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Sion Vindictus

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Posts posted by Sion Vindictus

  1. His eyes fixed averted to the figure he thought he saw. his eyes wide with hands wavering he gazed upon a figure that resembled...Haru. "HARU!" he yelled but in the instant she was there, she had already gone. "No that can't be. She wouldn't be here and if she was she would have said something... anything to me."


    A man stepped out of the shadows with a scimitar on his back that was only dulled by the sharp gaze he shot Sion. "Well look who has finally showed themselves to me. The orphaned child, useless to the world."


    Sion placed one hand on his spear and met the mans gaze but his stare was not nearly as impacting. 

  2. Before Sion was a small entrance to a cave. "That's why i couldn't hear you anymore. Looks like you did my job for me little guy." With one hand, Sion moved an over hang of weeds from the entrance and lowered his body within. The cave was dark and narrow but not steep. his boots easily maneuvered through the dim light area, because of the sun. His spear clanged against the ceiling from the various elevations along the walking path.


    All was quiet as he saw a wider opening further ahead. Sion entered and gazed upon a wide area with minerals and the metal he needed aced around the cavernous area. "Alright well thhat was far more simple than I had originally thought.


    Sion moved closer to the metal, when a swift object moved out of the corner of his eye.  

  3. With the sun high in the sky, He started off toward the area where a small cave was located. The sun was only starting to lower in the sky as a dense forest appeared before him. All was quite as no wild animals prowled the landscape. Sion's eyes scanned the area with one hand shielding his eyes from the bright sun. "alright so her not says that there should be some kind of cave around here then right."


    Sion's searched continued through the woods, digging past any odd or dense woodland growth. A rabbit darted through Sion's legs, almost startling him of balance. The small creature hurried through some bushes and then the sound immediately vanished. "Well isn't that odd?"


    Sion followed the rabbits tracks and pushed through the brush, "ahh I see. that's where you went."

  4. The girl looked back at the odd man standing in the doorway. His actions and way of carrying himself intrigued her, but she dare not show it. "My name is Sai, since you asked." The door rattled against the wall as Sion stepped beyond the threshold with his hand gliding across the doorknob as he pulled it slowly closed behind him. 


    "I'll return before long...try not to get to may orders before I get back," his voice hinted at humor. Sai quickly replied, "I am a bust blacksmith you know."


    Sion simply smiled as the door closed behind him. "Here we go then. guess I'm going to find this metal first huh."

  5. The girl tilted her head slightly to the side and held up one hand pointing toward the sky, "It's the best deal you'll ever find. I am making weapons for free. You just need to go out and get the materials I need for it. Free of charge."


    Sion walked in closer, diminishing the gap between them. "So free of charge huh. just get the materials. Sounds like a great deal to me. What do I need to get for a Two-handed Spear?"

    The girl brought her hand to her shin as she thought of the situation. After a few seconds of silence, she replied by quickly writing a list of things on a paper.

    "Here, take this and get me everything on it. Oh and what's your name? It's rude not to introduce yourself."


    Sion grabbed the list and glanced over it with a nod. "Well then, i'll get on this right away then."

    He turned to walk out as the sun shined in through the still open door, "My name is Sion by the way. it's a pleasure. What's your's?" 

  6. weaving through the crowds he came upon the center of town. With a small sigh he recalled the meager amount of col he possessed. A small sign caught his eye,that announced the arrival of a new blacksmith with a deal on weapons. "I see. I'll start there then."


    He entered the shop with the sun at his back. The door opened to a small room, and Sion's shadow cast across the floor with light radiating from the sun behind him. The door creaked and gently raddled against the wall as it struck it. A small girl looked up from a forge with sweat dripping ever so softly from her brow. Her hands set down the forging hammer as her crystal blue eyes peered up at Sion.


    "Can I help you or are you just going to stand in my doorway blocking customers?"


    Sion stepped forward revealing more than just his silhouette. "I have come because I heard you are offering a deal on weapons. Can I ask what kind of deal this is?"  

  7. Two days past as Sion spent it in the village of Horunka asking adventurers if they had seen of heard of a player named Haru. Efforts were wasted as know one appeared to know of the girl he described. Weary from asking he looked into the sunny sky. "I've been hear for days now asking about you Haru. I have trained, seen countless people come and go.  I have even seen people unfortunate enough to make it out of the first floor and die by wolves."


    he gathered himself up and started to walk toward the exit of the village, his eyes never veering from his straight course. "I think I know what I need to do now. I can't keep wasting time asking about you. I have to search for you as I move forward. I know that we will come across each other....I'm sure of it."


