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Posts posted by Lyrith

  1. Lyrith kept silent as a player with bizzare multi-colored hair swiftly attacked the boars like nothing whilst bickering at Lyr while at it. She appeared to be one of those high level players who knew what they were doing. But the fact that she was called wimp made her irritated. But miss creepy hair was kind of true, and she hated to admit it. A smirk grew on her face as she jumped out of the tree and played cool to prove to her that she wasn't a wimp. "Hmm what was that? Who're you calling wimp?!" she scoffed with red cheeks while unsheathed her rapier. "Remember the fight with Alyss! Hold your sword tightly with both hands and swing! Stupid I-It's not a bat or something. I just need to stab it! Or slash it maybe..."the blonde haired girl thought nervously as she rose her weapon and positioned her gaze towards the red eyed boar. "You bacon me angry! Last time you clearly whipped my arse and I'm not letting THAT happen!" Lyr nodded as she sprinted up to the enemy and stopped in her tracks to swing, nearly falling on the boar instead of attacking. But he held herself up luckily. With an effort filled swing, she tried to slice through the foe. Embarrassingly, it got to her first before she could instead.


    Boar 0/3

    Boar 3/3

    Boar 3/3 


    Kiru: 88/88

    Lyrith: 4/5



    8253 4 10 17 7 Lyrith Msg_hover2.png 2015-02-01 22:59:43


  2. She hummed to the tune of a song called Marionette as she smiled softly. Walking by all the nearby stores, NPC or not, they were all full of players shopping. Lyrith bet that they were hustling to buy gear so they could try it out in combat. She knew they were eager for that freedom which was 99 floors above them... but why wasn't Lyr's motivation directed towards the same thing? The blonde was set on about leveling up, but it was quite fishy if you'd ask. "Maybe I'm wanting to accomplish something, for the first time in my life. Why am I questioning myself? I should know of the answer, but why?" Lyrith's eyes glanced at a colorful advertisement for an artisans craft shop. Art wasn't exactly up her forte, but it was something that she couldn't help but admire. Her passion was honestly so many things, it was a scatterbrained mess. She loved everything.
    Walking into the shop, the teenager smiled warmly and greeted the NPC shopkeeper. It was an old looking woman who was sitting in a stool and cleaning out a clay pot, which was still in the process of creation. By old, she meant no offence, but there isn't any other way to describe her. "G'day ma'am! That's a lovely clay pot you're making, how do you do it? The old lady coughed before replying in a crackled voice. "It's a secret young lady! Nobody tells a secret." Lyrith rolled her eyes and thought up a sarcastic comeback. "Oh yeah, NPC are sooo perfect! I didn't even know that! Probably because everyone's gonna copy you or whatever are you-" a bright golden shine blinded her eyes as she'd wince from the sudden light.
  3. "So it's been a little over a week already, and I've recently gotten used to combat! Good, good. If I keep up with this pace and kick it up a liiitle, I'll be stronger in no time." Lyrith smiled in accomplishment. She had remembered the incident and her meeting with Alyss. Near the outskirts of town, where she was attacked by a... pig? A Boar? Whatever it was called. All that she knew, was that she underestimated the power of "small things". It wasn't necessarily their health that were intimidating... rather, it was the way they appeared. No matter what power or skills they had, it didn't change the fact that they were scary looking. It was something that Lyr had yet to get used to. As similar as Sword Art Online was to reality, it was just as differentiated. The inability to feel pain and such, she couldn't even stress it anymore. Let alone put EVERYTHING into words. She'd create a novel out of it all while at it.
    Lyrith stepped into the city to take another walk, it was somewhat of a daily routine now. She'd stop by the Town Of Beginnings and take a relaxing walk. It wasn't something favorable to everyone since the crowd was too noisy, but she had to admit that her ears were adjusting to the loud noises, and the amount of people as well.
  4. Lyrith gasped. "R-Right! Pssh call me forgetful I missed that part!" she laughed, moving to scroll down her inventories list. Having just started the game, her inventory was almost empty. Except for the starter goodies and a handful of fresh gala apples she foraged earlier today. "Aww man... it sucks being a low level hmm? But I swear that'll change- eventually." Lyrith rolled her eyes and fiddled with her sheath to pull out her sword. For some reason it was plain awkward for her to carry a sword around. After pulling out her sword, she squeaked in surprise as her arms wore out and the sword fell. "I guess that's why they call it two handed. Let me try that in a second... the girl bent down and gripped the sword tightly, moving her free hand to grab the sword as well. After a brief moment of getting a grasp on holding her sword, she grinned in accomplishment. "Aced it! O-Oh sorry..."
    "Ah darn I didn't introduce myself first? What a shame..." Lyr muttered under her breath with a guilty filled expression. But  she smiled shortly after, knowing that things were going well as of the moment. "The name's Lyrith! Level one rookie, zero on the coolness factor. I know it's nothing special- but I'm still pretty confident that I'll make it up there. It's a pleasure to meet you Alyss, let's see what we can make out of this... party. Get it...? No? Haha..." Lyr snorted inwardly. "Seriously? I can hardly think of any good jokes. Plus I have a great memory, but let's not jump to conclusions." The sound of a snorting hog-like animal was audible as they walked on further.
    The teenager raised a brow and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Her eyes were glued in the direction of the noise, widening when the mob showed itself. "Really? Who does this? Who makes a PIG a mob-" she jumped when it's eyes started glowing a bright crimson. It huffed and scratched it's hind leg, as if signaling an attack towards her- specifically. 
