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Posts posted by Moriko

  1. I can tell that it's much more complicated then that, I hear it in his voice. But I just nod and say "It's odd how everyone is fighting for something. Or just waiting for someone, or for somethig. Some peoples motivations might be being able to see their family and friends again, or to finish the game so they can get revenge on the creator. There are some whose motivation is to kill, kinda scary really... My motivation is to make my brother proud. He loved video games, anime and Japan is general. I kinda like video games too, and so I got this. I didn't buy it, it was a gift. Oh sorry! Listen to me ramble on, I should get back to hunting!" I feel a bit more energetic this time, I think I'll kill the boar this time. HP: Moriko: 4/5 Boar: 2/2


    I take a step forward and attack the boar. With a simple swing of my mace I...kill it. I sigh and unequip my mace. This time I got some loot! 10 Col plus a material. I flop down on the grass. I close my eyes and exhale. I'm not ready. To fight again. "It's kinda fun slicing flesh," I say unexpectedly aloud, but then I just giggle. I relax and just think. I think about everyone who has died here, everyone who is scared and holding back in the towns. Those who do selling or crafting to help out, and those who just fight. I don't know which I want to do, I'll probably end up fighting even if I don't get very far. I'm still new with hardly any experience and so many people are way ahead of me!

  2. "M," I say as I'm regaining my balancing from being on X's back. I then pull out my mace and dash towards the nearest boar, without hesitation. For sure I'll get some loot this time! Sooner or later, I want to buy a house in this world, because right now I'm all over the place, I mean I'm not really doing anything apart from hunting. I want to be organized, even if that means adapting a bit to this world. I have to adapt, to survive it's necessary to adapt. I get ready to swing my mace right at the boar, it's so heavy. I'm so weak. I'm sure I'll make it through! I have to! I want to see my family again. Did Daichi know about the incident before he sent the game to me? I sigh. "Here I go!" I shout as I approach the boar. Whoosh! I feel the power of my mace as I swing.

    ID: 15297      BD: 2     LD: 18      MOB: 5





    I take to long to think and I miss, by a lot. I quickly turn around and as I do the boar hits me. I don't take much damage but it still hurt. I take a few steps back so it loses interest. I'm now stand beside X. Well, only a long time until I face some harder mobs. "How hard is the boss on this floor? I mean! I don't want to rush in or anything! I still have a long way to go. I just seems, there's a lot of people here. I wonder why so many hold back, and just sit around and let everyone else do the work. People are risking their lives for them! Well, everyone has their own motivation, what's yours?," I say. I look directly in his eyes, as if it would force all the details out of him.

  3. "Wait are we going out the window? Good thing I'm not afraid of heights!" I say,taking in a deep breath. I'm excited to go hunting again. It felt good, exhilerating, thrilling. It gave me hope that I can do something in the world.

    I climb on Xs back balancing myself, gripping tight so I don't fall off. I'm ready for this. "Alright let's go!" I say to him. I'm totally ready. Let's go kill!

  4. "Maybe we should wait a bit then?" I ask, but the sun is already peeking out from below the dark horizon. "Let's go before it gets too busy, besides most people won't notice since is so early right? The darkness will give us cover plus people should be sleeping," I say quickly. Then I sit on the bed and wait for X to be ready.

  5. I sit on the bed and the soft spongy mattress made me sink down a little. I yawn, stretch then get up to have a shower. After bathing in the warm water, wrapping myself in towels, I finally take off my clothes, so I'm wearing but a bra and underwear, and quickly slip into bed when he's not looking.

    I feel safe in the town, in the inn. Although I, for some reason, feel safer around NPCs, I also feel less lonely around real people. I switch off the lamp on my side of the room and tuck my hands under the covers. I breathe.

    I don't remeber falling asleep, but I'm awake now. It's still dark outside, so it must be around 2 in the morning. Not tired. "XWuZHeAR," I murmur softly, so if he's asleep he won't wake up. "XWuZHeAR, I want to go hunting again, once you're up and ready," I say, I don't even know if he's awake. I get dressed and sit on the edge of my bed.

  6. "Thank you," I say, excited to finally be going back to a cozy warm yown with many other players. The outside is nice, fresh, full of adventure, but I'm still getting used to this world. I've gotta start somewhere. I guess the people whom I teamed up with didn't end up arriving.