    Sion traversed the crossroads until he arrived at Tolbana raid base. The small outpost was ready for any adventurer to grace its walkways. Sion entered the base alongside the scuffling of shoes from fellow travelers.  

  8. Just wanted to say hey to everyone, It took me awhile to find a good rp site that used a dice roller and this looks like the one. I live in Japan as an exchange student, learning that ever difficult Japanese language. Hope to RP with you all.

  9. ID#14116



    Sion finished killing the boar and then noticed something strange as the beasts disappeared. Something was glimmering in the deeper part of the river surrounded by rocks. As he approached to take a closer look he noticed it was a small treasure chest snuggled securely in the rocks completely submerged and hidden. He reached down and managed to unlock the device, revealing loot inside. Placing the items in his inventory he turned and headed back to the small village. "Maybe i'll see how much stuff costs now." 








    Treasure chest

    50 col

    2 leather materials.


    400 col for one page  

    1 skill point for completed topic


    total 450 col 

  10. Sion waited for the boar as the leaves feel from the trees around them. The river roared harder with small waves crashing like the beating hearts of the man and beast embroiled in combat. The boar's heavy breathing rippled the water at its feet while it peered angrily at its target.


    Sion widened his stance in preparation for his attack. His muscles felt real to him, each flex and tension like the real world. "I got you now!" He yelled as he charged forward, as the boar stumbled to evade. The river moved with his feet and spear as he soared forward. His feet touched the bottom of the river for a final spin as the spear severed the boar's head with a horizontal slash. 


    Sion landed on the other side with feet planted wide as he spun the spear above his head and placed it on his back. 


    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    sion 4/7

    boar 0/4

  11. The boar once again rushed forward at Sion with white tusks reflected in the water. He dove to the side with a clumsy roll trying to hang on to his spear. "No...it wasn't killing that had me surprised. It was the way you said it. like your not worried about yourself, you are worried about me dying aren't you Reinhold.It all makes more sense now, even the scoldings."


    Sion stood up with the spear in hand and slashed it downward flinging water and dirt from the blade. 


    "Well, looks like I have one more person that I have to stay alive for now. What a strange world this is turning out to be already."

  12. Sion wearily got to his feet and thrust his spear forward. His strike was lack luster and fell to the ground as the boar rushed to the side. The spear stabbed into the river bed as Sion slumped over it. 

    "Reinhold what was that all about? Is that how you really feel? I came in to this world as a game. When I found out that this game could bring death, I accepted that I would meet friends who would die and that i may have to kill. It isn't that that has me shock."


    Sion returned to his feet as the river flowed up to his knees with rushing fish. 

  13. Reinhold's words halted Sion, as he stood transfixed in the water for a moment. The boar reeled backward from the strike and thrashed the water. Memories of his past with Haru and all the others flooded his mind along with the conversations he had with Reinhold and all the scoldings from him during Sion's youth.


    The boar swung wildly in the moment of Sion's uncertainty. Sion's mind refocused on the task at hand as pain reverberated through his slender body from the tusks stabbing into both his ribs. the boar whirled its head to the side, sending Sion rolling across the river like a child skipping a stone.


    Quickly rolling to his feet he looked up to the trees but Reinhold had already left.


    sion 4/7

    boar 1/4


    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  14. Sion's words caused Reinhold to grimace as he continued to watch as Sion pressed his attack. Vindictus turned once more as he held the spear diagonally behind him with the spear submerged in the water. With his rotation the spear rippled the water creating a tiny wave before he yanked it violently upward at the beast. 


    the spear sliced the boars jaw staggering it backward. Reinhold's glare intensified as he yelled, "Do you think you can do that to us boy! Never forget this isn't a game anymore. this is no fantasy land. when you encounter us in here it is life and death and do you think for one second that murder in here will be prosecuted in the real world! you are still a fool, and surely you know as well as I do that HE will not care!"


    Sion 7/7

    boar 1/4 


    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  15. Reinhold laughed from a top the trees with his arms crossed over his chest, "my dear boy, it seems the years have made you quick witted. You still have a ways to go though. Even with all your intelligence and whit you can't fight the person you are. You are here to seek her out and regardless of what my motives are or anyone else's, you will still find her because you want and you will still lead me to her."


    Sion waited for the boar to make it's next attack as he replied, "Well, looks like you know me pretty well. Yeah..I'm still gonna find her, and when i do, then I'll do with you and whoever else gets in my way."


