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Posts posted by CobaltsDream

  1. Beatha just kind of rested against him with her head on his chest. She began to think back to her brother. She missed him a lot… But at least she had the company of Yon to keep her going. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t know what she would do with herself. Maybe just try to go on and fight her way through this. But she didn’t really have to worry about it now.

  2. “I don’t want to lose you.†Beatha muttered quietly with a slight hint of sadness in her voice. She felt him move his arms but didn’t move away from him. He was comfortable to lay on and she didn’t plan on moving anytime soon. Beatha thought for a moment before speaking up again. “What do you miss?†She glanced up at him from where she was. “Like… from life out of the game…â€

  3. She looked up at him and saw the faint watering of his eyes. She managed to smile back at him and gave a light nod. “I guess you’re right.†She sighed softly and let her eyes close again. “I look forward to getting out of this… with you.†She spoke truthfully. Beatha enjoyed being around Yon. She felt different around him, she could trust him.

  4. “It’s not your fault…†She murmured quietly and felt him pull her closer, causing her to relax more against him. “It couldn’t be avoided anyway…†She sighed softly and shivered when he began to stroke her hair. It calmed her, it’s like he already knew what to do to make her content. At least for now.

  5. Beatha paused and forgot that he may have not been used to this and pulled back from him, biting her lips lightly and just simply laid next to him. “I… I’m sorry…†She muttered quietly, it’s been a long time since she’s had any physical contact like this. She let her head rest on the bed, not exactly making eye contact with Yon.

  6. “No.. It’s okay.†Beatha reassured with a smile as she walked with him upstairs, following inside as soon as he opened the door. Her eyes widened when they were finally inside. “Wow… It’s a huge place.†She looked around in awe, soon going over to the bed to sit down. The bed was soft and pretty big. She enjoyed it and laid back.

  7. “Sure.†She spoke with a soft smile. Beatha wasn’t exactly nervous on staying in the same room as him. It really didn’t bother her that much. She practically grew up around men so it wasn’t such a big deal to her. “Let’s get going.†It was getting late anyway, they probably needed to head in for the night.

  8. Beatha watched as the NPC walked away from the two, soon turning back to Yon and gave a slight shrug. â€I don’t know.†He slid her hands into her pockets with a sigh, looking around the area. “Anything else you had in mind for today?†She asked with a soft smile. “If not… maybe we could go to an inn somewhere.â€

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