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Posts posted by Olympia

  1. It was another beautiful day in Sword Art Online. Olympia enjoyed the sunshine, she really did, but there was a lingering melancholy that wished for little droplets to fall from the heavens. Maybe even have a flashing lightning and rumbling thunder.  Something other than this nice weather. "Maybe I just to find somet-" Before that sentence could get finished another body ran into hers. "Oh, I'm sorry!" A voice, far softer than expected answered, "It's fine, dear." 


    Head jerking up the pinkette found herself staring into the warm green eyes of an older women. Not a player, but an NPC? Just as their eyes met the women suddenly smiled, well really smirked, at her. "You must be looking for something to do, nah?" Her smooth voice whispered, "Something exciting? Perhaps searching for a companion?" Automatically the heat rushed to Olympia's face; words frozen inside her throat. The women's laugh chimed like bell's. "My dear, I meant an animal companion, not a male." 


    Muscles visibly untensed, but the red remained due to embarrassment. "S-sure." Olympia coughed a little getting her emotions under control, "Yes. I would like an animal companion." 


  2. As it turns out Maruchan needed to be fed. With that said X made his way back toward the city. "See ya X!" Olympia waved as she opened up the HUD and selected the cards. Helios had said that he somewhat knew how to play. No problem. What she was going to teach him was a simple game called Hearts, that is if didn't already know how to play it. Most people were familiar with it. "We can pla-" The sentence was never finished as to the fact that someone else had entered the clearing. Whipping around Olympia found herself facing another player; this time blonde. He had asked if they were new to the game before plopping down on the ground nearby. New to games, hum? "I'm fairly new to SAO," Olympia commented, "but I would recommend getting experience. Experience means hit point and hit points allow you to live longer." Unfortunate, but true. Any low-level player ran the risk of losing their lives against the monsters of floor one. "At least that is what I've been doing. Any suggestions Helios?" 

  3. The older male player, now known as Baldur, had extended a little red vial in her direction. An HP potion. More importantly the only option that would be in her entire inventory. "Thanks, Baldur," Olympia sincerely grinned, "I promise to be careful." With that said a hand was extended and the gift accepted. Even if it was just one, it felt better than having none.


    Her attention was then directed to the other unfamiliar male when he started speaking. As it turns out his name was Sozen, and was a fellow guildmate of hers. From the looks of it he was new just like herself. During that time, X had excused himself from the expedition. "Later X!" Olympia called as the duo left. Right then it dawned upon her that everyone, but herself, had introduced themselves. "Oh, by the way, I'm Olympia." The pinkette added a small wave to the introduction. By that time the sun had risen just slightly higher in the sky, indicating that the day was passing. "Well, Baldur, if you change your mind you know where to find us and Sozen, are you ready for our hunt?" A hand rested on the hilt of the rapier as an excited grin made its way on her features. It was time to go kill her first boar. 

  4. This had been Olympia's first time on any of the floors above floor 1 making the experience exhilarating, but also somewhat uncomfortable. That uncomfortableness didn't hold the pinkette back though. Instead, it was taken by the reigns and used to propel each step out of the city. Earlier that day a message had been received about an S1 camping trip. After some thinking, the ultimate decision was to go and join them. Which lead her to her present location; the woods of floor 2. 


    There were so many trees that it was easy to think that the rest of the floor was forest. That was probably the reason that the message had contained a set of coordinates and a location. Pausing for a second the message was brought of once more and looked over. If everything was correct then going straight was the correct path. Keeping the HUD open Olympia cautiously made her way in the direction that the campsite was thought to be located. Minutes later, there was only the hope that she was heading in the right direction. Maybe the fact that directions were not her forte should have been mentioned. 


    Suddenly, there was the sound of shuffling in front of her. Stopping and listen it sounded like the sound of feet against the forest floor. Had she come upon the campsite already? Crouching lower toward the ground Olympia then took cautious steps forward, flinching every time a minor 'crunch' sounded from under the footstep. During the time in between from where she was to spotting the figure a hand had been placed on the hilt of the one-handed rapier. Just in case. The first thing that was noticed was that there was no orange cursor over their head, so not a PKer. Relaxing, only slightly, Olympia then came out of the trees behind the player. "Um, Hi? I was just wondering if you noticed a campsite around here?" 

