... "Not dating, not dating!" Olivia groaned and facepalmed herself internally. She'd have to reign that in if she ever got around someone who would take her literally.


    She clapped her hands together as David helped get the conversation back on topic. Humming as she looked around a bit, she gestured in one direction, and listed off a set of directions that would help him find his way as he walked her back to the house she shared with other players who couldn't fight. "From the main square, we head west a couple streets... ... Turn right, right, left, left, straight, left, right... ... Knock on the door like this... ... And there you have it." The girl waited for a response before picking up the pace, knowing that they should probably get there sooner rather than later.

  5. "Where is it... Where is it... Ah, here it is!" With a content sigh, he pulled out one of the books and dusted it off, opening it up and flipping through the pages. "Here; it's a starter book for crafting. It's got everything you need to be an Artisan--I'll give it to you, free of charge. This Grandmaster won't be reading it anytime soon." He laughed to himself and started organizing the tools on the counter, as Olivia turned to one of the first pages and started scanning the book.


    Alright, she thought to herself, turning the pages as her eyes darted between the lines. So I have... No clue what I'm doing. Her brows furrowed as she tried to understand the words used in the text, but as the man cleared his throat, she looked up to find that the tools had been lined to the side. Pliers, hammers, cutters, and other tools she couldn't yet name intimidated her, making her wonder exactly how hard it was to work with this stuff. "Sooo... What should I do first?"


    "I'll walk you through every step of the way. You'll find out what to do with materials, how to mend chains and scratches, how to chisel a gemstone... By the time you're done today, you'll know how to make your own jewelry." 

  6. After closing the door behind her, Olivia took the time to examine the room around her. Medium-sized, with two windows allowing light to pour into the room and across the wooden floorboards. Some exquisite pieces of jewelry were held behind thick glass displays, embedded into the wall. "Some of my best work," the man explained. He rested a hand against the glass of one display, holding a necklace with bright-red ruby shaped like a heart, attached to a gold chain. "There are lots of memories held in these things. They're more than just equipment to some people...' The man looked back to Olivia and smiled. "What do you see when you look at this one?"


    Olivia blinked and walked next to the man, peering at the heart necklace. "I see... A very expensive gift!" The man burst into laughter, and patted her back, prompting her to crack a smile. "You're not wrong! It is very precious to me. Priceless, with a lot of sentimental value to me. I gave it to the girl I married..." His laughter died quickly, and his eyes stared into the depths of the necklace. Snapping out of it, she directed Olivia to a counter, where various tools lay strewn about, before standing in front of a bookshelf in a corner, brushing his hands across the books as he murmured something under his breath.

  7. Olivia wandered around the empty store for a moment, taking in the sights. Jewelry of all sorts and varieties lined the display cases, and glittered like stars. Am I supposed to be making these things!? They all look so perfect... Metals, leathers, clothes, all this and more caught her eye as she tried to wrap her head around how it creating these things would work out.


    "Hey, you!" Called out a gruff voice, "What's your business here? We're not open for another half an hour!"


    Turning around to see who it was, Olivia noticed a large, burly man with a bald head. Olivia cleared her throat and spoke up to the player, nervously saying, "I'm here for that, uh... Quest? What was it...  <<Earning a Living>>, do you know it?"


    The man scratched his head before opening up his HUD, flicking through various messages before finding the one in question. "... Oh, yeah... That one. Sorry, missed the message, I wasn't ready. Well, here, follow me and I'll help you out with that quest then, miss Olivia." With that, the man pushed a door open behind him, and disappeared. Olivia walked around the counter and followed suit.

  8. "I... I won't give up." Olivia said, surprised. "I just don't... Don't want to put other people down, is all." She fell silent as David rested a hand on her shoulder, and she gave him a somber smile in return. was touched to be called a friend, but still worried for his safety. He had gone out of his way to try and protect her. I shouldn't have made him risk himself like that. Still, she flashed Baldur a too-wide smile and beamed, "Yeah! I am Olivia, Olivia is me. It's nice to meet you as well, Baldur." She tagged along with the other two and looked around her, a bit wary after the event. Still, it had been a nerve-wracking experience.


