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Posts posted by Raissuh

  1. Raissuh looked at the ground, then back to the player who had asked the question, "I guess I'm just not someone that others pay much attention to. Even though I'm so pal... nevermind." It was dark, so they probably couldn't notice. Which was good, in a sense. An actual crow cawed in a nearby tree, and was easy to spot, due to being silhoutted by the moon. He swiftly pulled out his spear and threw it, impaling the bird and bringing it down from it's branch. Raiisuh quickly retrieved his spear, saying, "I'm sorry, just a little tense."

    He noticed that the girl had begun to leave and said quietly, "Here is to hoping we meet again under better circumstances." She seemed nice. Which was something Raissuh had noticed in quite a few people he had encountered. He waved at her and smiled, though the latter probably would go unnoticed.

  2. Raissuh was just about to slap the Crow, whose name just happened to be Crozeph, when the player asked them their names. Perhaps he could give a false name. No, if he needed to contact them later, he would need them to know who he was. Grunting, he said, "The name is uh... Raissuh. Why do you need to know?" He looked at the girl and said, "Either you, or I, are people magnets. Im betting on you, because people don't really pay me much attention, which is a good thing."

    Why was he still here, talking to strangers at night? It would have been safer to leave earlier. But something about talking to people besides Boris, it was almost... pleasant. A cool breeze brushed past, pushing some blonde hair over his eyes. With a quick, fluid motion, he brushed his hair aside and laid his hand on his hip, showing his annoyance. But it was only for show, because he WANTED to be here, with these people.

  3. Raissuh grunted as he heard a voice from the direction of the 'bird', and held back a scream as another player walked up. He had just wanted to sleep. Sure, if it had been just one person, he would feel relaxed, but this was getting ridiculous. Turned to the girl, he said in a friendly albeit nervous manner, "Nice to... um... meet you. I am uh... Raissuh."

    He frowned. Why had so many people showed up? Was something big about to happen? He was not sure, but his curiosity was piqued.

  4. Before she could respond, a bird began to caw. Raissuh grunted. No, not a bird. A player, and an idiot at that. He shouted angrily in the direction of the 'bird', "Shut the hell up, mate! Not in the mood! Wait... how long have you been here?" Raissuh had learned that there were always those people, the ones who did stupid things and found it entertaining. He didn't like those people, they annoyed him. Sighing with irritation, he said, "Get outta the trees and show yourself."

    It seemed that there were plenty of night owls here in Aincrad. Those players who stayed up until five in the morning for no apparent reason. Of course, it wasn't five, and there was nothing wrong with pulling an all nighter. Raissuh felt a nervous bead of sweat drip down his face, perhaps this was a PKer trick?

  5. Raissuh grunted, saying, "Great, you made me sound like an idiot. Reveal? Why did I choose that wor... nevermind." He laughed at his silly choice of words and moved on. Now that she was visible, he quickly assessed her appearance. She did not appear to be a threat, and she didn't look half bad, either. Of course, it was still dark, so he couldn't be too sure about the latter statement. He knew that, due to his lack of any form of tan, he would be very noticible. Almost like a spotlight in the middle of a field at night. Almost. He held up his hands to show that, indeed, he was unarmed, and said, "You um... you aren't here to kill me... right? I would feel really stupid for having put my weapon away."

    He tried to sound casual, but there was something about being alone, at night, in Aincrad, that made it a little difficult to do so. He hoped he at least gave a good impression.

  6. Raissuh swore loudly and rushed to his feet, grabbing his spear in the process. He pointed it in the general direction of the voice and said with caution, "A fellow player in Aincrad, why do you ask?" He had known somebody was nearby. Perhaps they intended to murder him. Or perhaps they didn't. He was beginning to question Boris, and as he met more people, his belief that not everybody was bad began to grow stronger. Taking a silent step forward, he said, "Reveal yourself, my vision isn't too good right now." He promised himself that if this player was unarmed, he would put away his spear.

    He knew it was a female just from the sound of her voice, and like all guys, as he had come to realize, he was curious as to what she looked like. Not in a weird way, just a natural curiosity. Deciding it would seem more friendly to show no threat, he put away his spear quickly and said, "I am unarmed. Reveal yourself."

  7. Stabbing his spear into the ground, Raissuh flopped down on top of the hill, sighing as he felt the soft blades of grass bend beneath him and cushion his fall. He had been traveling for quite some time now, and had actually become exhausted. Lazily, he rolled to his left to look at the Starting City, assuring himself that if danger arrived he could make it to safety. Relaxing, he turnes his gaze to the sky, not surprised to see the moon far above. The night was young,and Raissuh was tired. He felt his eyelids begin to close and mumbled tiredly, "Yes, lets sleep. I need to recover..."