    "So do the seasons change in this world? Oh, wait! I'm curious sbout the food, does it have flavor? Can we taste it, or cook at all? This place is amazing! I almost want to keep living in it forever, still I'll miss home, family, friends," I say all in one breath.

    I like walking in the lit up streets, full of warmth, comfort, joy. It's really hard to understand so everyone, how I, can be so happy and comfortable in such a cruel and scary world. 'No one here's alone' I remember the boy saying to me, when I was crying. The sun is all the way down, I'm a bit hugry but this guy has done enough for me, it's too bad I couldn't treat him to breakfast.

  7. I laugh as the boy misses. "Tough boar eh?" I joke, since they only have 2 hp. I re-equip my mace and stand up. This time I'll kill it for sure, and hey I might even get some loot or Col. I put on my 'at ease face' and look at the boar. This might be an artificial world, but I can still hear myself breathe, still feel the warmth of the sun and smell the freshness of it all. I think of my family, do they know what happened? Maybe Daichi will e-mail them about the incident. Well I'm sure they'll find out soon enough! For some reason I feel like it does't matter that I'm stuck in this world, like it doesn't affect anyone but me. Although it's probably the most important thing in the world to my parents right now, even if it's not a good thing. Anyhow, I will make it out of here, I'm sure of it!   Health: Moriko: 5/5  Boar: 2/2 

    ID: 14473    BD: 10    LD: 1    MOB: 4  


    I feel a thrill, rather then exhaust swinging my weapon, and I suddenly know, I will survive in this world. I smile and put on my 'determined face', not a drop of sweat on my forehead. The boar sees me, and rams close to me, but I step out of the way, tripping over my own feet, falling, but catching my balance again only to see the boar coming towards me. I have no time to react, so I almost get hit, but I don't take any damage. Soon enough it's dead. I get no Col, nor loot. "So where do I stay, like rest, eat, sleep?" I ask smiling, happy. 

  8. "Mhm," I nod and take a big step forward so I'm just behind the boar. I pull out my flanged mace, preparing myself to engage. I inhale. I've killed one before, how hard can it be to kill anither one? I can feel the boy watching me, I feel as though I can see, feel, sense everything, even though I have my head faced the ground. I pull my arm back. I swing. HEALTH: Boar: 2/2 Moriko: 5/5
    ID: 14320  BD: 3  LD:5  MOB: 9

    I swing my mace as hard as I can, it's heavy, I'm not strong. I have hardly any muscle, and I won't gain any from this game. I realize I'm attacking nothing but air. I blush and the boar almost doesn't notice me. I take a step back before I get hurt, even if it means no loot or col. I walk away disappointed. I failed, what's XWuZHeAR gonna think of this? I sigh and sorta flop down on the ground, tired.

  9. "Oh really? Well I guess I'll just have to live with it! I hope I can see my friends and family soon, no longer than two years at most. While also making some new friends here!" I say smiling. I think I did make a friend. "I hope that didn't sound too...cold, I mean I'll really miss my family, but I've had to live with... Um nevermind!" I say quickly, so I hope he doesn't hear. Why am I telling my life story to someone I just met? "Well I suppose you're curious now," I take a deep breath, holding back tears that I've wanted to cry out all along, then I continue, "last year ny brother died from leukymia..." Then I stop and stare, without even realizing it, and I drift off into a deep dark thought.

  10. The sun, low on the horizon is warm and makes me feel sleepy. I yawn and realize, my first day in this new game and I haven't really done that much fighting, exploring or shopping. But this is so much better. I think I made a new friend so I kindly ask, "Since this is a fighting game, not to break the peace and quiet, but got any good tips? Not saying I'm super pumped or anything, but it is good to know,". I almost forget I have a life at home, in the real world. So I add "I don't think I've told my family about SAO yet, they might get worried. Can I just log out wherever?". I smile, watching the virual sun sink below the virtual horizon.

  11. (OCC: That's ok I have all the time in the world to wait)


    I have never felt like this before. What an interesting world! My ponytail is rippling like a flag in the wind of his speed. I look down and see little critters everywhere. "This is amazing!" I say, not too loud so it doesn't disturb him. "So, uh do you know how to get back because honestly I'm lost! How long did you say you were an acrobat, or performer or whatever, I just can't believe we're in the trees! This may sound weird but you're kinda like a monkey!" I say in almost one breath, smiling, squinting in the sun. Mmmm, I smell the sweet and I feel like I'm on my brothers back again. I almost let go my tight grip, as I settle into a relaxing bliss. I'm totally gonna be up for hunting after this....or maybe a nap! I hope that my party isn't looking for me! Maybe I should say something? That would just ruin this stunning moment I'm in.