    The boars tusk grazed the top of the river as it moved forward. Sion swung his back leg around against the water and spun his body as the tusks ruffled his loose fitting jacket. 


    Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice


    sion 7/7

    boar 2/4

  16. An arrow flew through the air striking the ground at the boars feet. Sion leaped upward and yelled, "Reinhold! What the hell are you doing here?"


    A tall man appeared in the trees dressed in a light cloth armor, "You don't know? How could you think that we would not catch a letter from...Haru. She sent one to you to meet in this world before she disappeared."


    The boar charged Sion as he flung his spear to the ready. "So what you're saying is you lost her, tracked me down, followed me in this game, and are hoping that I can find her here so you can get a hold of her..." the bore interrupted Sion as it's charge tore through the shallow river. Water cascaded in the air as it's tusk bore through water droplets aimed at Sion.


    With a quick step, Sion jumped to the side as his feet planted in the river sending ripples radiating outward. "And find where she is in the real world!" he finished his sentence as he leaped into the air and plunged the spear downward at the bore, piercing it's side.



    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    2 dmg from critical hit. 

    Sion 7/7 (Leveled up after full night sleep.)

    boar 2/4

  17. His head jolted as a peculiar thought raced to his mind, "haha, no way. That reminded me of one of the men that worked for Yume's family. I'm starting to get a little to on edge now. Guess I'll loosen up by getting back into the swing of things."


    Sion walked through the village a midst other travelers. A looming feeling of being watched was ever present as he entered into the woods on his search. before long he arrived at a small stream and sat down by the water. 


    "Time for a breather I guess," before he could get settled something moved in the distance. His yes darted quickly across the river as his body remained still so he wouldn't alert anything. 


    the head of a boar slowly peaked its head out toward the river oblivious to Sion's presence. "Alright time to give it a go."


    before he could stand up a voice rang out from the trees above, "Still have the same demeanor as when you were a kid I see. you will never learn."

  18. "Alright, looks like a good place to spend some time as I get ready." Sion approached the village with his eyes casually moving back and forth to take in the scene. it was small and there were a substantial amount of players moving through as it was used as a station to resupply and level up on smaller enemies. the wooded area seemed relatively safe to Sion, all things considered. 


    As he moved into the middle of the town he stopped in front of a potions store. With a smile he placed one hand on the back of his head and gave a small laugh, "Oh yeah. I don't have any money yet. well looks like I had better get back at it then. No rest in the face of progress I guess."


    He turned to walk away as he was bumped by a small person. Sion turned and only caught a glimpse of a figure clothed in earthy tones before they seemingly vanished before him. "That was odd, It almost felt familiar."

  19. Sion smirked at the girls words, "Well then that sounds like a plan to me, I shall never ask you again, especially sense I have yet to fully repay you for helping me this time yet. but i'll watch my step out there." Sion started to walk past her as the girl rose an eyebrow, 


    "Well then good luck. try to watch your step this time though alright," she said as he passed by her.


    Sion waved one hand in the air and replied, "No promises there."


    As Sion moved further into the dark of the night, the young warrior sat back down and ate the bread that was left for her.


    Sion reached the small village in sooner time than he expected, this time without difficulty and fainting. The village was buried in a forest and seemed to be a hunting base.  

  20. The only thought that crossed his mind as the women emerged was Yume, who was waiting on him. Standing from his seated position he looked at the women and said, "if you don't mind me asking, can you point me to the nearest town. Looks like I need to buy some supplies."


    "Horunka village is the closest," the women said as she pointed in a distant direction. "But it's a good distance from here and you still don't seem like you're fit for battle."


    Sion removed 2 things of water and three things of bread from his pack and laid them on the ground. "take these, it's all I can offer for saving my life right now. it's not up for discussion, I have plenty left. I need to moving as soon as possible, I've rested enough thank you though."


    The woman was already annoyed at Sion's abrupt demeanor and shuck her head at his seeming arrogance, "Are you sure you want to wander out into the wild again so soon? If so then I wont stop you but I wont help you again either."

  21. A dim light illuminated the side of Sion's face as he stirred. Something warm flickered next to him as his vision returned slowly seeing a small mass of orange light. Rapidly blinking, his eyes opened wide and he pushed himself upright. A small fire crackled next to him with a tent on the other side. The night sky loomed over head as Sion, sighed letting his head hang low facing the ground. 