    She walked back to the town with the other two and listened to their conversation, but was quiet for most of the trip. Though their forgiveness made her a bit less guilty, she still hoped that she would be able to help them out in some way or other, once she had become stronger, but maybe that was all she needed to do. Was become stronger, like Baldur said. She waved goodbye as he left, saying, "Hope to see you around!"


    With the man gone, both players were back home, safe and sound. What should I say? Olivia wondered. What CAN I say? She glanced up to the taller boy and sighed, before saying, "That could have gone better... Do you, uh... Want to meet up tomorrow and... Try again, maybe?" Realizing it might sound desperate, she immediately followed up with, "Only if you're available. I mean, I don't want to take your time, or keep you to myself or anything... Just, it's hard to find people who would... Y'know..."


  9. Though the hug only lasted for a few seconds, Olivia cherished it, David forgave her for frightening him... The both of them. After being helped up by David, she brushed herself off and picked up her rapier--which had been knocked out of her hand, a small distance away. "It's... It's really not fine... I shouldn't have rushed in like that..." He turned away and thanked the man who had saved them, giving her time to straighten her glasses and think. Without higher levels to help us we're nothing... How are we supposed to get better if we have to rely on them all the time?


    She finally looked up when the man had given his own comforting words. He warned them not to take risks and to work slowly. I guess it makes sense. I just want to help now though... Grabbing at the collar of her cloth shirt to straighten it out, she began to trudge her way back to town, her strides small and slow. "I... I wish I could do something for you in return," Olivia murmured, "but I'm... Well, let's face it, I'm new to the game, I can't exactly pay you enough or fight by your side at this rate. You saved my life, but I can't do the same for you."


    Granted, this man had been around and seen two people in peril. He had done what any normal human being would do and did his best to help. The only reason Olivia was upset, though, was because she was the one in peril. Causing trouble and dragging people down. David and I could have fought more boars, collect loot, and more... Instead we're headed back to town because I couldn't stop a boar from practically killing me... A boar! Darnit... Trying to keep a light mood she looked up and flashed David a smile. "Well... I did watch your back." A small laugh came from her, but it died out quickly. I could have died.

  10. I need a job, Olivia had thought to herself one day. Out of the blue and with no real reason, she had wondered if there was another way to help others. After a few hours of walking around and asking questions, she finally managed to figure out that she could... Open her HUD... And accept the quest that was already present. Realizing how simple it was, Olivia pinched the bridge of her nose and took the quest. Artisan sounds good! She thought to herself, noting the lack of a way to work as some sort of flower store owner... Even if it was for the best, she had hoped to actually use nature, however fake it was, as a way to take her mind off of the fact that she had nearly died once, accepted a gift without any good reason, and wasted so much time letting others fight on her behalf. The most recent deaths in the floor boss fight, she thought to herself with a frown. More people trying to save us all... And I'm standing around, letting them sacrifice themselves for me. I need to be stronger.


    ... Even if it means making jewelry. Funny how that worked out. But even as she approached the quest destination, she was already certain that it made sense. Somehow. I could make equipment for myself and others! Some stronger stuff might help me not get slaughtered by simple boars, and hey, I could make a few gifts for some people I know... Or cash in on Valentine's day! Better known to the girl as "National Singles Awareness" day... Stop thinking about it and just get to work! The girl pushed the doors open and walked inside. This early in the day the store wouldn't be open, but if she was correct, she was supposed to meet with someone that would help teach her the basics of becoming an Artisan.

  11. Olivia curled up a bit as the boar began to charge, until a shadow fell over her body. Her friend, David, had stepped in front of the boar and moved to defend her. No...! Why is he doing that!? Olivia thought, suddenly fearful for the boy's life as well as her own. Though her health bar had decreased drastically, David's wasn't doing so well either. One wrong move and he'd be gone. And it would be her fault... For being an idiot! For messing around when there were more important things to be doing! Even though the boar had tripped over it's own feet, David still took the time to ask her if she was alright. "Ff-ffine,,,"She resolved to crack down on this in the future, This wasn't a game... Not anymore.


