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Posts posted by Shulk

  1. My bod felt warmth, watching the blue haired girl prompt her hands on her hips like she was suddenly about to give me a lecture almost made me wanna burst out laughing. Upon hearing what her name was and that she grew tired of this quest wasn't what he wanted her to say. But once she stated she'd help me I got really happy. "Haine, right? Pretty cute name....but it kinda reminds me of a brand of--" I cut myself off to let her catch on to my friendly teasing. "You say you've had plenty of parties and took this quest a lot!? That's radical! You must be like popular around here Haine? I wouldn't be surprised though....just look at you. Dahaha. And thanks for tagging along to help such a weakling. But don't be fooled. My level is weak, but my heart and desire is strong."

    After all the nonsense slowed down and my idiotic self has stopped doing random things. "Mr. Swag, huh? That has a nice ring to it... Dahaha anyways, of course the rain God's favor me. ♫ I be straight shining till the sky starts crying! ♫ Heh." I knew she was being sarcastic, but that made things more interesting. She even called my rap cool, despite the idiotic attempt to rhyme. So far this girl was pretty cool. "Thanks "blue bell"! And I'm glad I'm in luck cause I wouldn't be able to do anything without your help. This quest is too much for you."

    I followed behind her, but with a more so calm and collected attitude. "Boy am I glad I met you... Anyways...yeah. Let's get a move on while the rain is hardly coming down. We would have to stop if it got too hard. I'm not a fan of the rain to be honest....it makes me wonder if the sky is crying in a sense. But forget that....so what's this nepent guy like? Heheh." My evil smirk appeared on my face along with a chuckle afterwards that didn't sound like my laughter before. i tended to get a little bloodthirsty for battle. Being crooked gets you in trouble which lead to fights at times.

  2. Once Shulk asked the questioned about all the babes, I noticed Asen went silent for a while kind of like he was avoiding the question. Must not think I'm up to par with getting a lady friend. Not that I care much. "Tsk." Only a grunt left my lips, but it felt reassuring that he decided on helping me out. He was friendly after all. But as soon as he pointed at the boar by wolves I shook my hands side to side. "I'll die trying to fight all of those at once. I'm level one you crazy nutcase. Anyway... the weapon I use is a basic long sword. It's not even long really so I don't understand the name or nor do I care. So I'm a one handed swordsman user without any knowledge on battling or battle tactics. I'm a quick learner though so don't worry." I clenched my trench coat and shrugged slightly before unsheathing my sword with a look of bloodthirsty. It may not look like it but I have always loved bad things which included fighting. Though I hide things well and hasn't fought in a very long time since ive been slowly changing.

    "Well are you going to show me how it's done or should I challenge a monster and go all out. I don't like the sound of death but you gotta learn.... "

  3. Maybe it was all in that big head of mine, but it felt like the atmosphere had lightened up by a lot. It was exactly what I wanted, when I seen this guys eyes it made me share some of his pain...which I'm glad I did. Even without knowing the situation I can get a grasp of the things he's been going through. Not only that, but his mask isn't only to keep people from noticing who he is, but it hides his shame for the wronging he's done in SAO. I could be way off but that's just my thoughts at least. This day was being interesting, but could it even get more? There's no telling what things you can get into tagging along with this cool guy. My face lightened up and a huge smirk appeared before Asen's very eyes.

    "Dude, I totally understand why you can't discuss guild matters so don't even worry about it. Just glad your in one no matter if it's not as many players in it. Ah....being on a break doesn't sound to bad, but me, I'm always on break cause I haven't decided on joining a guild just yet. Even though I plan to...or I plan on making one. That's only if I can maintain the qualities a leader has. There's no jokes when it comes to lives on the battlefield. Players are giving it their all so I'd have to do my part to. Anyways... don't mention it. Sometimes lectures are necessary. I've had like a million....ugh."

    I move my hair outta my eyes and walked forward a little and stretched my arms out. "So were are all the cuties at? Haven't seen many...even though I'm not too much of a catch myself. Dahaha. Enough fooling around though. Would you help me raise my level and show me how to battle? I haven't really done much....I'm pretty low at level myself." Sighing slightly, my head crooked to the side trying to look at a shape of a cloud. It was an unusual looking one.

