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Posts posted by Peppermint

  1. Children with their hands linked to one another walked in a row in between two adults. Other players cleared the way as they passed. Clearly disappoint with the hand holding arrangement, and closer to the back, was none other than Mint. A frown placed on her features as she glared at the child in front of her. A child names Eric. He was squeezing her hand a little too tightly as he marveled at his surroundings. None of this was new. Mint had been out enough to know what the town was like and the ones who roamed it. It was also the perfect opportunity to escape. Accidently (or purposely) Mint caught her feet in Eric's. The six-year-old tumbled forward. As he went down his hand released hers. Sorry. While the teacher went to attend to him Mint slipped her fingers out of the girl behind her and then took off. "Mint!" echoed behind her. But before anyone could catch her disappeared into the crowd. 


    This time Mint didn't know where to go;  wandering around became the best option. It was surprising how after only a couple minutes everything appeared strange. After a couple minutes, her tummy let out a rumble.  I'm hungry. But where can I get food? In her distraction, Mint had found herself running into someone's leg. The force of the impact caused her to stumble and then eventually fall backward. "Sorry," Mint muttered eyes downcast.  


  2. And it was over. Mint allowed her to take a breath and assess herself before actually answering Keiths question. "Umhum," Mint nodded, blink up at him. Nothing hurt. The only thing that changed was her level of tiredness. If anything had changed it would be the excitement coursing within her veins. Fighting had been surprisingly more...challenging than Mint originally thought. Challenging, but really enjoyable. To prove that she really was a-okay Mint flashed Keith a broad smile. It disappeared as quickly as it arrived. 

  3. This had become like a game. The women at the orphanage would try and keep her in while Mint tried to get out. Surprizing Mint found herself beginning to enjoy this strange game of capture the kid. Even now, as she was running through the streets of starter city with Margeret --one of the orphanage helpers--running after her the smile was firmly places on her lips. Taking a steep turn and then several more Mint found herself at the quest board. She wanted to go one a quest with Keith and Torunn again. Grabbing the first thing she could, Mint then took off one more. As she was dodging around people she managed to read the paper labeled "Blood in the Sand." Sounded exciting. And it was on floor 5. 


    Several minutes later--having lost Margeret--Mint stood at the teleporter. Pulling down the menu a quick message was sent to both Keith and Torunn: "Hey. Care to do a quest with me? Floor 5."-Mint. Sending it the young girl then stepped into the teleporter and hit floor 4. Margeret had arrived just in time to see Mint disappear in a flash of light.





  4. Marveled by the actions of the bakers Mint found herself frozen. The baker, a female, had just got done making dough and was putting some type of filling in to before folding it up like a taco. The last step she did was place the taco like item on the tray to be put into the oven. Her mouth watered at the sight. Suddenly, the hair on the back of her neck stood up in alarm. Something deathly sharp grazed her back, moving the full ink colored ponytail out of the way. Mint's stature became ridged. Her breath stilled in alarm. A second passed. The thing continued on. The sound of metal grinding against the paved path finally dawned on her. Swiftly turning her head, the girl found herself staring at a male who was dragging his sword around. Even if the city was a safe place that was dangerous. Chartreuse eyes narrowing Mint took a step toward the male, and then began to follow him.


    It was hard to keep up with him, but the young girl managed. Mint followed the male all the way to the field. This time she stopped at the gate. Last time she ventured out she had found Keith and Torunn. Now she was by herself once more. Huffing, Mint equipped the dagger and ran out after the male. It took some effort to catch up with him, but once she did she slide out in front of him. "You shouldn't carry your sword like that, you almost hit me." Mint calmly stated, resting her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes up at him. It wasn't too intimidating due to the child-like stature. 

  5. The switch didn't happen. Mint wasn't too concerned about it though. Her HP bar had only gone down one; nothing to fret over. Hopefully, Keith would realize that as well and not come to her aid. She could do this.  There was no doubt in her mind that she could. So when the boar started to paw at the ground and lower its head Mint knew what was coming. Placing the dagger better chartreuse eyes watched as the monster then took off toward her. Mint waited. and waited. Until finally she moved. Unfortunately, she was just a tab slow that time as well. While dodging away the tusk had grazed her leg. Another hit point down. That wasn't the end of it though. While the boar was running past her dagger blade dug into it back. Due to the momentum the dagger then dug across the back of the monster before sliding out of its town accord. A short red gash now decorated the back of the MOD. Brushing a strand of raven colored hair out of her face Mint breathed and faced the creature once more. This was almost over. 


    ID# 11057

    BD: 8

    MOD: 6


    [Torunn 11/11] Hate 0

    [Mint 3/5] Hate 4


    [boar 1/5] 



  6. Nodding was all Mint had time to do before the boar charged her. It had happened too fast for anything to be done. The boars tusks dug into her forearms as it pushed her back slightly. Good thing the feeling of pain was not transfer or that would have been detrimental. In order to get out of the boars grasp Mint let her left knee fold and then used the sudden downward momentum to do a shoulder roll to the left. As soon as she was righted she pierced the short blade into the shoulder area of the muscular body. Once again, she jerked it back out, quickly putting distance between the monster and herself. The boar turned to fix it's glaring red eyes on her. Mint's eyes narrowed in concentration, being sure to watch so maybe next time she could dodge the charge. Switch. 