  12. My name is Nicole.  ;-; I love video games, anime, reading, cooking/baking and sleeping. I am honestly very lazy and I do not do any sports. However I am VERY excited for this fall because I am joining kendo. (Traditional Japanese fencing/sword fighting)

  13. "Sure"! I say, although I don't know why. I stop myself before I hop on and remember something important. "How rude of me! I'm Moriko, it's nice to meet you," I say as if we had just met. I get onto his back. Now I have a little better view of everything. The only other person who has let me get onto their back was my brother, Cole. So this feels kinda strange, but I just pretend I'm on my brothers back, him running through a sunny park, me enjoying the view, squinting so I'm not blinded by the sun. I suddenly realize that I had wandered off into a thought, so I quickly say, "Mauruchan? Nice name, I don't really know what it means though. They sure are cute!". I smile, this place isn't so bad is it?

  14. I look to the odd person who randomly sat down beside me, then I smile and say " Yeah that's right. I suppose I would've never thought of it that way!" I look down and see a creature on my lap. I'm shocked at first, but then smile at it and pet it. "So what is this thing? How'd you get it?" I ask, and I suddenly, feel like we've been friends for a long time.

  15. I walk to the edge of town, and reach out to touch the wall protecting it. It feels cool and hard, and so real. I feel like this is really happening, but it's just a game....just a game. I step outside and am greeted with a soft breeze. The air smells sweet and fresh, the lush green grass, the bright blue sky, the warm sun makes this feel like a dream. I snap back to reality, or virtual reality, "Hello? Is anyone here? You guys here yet?" I shout before finding a sunny spot on the grass to sit on while I wait for my party, who are apparently not here, to arrive - earlier on I met a few people willing to go hunting with me, so I guess we were to meet near the beginner hunting areas -. I wonder if I should start getting experience or just wait for the people to come. I make up my mind, it can't hurt to get the slightest bit of XP can it? I mean, I'm still waiting for them right? It's not a bad thing to take a step ahead, especially when the people you're with are already a step ahead.

    ID: 13883     BD: 7      MOB: 5      LD: 7






    I feel overwhelmed as I swing my flanged mace and, since I don't know what I'm doing half the time, I'm shocked to see a box appear with the words CONGRATULATIONS! The boar I was fighting is no longer in front of me; I killed it. My first fight, first time ever in this world. No help at all! I feel so overwhelmed, then I realize; that was one boar, one mob in a world with 100 floors, and so many players and mobs! This was one boar, on one floor. I feel kinda put down at that thought, but then I guess every newbie starts out like this. I expect to get something, but nothing. No materials, no Col, no loot at all. Now I'm even more put down. Oh well, I'll just have to live with it. That's enough fighting for now, so I just go and sit down on my sunny patch of grass and wait for my party. Waiting here makes me realize something, something I can't quite put my finger on....then it hits me, "I'm lonely" I say surprisingly aloud. Then I lie down, and start to cry.

  16. {__Moriko__]


    » Username: Moriko

    » Real name: Jozuna Fischer

    » Age: 13

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 5'4"

    » About:Jozuna originates from Vancouver, Canada, Although she has a Japanese name. When Jozuna was 12 her older brother Cole Fischer went on a high school exchange for 6 months. After 4 months, he caught the deadly disease, Leukemia. He had to stay in Japan for another year, but after being in the hospital for 5 more months, he was dead. Furious, depressed and alone, Jozuna stopped going to school for 3 weeks, but eventually had to continue attending. In the time she temporarily 'quit' school, she got an odd e-mail from someone named Daichi Nakamura. She opened it and it read; Hi, I'm Daichi Nakamura. I met your brother, Cole, in a park, so we chatted for a bit. He told me loads about you. When I heard he had Leukemia, I went to see him in the hospital. At the time, he was just starting to get sick, so I talked to him to keep him company. He gave me your e-mail, along with your parents. I have something for you that Cole would've thought you'd like, it's a video game called Sword Art Online. I'm a beta tester for this new game. In memory of Cole, I'll let you keep it, it comes with special equipment called NerveGear, so be careful. It should be in the mail by the time you get this e-mail. Best of wishes, Daichi. Not sure what to think of this, she was sure she wouldn't tell her parents, and wouldn't reply until she got the package. One day, it finally did come when her parents were out shopping, so she took it inside and opened it, to find the game indeed, equipment and all, with a little letter attached. Hope you enjoy, please handle it with care, tell me all about it, okay? Everyday she thought, about how a part of her brother still resides in Japan, so this day, she will bring her brother to life.

