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Posts posted by Sapphire

  1. Sapphire tilted her head, thinking upon the question before nodding happily. She quickly put Liz into her inventory, fairly used to the game's system, and took both of the stranger's hands gently in her's. "Of course!" Sapphire squeezed his hands reasurringly, pulling the male player back into his own shop. "Sit sit and I'll help you. I'll help you and then we can talk in Japanese together. Won't that be exciting? I'm so happy~" Sapphire twirled around, chanting, before plopping down into a seat.


    The young girl sat on her knees and patted the table. "Come, sit across from me." When the stranger would sit down, Sapphire would relax a little more, and become serious, or at least more serious than before. "My name's Sapphire. How about you?" She smiled and waved before sitting back in the seat. "Can you say hello? Let me hear it. I'll correct you if you got it wrong and help build your accent. No, no... try saying hello it's nice to meet you. Then I can get a feel of how good you are."

  2. Sapphire tread along unknown parts of The Town of Beginnings, a place she'd never been before. It was still part of the starter city but a lot less crowded and with less buildings. Weird. Never been here before. Sapphire commented mentally, blue eyes shifting from here to there in awe. It was beautiful and far more medieval looking than the rest of the game. It seemed a lot more time had been spent creating the structures and overall geography in the area. Sapphire clapped happily, twirling around so her skirt would flutter.


    "Wow! So pretty, so pretty." The young girl giggled and stopped spinning, hopping up onto a bench. Sapphire stood atop the bench and made circled around her eyes with her hands as if she had a pair of binoculars. "Hello?~ Is anyone there?" Her head turned back and forth in search of a player in what seemed to be a ghost-land.

  3. Sapphire stared up at a building, so lost in her thoughts, that the young girl hadn't even realized she was idly holding Liz to her chest and standing in an unknown area. Odd... I shouldn't make this a habit. She mentally noted, just about to turn on her feet and go back home, when someone inside yelled. Sapphire turned, her blue eyes widened. "A-Ar-" She was rushing towards to door, going to ask whoever was inside if they were alright, but stopped immediately when said person exited the building. "Oh." Sapphire took a deep breath.


    "Were you trying to speak Japanese?" Sapphire took a few steps back so there was a decent amount of space between the two. "Because it was pretty broken and awful. You should take lessons. Yes." She nodded her head, attempting to give "good advice" to the foreigner attempting to speak the language she was born with and had almost perfected by now despite being only 7 years of age.

  4. Sapphire grabbed onto Sotana even tighter than the older girl had embrace her. I have no idea how she feels, but Ms. Sotana is sad... and it's my duty to help her as a friend. "I'll protect you. Always. Just like you'll protect me. We can get through things together... that's what... that's what sisters are for!" Sapphire stared up at Sotana. "I could never have a sister. Well... I have Liz and we love each other and we talk but it's not the same! I want to have a real sister. Someone like you." The young girl expressed her true feelings about the stuffed teddy bear she carried around and had named Liz, along with how she wanted Sotana to be her sister.


    "Even if you don't like me that much I want to be your friend. Always and forever, never forget that, or about me." Sapphire wiped her tears that were falling down, unstoppable, onto Sotana's clothing. "If anyone tries to hurt you I'll kick their butts. Promise."

  5. Sapphire skipped around town like she usually did, for no apparent reason, other than the fact that marveling at the very game was interesting to her. She pranced lightly on her feet, waving at everyone around, long black hair bouncing behind her. Liz was in her inventory so Sapphire wasn't holding the large bear in her arms. It'd become too much for her to handle and watch all the time anyways. Not to mention Liz "agreed" to the whole ordeal.


    There was this one place... one certain shop that'd caught Sapphire's eye the last time she decided to take a quest and got lost. It was a small, cozy, colorful and pretty shop on Floor 1 that smelled of sweetness and sugary foods. Sapphire located it in no time, having an amazing memory and high intellect, and rushed for it upon noticing the sign. It seemed a blonde girl was just entering the shop herself. 


    "Oh wait! Wait!" Sapphire would speed to the girl and tug on the back of her clothes. "Can you go in with me? I don't want to go alone... Please? You seem friendly! And super pretty!" She really is pretty... and it wouldn't hurt to have an older and stronger escort.

  6. Sapphire watched, or tried to, as Jacob ran around quickly. Wow he's fast. She thought and smiled, applauded his kill. "That was good! You're super super fast, ya know? I can't even go that quick when I'm excited..." Sapphire ranted on and on about Jacob's abilities until noticing he'd picked some flowers. She scooped up Liz once again, not forgetting to the bear this time, and skipped over to him. Flowers are such a unique plant. I'm glad they're here in the game.