    [OOC: Sorry, but would you mind playing the boar? If you don't want to, I play it in my next post action.]
  5. Lyrith inwardly sighed in relief. "Great! I'm just glad she isn't one of those tough acting ones. Now THAT'D be a pain..." She searched for the right words in her head, that would most likely lead her to forming an ally. While debating on what she'd say, she attempted to maneuver through the clusters of players without disturbing them. "Wellll then... great! I've been resting in this big old town for a good while. And now," she paused for a moment to look back at the lady she was partying with. "And now I think it's about time to start exploring the outskirts," a warm smile graced her lips as Lyrith nodded. Then they kept pushing through the crowds until it eventually stopped getting crowded. She placed her arms behind her head whilst turning back to look behind her. "I guess this is where the safe zone ends. How do you think they can fit so much people in there? Have you ever wondered about that?" Lyrith questioned with curiosity. Her eyes closed shut as a sigh escaped her lips. Of course, she was talkative, there was no doubt about that. But Lyr enjoyed socializing with others. Getting to know others perspectives on things was fun, or you could say... she just enjoyed having company.
    Growing up she'd been definitely isolated, and who would've thought that a girl with her past could be so bright. The thing was, she simply thought that people make themselves who they are. If you're a coward, you have a choice of continuing on as one, or becoming brave. To be honest, that was how she grew confident. And at the moment, even the death game incident wouldn't drive her insane. And with the relaxed expression on her face, her arms folded behind her head, you could just tell.
    Her deep blue eyes opened once more to notice her surroundings. The city landscape had slowly changed into a grassy plain scenery. It was much more fascinating than the city. The teen had never seen so much green in her life. She'd never seen a sky as blue. Reality hit her just then. Everything was art, and art had many fascinating things about it. Shaking her head, her attention averted to the woman who she had yet to get acquainted with. "Well, these are where the-- what's it called again? Monsters? Well whatever... here we are. I don't see much here, but as they say, the enemy likes to disguise!"
  6. Lyrith hummed as she attempted to peer through the multiple crowds of people blocking the way. She was in the Town Of Beginnings once more, and she had to say that it was her go-to place. The city made her feel safe throughout all the cacophony that was going around. She enjoyed the protection within the safe zones, but her instincts were telling her to start working. The teen was scared of death, she was scared of facing her fears. Albeit it would be inevitable to avoid combat, she was hesitating. Some part of her was telling her to be one of those losers who wish and hope for the rest of their lives, only to find out that everything they desired was a delusion that'd never come true. "Today, I'll make a change! I'll play this game! Since I bought it, I might as well take advantage of it!" Her deep blue eyes sparkled in ambition as she smiled widely and pushed her way to the crowds, stopping to apologize to those she shoved. 
    "It feels like some medieval thing! This whole environment- I-It's kind of different from Tokyo... and by that I mean entirely. I've gotten used to this place and it's getting boring. Now I really need to venture out of here!" She started to pick up her pace, jogging slowly through the town. Her recklessness made her bump into a passerby, causing Lyrith to jolt in her tracks and scratch the back of her head nervously. "A-Ah I'm so sorry-" she tilted her head to the side and continued speaking. "Miss? I was kind of y-you know..." she trailed off into a moment of silence. She thought of a possible escape plan but pushed it aside when an idea popped into her head. The blonde haired teenager smiled softly as if she were as innocent as a small child. "Excuse me miss, but would you like to party? Ya know, help each other out!" she nodded, trying her best to brighten the situation up.
    Lyrith yawned as she placed her arms behind her back and stretched. "Ah, nothing better than a warm sunny day! It's darn depressing that I'm just sitting around still... to be honest I-... Oh look there's some shade!" The blonde haired girl rushed up a shady tree and leaned against it. Her eyes narrowed as she attempted to recap her memories of Aincrad - from the very first day. At first she was thrilled about it all, the fact of escaping reality, and doing anything she wanted to. Nobody was there to dictate her every move, well who wanted that anyways... but she also found something interesting within the game. Having such big ambitions, Lyr couldn't help but wonder about how much "stronger" she'd get. Fighting with swords was cool and all! But she had an instinct, things that were too good to be true HAD to be hogwash. It was always that way! And here she was, trapped in a "death game". She rolled her eyes whenever she thought about it. She refused to believe it, she'd make her decision when sees it herself. It was just... just a bug. Or something like that! Argus would probably get their heads handed over to the police when this "bug" was fixed. Such stupidity!
    Lyrith scoffed whilst picking up a rock and throwing it a nearby tree, her expression clearly transparent: Boredom, nervousness, or whatever you call it. She gritted her teeth when a few boars walked by. "I'd butcher them, if I actually KNEW how to use this thing!" Lyr sprinted behind a tree and unsheathed her sword swiftly. "Y-Yeah I'd be better off with a frying pan or something!" her breath hitched when a boar-like monster looked in her direction. She muttered under her breath and climbed up a tree for safety. Lyr observed the monsters from high up with curiosity. "How did they even make such a realist- Ouch!" Whilst leaning over the tree she managed to fall down on the ground. "Ah darn it! - O-Oh..." Her blue eyes widened as a pair of red eyes glanced her way. (Mobs)
  8.   «LYRITH» 

