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Sir Five

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Posts posted by Sir Five

  1. Profile
    Username: Siren
    Real name: Emma Brunswick
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5' 5"

    About: History/personality

    Growing up, Emma Brunswick hasn't had to face a single challenge in her life. Although her parents were extremely wealthy from winning a large cut of the lottery she was never around them much simply because she was always at school or with friends. Emma talked to her mother a lot however. When she turned fourteen her mother was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer, which got treated and taken care of rather quickly. She has since then talked her mother every single day, because she wasn't sure if one day something might happen. As for her father he had been off in other countries all the time since he got a job with the government.

    Although Emma herself has never really been much of a gamer herself but her friends were, or at least her best friend Michael. Emma went over there after her latest birthday and he was all psyched about having this new game called Sword Art Online and how he wanted her to play it with him, which at first she was rather skeptical about it but then she couldn't tell him no, so she straight up told him yes. When the game was released the two had gotten a hold of it in the second shipment since the first sold out so quick. As she put on the nervgear she last remembered the way that Michael told her, "See you there!" When they spawned into the game, they had gone into the wilderness to grind levels but it didn't take long before the horrors of the game had already slapped her in the face.


    Trusting - Emma always has been the type of person to reach out to people and to trust them as she believes that everybody should get the same opportunity. However, in the game things are going to be different as it could lead to someone hurting her by breaking her trust while also allowing her to make friends easily.

    Affectionate - Emma's life revolves around others and showing her gratitude (in more than one way) She is always caring and isn't one to stay angry at another person for more than a day or two. This helps her throughout the game due to the fact that she will get close bonds with people rather quickly. 

    Strong Minded - Nothing ever gets through to Emma that may hurt her mental state. She has her eyes on the prize an sees no reason why she should let anything get in the way of her and her desire to get back into the real world. Obviously this helps her stay sane and also keeps her focused on clearing the game. 


    Humorous - There's always a joke in something or some sort of humor in every event she believes as it helps her stay from being insane. Emma will take the most serious of situations and turn it into a laughing matter for herself just so she can cope the reality she is facing. Although some find this a nice trait to have, others may feel offended by her urge to laugh at everything or annoyed. 


    Mature - Just because she finds a lot of things funny doesn't mean that she is immature. If anything she believes the contrary, a person that can make light of the heaviest things is a person that knows how to handle any situationally quite well in comparison to others. 

    People Oriented - It's kind of hard to be your own person when you are always caught up in helping others. Emma is the type of person that would rather help others all the time instead of taking something for herself. Being independent is a struggle for her because of this bad habit. 

    Fickle - "Make up your mind" is a sentence she hears far too often, especially since she has a hard time doing that exact thing. Emma's in capability to make a decision all the time makes life rough for her and now that she's in a game of life and death... Well things just got a whole lot more difficult for her. 

    Sporadic - Nobody ever knows what you're going to get. One day Emma may be happy and genuine while the next day she may be trying to sleep on your shoulder because she wants affection or because she's tired. She has full control of herself but she believes that it's best to be unexpected than to be totally predictable which is a belief that others may not entirely agree with. 

    Profession: None!





    Weapon skills:


    • None

    • None

    Story Thus Far

  2. With players finally coming to his cry for help, Sir Five stood up. Wiping tears from his eyes he was thankful someone had finally come to hear his plead out. "Oh thank you so much for stopping for me. I know I'm nothing important, but I'd like to ask you to help me find my lover Lady Valentine." he said as he hoped he sparked their interest. "You see, she had been missing for several hours now, and I worry that something might be wrong with her. Could you all be so kind to help a man like myself out when he offers a prize reward at the end for even helping." he said as he looked at all of them.


    The Cardinal system sent a menu to all three of the players asking them if they wish to take the quest. With the title being "SAVING VALENTINE" and the flavor text being the main story of the quest and the reward was currently unknown, all they had to do now was either press the blue circle or the red "X" that was at the bottom portion of the menu.

  3. "Please help me!" he continued to shout as his feet trembled beneath him with each step he took. It wasn't until he made it near the outskirts that he began stumbling and falling over his own feet until he fell outside of the walls. A player standing there with pink hair and pink eyes, the Cardinal System registered "Mari" as a player killer. Triggering the event that was coded into this NPC, he crawled to her.