  4. I was on the battlefield and had been practicing on getting stronger, but doing it alone was no where near as fun as it is with one other friend. "Man... I really need a grinding partner. Maybe I'll be able to find someone my level to grind with. We'll both need to bring stronger if we want to get outta here. And I'm not looking for a pushover either...ugh" I left the battlefield, yawning on my way to town.

    Once again, entering the , not much for me to do at this low level but grind my gears...GET IT? Ah...sure you do. Anyway, it was a hot day in Aincrad... it felt like my body could melt any second now. Maybe I'm over-exaggerating the temperature. I wiped much sweat from my forehead and looked around the crowded town trying to find a partner to grind with who was around the same level as me. "Excuse me? Any of you fruit loops wanna grind with me? Ah....such a shame. Some of you don't even deserve to be called name brand cereals. Mostly a bunch of Chimpan-ass-loops!! Ugh!" I stuck both my hands in my pockets and walked into a diner and swiftly took a seat without noticing a small and cute child sitting across from me. "Heya! Was this seat taken by anyone kiddo? Maybe your older and protective friend or something? Look a little too young to be in this game. Wait--" My eyes widened once I looked at the girl more, not like I was checking her out since I obviously suspected her to be a child, but something about her posture and facial expression made me think otherwise. This is definitely not a kid...damn I'm so dumb for falling for that trap. She kinda looks mean. I would bet my Col, well if I had any. Seeing that I'm only in here to duck the heat. I'd bet anything she's gonna kick my teeth in.

    "Erm.... excuse me...hehe" I embarrassedly, awkwardly and shamefully thought about trying to leave the diner without the girl snapping on me but it felt I was paralyzed in my seat from being a total rude idiot.

  5. I saw her light smile while I was helping her up. Then her little comment made me laugh about her bones not being broken. "Dahaha that was really funny. I find things funny pretty easily so excuse me." The conversation didn't seem to be going since bad and right after my idiotic self started doing the worm I noticed the blue haired girl trying to hold in her snicker of laughter. I swiftly got up and dusted myself off like I would have in the real world. "Dahaha wow! I actually get props, huh? Well thank you very much. But hey--" Right when he was about to speak the girl seemed as if she was about to just leave. Unfortunately, I was in need of some assistance in a quest I had picked up about some stupid Secret medicine. Not that I was interested in it, but it gave a sword so who wouldn't want a free sword. "Hey, um...? I didnt get your name? What was it? And the thing is...I kinda need help with a quest about the Secret medicine or some bullcrap! Dahaha as much as I live for adventure I'd rather not die in them. So I'd be grateful if you could help me out. You seem reliable. How about this...if I can come up with a cool song or rap, or even if it's flat out terrible... you'll help me out? Deal? Good."

    " UH! It's not Hulk, but Shulk. UH! Mic check one two one two! Nah nah nah. Turn me up in the headset." I had my hands on each side of my head covering my ears, acting as if I was in the studio telling my producer to turn up my headset. " Aye! iight!"

    " ♫ Greatly awakened I'm coming straight outta town! Besides from taking over im planning assassination! And we know that this video game is fake and we're slowly about to break it! Sao ain't nothing, can't even take it serious with all these chumps thinking and praying, like grow a pair or I'll "rob" you some and have em' to you by the clock of noon. I'll cook you up on the mic, I'm Shulk, The Crooked Swordsman to. ♫ Holla at me! Cause I am REALLY FEELING IT!" I was definitely feeling myself at this point. Not caring if my rap wasn't liked or not it honestly sounded dope. Shulk was the type of guy that loved to do random things, not to make people like him, but to keep building on his own personality. He was imaginative and loved to be creative and different. I smirked and threw my hand up high in the air. "Matta fact, You chumps ain't even worth it, I'll use the back of my blade on purpose. I finished off by rap and acted like I dropped the mic. After that it started to rain which added to the effect. I had my fingers crossed that she liked it or even felt like I'm so dumb I needed a partner. Either way was fine.

