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Posts posted by Natsu

  1. Natsu had to finish off the stupid queen now. "I will slay you!" Natsu ran up, saying to himself, 


    Into the battle, to win, or to die


    It was a quote from the book and movie, Eragon. He charged up, attempting to punch the bee with a balled, flaming fist.




    Battle Dice:7+2=9

    Mob Dice:9-1=8


    Natsu continued pounding his fist into the enemy's stomach area, or where it would be compared to a human.



    Battle Dice:4+2=6

    Mob Dice:2-1=1



    Battle Dice:4+2=6

    Mob Dice:10-1=9



    Battle Dice:1

    Mob Dice:5



    Battle Dice:8

    Loot Dice:20


    150 col, 

    Matriarch's Stinger

    2 Materials

  2. Now it was Natsu's turn to attack. his fist was balled up again as he charged forward at the queen, yelling switch to Draterion as he began to focus on his target. "Time to die!" Natsu charged up and threw his fist at it. But Natsu's fist missed and he ended up running into the queen's stinger and harming himself. Now he was beginning to feel so stupid with all his missing.


    Battle Dice:1+2=3(Critical Failure) -1 HP to self


















    Wasp Queen


    8/30 Bleeding for 2 damage in Draterion's next turn

  3. Natsu looked at the queen when Draterion charged at it. Draterion was a guy with a huge amount of madness inside it seems.......But not that much to fight this thing alone. Natsu didn't know what level Draterion was, so he suspected Draterion may die. Natsu sprinted up with a fist balled and flames beginning to appear, and then Natsu punched the bee that was stuck in the tree. But Natsu mistook for how badly stuck the queen was in the tree and it quickly escaped from Natsu's grasp.


    Battle Dice:3+2=5(Miss)



















    Wasp Queen


  4. Natsu saw that Alyss got the loot. "Hey, you'll share the col, right? I know you probably got one or two materials and want to keep those, but I want some of the col please." Without waiting for the response she might have gave, Natsu continued. They needed to hurry and get to the place where the queen would be. the ground around them was slowly going from grass and mud to sand to damp sand.

  5. Natsu watched the female player as she assulted the plant monster, and as soon as she striked the enemy, Natsu called over to her, "Switch!" Natsu charged up at the plant monster at a high, very fast pace, with a karate chop aimed at it's vines. The plant monster had four giant vines and two small vines and also had like fifty eyes. "Oh yah, Alyss?" The vine split in two and the plant roared, then slapped Alyss with a vine.


    Battle Dice:7+2=9(Hit) 5 DMG 

    Mob Dice:8(Hit!) 2 DMG

















    Plant Monster


  6. Natsu watched Draterion fall onto his face. It was a little funny, Natsu couldn't contain from laughing. But then he realized- Draterion was vulnerable! They still stood a chance to win! Natsu charged forward to the spot where he had fallen down and attempted a karate chop to the back.



    Battle Dice:6+2=8(Hit) 4 DMG - 4 DM = 1 DMG


    9/15[Out of Battle at 7][+1 DMG for duration of the battle]



    10/15[Out of Battle at 7]



    37/47[Out of Battle at 24]

  7. Natsu could now feel inside of him that there was no possible way for them to win, so there was no point in wasting any potions or crystals on something stupid such as this. But yet, Natsu somewhere found courage to continue fighting even though Natsu knew it was pointless. Completely pointless, on all circumstances. Natsu ended up sprinting again at Draterion.


    Battle Dice:10+2=12(Critical) 6 DMG - 4 DM = 2 DMG




    9/15[Out of Battle at 7][+1 DMG for duration of the battle]



    10/15[Out of Battle at 7]



    40/47[Out of Battle at 24]

  8. Natsu watched as Brayden charged up but did not deal much damage. Shoot, we could easily lose our chances if he only does that much damage....Good thing I have my health potions, but I shouldn't waste them on such a thing as a duel for what.....Pride! Who cared. Natsu sprinted up again at Draterion with a karate chop format as he yelled "Switch!" to Brayden. The karate chop impacted Draterion's side and Natsu quickly side-stepped away from Draterion. 




    Battle Dice:10+2=12(Hyper Critical!) 6 DMG - 4 DM = 2 DMG!



    15/15[Out of Battle at 7][+1 DMG for duration of the battle]



    10/15[Out of Battle at 7]



    42/47[Out of Battle at 24]

  9. Natsu heard the comment from not too far away. "I agree, we should get this done quickly. So come on!" Without waiting for the other two, Natsu sprinted into the distance, not wanting to have to take forever to get to the queen. Then Natsu ran into a plant monster spawn. Natsu fist balled into a ball and a flame formed as he charged at the plant.