    It was when this decision was made that a mighty voice sounded, as another figure zoomed past her and David. The figure in question swung a bluish blade at the boar as it tripped past David, cutting it in half. Olivia gasped as it died, effortlessly... What else would she expect from a figure as well-dressed as him? Sighing, the girl tried to stand herself up, before hearing his savior's katana pierce the ground as he got down on his knees to examine her. A black-haired man, much older than her, that asked her if she was going to be-- "I'm fine," she blurted out, a bit too quickly. "I'm fine, I didn't mean to get... Hit like that..."


    "... Thank you..." Olivia murmured, standing up and rubbing her arm nervously. "Sorry, I shouldn't have been so... So careless... I wasn't thinking right, wasn't worried. It won't happen again." She gave the man who had saved her a small nod, before turning to David. Who had blocked the boar off from reaching Olivia. Why... Why did he have to do that!? She thought to herself, Blinking as she tried her best to lock eyes with him. Failing that, she looked down to the ground and scuffed her shoes on the ground. "We... We should head back to town... I obviously wasn't ready for this, shouldn't have been so silly... If only we... I mean, I hadn't been so excited, then I wouldn't have let the boar deal so much damage to me... I--" It was clear she would go on, so in all best interests, interrupting her would help move things along.

  12. Olivia momentarily squinted as the boar died, exploding into a bright array of pixelated shards. When they had vanished, her face broke out into a bright smile as she ran up next to David and beamed, "Yeah, we did!" Though, despite their success, she did have to note that the boar didn't seem to drop anything worthwhile... She only frowned at his for a moment, before tightening her grip on her rapier and saying, "Let's go fight another!" Though they were still practically brand new in the way of skill, she was feeling confident that they would be fine. With the two of them there to fight against the boars, and luck on their side, they would be able to get a leg up and fight effectively.


    With a few little hops as she warmed herself off, the girl was off and sprinting across the fields, brandishing her blade about, as she called out, "Bet you can't catch me!" Trying to remain cheerful even as she faced another boar. Hair whipping as she flew by, dark blue eyes gleaming while her rapier traced a line in the tall grass. She came upon a boar, identical to the last one, chomping away. As soon as it noticed her, however, the health bar popped into view as the two charged each other.


    It was with a great surprise that she found the boar charge at her, head on. Though her first strike managed to hit the boar across the face, she found herself being tackled by the boar, and caught off balance. Olivia tumbled backwards, gasping, as the boar trampled over her. She cried out, realizing that her health bar had dropped rapidly, and struggled to get up as the boar turned around and snorted with rage. That... Could've gone better...


    - PARTY -

    David: 4/5 HP

    Olivia: 4/5 HP


    - ENEMY -

    Boar: 3/3 HP


    - ROLL -

    ID: 7515 ; BD: 6 ; CD: 8 ; LD: 13 ; MD: 10

    Olivia deals 1DMG base; Hit, attack made; One-Handed Rapier, +1DMG; 2DMG dealt total.

    Boar deals 1DMG base; Critical success, +2DMG; 3DMG dealt total.


    - RESULT -

    Olivia: 1/5 HP

    Boar: 1/3 HP

  13. The conversation about Baldur and Ariels' training soon began to surprise Olivia, learning about how hard they had trained and how much they had fought outside of SAO. Would it be easier if I actually fenced in real life? She wondered, especially as Ariel defended X. This left her a bit worried.. Maybe that was why she was so afraid of fighting, was because she had never done it before... Oh, who am I kidding. I would be scared either way if I was told I could die. She still was kind of scared, despite meeting two people who she had fought alongside. It was nerve racking to hear about the latest feats of the front-liners... All those people fighting... And dying... Just to escape. To free all of us. And here I am, sitting in a bar, letting them sacrifice themselves for me, for all of us. It's not right.


    All of this raced through her head and more, but she tossed it away as if it was nothing. There were happier things to be talking about. Alyss lay down her weapon, and feeling like she'd be the odd one out, she felt the need to say something about it. "I mean, you know us starters!" Olivia chuckled nervously, a somber smile on her face. "Just kinda left to work with whatever we can get. Not that there's anything wrong for most of us, just trying to get by... It's not exactly a life of glory though, and doesn't bring in weapons as awesome as yours!" She swiped the air in front of her to bring up her HUD and spawn in her starter rapier--comparing it to Ariel's, she likened her weapon to be about as deadly looking as a rose's thorn. "But hey, now I've got this coat! That means something, right?" The red coat was tightened around Olivia's body as she let out a small giggle, which died down as she glanced downwards.