  6. Shulk wasn't an idiot, whoever this Asen guy was he was a strange apple from the tree. Like he's hit his head and some glitch happen so that he did nothing but gaze around. Or was this just some tough guy act that I wasn't too fond of. He gave me a gaze that shouted "shut up you talk too much". It made Shulk's facial expression change from his cheerful self to his second personality. It was were I stopped being goofy and cheerful and more so calm and collected. It didnt seem like a good idea to keep talking to this guy with a kid like or clown like personality. This Asen guy was too strange for his own good. Was he gazing at me trying to figure something out about me? Anyway...he finally opened his mouth and it was a blunt comment with one of those "Nothing personal" remarks after it. I stood there with a straight face and turned to look him in the eyes. His crimson red eyes and my moonlit black eyes, just giving each other a stare down.

    "None of my business, huh? Why are you so afraid to tell me what's wrong. Well actually, don't even bother answering that. Either way you don't need to do much talking. I'll tell you something and make sure you open those big ears of yours. Whatever is happening in your life in sao, don't let that red cursor stray you too far from a path of light. The look in your eyes cry for help. I'm sure you have some people that want you dead with that red cursor. I'm only assuming man. I don't know much about your situation, but there should always be a solution. If you've run outta those...then i'll only say this once. You're as good as a dead man walking. Which i do not wish on anyone in this world....good or bad. Everyone deserves the life they have...AND NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT!! The lecture was finally over and Shulk's face had a serious and firm look. It was like I had turned into a different person that was like a leader of some sort. I've always been the type to get straight to the point of things unless it's meaningful like this situation.

    I let out a cough and shrugged afterwards. Listening to the boy once again, but this time about his plans. Seemed like he was in trouble with a plan like this. "Tsk... tsk. I haven't seen what you've seen. It scares the hell outta me just imagining how much hell you've been through, but don't waste your life following the wind. Letting it drift you to your very own death...make that wind follow you, along with everyone in SAO. CHANGE! Become who you were before this game...otherwise it's hopeless to think you'll survive on your own. You do have a guild, right? They'll protect you. Ugh. I'm not fond of them but I'll eventually join one and be a frontliner. I wanna help the people." My long trench coat blew in the wind while the look in my eyes stayed firm and pure. I wasn't the time to lecture someone, but this guy needed it. He won't take my life if he understood the whole point of the lecture. I thought to myself before patting Asen's shoulder. "Don't bare the burden alone....it's too hard."

  7. This guy....not only was he a red player, but when he turned my way I saw his unusual silvery white hair along with some freakishly crimson red eyes. And not only did those eyes call out to me, but they shouted for freedom from sadness. Even someone as nosey as me would know not to bring up whatever it was that had this young males heart in pieces. The stranger walked near me with a dull response to my excited comment. I shrugged and looked out to the beautiful sunset. "You're name? What is it pal? Actually I'll freaking tell you a little about my epic self. I mean just look at me. I'm godlike. Dahahah!" I made a stupid joke to cleanse the atmosphere of this unusual conversation. "All jokes aside, Shulkten, it's my real name but I go by Shulk. It's shorter and frankly sounds a lot better in my opinion. I'm just a guy that craves for as anything adventurous. It gets my blood pumping almost as much as doing bad--" I quickly cut myself because I was about to spill the beans that I love deceiving and stealing from others. I couldn't let him know I was a pickpockets.. or mainly just a crook. Exactly why Im known as "The Crooked Swordsman".

    My dark blue hair slowly picked up in the wind. "So who exactly are you? And what is your goal of getting the hell outta here. I'm honestly relying on everyone else to get they're hands dirty so I have a free tickets out. Dahahaha Smart, huh?" I looked over at him with a goofy like expression. In my mind I was simply trying to figure him out. In short terms... I was worried about a total stranger.