    Battle Dice:6+2=8(Hit!) 4 DMG
    Mob Dice:4-1=3(Miss!)

















    Plant Monster



    (OOC: Sorry about the late  post. By the way, I control the mob, do not worry about posting the mob dice. This is the right way of doing the dice!)

  10. But that was where Alyss was wrong. Natsu was not late, Natsu was actually early, being he had been hiding behind the gate the whole time. "Did you seriously just call me late?" Natsu said out of the shadow. "I'm Natsu, just so you know!" Natsu put on his scarf and his red robe, beginning to walk out of the town. "What? You not coming? I thought you meant fast when you said fast to my buddy Draterion over there!"

  11. Natsu then backed up, ready to destroy the enemy. The wasp queen would grant a material, quest col reward[Page Reward], Matriach's Stinger, skill points, and possibly something else. Natsu charged forward with a blue flame on his hand as he did the karate chop move, wanting it to die....Now! But Natsu missed as the wasp stung Natsu in the back with it's stinger.




    Battle Dice:1+2=3(Miss) 

    Mob Dice:8-1=7(Hit) 2 DMG - 1 DM = 1 DMG





    Wasp Queen


  12. Natsu saw the timer count down to zero and Natsu seemed to wake himself up out of his trance and he sprinted right at the player known as Draterion. Natsu would've loved to call the player dragon boy instead from his giant dragon looking suit, even including tinie-tiny wings and a tinie-tiny tail to make it seem more dragony. Or that's what Natsu thought.His fist was balled and in a purple flare as he smacked it at Draterion.



    Battle Dice:10+2=12(Hyper Critical!) 6 DMG - 4 DM =2 DMG




    15/15[Out of Battle at 8][+1 DMG for duration of the battle]



    15/15[Out of Battle at 8]



    45/47[Out of Battle at 24]

  13. Natsu watched as Draterion left to the other side, and Natsu and Brayden had a little period of time to think a few things out. "So......." Natsu thought for a moment. "Do you know of any of your brothers tactics?" Natsu and Brayden conversed about strategy. Well Natsu for the most part. He wasn't even listening to tell if Brayden was listening, he was just throwing random ideas into the air that could help them at the current moment. 



    Loot Dice:18


    (OOC: YAY!)

  14. Natsu could now see that the third health bar of the bee's had depleted to red. pretty soon it would be completely gone, Natsu told himself. he also hoped he got a load of col and possibly some materials from the kill, but with Natsu's luck it was unlikely.  Natsu charged at the wasp, with a karate chop seeming way of hitting it, since Natsu had no idea what else he would call it.



    Battle Dice:3

    Mob Dice:3



    Battle Dice:7+2=9(Hit) 4 DMG

    Mob Dice:10-1=9(Critical) 3 DMG - 1 DM = 2 DMG



    13/15(-2 Health)


    Wasp Queen

    17/30(-4 Health)

  15. Now that Natsu had kicked the wasp onto the ground it felt good. Natsu now knew well enough he would most likely win. Well, with spirit and hope he would. Natsu looked into it's red eyes and its's health bars, then waited for it to get up. As it rose to fly up, Natsu hands balled into a fist and became a bright flame color, and Natsu screamed, "DIE!"


    Natsu's balled, flaming fist slammed into the queen and the queen went flying back. it quickly got up, diving at Natsu but ramming into a tree when Natsu amazingly dodged.



    Battle Dice:7+2=9(Hit) 4 DMG

    Mob Dice:1-1=0(Critical Failure) 0 DMG (1 DMG to self)





    Wasp Queen

    21/30 (-5 Health)

  16. Natsu walked into the stadium, waiting for his match. It was time for Natsu to be more social and become friends with some players. Time for him to stop solo-ing. He had already token the first step by joining his current guild- The Free Born Blades. Although they weren't the free-est people, seeing that in the guild's description it practically stated Rolland had over 7/8 of the power. But that was not a big deal, he currently was ruling the guild without harsh treatment. That was good. Natsu saw Draterion on the field and came to meet him. But before stepping on, he equipped his equipment. 


    Greater Scarf of Accuracy

    +2 Accuracy



    +3 Damage


    Red Robe of Evasion

    +1 Evasion


    Health Crystal

    Heals 5 HP instantaneously


    3x Health Potion

    Heals 5 HP; Takes one post though




    Then Natsu walked up to the player that went by the name of Draterion. The player was....................younger than him! But it was hard to tell his age through his big armor. Natsu then held out his hand, saying "My name is Natsu. Nice to meet you!"