       THE SWIFT

    » Username: Lyrith
    » Real name: Watanabe Miyuna
    » Age: 17
    » Gender: Female
    » Height: 5 '6'

    » Faceclaim: Marta Lualdi



    Miyuna stands at approximately five feet and six inches tall. Her body shape is curvaceous, and she has a long, slender figure. Her hair has a light blonde tone and flows a few inches past her waist. Her eyes are a deep ocean blue color, hinted with lighter shades of the same color. Her normal attire consists of a simple Japanese school uniform. Although it doesn't appear as one of the most common in style, it works and she wears it often. She never really bothers to accessorize or even take a few minutes off when it comes to fashion. She's the type who "slops anything random on and continues the day." As simple as that.


    As for Sword Art Online, Miyuna takes upon an entire new identity. Her chosen alias was heavily based off one of her all time favorite video games. Her username Lyrith is heavily derived from the word Lyric. She was aiming for a unique username that surpassed the basic. Nothing like her real name or a mix of nonsensical numerals. Something based off of her key interests. This is the explanation about how Miyuna decided upon the alias.


    Lyrith's attire is quite simple. She wears a long beige tunic which is bordered with laces. She has long arm gloves that take the very same fashion as her shirt to accompany it. Her tights are a dark brown color worn under heavy duty brown combat boots. Her hair is left down but has two flower clips pinned at the sides of her head for aesthetic purposes.


    Lyrith carries a demeanor of optimism and bravery. She appears friendly to others, but at the same time she deems to be clever. Albeit being sociable and altruistic, she is just as capable of planning out tactics and swiftly solving sticky situations. In all honesty, Lyr is someone that is easy to get along with... sometimes. Read her flaws below for a better understanding.


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    » Virtues:

    Bold/Persistent - Lyrith is one with a strong will. Fear is her worst enemy, however she attempts to face the obstacles aimed towards her. A cowardess never achieves anything, and Lyrith believes that taking risks is the only way to become stronger.  Her main objective is to clear the game after all. Who wouldn't want to achieve?

    Tactical - Lyrith is known for being calm in dire situations. When all hell breaks loose, she's oddly unfazed by it, however it is only an act of demeanor. She may not be perfectly calm at mind, but she is capable of getting ahold of herself when sticky situations occur. In response, she acts quickly to think up a tactic or solution. 

    Altruistic/Compassionate -  Lyrith has sympathy for others, and a sensitive heart. In spite of having a one track mindset of surviving. she can't help but put aside some time to help others out. She's not necessarily a saint and all that, but she forms a few parties every now and then to get others familiar with combat in Aincrad.