    "... I was lucky enough to avoid most of the reasons to fight," the girl murmured. "I would never have been able to fight someone before I ended up here. Kind of a wimp back at school, never really got noticed much..." Quickly realizing that would really kill the happy mood of the conversation, she shook her head, looked up, closed her eyes and beamed. "Nothing like a game to get some friends, huh?" Time to find something to say about herself... "I chose a rapier because, uh... I'm a very avid plant lover... If that makes any sense... You know, thorns, poisonous plants, stuff like that...?" She gave another awkward laugh, trying her best to get into the conversation.

  14. For the most part, Olivia stayed silent through most of the conversation, drinking her "sacred tea" as she listened. The red coat helped to keep her warm, and the feeling of being around other people helped too. This is nice, she thought to herself, even if I was a bit embarrassed earlier... Olivia had not expected to have met Alyss and X in such an interesting way, but... It was an effective ice breaker? Hey, it got her a free piece of equipment from another person, that was always nice. X was playing a beautiful song, even if Alyss didn't seem to approve of it. Baldur suggested them getting some new clothes, something other than their current, standard clothing. Ariel mentioned "The Lions Den," a shop she ran on the fourth floor, to make armor. Olivia was starting to feel more comfortable around her new found acquaintances.


    "I really appreciate all of this," she murmured to nobody in particular, tightening the red coat around her. "I'd love to see your shop, Ariel. If it's as lovely as this coat, I'm sure I'll love it." The girl beamed as her mood brightened, and she toasted with everyone else as they raised their drinks. I've finally found a few people, she thought. "To new friends!" She cheered, before downing the rest of her drink.

  15. "Huh... Wait, what?" Momentarily snapped out of it, she looked up to X and furrowed her brows. "Uh... Something. I don't really have any requests... " Not much of a musician herself, Olivia didn't really have any suggestions for the guitarist. Especially not as shaken as she was about... About what? Being teased like this, but I should get used to it. These are nice people, at the least... Alyssa's nice, X is... Well, he seems very carefree, but he got us some drinks. That's nice too... Olivia hummed to herself, taking another drink from her cup, sighing.

    Her eyes widened as she saw a blur of red from the corner of her vision. Olivia glanced up to see the blonde handing her a coat. "Ariel, was it?" She asked, outstretching her arms to accept the coat. "Thank you..." The shivering girl quickly wrapped the coat around her white cloth clothing tucking it around her as she tried to warm up. "It's... It's very lovely! Thank you for this, but uh... I don't... I don't mean to impose. I can pay you for it when I can." Even if Ariel had given it to her for free, it still felt wrong to accept something like this from another stranger. With a few taps, Olivia had pulled up her HUD and equipped the item, officially accepting the gift.

    - Olivia accepted the Red Coat

    Needless to say, she wouldn't let something as simple as her selfless nature and a few wet clothes get in the way of acting cheerful. She perked up a bit and began to pay more attention to everyone. X's instrument playing, Ariel's joking, and most interesting of all, another newcomer's introduction. "B-Baldur?" Her lips echoed, as she returned Alyss's jacket to her. "It's nice to meet you. I'm... I'm Olivia." The frail girl nodded to Ariel as well, since she had forgone introducing herself to the generous lady. With that out of the way, she asked, "What exactly happened last night?"

  16. Wha--this isn't the first time!? The idea of X being a lady-killer wasn't an appealing one. With a shaking head and squeezed eyes, Olivia hoped that he just liked diving into water a lot. "U-uhm... Yeah, let's... Let's just try to avoid being..." She was interrupted as X gestured for her to sit at the counter with him. She only did so for long enough to grab her drink, still blushing furiously as she remembered Alyss's words. Men's gazes!? What a bunch of... Her frustration in the situation only increased when she noticed the look the bartender was giving her. Or rather, her shirt...


    Gaah! This is so embarrassing! She accepted the drink with a small bow and scurried after Alyss, sitting down quickly and ignoring the fact that she was being teasted by X Olivia simply gave Alyss a small, "Thank you," as she tried to make herself comfortable. With a tentative sip, she tasted the drink. Warm, and as X had said, similar to... Who's this? Olivia suddenly wondered, as a new woman approached. Long blonde hair, blue-and-black dress with a black sash, some fancy looking boots... They don't look like they belong around here! Though she wanted to greet the woman, her question threw her off. She looked down into the drink as she sighed, trying to focus on Alyss for the most part.