    "Please, can you help me find my lover?" he cried with tears still streaming down his face. "She is my everything, my world, my life. Without her, I won't make it." he said as he began to stand up, clearing off the snow that was on his body from when he had fallen. The game had put fine detail into these things, snow that sticks, and how some of the snow actually melts into the clothing causing it to become slightly wet and moist from the water that had formed from the melting.

  4. Sir Five had continued to sob his eyes out, weeping for help, begging anyone that passed him. When not one, not two, but three players all arrived at once, Sir Five cleared his eyes and nodded towards "Life" for comforting him. Beginning to stand up, Sir Five brushed off the snow from his clothing and slight amounts of armor that he wore. Taking a look at all of the players: "Life" "Azide" and "Rebekah". All three player's names had registered with his system and the Cardinal had now launched the code to take over the body.


    "It appears my lover, Lady Valentine, has gone missing. I can't seem to find her anywhere. I'd check out in the wilderness, but it's far too dangerous for me. I was wondering, no... begging players to help me as she is my world, my everything. Could you guys and fair lady be so generous to help me out by finding my Lady Valentine?" he asked them alternating eye contact among the players before him. "I'm willing to pay a reward if you find any clue of a sort." he added as a closing statement.


    Once his voice had cut off, his system had relaxed again. Prompting a white, holographic menu before each of the three players with the header "SAVING VALENTINE" it had the description and objective right below the title of the quest. At the bottom was a blue circle and a red "X" that would identify if they should choose to partake in this quest.

  5. Weeping into the snow for a little while longer, it wasn't until a player had asked him what his worries were. Standing up and using his hand to wipe away the moisture that had trickled down along his cheeks and down his chin. Looking at the player who had called himself "Zelrius" it triggered something in the Cardinal System. Something that didn't usually happen on a regular basis. Moments later, Sir Five looked at Zelrius with a worried expression.


    "It's my lover. She has been missing for hours and she's nowhere to be found." he stated with heavy worrisome. "I was hoping that a player such as yourself would be willing to offer this guy a hand with finding his lover. My Lady Valentine means everything to me." he said as a white, holographic menu had appeared before Zelrius now. On the header it stated "SAVING VALENTINE" and on the middle section, it described the objective of the quest and what he should expect.


    With the Cardinal System now waiting, it halted Sir Five's programming until the player made their choice on the matter of the quest.

  6. Jolting at the hand that had touched him, he turned his head so that he could see the hand and the arm that extended from it. At the end of it's length was a face. Looking above the player's head, he registered it in his AI computations that the player's name is "Tyger" with the Cardinal coursing through him, it was what now triggered something. Five wiped his tears away using her cape and nodded to her in a thankful manner. Then sitting up so that he can explain himself and what he had wrong he brushed some of the snow off from her shoulder.


    "Well, you see... That's just it. It's my partner's and my special day soon and I wanted to do something special. However, when I came home... nobody came to welcome me. In fact, the house was empty. She was gone." he explained as he dried off his face again, showing no signs of being cold or anything.


    "I was hoping that she was playing tricks on me, but she had been gone for hours now. I'm worried that she may have been taken or worse-" he stopped before he could speak of her possible death that he was unaware of at this point. "Could you help me find my Lady Valentine?" he asked her with the most sincere voice. "I will pay anything you want, I just want to find Lady Valentine." he said to her.


    Now before the player, a holographic menu prompted up. At the header of the box it stated "SAVING VALENTINE" and it described the objective of the quest to the player. It was up to the player themselves now if they wanted to accept this quest or not.

  7. It was the flurry of the storm coming through key locations of the fourth floor. Snow had crept its way onto rooftops and began stacking up on the ground forming crystalized layers that shimmered under the sunlight. Clouds swarmed the skies to cover up the blue that was showing above every now and then. For a rather nice looking day, the weather spoke differently, especially for Sir Five.


    The time had struck noon and he began to worry, unable to find the one he loved. The one whom he wanted to spend the Day of Love with. Beginning to think that she may be missing, he had left his cottage to go into the main city of the fourth floor, Snowfrost Town. "Help! Help!" he cried out, in desperate need of someone to come to his aid. "Please! Somebody  help me!" he cried once more as he was now on his knees begging random players to come to his aid. At this point he was willing to give up the cry for help and admit to himself that he had lost the lover of his dreams.