  5. As the rhythm drifted through the air there was no keeping her foot from bouncing in tune. X could not have picked a better song. Daft Punk was a classic band that was well known. They even created a mini-series to go along with one of their albums called Interstella 555. It was well done for being created back when animation was considered "new". Taking a seat, another bite of the bread was taken. When the song was finished Olympia placed the bread in her lap and clapped. "Nicely done, X!"


    Now that the performance was over everyone was wondering what could be done. "Hum, I'm not sure," Olympia muttered, thinking of the possibilities. There was always boar hunting, but that was a classic activity. Then it dawned on her. Just a day ago the pinkette had purchased a pack of royal playing cards. Since there was no one she really knew here she had taken to playing solitaire. "Do you guys play cards?" Her family, particularly on her father's side, where card fanatics. Playing cards with them was like playing with professionals. Games were always serious and there was something on the line. 

  6. At the duo's introduction, Olympia couldn't help but let a laugh escape past full lips. There was a brief moment where she wondered how long it took them to get it down. That moment was quickly over when X asked if there was a request from one of them. Helios had stated that anything would do. She was inclined to agree. "Anything you feel like is fine with me too." Zahra smiled, "And sure. Thanks." Without hesitation, a bite was taken out of the half loaf. The bread itself was tasted like...bread, but the texture was soft and warm; making it enjoyable. While chewing she listened to Helios question of the duo was really the best  performers in Aincrad. Guess they would find out, wouldn't they? 

  7. Once minutes ago Olympia had been standing alone by the gate, and then suddenly three other players appeared. The first to arrive was an older male player with a warm, friendly voice sporting dark armor. Like clockwork X then appeared or to be more accurate Maruchan appeared first and then X. Last was another male donning a war hammer. Kneeling down the pinkette scooped up the little dog and caressed his fur. Her stance was then adjusted so that she was facing the newly formed group. "Yep. Boars to me more specific. A heavy, but necessary step in order to survive," Olympia commented, offering an excited grin in older males direction. "And I just got the acceptance message this morning. So I'm now officially in S1." There was not keeping the excitement out of her voice.


    At first, there was some hesitation about joining a guild, but the positives by far outweighed the negatives. One the top of the list was haveing friends that could be relied on. Speaking of people to rely on..."Would you guys want to join me on my hunt?" 

  8. Before Olympia even realized it, her mind started to drift. It wasn't long until sleep overcame the senses pulling her further into the depths of darkness. There was no dream waiting. Just the all consuming blanket of nothingness. Other known as the subconscious. Something pulled her out of that state nothingness  though. That something happened to be damp and rough. Emerald eyes flew open only to find a small dog like creature using her upper body as leverage to reach her face. Muscles instantly relaxed when it was seen to be a dog; who was named  Maruchan. Nearby, a male voice--also more than likely the owner--was calling out an apology. Laughing lightly Olympia ran her fingers through the dog soft fur; making sure to gently caress his ears. Who knew she would miss her  own dumb, lovable dogs so much? 


    Within the next few second another blonde-haired player revealed himself from the upper branches of another tree. Maruchan then ran off and once more hopped on his owners shoulder. Righting herself, Olympia glided over to where the two males were. "No problem," Olympia grinned, giving Maruchan another slight rub, "I'm Olympia. It's nice to meet you Helios and ...." A questioning gaze was then slid over to the owner of the dog who had awaken her.  

  9. It was another beautiful day in SAO. The sky was cloudless, allowing the sun to warm this world and it's inhabitants. Out in the fields, the wind gently caressing the green tundra as it blew by. Nearby the gate that led to the world outside the city was none other than Olympia. Her once light brown locks had been changed into bubble gum pink. It was something that she had always wanted to try, but never had the money to do. There was nothing holding that dream back in this world. As soon as that had been realized the act had been done. 


    Wrapping a finger around one of the locks and curling it Olympia scanned through her display. She was about to go one her first boar hunt and this was the last chance to make sure that everything that was needed was in place. Not that much could be afforded right then. A light gust came from behind blowing loose locks forward.Bring her gaze up bewildered eyes stared out of the gate. It very much felt that was a sign to get moving. 

