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Posts posted by RaiSudeki

  1. The boar attacks, Rai would attempt to dodge and attack himself.

    The boar would miss leaving an opening for Rai to stab it with another crimson blow, making the creature shatter into a bunch of blue shattered pieces of code.

    "Very nice!"

    Then Rai would look over to the new comer.

    "Ah, so it seems that not everyone here is completely scared of death, thats good to know."

    Rai smiled.





  2. Rai would follow Amtrum and Kaizer to the field. Then upon Amtrum's instruction would pull out his dagger and do as he was told. Doing what was called a "Sword skill" apparently, his dagger glowing blue after a few attempts getting the form right. He would use it a few more times till he was comfortable and nod to himself.

    "So that good enough?"

    Then he would turn to check out Leon's progress.

  3. Rai would stay silent as he listened to Mathew's explanation. Shaking his head.

    "Well damn man. Sounds like this game is a little bit more advanced than what we're used to Leon."

    Rai would put away his dagger and crack his neck.

    "So what are we still standing around here for? Lets get to it guys. I'm ready, Leon?"

  4. Rai would accept the friend request and send one to Leon as well.

    "Indeed tis a good idea. So we're definitely going to have to get stronger but how? Like any other game we just go and attack mass minions until we are strong enough to move on, or what? Got any ideas going on in that head of yours Amtrum?"

    Rai would pick up his dagger out of his equipment and start fiddling with it while he was speaking, eventually just using it to clean his finger nails.

  5. Rai just shook his head laughing.

    "You two never did change. Man its good to see y'all again though, granted, I wish it was under better circumstances."

    Rai would look around to see if anyone else they knew was around.

    "So whats the plan guys, we gonna take over this joint or are y'all planning on sittin around and letting some other fella to win this game?"

    Rai looked between the two already knowing the answer, but he still had to ask, just to see their reaction.

  6. Rai would have done the same as Kaizer and looked through his equipment noting the dagger he had and move on, he was concerned and unsure as to what he should do when he heard a familiar loud sharp whistle.

    Turning around he would see not only Mathew, but Leon as well, now supporting the titles of Amtrum, and Kaizer. Huh, thats new. Totally gonna keep calling him Leon.

    Rai would walk towards his old friends.


    He would call out.

    "Sup, losers?"

    Rai chuckled as he got closer to them.

  7. «Name» The Crimson King.


    » Username: RaiSudeki

    » Real name: Raikotsu Sudeki

    » Age: 25

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'

    » About: Rai would be living at his parents place after he dropped out of college not really sure what he wanted to do with life but he was living as best as he could with what little he had. Then he heard about a new game that came and he got excited. The idea had been to play with some friends from High School. They had grown apart and moved to different parts of the country once they went off to college, but they would keep in contact online. Skype calls and video game were easy ways to stay in touch. And now the lucky, or rather unlucky ones that managed to get a copy of Sword Art Online for it's opening release were stuck in this death game until someone beat it.

    Being stuck in the game made Rai snap back to reality of sorts realizing that he himself was stuck in life living at his parents place without a job. He missed his friends and he missed being in college, now it was possible that he may never have any of that ever again. Now Rai is determined to win the game so that he can go back home and continue on his life's journey to become a better person.

    » Virtues:

    Kindness. Rai is always kind and caring to everyone he meets, usually assuming someone to be his friend first unless the prove to him to be mean or untrustworthy.

    Humility. Rai is very humble and will often take it upon himself to protect his friends even if it costs him his life.

    Loyalty. If Rai makes a true friend he will always be there for them and will do his best to help them in any way shape or form. He will never betray someone intentionally and if he does so on accident it will haunt him for the rest of his life.

    » Flaws:

    Smart Ass .Rai is definitely quick with the comments especially when its towards people he doesn't care for, and it will often put him in more trouble.

    Unpredictable .Rai is definitely a person of unpredictable sorts sometimes it comes as helpful, other times it ends up screwing him up... definitely more so than not.

    Gullable. Rai is definitely a gullable person quick to believe anything anyone has to say unless he knows otherwise or someone he knows and trusts says another thing altogether.









    Weapon skills :





    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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