  17. Natsu walked out of the town and into the wilds, considering where the queen could be. Perhaps he shouldn't have sat there thinking, because Natsu accidentally bumped into it while turned around. "Woo! I didn't expect you to be that close to the village, or it shouldn't have been a rumor! They should've seen you. Now, are you ready to die?" Natsu backed up a few step, then charged up at the hive from a few steps away. Pretty stupid, but if Natsu could be lucky just this once, it would cause great damage.


    Battle Dice:6+2=8(Hit) 4 DMG

    Mob Dice:2-1=1(Miss)





    Wasp Queen

    26/30(-4 Health)


    Wasp Queen's Stats:

    30 Health

    2 Damage per Attack

  18. After about two hours of Natsu sitting around and actually getting into the celebration, Natsu knew he would want to hurry up and kill this "hive queen" and end the rumor, put it to truth, and hurry to come back to this beautiful Valentine's Day celebration. Natsu had actually ate a few packets of sweethearts before finally leaving, and they seemed to give Natsu a rush of energy. He knew it know, he had to hurry and kill. the. the. the. QUEEN!

  19. Natsu looked around peeking at the beautiful village. Staring at the village, Natsu already forgot what the title of the beautiful village was. Then he remembered- It was Valentine's Day! Hearts were floating everywhere in all directions, children were chowing down off-brand sweethearts, everyone was having a good time, and the best of it was that this village was full of real players, only half of this crowd were NPC's! That meant that more and more players were leaving the town of beginnings! That was at least good. Natsu's HP bar filled back to green in the safe zone and he continued to poke around a bit before going into queen's territory.

  20. Natsu had finally made it to the village before his pass to the queen's supposed territory. Well it wouldn't be hers for long, that the could be sure of. But Natsu had heard of this Matriach's Stinger thingy, and it can be used on weapons. Natsu wondered if his hand wraps counted as weapons, but there was no way to find out until he had the stinger on him. It wouldn't be too long until he would too have the stinger as much other players in Sword Art Online already had.

  21. So Natsu was now seeing his journey change from a quest to slay the hive queen to a material hunt. Natsu did need to grind a bit before facing the queen, so it wouldn't hurt to pick up some materials along the way either, would it? And this wolf would hopefully drop 1 or 2 wolf pelt when Natsu killed it. he had high hopes. Balling his fist in his hands, Natsu turned towards the wolf and sprinted at it, screaming that it will die in a high-pitched voice, seemingly like a squeaky girl scream. LOL.



    Battle Dice:2+2=5(Miss)

    Mob Dice:5-1=4(Miss)



    Battle Dice:8+2=10(Hit) 4 DMG

    Mob Dice:10-1=9(Critical) 3 DMG - 1 DM = 2 DMG



    Battle Dice:5+2=7(Hit) 4 DMG

    Mob Dice:6-1=5( Miss) 0 DMG



    Battle Dice:3+2=5(Miss)

    Mob Dice:2-1=1(Miss) 



    Battle Dice:1+2=3(Miss)

    Mob Dice:7-1=6(Hit) 2 DMG - 1 DM = 1 DMG



    Battle Dice:10(HYPER CRITICAL)

    Loot Dice:1


    1 Wolf Pelt Gained


    Item Type:Hand-Wraps

    Item Name:Strike Force!

    Item Rarity:Perfeect

    Shop:  [sHOP-F1] Fairy Tail-Or! 

    Item Attributes: +3 Unarmed Damage(DMG)

    Crafting Dice:12

    Id of the Crafting Dice Rolled:9770

    Item Description: Just Handwraps that go around your lower arms. These are the top ranked hand wraps in the market, besides the ones that are the "unique" ones, in which no one would be selling at a market! These are great for masters of the martial arts skill



  23. Natsu picked up his starter needle. He needed luck, for he only had two materials too spare. picking up one, which was boar hide, Natsu began to craft with it and another one. Natsu was rather gloom that day though..............................And Natsu had hoped a little luck and a wood cabin would help solve his gloomy day of a problem.



    Crafting Dice:5

    Bad Item




    Crafting Dice:12 






    Crafting Dice: 10(Material salvaged!)


    Using that salvaged material on craft 3:



    Crafting Dice:3



    +10 EXP

    Crafts will be updated




    Item Type:Hand-Wraps

    Item Name:Strike Force!

    Item Rarity:Perfeect

    Shop:  [sHOP-F1] Fairy Tail-Or! 

    Item Attributes: +3 Unarmed Damage(DMG)

    Crafting Dice:12

    Id of the Crafting Dice Rolled:9770

    Item Description: Just Handwraps that go around your lower arms. These are the top ranked hand wraps in the market, besides the ones that are the "unique" ones, in which no one would be selling at a market! These are great for masters of the martial arts skill



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