    But he couldn't sleep, something seemed off. As if he wasn't the only person around. Try as he might, Raissuh could only lay there, expecting the worst. Only such an unpleasant game could ruin such a pleasant night.

  8. Raissuh looked her up and down. She seemed to be his age, but there was something off about her. After a few moments, he realized that she was an NPC, and thus had no cursor over her head. He glanced over to the player sitting with him and said, "The same thing..." the player quickly threw out his name, "Canil." Raissuh nodded and continued, "yes, the same thing Canil is getting." The waitress nodded and said, "Canil is a regular, so I will bring over some ice cold water shortly."

    As she walked away, Canil leaned in close to Raissuh and said, "Kind of creepy that they can memorize our patterns, isn't it? And um... why are you so... pale?" Raissuh laughed and said, "I guess it had to do with me being inside so much. I almost forgot what sunlight felt like until I joined Aincrad." Canil sat back, mumbling to himself. Raissuh listened closely and managed to catch a short bit, "...ris will be happy. I found the ri..."

    Then the waitress walked up and set the drinks on the table with a smile. Raissuh reached for his glass, but froze as he saw a certain person leave the restaurant. Could it have been? No, he had no way of acquiring the game, did he?

  9. The player looked at Raissuh with concer, "Yeah. Of course I would save my friends, wouldn't you?" Raissuh shrugged, he did not know how to respond. He didn't have friends. He decided to move on, "Hey, come with me. Let's get away from the edge." The player nodded vigourously and followed Raissuh,

    In a short while, they made it to the Starting City. From there, they went to a simple restaurant. Raissuh had stopped leading after they entered the city, and was simply following the other player now. As they entered the restaurant, Raissuh said, "Hey, why are we going here?"

    The player quickly responded, "I owe you a debt. This is a good way to start repaying you." Raissuh grinned. He could be rewarded for being who he was, pleasant. The player gestured towards a table and they both sat down. A waitress aproached and said, "Hey handsom, what would you like?"

  10. That was easy. And because he had done no damage at all, he would not be marked as a Player Killer. Raissuh turned and looked at the green player, who had started shaking violently. He felt the doubts growing in the back of his head, and said with a soft voice, "Hey there, it will be okay. You are safe now. But can you tell me what those players wanted from you?"

    The player looked up at him, whimpering as he spoke, "They wanted to know where my friends had been camped. Those players, the ones you killed, they had been watching us all day. I split apart from my friends and led the Orange players away. Then you showed up and..."

    Raissuh finished his sentence, "... killed them, yes I know. You were that determined to save your friends? That you would die a decoy just to keep your friends alive?" That amazed Raissuh. Boris had said that everybody was evil. Terrible. Monsters.

    But had Boris told the truth?

  11. Raissuh stared at the player with a cold, lifeless stare. Showing no guilt, hoping to intimidate him. To add to the effect, Raissuh said, "Your freinds are dead. Would you like to join them? If not, I suggest you turn tail and run." He hoped he had sounded threatening. The killer, at first caught by surprise, now grabbed the green player, who had been crawling away, and swiftly drug him back over to the edge, saying, "You cannot kill me without him dying. You only got lucky with my 'friends'."

    Raissuh silently cursed this player, why did he have to be so stubborn? Nevermind that, this had to end with a minimal kill count. So two, maybe three deaths.

    He looked over the edge and said, "Wait, did one of them really survive? I hope that isn't the case, or I'm outnumbered." The killer bought it. He let go of the green player and made his way to the edge. Raissuh sighed and said, "Please tell me not all PKers are this stupid." With that, he swiftly kicked the killer over the edge.

  12. Raissuh watched a group of three player killers from the brush he was hiding behind. These PKers were lower level, and were laughing merrily. He grimaced as he watched them drag a green player to the edge of Aincrad, which was no more than twenty feet away, shouting threats as they did. From what he heard, they wanted something from the green player.

    The killers grinned madly and began to draw their weapons on the player, telling him to jump. To kill himself. Boris was not wrong. There were terrible people everywhere, and it was up to a pure hearted person like Raissuh to eliminate them.

    The green player cried aloud as he was jabbed with a sword, and Raissuh took that as a que to act. He rushed the two closest killers and slammed into them with his shoulder, sending them tumbling over the edge. That left one killer to... well, kill.

