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Posts posted by Amtrum

  1. "Another time. The quest isn't over. It said bring vanquish her in an official duel and teach her shame. And their level doesn't matter. Nor do their reasons. That color means they killed people. Murder. The game is doing a fine job of that without helping it. I can't believe you are so ready to excuse them killing people, for what? Fun? Loot? Does it really matter?"

    Which meant that the quest wasn't over. At least not in his eyes. But it showed a lot about the Red players fleeing and teleporting away. Cowards. The lot of them. Sheathing his sword he sighed. He didn't know how they were going to find this specific PKer.

    "Well let's look around the area. If the monster was here then the target would probably be close by."

  2. It's hit points was dropping and the fight would probably be over soon. Closing his eyes to focus he pulled his blade back, letting the skill charge up before running forward with a battle cry! The blade digging into the body of the beast as he leaped up yet again dragging the blade up through the body of the creature leaving a large red gash in it's body.

  3. Pulling the blade out of the creature's back with a grunt of effort he fell to the ground. Crouching as he landed and slashing out twice at the beast while he could, opting for normal attacks over a skill, however his balance was thrown off from the landing and the chaos of the battle and his attacks hit nothing but air.

    Leaping back he brought his blade up into a guard in case the monster struck at him yet again. And from how it broke through his guard last time he was hoping that wouldn't be the case.

  4. Shifting to move behind it, pulling his blade back yet again and charging up another skill. Rushing forward he would leap into the air bringing the blade out and stabbing it into the back dangling as he held fast to his hilt. Bringing his free hand up to slam into the hilt to try and drive the blade deeper into the Beast's torso.

  5. Perhaps he was unlucky or perhaps the creature was reacting to his last blow. But it seemed he had it's attention, bringing his blade up he would attempt to block the retaliatory attack of the beast. But the attack was more than Amtrum was prepared for. The sword sliced into his body sending him back and falling onto his rear. Rolling to the side he would scramble to get back up and look for an opening.


  6. Not wanting to let up on the creature he pulled back his blade. Letting it charge up with another skill as his eyes glanced at the other players there. There were a lot of them too, a party maybe? Or a raid? He didn't have much hope being here solo if the thing went after him. But maybe it wouldn't with so many targets? Maybe they would just overwhelm it?

    With the skill charged he would let out a cry as he lashed out, leaping in the air in an attempt to bring his blade into the side of the creature and slice upward to rip it open. Twisting the blade as he pulled it out at the completion of the attack.

  7. By the time Amtrum got there the fight was already underway. And the thing was massive! He had never seen a creature like that down here. It looked like something that must be from the higher levels. He started to wonder if he was getting in over his head.


    He couldn't let himself think like that. If he did then he would never get out of this game. He needed to keep his head.

    "Looks like you guys could use a little help."

    He said with a smirk, nodding at the kid he had met before as he charged up his skill and would go for the attack! His blade shooting forth to slice for the creatures side while it was busy with the others who had established aggro!

  8. Hearing the roar and the scream Amtrum could only assume someone had found the Monster. But was it the PKer or some hapless adventurer who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time? Either way it was apparent what he needed to do and where he needed to go. He would head in the direction of the yelling, hopping down from the trees to the path below opting for speed over stealth. Even if it was the PKer being cornered he didn't think he could let the thing kill whoever it was.

    The person deserved to be locked up, but this game was going to kill enough people. They shouldn't be turning on each other. It just didn't make any sense. He just hoped he could get there in time!

  9. "An event huh? A field boss and a PKer?"

    He cupped his chin as he thought about that. Most people would probably want the Pker. This game was lethal enough without players killing each other. The Prize would be the field boss though. That's what he wanted, only problem was he didn't know where it would be. Only that it would be hunting the PKer.

    "Where would I go if I was a PKer?"

    Somewhere he could hide. He'd head to the woods. Leaping up to try and get into the trees where he could get a bit more view from the elevation, and jump from tree to tree. He needed to not only find this boss, but also get the jump on it!

  10. "Yeah, sure thing!"

    He said drawing his well used blade and giving it a few slashes in the air.

    "You need some farming done or something? Because I'm your man!"

    He thrust the blade out and Sylvia let out a small shreik as he almost hit one of the items on her shelf. Rushing forward to stand between him and her items holding up bot of her hands with a very nervous look on her face.

    "Nonononono! Nothing like that! I just need you to make a few deliveries for me!"

    "Oh." He blinked. "Sure, I can do that I guess."

  11. Amtrum now had a few levels under his belt and a bag full of Col and a few small odds and ends. It wasn't much but it was his and he had earned it. The problem was a lot of the stuff he had acquired was not terribly useful to him personally. Meats he could not cook mostly. Some cheap and common hides that he could do nothing with. The hope was he could sell some of it and make some coin. His gear needed some upgrading bad, and inn rooms were not exactly free. It was a shame he didn't have a house but he was nowhere close to having that amount of coin.

    He was shuffling around a small store called The Merchant's Purse hoping to find something worth buying, and debating on if he wanted to sell his stuff here or try another store. The place didn't look like much, the Green Haired woman behind the counter just watched him with a silent smile now and then as she tidied things up on the shelf, having given him a greeting when he entered. Though he had told her he was just looking for now.

    The door opened to the shop and in walked a large man in armor that was at least two steps above the junk he was wearing. the shop keeper smiled and waved, she seemed familiar with the man.

    "Hello Talos, what did you bring for me today?"

    She asked in a deligtfully cheery tone.

    "I got this drop off a Monster the other day. I was hoping you could tell me something about it."

    Talos put down a wicket looking two handed sword with a green blade and blue etchings on the blade. The Merchant picked up the blade and began to examine it closely.