  17. Olivia grinned and followed X along as she did her best to dry off. She rubbed her forearms with her hands, held her arms close together, and did a few hops to try and warm herself up. Luckily, a few acrobatic moves was all it took to take her mind off of the cold. What on earth...? She wondered, observing the various twists and flips he did. How does he stay balanced like that...!? The explanation soon came, and she smiled at the other player's show... And blushed at his... Was it a compliment? She couldn't tell. "Well, you perform very well... I think... I don't know how many performers there are... Honestly..." Gritting her teeth, Olivia tried to find a better way to follow up on that. But couldn't.


    The cafe came into sight, and Olivia wanted to race up to the front doors as quick as she could. Maybe, if she was lucky, there would be a warm fire, and some delicious--she tensed up as Alyss leaned down and whispered in her ear warning her. Soaked me once? Girls in his imagination? She doesn't mean...! Her arms wrapped around her chest tighter as she let out a small whimper. It was a bad decision to pick white cloth as starting clothes. She only hoped that this boy, X, would be kind enough to let her preserve her modesty. "I-I'll... Keep that i-in m-muh... Mind..." Why does this have to happen TODAY!?

  18. "Some coffee would be nice," Olivia said, a bit surprised at how easy it was to speak to these two. Helps they aren't ignoring me, she observed. "Wh-what were you doing jumping i-into a pond, anyways?" She asked of the so-called "brat." Olivia hadn't seen where he had come from, but if she had to hazard a guess, he would have jumped in from one of the buildings... Was that the best way he could make an entrance, was getting two girls all--


    Oh, my stars... She just realized the context of that sentence and blushed, bringing her arms up to cover her chest just in case. "N-ne-nevermind!" Olivia chattered out. Half embarrassed, half cold. For some reason. Let's just get inside and warm up a bit... That ought to help. "You can call me Olivia, it's a pleasure to meet you, Alyss... Now can we please get inside?"

  19. After fighting her first fights with two people she now considered friends, she was feeling a bit more confident in her ability to travel through the city streets, and explore nearer to the edge of the safe zone. Maybe she'd find some shops to browse. Some people to talk to. A beautiful rainbow arching across the sky as she approached a pond... Whoa whoa whoa, what? Olivia stopped walking and looked up to the sky, blue eyes glistening as she watched the rainbow shine. It's... Beautiful...


    Having never been to the pond before, the young girl was amazed to see it. "Wow..." Was all she could say. After a few moments of watching it, her gaze turned to the pond; more importantly, to the girl sitting at the other side. She looks like somebody I could talk to, she thought to herself, as a smile touched her lips. Just as she had worked up the courage to talk to her, and begun to walk around, a flash of color zipped by and landed in the pond, sending water everywhere.


    "Eeep!" Olivia exclaimed, her thin frame darting back as she tried to avoid the splash. And failing. Her face, which had been scrunched up with surprise, relaxed and she grumbled as she shook her head. "What was that...?" She soon found it, a boy, who was now approaching the girl and speaking with her. Where did he come from? She wondered, skitting her way around the pond nervously as she moved to stand a few feet away from the two. "Hello there," she murmured, simply, observing that the two of them had also been drenched. What a way to start the day, she thought, shivering.

  20. Olivia drew her weapon up and steeled herself for another strike. It couldn't take that much longer, right? She couldn't die on the first floor, right? Of course not... That would be ridiculous. Just as she was about to charge forward, Roland charged forward and began to move quickly, swinging his sword wildly, as he... Cut in half again. Dang, he's strong. The man who danced the waltz of death returned to her side and helped her up--she didn't even realize that she wasn't ready to try and strike again--and apologized for... Helping her? "Rolland, it's fine!" She interrupted. "I'm glad you help me. That last one was a bit harsh... O-okay! Yeah, let's try and fight one more!"