    Optimistic - Liveliness; this is a rare trait for one to possess within a death game like Sword Art Online. Everyone around Lyrith is frantic about defeating all the floors within the castle. And then there's her. Oddly, her style of survival is to take it one step at a time to make her way up. Albeit she wanted to go home, panic would only result in a harder time clearing the floors. So she can at least think of the brighter side of things and slowly work her way through dire situations. Lyrith focuses on the bright side of every situation, regardless. She works out issues by repeating words of victory in her head. She's tried being a pessimist, but all it did was make things harder. And throughout the course of time she'd learn to develop a habit of optimism. Maybe, she was even capable of smiling through all of this as well.


    Swift/Alert- Lyrith believes that she is quick to react to a situation, albeit she won't say it out loud. Most of the time, she has a tendency of double tasking while holding conversations. For example she could be having a meaningless conversation while looking out for any nearby mobs. It could be a bad thing, but at least she's aware of her surroundings.


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    » Flaws:
    Stubborn/Erratic - This is one of her most common flaws. Lyrith is easy to reason with, but she also speaks everything that's on her mind (if she feels it's worth saying). But when she is certain about something, she won't be stopping unless she finds a good reason to back down. She's determined and confident in her abilities. As a result of this, she often finds herself in unwanted trouble (ex: risky mob fights, etc.).

    Sensitive - Lyrith is easily effected by her environment, and on certain topics to keep it vague. Despite all her virtues, some of her flaws can contradict against them. At times she finds herself feeling sympathy and in result it's a form of weakness - at least in Sword Art Online. Due to her kind nature she can be taken advantage of. 

    Overly Curious- As in, she wanders off a lot and snoops into things that someone of her level shouldn't. She tends to stray away from groups every now and then, since her preference isn't to stick to a single route the whole time. She likes to explore everything unfamiliar or interesting. And yes, this flaw is capable of monopolizing her too.  


    Impatient/Irritable - Lyrith is extremely impatient. If she ever is patient, it's all a matter of "I don't mind" or "I don't care". She can act like a child at times and start acting up at some point. Her emotions are see through, people can easily tell when she's pissed or disturbed. She's not good at repressing frustration, but she puts a little effort into it. 

    Watanabe Miyuna was raised in Tokyo, Japan. She came from a broken family that was anything but the term "happy". Her father was a drunkard with an addiction for drugs and alcohol. He made a living off of gambling, he brought home unbelievable amounts of cash (only to lose it all in bets). Miyuna's mother had been together with him ever since they were both in high school. He was abusive towards her in many ways, but that should be best left as brief. Miyuna was witness to everything that occurred. It was mortifying, tragic, whatever you'd like to call it. But the little girl was too naive to understand a thing, keeping quiet throughout all the arguments and fights. "That's their way of showing love. It's bittersweet." she'd tell herself in order to carry on. But deep down she knew she was fazed by all this hectic drama.


    Miyuna tried to stay cheerful and carry on, even if things weren't great. She always believed that she'd find a rainbow someday, that she just needed to try harder. Miyuna distracted herself from all the sad things in life by making friends in school and gaming on her spare time. With the money she collected in a glass jar, she blew it all up on video games. And slowly it just happened to become an addiction. Her lifestyle was akin to that of a normal teenagers. Nothing new, nothing special. She just watched intently for things to change.


    One day, Miyuna was scrolling over pages on the web and stopped to look at a bright add which caught her eye. "An advertisement for an MMORPG? Let's see..." It was amazing. When did technology get so advanced? A virtual world set in "Aincrad". Not only was it interactive, but it was right up her alley! She enjoyed combat related games since they were competitive, but never really thought about actually doing the work herself. She wasn't big on the art of swords either... or rather, you could just say that she was curious about this game. Was it really all that? When she ordered a copy, she found out that she had either made the best or worst mistake in her life.


    N/A as of this moment.

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    Total Skill points used:
    » 2

    Skill points to allocate:
    » 0



    »Athletics: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]

    » Block: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]

    » Light Armor: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]

    » Sprint & Acrobatics: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]

    » Battle Healing: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]

    » Search & Detect: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]

    » Parry: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]


    Weapon skills:
    » Two-Handed Straight Sword: LEVEL 1 [0 SP used]

    » One-Handed Dagger: LEVEL 0 [0 SP used]


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    » Kiru - Cousin


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