    » Virtues:

    Honest: Moriko is a very honest person. She is reliable and people could come to her for advice. She can trust herself, as can others. She feels relaxed and calm when she's being honest, but will get tense when she thinks she's lying. She has less stress, and generally feels good about herself.

    Friendly: Is kind to most people, does not like to fight, usually bright and cheery. She is usually pleasant to be around and is very forgiving. Most of the time Moriko will have a positive attitude and will feel good about herself and others. She will also be very confident and encouraging to others, so she won't feel as much of her guilt, as this disctracts her from her own troubles.

    Patient: Will wait for things to happen, will wait for people, pretty much doesn't mind waiting, often calm and cool. She will tend to have good self-control, and she will take the time to think things through, and she will think before she acts. Since her patience makes her calm, she will be very empathetic and caring.


    Messy: Tends to not be organized, forgets things often, also tends to get dirty. Her work is usually done faster, but not as good quality. She has trouble throwing her stuff away, and often collects way to many 'collectables'. She can sometimes get discourage, because she is messy, it makes her feel tired, poor, hopeless. That affects the way she will act around people at the time.

    Picky: Takes time when it comes to making desicions, will only use items/eat food with her approval. She will get bored of things fast if it's not her favorite. She doesn't like compromising very much, and will fuss over food and items. She will be in a general good mood when she gets what she wants, but can sometimes be demanding, which makes her seem bossy and rude, although thats not exactly the case.

    Talks Too Much: She basically won't shut up...ever....unless asked to. She will overexaggerate and overreact to things that are better/worse than her. She interrupts people often, and does most of the talking in conversations, and this all leads to annoying others. She doesn't want to be annoying, but she has trouble on listening, things just sort of slip out and once she gets going it's hard for her to stop, she doesn't get offended when people say 'you talk too much'.

    Profession: [N/A]

    Skills Skill Points: 0

    Flanged Mace-2



    Basic Flanged Mace

    Food: 15 water, 10 bread


    Woodland Green Shirt

    Night Black Skirt

    Chocolate Brown Boots

    Relashonship: [Hasn't met anyone yet]

    ADDITIONAL INFO: My profile image is the image of Jazuna/Moriko...

    Favorite Food: Who doesn't like cake? Jazuna adores cake, cupcakes, birthday cake, any kind of cake!

    Favorite Music: Alternative... It's unique and different, it's her jam!

    Hobbies: Jazuna loves socializing with close friends and unfamiliar strangers, she also loves video games. She loves her two cats and her dog, and of course, she loves baking (then eating) cake!

  17. Don't worry, if you're having a hard time read up on all the tutorials then leave it for a while. Sometimes you just have to read it at a better time.

    Any of the weapon skills (just remove the skill part) can be a weapon for immediate use in your character to get you RPing. Cloth clothing is just what it is, nothing much there. Certain professions can make you better weapons and better clothing/armor.

    Any other questions? Just ask!




    You can start with any weapon that is listed in the skill section. I, for example, chose a curved sword. The skill tutorial is in the tutorial section. 


    As for cloth clothing, you basically start with:


    1 (any color) shirt

    1 (any color) skirt/pants

    2 (any color) boots/shoes


    If you happen to have an accessory that is literally useless, you can add that too. When I say "accessory," I don't mean a necklace or anything fancy. For example, I started with glasses. 


    As for importance of things, you can just skim the tutorials. What I do after I skimmed them a year or so ago is just keep an eye on them. I also keep a tab open with a relevant tutorial open for when I'm, say, using combat. I just do this to make sure I'm doing EVERYTHING perfect. Make sure you read it enough to know where things are, then go back to double check with every post. 

    Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it! ;)

  18. I'm new and haven't made a character yet. I'm not really used to RP sites, so all of the tutorial stuff was a bit confusing. What are the basic weapons/cloth clothing you can have? Also, are there any super important things I should know, because I'm kinda bad at decieding whether a fact is important or not on this RP sorta thing.

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