    "Hmmm well it's heavy but well balanced. It's a good blade. It's name is Windfury, and it does extra damage when you do the Weapon Skill Whirlwind. I would say it's a good find! are you looking to sell it or keep it?"

    She asked as Amtrum just watched in interest at the exchange.

    "I think I'm going to keep it. I was looking for an upgrade anyways. Thanks Sylvia, you're the best."

    Talos gave the merchant some money and was on his way. Amtrum however was inspired.

    "Wait, you can make money just by looking at items? I thought it was all buying and selling."

    "That's a large part of it yes, but we can also appraise items. it's a valuable skill for a lot of people who do not possess it."

    "Can you teach me how to do it?" He asked, wondering how much it was going to cost him.

    "Hmmmmmmm. I suppose so, if you can do me a couple of favors first."

  12. Man they were kicking some serious butt! He knew he was right to search them out. Both of them landed solid blows against the boars and their hit points dropped to the red zones each. And both of them were doing great hit point wise. No issues there at all.

    "That's it! One more solid strike should do it for you both!"

  13. "Whooo hoo!"

    He jumped in the air cheering them on. It was just a boar but it showed a basic understanding of combat for them both. And now that they could kill a boar together it was time to see if they could each do it. Though team work was important!

    "Alright. Both of you take a boar. Again I'll be watching in case one or both of you need help. Let's see if you can kill a monster on your own now."

  14. "Come on Rai! Focus! Let the strike guide you."

    He cheered them on from the sidelines. They were doing just fine so far. No need for him to step in yet. But he drew his sword just in case. He didn't want to be caught unprepared if they were suddenly overwhelmed. Things could change very quickly. He knew that first hand.

    "Good job Leon! Hit it again!"

  15. He grinned. Sending both of them party invites. His team was becoming assembled. It was only a matter of time until they started clearing bosses and leading the charge. He didn't know if there were guilds already doing that. He hoped so, but if not then they would be the first. And if so then they would join them and work toward everyone's united goal. Getting out of this death game.

    Once they were in the party he would point to the boars once more. Leading the way casually down there. He wasn't too worried about boars with the group of them there. They should have it in the bag.

    "Alright, you guys take out that boar. I'll jump in if you need it."

    He said with a thumbs up!

  16. "I can help you with the basics of the battle system. I've already had a few fights. I think I have the hang of it. At least the basics of it. Come on, let's head out and hit some boars and wolves. Nothing too interesting outside the walls. But exp is exp."

    He said, motioning for them to follow him out of the city to the field outside. Pointing out some of the boar herds he had found while he was looking for them outside. It was peaceful out. Not a lot of people here yet, most people were still panicking or whatever he figured.

    "So you need to keep your eye on your hit points. To use a sword skill you want to bring your weapon back like so."

    He said demonstrating until his blade turned blue before it lunged forward.

    "You guys give it a try a few times. Once you get the hang of it I'll party invite you and we can kill some beasts."

  17. "Yeah, sure thing man. Just don't die. And I'll let you have some of my sloppy seconds."

    He teased back with a grin. First friend in the game. He hoped that the kid didn't die. He wasn't the brightest bulb, but he had spirit. And that was a positive quality. He would head away from Garou and the city. Maybe his friends were outside the walls? It would be a Leon thing to do. He wanted to check around a little more first before looking in the city. Maybe he'd get lucky.

    /end thread.

  18. "Well... About that."

    It's what he had thought at first too. But after a little poking around it seemed some things might be a bit more challenging than that.

    "A lot of quests are finite. Meaning once they are done, then they are done. At least for a long while or something. I don't know if they respawn or what. But it sounds like it might be a finite resource. Perhaps to keep people from just staying on the low levels to level slowly but safely? But we might need to move quick if we want to get ahead of the curb."

    But it was also pretty dangerous out there. He thought back to his encounters with the wolves.

    "The combat is a bit more challenging then we are used to as well. So we will want to be careful. And we certainly don't want to boss rush. Remember, we can't wipe a few times and learn the strats. We die and we are gone for good. You know?"

  19. "I think I should probably try and find my friends. Make sure they are not doing anything stupid or reckless. But I'll tell you what. Why don't you add me as a friend. It doesn't hurt to know some people that can watch your back in a bind. And at least I know you won't go running and crying in a pinch."

    He said with a grin. Slapping the kid on the shoulder. He held himself together pretty good out there. He was a little impressed with him. If he could learn to think there may be hope for him yet.

    "Honestly, you kind of remind me of some of my buds. So you might even get along with them if you get to meet them sometime."

    He said pulling up his menu and sending him a friend request.

  20. Maybe it was the stress from nearly dying. Maybe it was just a way to break the tension, but laughter bubbled forth from Amtrum's lips at the kid's comment. Still talking about wanting a wolf. After all that, he was surprised the kid wanted to keep going with how close he had just come to buying the farm.

    "Well fair enough kid. I still think I'd rather get strong enough to just take down any monster that comes my way though. If you come to rely on an NPC you might be in trouble if it dies. But I can see the value of it. And I wish you luck with it."

    It wasn't a horrible idea. Just not one he was interested in pursuing as well.

  21. "Look around. Most people here are terrified. A lot of people have already given up. I wager the vast majority of players will be huddling in the safe zones. If we are going to clear the game we are going to need to get strong. But we will need to be organized. And we will need more than just us three."

    He folded his arms. It was an ugly situation. But at least he wasn't alone for this. That would have been really horrible. But they could do it. They didn't have a choice.

    "First thing is first. Let's add each other as friends. This way we can always get ahold of each other. Plus..."

    He frowned.

    "If one of us dies then we can tell that too."

    He pulled up his menu sending both of them friend requests.

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