    BD: 9 (Critical Damage +1)

    MOD: 8


    [Torunn 11/11] Hate 0

    [Mint 4/5] Hate 3


    [boar 2/5] 

  7. Torunn had suggested that she go first. Shrugging, Mint posed the dagger in her hand so that the blade was facing downward. Then a deep breath was taken before she charged forward. Since the boar was not paying attention to them quite yet it was easy to make the hit. The dagger in her hand pierced the hide of the boar. There was a high pitched squealing noise that filled the air seconds after. Just a quickly as Mint had stabbed the monster she pulled the dagger back out and prepared a defense. Being sure to never stay still. Now, the boar was totally focused on her. Torunn was up next while she kept the boars focus.  


    ID# 11040

    BD: 8  (1 Damage)


    [Torunn 11/11] Hate 0


    [Mint 5/5] Hate 0


    [boar 4/5] 

    ((OOC: Which one of us controls the boar??))

  8. It was a hand being placed on her head that brought her back to the present. Chartreuse eyes automatically jerked up to find that Keith had kneeled down, concern shining in his eyes. "Nothing's wrong," Mint replied softly, not really too sure if that was the truth or not. Despite not knowing she did know one fact, she was fine. Always had been. Always will be. The relationship with her parents didn't matter if she was stuck in this game forever. With that thought, a new wave of determination washed over her. Torunn statement had not been completely correct, but it would detract his attention from her; which became the new goal. Making eye contact, she allowed a smirk to grace her features. Her eyes slide over to Torunn and then back to him before ducking out from under his hand to go follow the other girl. Dagger ready to make an attack. Torunn could go first. 

  9. Torunn had seen that she recognized the name and then promptly assumed that she was an escapee. All correct. Taking the extended hand, Mint gave a little shake before move both hands to clasp behind her back. Then a head tilt was directed toward the field. A "you choose" type gesture. Eagerness shined in her eyes as she waited for Keith or Torunn to pick one. 


    These two were obviously close to one another. If "Papa" wasn't a hint of that then just from the interactions. Warm. Playful. Interested. Was this was a "normal" relationship looked like between children and parents? The teachers at school liked to think that she didn't hear them talk about her and her parents. The way both of them focused more on work than the own daughter. But what did they know? Nothing. Those teachers who thought her parent were selfish didn't know that for a month or two that had experienced poverty, and then had a baby on top of them. They didn't know the discomfort of not being able to feed a growing baby what it needed, or have someone sacrifice one's food for the other. They didn't know. 


    Just being around them made Mint curious as to what a relationship with her parents would be like if they acted like that. She even tried to picture it. The image was strange and foreign. Without even realizing it a frown decorated her child-like features and her eyes dropped down. 

  10. Not even a mile out of the gate and someone had decided to approach her. It was a male player and young female around her age; a bit smaller than herself. The male had questioned her; asking if she was lost and by herself. To the first question, Mint nodded no, she was not lost and the second received a yes. Of course she was by herself. Hearing the girl mentioned something about a dagger not being needed caused Mint to involuntary flinch and quickly put it down by her side as a gesture of peace. Never, ever would that dagger be used on another player; not if it could be helped.


    As it turns out their names were Keith, Yuki, Ruby and finally Torunn. Torunn. It took Mint's mind a second to realize that Torunn's name had matched the name of the girl before her; the one who escaped and then finally got adopted. With that thought, those same eyes flew up to Keith. Had be been the one to adopt her? It was entirely possible. Wide chartreuse eyes went back and forth between the pair before Mint realized they were waiting for a name. Or at least something to call her. "A pleasure," Mint inclined her head ever so slightly as a greeting, "I'm Mint." 

  11. Another escape. There was always the possibility that they would get tired of her escaping and just her go freely. Mint knew those people though, and it was highly doubtful that would ever happen. Someone would have to vouch for her safety if she was to really get out. And there was not way Mint would ever let that knowingly happen.


    This time, instead of heading to the felids like before, the young girl headed into the town. People of all shapes and sizes flooded the street as they glided past. None of the taller players paid any mind to the short one among them. They were too busy with their daily lives to notice someone so small weaving their way expertly through and around their legs. It was hard though. At least in the crowd she would harder to find. Harder to catch. Without even realizing it, Mint had danced her way through the crowd to the fountain that rested in the middle of town. People lounged upon the edge talking or just enjoying the sunny day. That was also where she caught the scent of something she loved. Sweets. Tilting her small nose to the air Mint took a deep breathe, letting the scent of sugary sweetness fill her nostrils and then lungs. A meager growl sounded from her stomach. Like a dog tracking its prey Mint changed directions and focused on the scent. Then she started off one more; mouth watering in anticipation as to what was going to be seen. 