  8. A fierce punch that road the wind itself hit a virtual tree with little to no impact. My hand, kept getting clenched harder and harder. Rain began to poor as I slid against the tree...questioning my very on abilities in my mind. "Am I fit to be in this game...? What's a clown like me going to do without a helping hand. I'm just a nobody..." After those words left my lips, the ground beneath my very own feet started trembling. I lost my own footing and suddenly the earth that was trembling had cracks in it which opened up even more and eventually caused me to fall into the whole of despair. I screamed so loud that I guess my inner conscious heard and allowed me to wake up. "AHHHHHH!!!!" That scream was the only thing that I could do. I tried speaking but nothing had came out my mouth. I was almost frightened to my very own existence. Finally, coughing, coughing up the cowardice that was hidden within me. "What the hell was that all about...? Must've been punished for all those dee-- " I quickly cut myself off and examined my surroundings, it was really dark, but i soon realized a feeling of warmth and comfort. I was under the sheets in some sleazy Inn. Either way I was grateful.

    "That dream....or nightmare I should say. But maybe it was reality giving me a reality check. Maybe I should get stronger and prepare myself for the trials and tribulations to come." I calmly stated while slowly getting outta bed with one hand placed above my eye. "Heheheh... " A chuckle that sounded devious left his lips. He got dressed and left the inn. He had decided on taking a quest he had picked up not too long ago. "Guess I'll give this a shot! YAHOOO!!!!"

    AFTER yelling like a total moron I didn't realize I was walking like a idiotic duck of some sort. Then without looking forward he bumped into a blue haired girl. "Heya!! Watch where--.. " Then I realized it was my fault. I extended my hand for her to grab and I gave her a "I'm sorry" kinda smile. "I can be such a clumsy loser sometimes. ANYWAY!! THE ole so MIGHTY SHULK has made an appearance! Prepare to be dazzled!" I randomly started doing the worm on the ground to see if I could get a smile or laugh outta here. But now that I think of it, this girl had blue hair to. Such uniqueness.

  9. KAAABAMM!!! The Inn's door was excitedly pushed open with a young man with a look of curiosity. I had dark blue hair, black eyes and a tanned and slender body size. My age was really seventeen, but since I was bearing my eighteenth birthday I decided to say I was eighteen anyway. What harm would it do? I dusted off my attire that looked rather dull. The colors werent really matching and they made me stick out like a sore thumb. Even though I like being the center of attention. My outfit was a white collar shirt popped up with a blue, red, and gold long trench coat that hung to the back of my knees, or maybe when passed them. My pants were black of course, and my boots were so lengthy that they almost went above my own knee caps. Talk about unmanly, but I like to create new looks and get the crowds eyes on me. I stretched my arms out, yawning which led my mouth to open up bigger than it should. Sometimes I can be idiotic and do unnecessary things. "Ahhhh!! GOOD DAY AINCRAD." You'd think I would get some negative comments but surprisingly players were fond of hearing such positively comments. "Guess I'll head outta town for a bit....but first...." I mumbled to myself before bowing in front of a young woman. "Excuse me ma'am. Which way would lead me to a nice field with less spotted monsters?" After she gave me her long and dried out answer I gave her a polite smile. "Thank you." I calmly said while turning my back and walking outta town.

    "I wonder what kinda idiot I'll run into today? Maybe I'll be able to deceive them into giving or helping me with stuff. Well honestly I just feel like relaxing. Maybe have a nice conversation with someone as exciting as me or even more. Though I doubt that'll ever happen. Damn....I talk to myself a lot. That's the power of loneliness. Dahaha!!" I tried laughing my comment off which did make me feel better.

    Suddenly I made it to the empty field the lady was mentioning. The perfect green grass, a few trees with such fine and detsiled-ness within it. The only thing that ruined this sight was a player....a player killer to be exact. This could get ugly if I try to pickpocket him or something of the sort. I thought to myself while walking slightly near him and sitting on the firm ground. "Freaking sick view isn't it?" Those words slipped from my lips to the stranger.