    "Thank you," he said with a smile, as if speaking to the night air itself. "I guess I have a little ways to go huh?" 


    Sion spoke as he heard footsteps coming from around a large rock to his left. A feminine figure appeared clad in cheap armor. The girl's dark hair reached her back and fell across the two handed sword strapped around her. 


    "Looks, like you finally woke up. You should be more careful. Taking a nap in the middle of the day in the wild isn't such a good idea," the women said as she placed her hands on her hips. 

  22. Sion pulled himself together on the virtual field of battle that he now stood. Thoughts of his life day in and out being filled with battle flooded his mind. his eyes closed and the wind blew gently over his face and lightly ruffled his cloth clothing. a moment passed with the warmth of a false sun beaming down upon him. Somber eyes reopened to meet the world as he started his walk forward.


    There was nothing for him back at the starting city as many of the people fanned out and he knew if he was to make any significant progress he would need to go out alone. His body was heavy with fatigue however as the battle had dropped him to dangerously low levels of health.


    "Huh. so this must be close to what it feels like to come close to death. i should hurry somewhere before I get any closer." With each passing step, his feet became more and more heavy until they seemed to drag across the ground. his eyes wandered and shut from time to time as he lost track of all things around him. Until he could vaguely see the outline of a small village. His pace quickened and his eyes fixed on the location.


    His vision narrowed and a thud echoed around him. His knee hit the ground and his body followed. reaching out one hand, he grasped toward the town. "looks like I have a long way to go." 

  23. Sion's heart raced in the moment as he realized the capabilities of this game more and more and grew ever more comfortable within it. His strike however barely slowed the creature down as it curled into a lower posture at Sion's feet, and sprung upward. Sion's eyes widened as he barely detected the movement of the creature at his feet now rushing upward. He staggered backward as the beasts head squeezed inside his defense and between his arms. 


    It's powerful mouth came down on his shoulder. It's teeth dug deep seething with hunger as it dropped Sion to the ground. the beast rolled off leaving it's damaging mark on Sion's body. he slowly brought himself up to his feet with spear ready. his eyes fixed on the target before him and saw it only as one more obstacle that was holding him back and keeping him from his destination. "I can no longer waste any time on you," he said as he settled into a resolute stance. "Now Move!"


    Sion's feet flashed forward with spear pointed in deadly precision. The grass kicked up behind his swift motion as the wolf growled and charged back. Sion's body leaned forward as his spear dipped low almost beneath the wolf. With a quick swipe the spear pierced the belly of the wolf with all Sion's might. The force sent the wolf careening through the air and crashing to the ground as it faded away.



    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    sion hp: 1/5

    wolf hp: 0/5





  24. Sion wiped his face on the sleeve of his jacket as he complained, "that... was disgusting. this is why I don't like pets." His hand moved away from his face in time to see the beast running towards him once more. He moved the shaft of the weapon downward to block the wolfs, low incoming claw. As the spear came toward the angle of the claw, it wasn't fast enough. the claw skimmed by the weapon with tiny shards of wood splintering of as the attack landed on Sion's thigh. 


    The wolf jumped past Sion and prepared a follow up attack from behind, it's paws digging deep into the ground for traction. Sion knowing he couldn't wait, whirled around and spun the spear above his head, exposing his midsection. The wolf seized the opening and lounged once again at his abdomen.


    Sion grinned at the attack, "Got ya," he exclaimed as he spun the spear quickly downward while stepping his right foot back lowering his body and creating more distance. The metal blade dug into the wolf sending it colliding back to the ground. 


    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (mob) dice.

    Sion 3/5

    wolf 1/5

  25. The wolf shuffled too the side after sustaining the hit. It's eyes even more hungry than before as it's life came closer to an end. It ran forward in a zigzag pattern, attempting to confuse its prey. As the wolf ran to the spear wielder's left, Sion took the chance to dart to his right causing them to start to circle around one another. As the two of them lined up in their path, Sion jumped with his spear to slam it down like a baseball bat colliding with the wolf's back. 


    The wolf jumped to the side avoiding it and bit toward Sion's arm. Sion held the spear horizontally and brought the middle of the spear's shaft between him and the attacker. The wolf's mouth was intercepted by shaft as it's jaws came down around it instead of Sion. Saliva from the wolf splattered across Sion's face and drenched the shaft. Rotating his body, Sion used the shaft to through the wolf away from him. 


    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (mob) dice.


    Sion hp: 4/5

    wolf hp 2/5

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