  10. The streets of Starter City were bustling with people of all levels and skills This was nothing new ​though, Ever since the announcement that SAO was in all essence a death game players had flocked into the safety of the cities walls. Needless to say, the population spiked. Cassie or Olympia in this world had been wandering the streets in an attempt to explore. That was hard to do when constantly bumping into people. The final straw had been was a player ran smack dab into her. No apologies. No nothing. Uttering a few curses, it was then decided that a break was needed from the crowd. 


    Heading more toward the outskirts of the city a tree was found. The tree had created a nice patch of shade ideal for getting out of the sun's rays. Striding over Olympia then took a seat against the trunk and leaned back. This was much more peaceful than the inner city. Closing emerald eyes she listened as the wind rustled the leaves.  

  11. Olympia



    Real name:

    Cassie Stien





    History/Personality: Cassie grew up in Virginia Beach, VA with an older sister and their parents. Her sister and her got along very well, in fact, the young girl even looked up to her. That didn't keep her selfish nature in line though. She refused to share anything (toys, clothes, etc.) with her older sister. The catch was that her sister was expected to share with her. Her parents tried to negate this nature, but their efforts were futile. As she grew her father lost his job. In the end, the whole family had to move to Massillon, OH. The weather was horrible and Olympia hated it. The only positive thing to come out of it was the fact that she managed to befriend the girl across the street. They would play together every day after school. By some chance, her father was offered his job back in Virgina Beach, VA. So, they moved back to VA. Things were not the same. Olympia was bullied and picked on by the other kids. She became quiet; scared to speak out. At the end of her fourth grade year, her family moved again. This time to North Carolina. The mountains were an unwelcomed change of pace. Life continued on. Her sister would antagonize her, and Cassie would retaliate. 


    In middle school, Cassie had trouble making friends. In order to make friends she turned to the internet. People on the internet didn't judge you for appearances. This trend continued until she was introduced to online gaming. Throughout her middle school career the gaming increased. Into high school, Cassie stopped gaming. Instead, she focused on her health. Her confidence started to go up and she was no longer "that quiet kid." High School was a breeze after that. Then came college. That old Cassie, the selfish one, was no longer existent.  She had evolved into someone who cared for others and their well-beings. And even got along with her sister. Her calling was in Social Work. It was around that time Cassie started to get into Online Gaming once more. Some friends told her about NerveGear and the game coming out, Sword Art Online. Getting a job she saved every last penny until both could be afforded. Never did she dream what would happen as a result. 




    Over her entire lifespan Cassie had moved four or five times. The result of this is that Cassie took on the trait of adaptability. It is easy for her to come into a situation and adjust based on whatever happens in said situation. College was the best example of this. While other freshmen were struggling with study skills and being on their own for the first time Cassie was excelling. 


    This trait was developed during Cassie's first job, which happened to be a server at a retirement home. It was acquired in her junior year of high school. Having never had a job before she came in nervous and shy. That didn't last long though. Before everyone knew it Cassie was a vital part of the team asset. She understood that cooperating together meant succeeding together. The only time she took a leader role was when it was really needed, and she knew what she was doing.


    That does not mean that Cassie without fear. In fact, there is a lot that she is afraid of, but she doesn't let the fear paralyze her. Instead, she uses it to propel forward and fuel her desire to live. She is ready to face and endure danger or death and show courage in times when it seems like there is nothing. 


    There are times when there are too many options and Cassie has no idea which ones to go with. When this happens it is very normal for her to second guess herself and her actions. For guidance, when this happens the first person that is usually called is her parents. They have more life experience and wisdom, plus she knows that they will tell her what they truly think. As much as she hated to admit it her parents influence her decisions. 


    Her entire life Cassie had been a procrastinator. It happens with everything from papers to applications. There are many times where all-nighters have been pulled in order to get something done one time. It's that or she'll get a couple hours of sleep and then wake up at the crack of dawn to work on it. Strangely enough though this where her best papers are written. 


    Once Cassie's mind is made up there is not a force on this world that will change it. This can be a good thing but is also her downfall. Her bull-headed nature stems from her parents, who are both just a stubborn as she is. If someone doesn't want her to do something there are only a couple choices they have pertaining to the situation. 










    Weapon skills:
    » One-handed Rapier (Rank 1)


    » 10 Bread 

    »15 Water

    » Cloth Clothing

    Current Roleplays
    »{OP-F1} Lonely 
    » {OP-F1} The Bane of their existence

    »{PP-F2} Into the Wild (Square One)

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