  10. 〠シュルク 】

    ⥠S H U L K
    âyou just can't take it easy and relax....gotta go BUCK WILD and live a little....or something like that...âž


    » Username: Shulk
    » Real name: Shulkten
    » Age: 18
    » Gender: Male ♂
    » Height: 5'7


    Shulk was a senior in high school and was soon enough about to graduate. He was living the life of a wild and deceiving young teenager. The guy had "acquaintances" everywhere around school but there was only one person he considered his comrade or friend. He had grew up with her in their childhood so they go way back. She was a wild one just like him so that's why he prefers to be around her better than others. Or maybe because she's even wilder. Then later that year a new MMO was about to release, Sword Art Online was the exact name of it. Shulkten hadnt really cared much for it but he got a call from his friend who stated that she was in line for it. After they hung up he decided to give it a try and surprise her in game. He dashed down there and tricked and deceived others into letting him cut in line. Then he finally got home and he plugged it up and headed into the world of sword art online! "Link Start!"

    Shulk is a misunderstood kinda guy who tends to be actually a kind hearted guy. Even though he has stolen, deceived, and all of the above he was still a guy who craved for being cool. Only reason he really did any of that stuff. And also to be known even for bad things. He's eighteen yet he still acts like a kid sometimes. But maybe learning he's in a death game will change him and possibly mature him.



    » Virtues:
    Imaginative: Shulk is the type of guy that sometimes live in imaginations. Having or showing an ability to think of new and interesting ideas: having or showing imagination. Shulk has always been able to keep things original and whatnot with his imagination. When you're imaginative, you can develop a unique solution to a problem or issue. For example, an imaginative engineer might develop a new, more efficient way to construct a bridge. An idea or object that’s fresh and original.

    Tact: Shulk has a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense. This makes him seen tact and respectable to one or another. Also Shulk adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues. Shulk has a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing;taste; discrimination.

    Tolerance: Shulk's capacity to endure pain or hardship: sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own. Basically, Shulk has the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Shulk takes an allowable amount of variation of a specified quantity


    » Flaws:
    Fraudulent: Shulk...in flat out terms...is very fraudulent. Given to or using fraud, as a person; cheating; dishonest. Deceitful, deceptive, crooked, underhanded. Shulk likes unjustifiably claiming or being credited with particular accomplishments or qualities. Basically obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception.

    Soft-hearted: Shulk, Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.

    Temptation: Shulk has or have something that tempts, entices, or allures them, that is hard to resist. This could be anything, and can drive the character to do things of ill nature. Shulk has a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. Shulk has an entice or allure to do something often regarded as unwise, wrong, or immoral.







    â–º Athletics:
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: +1 DMG, +5 HP
    Rank: 0

    â–º Precision:
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: +1 Accuracy (ACC)
    Rank: 0

    â–º Sprint & Acrobatics:
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Effect: +1 Evasion
    Rank: 0

    â–º Search & Detect:
    5 Ranks
    Effect: +1 LD per rank.

    â–º Extended weight limit:
    5 Ranks
    Effect: Players start out with an inventory with 6
    available slots, and gain one extra slot per Skill
    Level invested in the Extended Weight Limit
    Rank: 0

    » ► Parry
    Cost: 6 - No Ranks
    Post Action
    Effect: Attack action. Deal only half damage rounded up. Reduce incoming damage by half rounded up until your next
    post action. (Some conditions like paralyze may remove this effect.) Special: Deal full damage if you roll an unmodified
    BD result of 10.
    Rank: 0

    â–º Battle Healing
    5 Ranks
    Effect: Recover X health on natural CD rolls of 10+ (X=Rank Level)
    Rank: 0

    Weapon skills :
    » ►One-Handed Straight Sword:
    5 Ranks
    The effectiveness with which a player can use
    one-handed longsword-like swords. (Example:
    Arming sword, Longsword)
    Rank: 1 [2 SP used]


    » ►Light Armor:
    5 Ranks
    Effect: The effectiveness with which a player
    can use Light Armor Equipment. For each skill
    point invested in the Light Armor Skill, incoming
    damage is reduced by 1 damage point. (Must
    have light armor equipped to take advantage of
    this benefit)


    (PP-F1)Just chill...with Asen Incomplete

    (PP-F1)Secret Medicine Quest with Haine Incomplete

    (PP-F1)Grinding with Maki Incomplete


    » N/A


    ☠Story Thus Far☠

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