    Sighing and sitting, Sir Five was now crying. Sir Five's brown hair and green eyes were covered with crystals and glittering features due to the snow. His tears burned through the snow until it sunk deep enough to freeze as a pearl of ice.

  8. It was the flurry of the storm coming through key locations of the fourth floor. Snow had crept its way onto rooftops and began stacking up on the ground forming crystalized layers that shimmered under the sunlight. Clouds swarmed the skies to cover up the blue that was showing above every now and then. For a rather nice looking day, the weather spoke differently, especially for Sir Five.


    The time had struck noon and he began to worry, unable to find the one he loved. The one whom he wanted to spend the Day of Love with. Beginning to think that she may be missing, he had left his cottage to go into the main city of the fourth floor, Snowfrost Town. "Help! Help!" he cried out, in desperate need of someone to come to his aid. "Please! Somebody  help me!" he cried once more as he was now on his knees begging random players to come to his aid. At this point he was willing to give up the cry for help and admit to himself that he had lost the lover of his dreams.


    Sighing and sitting, Sir Five was now crying. Sir Five's brown hair and green eyes were covered with crystals and glittering features due to the snow. His tears burned through the snow until it sunk deep enough to freeze as a pearl of ice.

  9. It was the flurry of the storm coming through key locations of the fourth floor. Snow had crept its way onto rooftops and began stacking up on the ground forming crystalized layers that shimmered under the sunlight. Clouds swarmed the skies to cover up the blue that was showing above every now and then. For a rather nice looking day, the weather spoke differently, especially for Sir Five.


    The time had struck noon and he began to worry, unable to find the one he loved. The one whom he wanted to spend the Day of Love with. Beginning to think that she may be missing, he had left his cottage to go into the main city of the fourth floor, Snowfrost Town. "Help! Help!" he cried out, in desperate need of someone to come to his aid. "Please! Somebody  help me!" he cried once more as he was now on his knees begging random players to come to his aid. At this point he was willing to give up the cry for help and admit to himself that he had lost the lover of his dreams.


    Sighing and sitting, Sir Five was now crying. Sir Five's brown hair and green eyes were covered with crystals and glittering features due to the snow. His tears burned through the snow until it sunk deep enough to freeze as a pearl of ice.

  10. It was the flurry of the storm coming through key locations of the fourth floor. Snow had crept its way onto rooftops and began stacking up on the ground forming crystalized layers that shimmered under the sunlight. Clouds swarmed the skies to cover up the blue that was showing above every now and then. For a rather nice looking day, the weather spoke differently, especially for Sir Five.


    The time had struck noon and he began to worry, unable to find the one he loved. The one whom he wanted to spend the Day of Love with. Beginning to think that she may be missing, he had left his cottage to go into the main city of the fourth floor, Snowfrost Town. "Help! Help!" he cried out, in desperate need of someone to come to his aid. "Please! Somebody  help me!" he cried once more as he was now on his knees begging random players to come to his aid. At this point he was willing to give up the cry for help and admit to himself that he had lost the lover of his dreams.


    Sighing and sitting, Sir Five was now crying. Sir Five's brown hair and green eyes were covered with crystals and glittering features due to the snow. His tears burned through the snow until it sunk deep enough to freeze as a pearl of ice.

  11. It was the flurry of the storm coming through key locations of the fourth floor. Snow had crept its way onto rooftops and began stacking up on the ground forming crystalized layers that shimmered under the sunlight. Clouds swarmed the skies to cover up the blue that was showing above every now and then. For a rather nice looking day, the weather spoke differently, especially for Sir Five.


    The time had struck noon and he began to worry, unable to find the one he loved. The one whom he wanted to spend the Day of Love with. Beginning to think that she may be missing, he had left his cottage to go into the main city of the fourth floor, Snowfrost Town. "Help! Help!" he cried out, in desperate need of someone to come to his aid. "Please! Somebody  help me!" he cried once more as he was now on his knees begging random players to come to his aid. At this point he was willing to give up the cry for help and admit to himself that he had lost the lover of his dreams.


    Sighing and sitting, Sir Five was now crying. Sir Five's brown hair and green eyes were covered with crystals and glittering features due to the snow. His tears burned through the snow until it sunk deep enough to freeze as a pearl of ice.

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