    "Oh wow. I love flowers. Don't you?" Sapphire touched one of the petals before nodding her head. "Yes please!~ Walking around town is the funnest thing to do!" Sapphire twirled with Liz and shoved Jacob forward playfully. "I'm ready if you are." The young girl would allow Jacob to lead the way back to town, following the boy to wherever he went, treading land by his side.

  7. Sapphire hardly noticed Rusty leave, her attention on a speeding X, and thoughts of stuffing herself with sweets. It feels like it's been days since I've eaten. She rubbed a growling stomach, despite having eaten only hours ago. Sapphire's eating disorder was an odd one, and the meals Ms. Ann fed her weren't satisfying to the body she occupied. 


    "Great!~" She exclaimed when Oikawa mentioned the place would have what she wanted. Sapphire smiled as a thanks to Oikawa who opened the door for her. The young girl playfully nudged X. "Yeah! Move over!" After the boy would scoot over, Sapphire would take a seat next to him and swing her legs excitedly. Her blue eyes searched the group, and in a moment, Sapphire would frown. "Um... Oikawa... Did Rusty leave? Also what's a guild?" There were many things on the young girl's mind but those were the top two concerns and questions at the moment.

  8. "I-uh.." Sapphire had no answer to Sotana's question and bowed her head, ashamed. The next few sentences, those made her think, and her eyebrows furrowed, Sapphire turned to the older girl and stomped a foot on the ground angrily. "How can you spend time with me, and become my friend, and then run away! I want to understand what's wrong, I may not know how you feel but I can help make you better and happier."


    She frowned and wrapped her arms around Sotana. "I don't care if it's dangerous out here because I only care about you right now."

  9. "Wha-" Sapphire was going to ask about the beeping, when Sotana just up and left her. Tilting her head in confusion, Sapphire analyzed the situation before reacting. The young girl put Liz into her inventory and ran out the door. She could just barely see Sotana, a blur in the distance. Why would she run? Is this a joke? Not too amusing... 


    "Ms-Ms. Sotana. Come back!" Sapphire shouted as loud as she could while pursuing Sotana that made the space between them further and further with each step. Sapphire's strides weren't as long and she wasn't used to running at all so it was difficult to do so. Eventually, Sapphire managed to find Sotana, but hid behind a tree not wanting to start a chase again or a potential argument. I hope she's okay.

  10. "Hey!" Sapphire retorted as Jacob giggled towards her failure. She laughed even harder and louder, pointing at the boy. "See, see? Karma~" Sapphire turned to the snarling wolf, looking it dead in the eyes, before attack. She lifted the sword above her head, tip of the blade pointed down, jumped in the air, and shoved it down right at the base of the wolf's neck. It backed away from Sapphire as quickly as possible when she retrieved her blade and went back into her battle position as well.


    "There. Try not to mess up this time." The young girl teased Jacob and smiled at him.


    14501 8 11 1 10 Sapphire Msg_hover2.png 2015-04-09 10:07:19


    Jacob 25/25
    Sapphire 7/7

    Alpha Wolf 5/15 

  11. Sapphire quickly took X's hand upon hearing the offer and hopped up onto her feet. "Yeah okay! Sounds cool." She clapped happily after tucking her teddy bear under an arm. Sapphier let go of the boy's hand. She stepped so everyone else could catch up to her, since she'd been skipping ahead, and walked slowly despite being so excited.


    "I hope they have candy, and soda, and cookies, and cake. Oh! Did I mention candy?" Sapphire ranted as the group made there way to the cafe. "Regular food hurts my stomach..." She crinkled her nose and shook her head, hoping the cafe did indeed carry what she pleased. Ms. Ann would feed her snack food, because after more than enough tries, the caretaker gave up on feeding Sapphire "actual" meals.


    She pointed to a cafe in the distance, that she knew was the place X spoke about, but decided to ask anyways. "Is that it?"

  12. OOC; Don't forget to control the wolf since you summoned it ;3


    "Funny!" Sapphire laughed and replied to Jacob's comment towards the wolf. She skipped and ran at the same time towards their enemy, too excited to be scared or feel fear at all. Besides, it was just a little wolf anyways. Well, little to taller people that is. Sapphire yelled, "Hyah!" and swung but missed the wolf, blade cuttting towards the ground instead of into the wolf.


    "Oh well." Sapphire shrugged it off and ran back to Jacob, pointing at the wolf. "Go show that thing we're the boss in this game!"


