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Posts posted by Articus

  1. Articus's Journal


    » Username: Articus

    » Real name: Jonathan

    » Age: 19

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6,1

    » About: Articus is a character made from the things that make Jonathan for who he really is though not the strongest of people in the real world he's hoping to escape his fears and become Articus: Fun, sociable and strong

    » Virtues:

     Kindness: Articus has a very kind heart. He's willing to help others with problems and quests without payment, he treats players the way he would like to be treated. Articus is one of those players who would like to help for the experience and the completion of a quest, but if he is helping a defencless pretty girl well then he woulnt care now would he. I would consider his kindness a viture and a flaw. Articus will not be nice if he is around any orange players. A person who has killed does not deserve to be treated like a human.

     Trust: Articus belives that trust is one of the most important things in a healthy mans life. So if hes given a job he will try his best to meet the expetation of his customers or friends. Hes willing to give his trust to the people that can prove it. He would ask them a couple of qustion and depending on how they answer, not what they answer on how they answer he will start to see on how they treat others, then maybe begin to trust the person.

     Gratitude: Articus can be a very thankful person even if the worst ever comes, hes willing to take the time to look at the good things and will all way keep and fine a use of the item he finds or given to him. He didnt have much when he was a child, but as he grew older he started a job and with that job he saved up enough money to order a brand new Nerve Gear from japan and a couple of other items like a 68 inch computer screen.

    » Flaws:

     Bold: One very thick headed person. He'll run into danger without thinking where hes going. He doent want to believe that there are limits to a person and he will never change his mind about it. They say that once he puts his mind to it there will be nothing to stop him...exept...a pretty girl. Unless the girl is an Orange Player. Articus was created to be a runner and a pusher to get what he wants, and if he cant get it that way he'll try again...with his head...literally.

     Childish: Articus doesn't know when he needs to stop playing and joking around, even if he's yelled at by a superior. He still belives that since there in a game. His mind is in game mode and well stuck in game mode. Articus all ways had to be the mature one in real life and didnt have much time to be a kid so it goes back to why he got the Nerve Gear. To be the "kid" he never was. Its not the bad kind where he would do stupid things such as touch random objects...he might touch/open chest wich might activate traps...

     Dyslexic: Well hes just no good with reading like you and me. He can be staring at his menu for a while intill he finaly gets the words down. Best not to trust him with directions, book, signs..etc. Hes not stupid he just has that disability... if only they had added narration opition would have helped him out so much.

     Flirt: He likes women...Especially with pretty girls, hes not the kind of guy that would try to take a girl to bed when ever he gets the chance, Articus would just like to mess with, show off, or embrace them if hes aloud. Its a normal feeling to him he was raised with a house full of women. This is custom to him so hes not shy to speak with women. Hes not the best of charmers but I guess he can get by, he doesn't use cheezy lines such as "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" No none of that.

     Aichmophobia ( Fear of needles.): Very big no no for him. When he was a child he was very weak and he was injected with lots of vitamins and he finaly lost it and gained a phobia from it. With this phobia also gives him the fear of bees, wasps, yellowjackets. Etc. (Anything that stings.) Just the very thought of a needle entering his skin even in a virtual world scares him to the point of having side effects. "Hiccups, Exsessive Sweating, Shaking Palms, Last is Vomiting."

    Profession: BlackSmithing





    »Weapon skills:


    10 Bread

    15 Water


    One Handed Straight Sword


    » Never really done a legitimate RP I was hoping of doing one here.

    »Relationships: Single


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