    With that, the girl dusted herself off, trying to keep her simple clothes as clean as possible, before glancing at the fields around her. Where are they, where are they, where are they... To pass the time as she played her own little game of "I Spy," she made small talk with Rolland. "How far are you into the game, if you don't mind me asking? I mean, it's obvious that I'm brand new, but I was just wondering... Why do you still stick around here? The first floors, I mean? You can kill these boars like they were nothing, and I'm certain they don't give you as much of a reward as they do in the upper floors." Olivia did not intend for it to sound like she didn't want his help. Far from it. To her, though, she didn't quite understand it. Why help me, of all people? She wanted to ask, but fearing she would be a downer, she simply shook her head, tidied up her brown hair, and gasped as she found another boar. "Last one!"


    Cracking a small smile as she dashed forward, she brandished her rapier about and kept what Rolland had told her in the back of her head, adding her own instructions as her instinct began to kick in. Stay light on your feet, be quick and nimble, and you'll do just fine. Heart pounding as the boar began to run towards her, she leaped to the side, twisted on her foot, and stabbed for the boar's side... Only for her attack to miss completely as the two barrel past each other, the boar now running straight for Rolland. ... I'm so bad at this.


    - PARTY -

    Rolland: 25/29 HP

    Olivia: 3/5 HP


    - ENEMY -

    Boar: 4/4 HP


    - ROLL -

    ID: 7788; BD: 5; CD: 10; LD: 5; MD: 3

    Olivia deals 1DMG base; Miss, no attack made.

    Boar deals 1DMG base; Miss, no attack made.


    - RESULT -

    Olivia: 3/5 HP

    Boar: 4/4 HP

  21. "Alright, let's... Lets do this!" Olivia felt a bit awkward following this other person into combat. Grateful that she had someone to fight with, but worried she'd let him down. Rolland was kind enough to help me fight, showed me what to do, helped me out. I just have to return the favor. It's like that saying about candles... Uhm... However it went... She took a deep breath and followed David out into the danger. "Yeah, uh... You just go first. I'll follow." With that, she rolled her shoulders and watched her new ally's nervous movements. He really doesn't know what he's doing, does he? She smiled to herself. Until he was hit by the boar, at which she scowled. Alright, come on. Time to be serious.


    Acting upon her instincts, she lashed at the boar's side and struck against it's side with the flat of her rapier. Having faced away from David as a result of the smack, it reared it's tusks towards her and managed to hit her. She staggered her foot backwards and moved to attack, lunging straight for the boar's eyes. It's tusks knocked her off path, but she managed to dig into it's skin, producing a squeal of pain and the tell-tale trickle of a health bar--both the boar's, and her own.


    - PARTY -

    David: 4/5 HP

    Olivia: 5/5 HP


    - ENEMY -

    Boar: 3/3 HP


    - ROLL -

    ID: 7515 ; BD: 6 ; CD: 10 ; LD: 19 ; MD: 8

    Olivia deals 1DMG base; Hit, attack made; One-Handed Rapier, +1DMG; 2DMG dealt total.

    Boar deals 1DMG base; Hit, attack made; 1DMG dealt total.


    - RESULT -

    Olivia: 4/5 HP

    Boar: 1/3 HP

  22. With the boar's strike against her shaking her resolve, hearing a strong shout from her teacher next to her didn't exactly help her get back into the spirit of things. He shouted at the boar as though it cared what he sai... Hh, wait, there it goes. Charging straight for Rolland. Huh. Should I yell at things when I fight? Olivia gripped her rapier tighter. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, she followed Rolland close behind, and watched as the boar passed him and went for her. "Kill it or hit it," she repeated to herself as she drew her weapon back. "When you say it like that it sounds easy..."


    Her skitterish behavior proved to be detrimental for her health. She flinched as the boar neared and that was it for her attack--it would never land now. She winced again as the boar slammed into her gut, and she staggered backwards in an attempt to recover. This isn't going too well, she thought to herself. Must have been beginner's luck... I've got to focus. Come on now, focus!


    - PARTY -

    Rolland: 26/29 HP

    Olivia: 4/5 HP


    - ENEMY -

    Boar: 4/4 HP


    - ROLL -

    ID: 6952; BD: 1; CD: 2; LD: 8; MD: 8

    Olivia deals 1DMG base; Miss, no attack made.

    Boar deals 1DMG base; Hit, attack made; 1DMG dealt total.