    It took several minutes of people bumping into her before the little bakery was found. Coming to a stop outside the window Mint scanned the delicious pastries on display. Macaroons. Scones. Cakes. Things not even known to her. With no money, all she could do was stare longingly at the desserts. A small pout adorned her child-like features as a hand pushed against the glass. What she wouldn't give to just try one. 

  12. Finally, out of the orphanage at last. This was her fourth try and the only successful one at that. Peppermint, or as the women had been calling her Mint, meandered through the town with one thing in her mind. To fight a boar. It had been in her thoughts ever since learning that this game was not like the others. There was a chance that ones life could be taken, from both this world and the real one. Mint did not have a suicide wish, but she did have the desire to get stronger. And the only was to get stronger was to fight monsters. The women at the orphanage did not believe that a child could fight. Mint knew she could though. She was not the only who had the will to fight either. There had been rumors about a girl before her who felt the same desire. Her name had been Torunn. 


    Finally, after several minutes of walking (running was out of the question since it looked suspicious) Mint made it to the gate of the town. With a swipe of her small hand the menu was pulled down. All she had was a weapon--a dagger to be exact--and not one potion. Risky, but worth it. No time could be spent getting potions since it would be obvious that her presence was missing at the orphanage and they would send someone to find her. Her time was freedom was running out.  

  13. large.jpg


    » Username:

    Peppermint/ Mint
    » Real name:

    Angel Warren
    » Age:

    » Gender:

    » Height:



    History/personality: Angel was an accident; a child not supposed to be conceived until her parents were finically stable. Unfortunately, Angel's mother missed all the signs of being pregnant until it was too late. On October 2 a beautiful baby girl was born to the Beth and Marvin Warren, dubbed Angel.  At that time, Marvin had been out of a job and Beth homebound due to the pregnancy. There was no source of income and they were struggling. Every day Marvin would go out to try and find work while Beth stayed home to take care of her. Marvin's lucky day came a week after the birth of his daughter. A construction company took interest in him and his skills. Plus they offered more than a decent wage and benefits. Without hesitation, the job was taken. 


    Eight years down the road Marvin had become a lead figure in the company, and Beth went back to school to get a law degree. Most of the time, Angel was left alone; save for the medium sized bloodhound named Red that followed her around the house. He was her best friend. They would sit on the couch together and watch movies or fall asleep together. Never once did Angel complain about any of it. She knew that her parents were working hard to provide her with a wonderful life and even better future. People in school treated her differently. She was more mature than them and they found it weird. That was when she turned to gaming. It started with consoles that only allowed one player. Eventually, it grew to involve MMO's and MMORPG's. That was how she discovered Sword Art Online. It was supposed to be just another game to take away the loneliness that lingered. In order to get her parents to purchase it for her, she had to take a class on internet safety and make a promise to be careful. All which she did. Finally, they day came and her parents came home with their present. Little did she know that Sword Art Online wasn't just an ordinary game. 


    Angel had been taking care of herself since she was six. Her mother was working on getting her degree at home, which meant she was busy was school work. In order to try and support Beth Angel learned to cook, clean and do whatever needed to be done. Before long she had learned what it took to take care of herself. Of course, her parents do the grocery shopping, but Angel is the one that makes the list.  


    Angel can take anything thrown at her. She is not easily damaged by words or much else for that matter. Her personality is that of someone who is strong and durable. For instance Angel overheard some of the girl's talking about her. The way she dressed, acted and even her mannerisms. It didn't bother her. Instead, she walked by, said thank you and then went to the next class. 


    Angel is resourceful. She will use whatever is around her for whatever she can. This also gives her the ability to react with imagination and creativity. This trait really shows itself during hard or difficult situations. Angel has not problem bending the rules, or finding loopholes, if it means getting her somewhere. She is also very adaptive due to her resourceful nature.


    Angel is not use to asking for help, actually it's more like she refuses to ask for assistance. She believes that no matter what happens she'll be about to care of the situation  on her own without the help of others. Sometimes, that thought process is very wrong and can lead to trouble. The only way, and I mean only way, to give her help would to be not to ask; just assist. Later, when she gets over her pride, she'll end up thank you in some form (i.e. A handshake, a smile, nod of the head, etx.)

    Angel is too mature for the young age of eight. She doesn't play around and is rather serious about life. This was mostly related to the way she was raised. Due to the nature of her upbringing Angel never really had time to play around or goof off. If she did it could mean anything from no dinner to missing the bus. Some people find it unnerving that an eight-year-old thinks about life as if she was grown adult; thinking about what the future holds and how to live.



    Angel doesn't really talk much. Without anyone to talk to at home it just kind of became something that was only done when necessary. She is more likely to use body language and mannerisms to communicate with others. Therefore, people have to pay very close attention to the way she moves or her facial expressions; they do the talking for her.  


    Angel absolutely loves sweets. She would do almost anything for one. There have been times where she has eaten too many sweets and made herself sick from them. That does not stop her from eating them though.












    Weapon skills:
    » One Handed-Dagger  (Rank 1)

    »10 Bread

    »15 Water

    » Cloth clothing

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means
    its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)


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