  13. Raissuh watched as the player began to walk away, and the doubts began to come again. Perhaps he was being truthful? Could that be possible? He could't know for sure. He pulled his spear out of the ground and put it into it's... holster? Sheathe? He had no clue what it was called. He ran to catch up with the player, and said with obvious effort, "Hey, perhaps I acted... rashly. What did you mean when you offered help?" Boris would be angry if he ever found out. So Raissuh decided he would not tell him.

    This player, he seemed genuine. But then again, it was easy for a monster to lie. He would have to find out.

  14. Raissuh froze as this player, this newcomer, appeared and offered false help. He stuck his spear in the ground and grunted, "Save your lies for somebody who is foolish enough to listen. You will not deceive me." He wiped his forehead with his arm, wiping sweat away to keep it out of his eyes. This player, they were going to try and lead him into a trap, and that was NOT going to happen.

    He pointed accusingly at the player, "I will not be led into your trap. Take your lies elsewhere, perhaps off the edge of Aincrad. That would be ideal." He smirked. This player was going to regret trying to trick him.

  15. Raissuh stood alone, surrounded by tall, towering trees. His pale skin glistened with virtual sweat, he had been working on fighting with his spear for a while, and was actually getting tired now. He grunted and sat down, propping himself up on his spear. The dirt felt soft and comfortable, and Raissuh had to remind himself it was virtual dirt in a virtual world.

    He sat there for a long while, trying to think of a joke to lighten his mood. Nothing. Great. Sighing, he stood back up, deciding a little more practice would not hurt in the slightest. He began to swing his spear in wide arcs, imagining his foes being crippled by each blow.

  16. «Raissuh» The Pale Emperor


    » Username: Raissuh

    » Real name: Virgil Right

    » Age: 14

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'6"

    » About: History/personality:

    Virgil had rather wealthy parents, but they unfortunately died when he was three. He never asked how, he didn't care. His uncle, Boris, was the one to raise him, and didn't have much money. Boris homeschooled Virgil, and as he did, he made sure to convince Virgil that other people were disgusting abominations. At first, Virgil wanted to know why, and every time he asked, Boris would tell him tales of war and murder and everything terrible in the world. Hate, assault, robbery, torture... the list goes on. Virgil accepted these as truth, and almost always remained in his home.

    He began to hate nearly all human existence, and at the age of twelve, was greatly enthralled by games and the likes. He loved kings, matriarches, and emperors. They were just so cool to him. He had lost a lot of skin color, having avoided natural light for so long. A couple of years later, he heard of a soon to come game called SAO. He was excited to play it, but realized that his poor uncle Boris could not buy the materials required. This greatly upset him.

    On his fourteenth birthday, he received a large sum of money. He asked Boris why, and was told that the Will of his parents was the cause. For once, Virgil was grateful to his otherwise useless parents. He managed to get both Boris and himself to Japan, and rented a long term appartment room for the two of them. Upon release of the game, Virgil acquired everything he needed and, obviously, started the game.

    » Virtues:

    Honest- Virgil will not lie. He has no reason to, nor has he ever had a reason to. He has not had enough experience with people to know too much truth can be a bad thing. Of course, he may just make his own life a living hell.

    Passionate- Inside of SAO, Virgil has made it his goal to win. He refuses to die, and will not accept death as anything more than weakness on his part. He feels that he has to live because he has a life outside of the game, and he has to show Boris just how strong he was against the monsters of Aincrad.

    Bland- Virgil hardly ever shows emotion, and tries not to be a very interesting person. He avoids being noticed by other players if he can. He is willing to draw attention to himself only when he is attempting to deal with his foes.

    » Flaws:

    Violent- Virgil will lash out at those he is forced to deal with, believing they are what Boris had said, and might just actually hurt somebody someday. This is most definately going to get him into trouble, but it is his best way of dealing with others. He will most likely avoid actually harming others, but instead will try to scare them.

    Proud- Virgil believes that he is the only person in Aincrad who is not a complete monster, and dislikes other people because of that. This was developed by Boris, and it completely carried over from real life. On a side note, Virgil has had doubts about all people being bad, but is unable to cope with being wrong.

    Sadistic/Masochist- Virgil always enjoyed the sensation of pain, and was disappointed when he realized pain was reduced in SAO. He has tried some unpleasant things in safe zones. He does enjoy hurting others, as well, but hardly shows that side of himself. At first, harming NPCs worked, but then he realized they weren't living people, and thus stopped.

    Profession: None








    Weapon skills:




    » Standard Spear


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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