    - RESULT -

    Olivia: 3/5 HP

    Boar: 4/4 HP

  23. Being told that she would be allowed to help another try and fight helped wash away her shy demeanor, and she straightened herself out as she hummed. Though, a sly smile appeared on her face as she giggled. "I never asked for your name!" She teased. "Now you'll just have to keep calling me 'Whatsyername.' " After standing around for a while, she laughed and drew herself back up. "I'm Olivia. It's nice to meet you. Nooww..."


    Olivia began to step forward, pulling up her HUD and spawning in the simple steel rapier that she had only used under the supervision of a stronger player, who knew what he was doing. Now that she sort of knew what she was doing, it was up to her to help. I need to be helpful, she told herself. I have to help others if I can. That's all I'm good for, right? Shaking her head of these thoughts as she brushed her brown hair behind her, the girl steps forward and puffs out her modest chest. "Alright, we'll start off nice and slow. Don't want to be overwhelmed... We just need to fight a few of them, nothing too ambitious. Not until I've gotten a bit better, anyways."

  24. The praise brought a smile to Olivia's lips as she released her held breath. That wasn't... Wasn't half bad...! Her first kill since the game had taken it's dramatic turn was a swift one, and filled her with confidence. The girl wasn't going to let this sway her judgement though, and she still listened to Rolland with great care. Keep moving, light on feet, find another boar. Okay... Simple enough. So with her cheery smile fading to a content grin, she dashed off as she started looking around, eyes scanning the horizon.


    Unfortunately for her she was caught off guard by a boar's attack. It glanced her in the side and she winced as it made contact. No fair! She wanted to whine, I wasn't ready! Instead, she dashed away and did her best attempt to strike back at the beast. A hopeless effort, as she had not yet regained her balance, as the boar easily darted away from her. She cursed under her breath as she drew herself back. Shoot.


    - PARTY -

    Rolland: 26/29 HP

    Olivia: 5/5 HP


    - ENEMY -

    Boar: 4/4 HP


    - ROLL -

    ID: 6893; BD: 5; CD: 9; LD: 12; MD; 6

    Olivia deals 1DMG base; Miss, no attack made.

    Boar deals 1DMG base; Hit, attack made; 1DMG dealt total.


    - RESULT -

    Olivia: 4/5 HP

    Boar: 4/4 HP

  25. Well I know THAT much, Olivia thought to herself. I was led to believe this was supposed to be fun, but it's even worse than the real world right about now. Things are never what they seem. What her mentor shared with her was definitely weird, considering that she hadn't even asked about his life outside of the death game, but she took note of it nonetheless. The lesson on player icons she took to heart, with zeal. PKers... What kind of power does it take to push someone to such extremes...? One thing was for certain: She would never kill another player. Not if it could be avoided.


    "I'm watching!" She murmured as she focused on the scene before her. Olivia watched Rolland fight, and was impressed by how quickly he dealt with the boar. Why am I surprised? He's probably a professional, I don't even know what floor he's used to... She shook her head as Rolland returned and nodded in response to her instructions. She brandished her rapier about and took a combat stance, with her foot forward and her weapon drawn back, as she stalked forwards to the boar.


    It's eyes widened as it noticed her, and roared, causing Olivia to flinch. As it charged her, she stood still and waited, her breathing slowing. Just as it was about to strike her, she spun to the right and twirled out of the way, and lashed at the boar as it passed, following through by stepping forward and extending her arm to it's full length. A squeal of pain emitted from the boar as it shivered and flickered, before exploding into a bunch of brilliant colors. Olivia blinked in surprise. Was... Was that it!?


    She turned to gaze at Rolland with her dark-blue eyes. "Uhm... H-how did... How did I do?"


    - PARTY -

    Rolland: 26/29 HP

    Olivia: 5/5 HP


    - ENEMY -

    Boar: 4/4 HP


    - ROLL -

    ID: 6504; BD: 10; CD: 4; LD: 10; MD: 3

    Olivia deals 1DMG base; Critical success, +2DMG; One-Handed Rapier, +1DMG; 4DMG dealt total.

    Boar deals 1DMG base; Miss, no damage dealt.


    - RESULT -

    Olivia: 5/5 HP

    Boar: 0/4 HP, defeated.

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