    14471 2 3 13 4 Sapphire Msg_hover2.png 2015-04-08 10:33:48


    Jacob 25/25
    Sapphire 7/7

    Alpha Wolf 7/15 

  13. Sapphire excitedly grabbed the dress that Sotana held out for her. I can't wait to see what we'll look like. Dressing up wasn't the fun part, the pretending was, which is why Sapphire enjoyed the activity in the first place. Sapphire put down Liz, skipping behind the curtain, and unequipped her clothing before slipping on the dress. It was a light yellow, which Sapphire thought was a beautiful color. She jumped out and grabbed Liz. "Aren't I pretty?" Sapphire asked Liz and danced around.


    When Sotana stepped out Sapphire put both hands on her cheeks. "Wow! Ms. Sotana you're prettier than before!" Sapphire exclaimed admiring Sotana's beauty. The young girl circled around Sotana before stopping when the older girl tripped, causing Sapphire to gasp. "What's wrong?" Sapphire moved to where Sotana was.

  14. "Hmm?" Sapphire glanced up at the player who'd spoken, and jumped from the bench when she recognized them. "Hi hi Rusty!~" She grabbed him an held the boy in an embrace. Sapphire had no trouble with remembering names, or faces, and clearly noticed it was one of the "heroes" that had helped find Liz. The teddy bear was in her inventory at the moment, but Sapphire was excited once again knowing a familiar friend was around.


    "I wanna take a quest but I can't find the teleporter! ...Will you help me?" Sapphire pleaded, staring up at Rusty, trying to look cute. "Please? It's on Floor 3."

  15. Sapphire frowned and waved her hands in the air. "I never wanted you guys to fight. I-I wanted to explore..." She sniffled and shook her head. "But nevermind! I'm tired of this. I'll just, ...just go back home. Everyone's fighting cause of me. I don't want anybody to get hurt." Sapphire wiped her tears on Liz and bowed her head, obviously thinking it was her fault. Sort of. The young girl just wanted the fighting to stop but didn't necessarily think she was the problem. It was just a distraction.

  16. Sapphire had accepted yet another quest and was, as usual, very excited to see what was to come. It came with a gift, but first you had to pay the price of hunting, both were a big yes in Sapphire's book. "This is going to be fun, fun, fun~" Sapphire clapped and skipped around trying to find this "teleporter" Ms. Ann told her about. Only because the shop for the quest resided on Floor 3. The caretaker wasn't too fond of Sapphire taking quests, but she pointed out that Ms. Ann let her around on her own, which was an automatic win for the young girl.


    Sapphire had traveled around and around with no luck. She sat on a bench and pouted, performing her signature "stick the bottom lip out and pretend to cry" look, hoping someone would stop by and ask what's wrong. Then I'll ask them to help, and they won't be able to resist! That's always how it works.

  17. "The whole day!" Sapphire yelled and twirled around in The Town of Beginnings, not being too careful about being destructive, or of her surroundings. "I can stay out the whole day!" Sapphire cheered and stopped twirling, jumping in the air, before walking and covering distance at a normal speed.


    Her caretaker, Ms. Ann, had announced that Sapphire was allowed the whole day off because of some hard work the young adult had to take care off. I'm sure she just wants some time away from children. I would too if I were a caretaker. Sapphire thought, but was excited about a new adventure nonetheless. She planned on being out from the break of dawn to the late evening doing what she liked. 


    Sapphire stopped in her place, stomping a foot on the ground. "Darn, darn, darn. I have no-othing to do~ Wait!" She ran to a place where many players were crowded, and shoved her way to the front easily, taking a look at what they were so interested in. Sapphire heard, "Quest Board", and tilted her head curiously. She mimicked the girl next to her, who tapped the board, and accepted a message that appeared in front of her. The girl noticed Sapphire, and pointed to the board that said, "Beginner Quests". Sapphire nodded and waved as the girl redirected her attention elsewhere, skipping off the the Beginner's Board.


    The young girl spent a long time just searching through all the available quests for players about her level, reading thoroughly, marking every quest as interesting. After about half an hour Sapphire chose Â«Secret Medicine of the Forest». A plant-type mob? Isn't that silly. It'll be fun to see how this monster looks. 


    Sapphire took off into the fields, not really caring she was out of a safe zone, in search of Â«Little Nepent's Ovule» and Little Nepent itself. When she thought she was hot on a trail of the plant monster, Sapphire was approached by an older girl, still young, but older than herself. "Hello there~" She cooed. "Do you know where the Little Nepent monster is?"


    The stranger with red hair, who also seemed to be at a medium level or so, crinkled her nose upon Sapphire speaking. "Look, look at this little girl wandering around by herself. Isn't that cute? What are you doing out here little baby. You're going to get yourself hurt."


    Sapphire tilted her head in confusion as the stranger began laughing. What exactly was funny? "..Umm ok-" She was interrupted by a loud, over-dramatic gasp. "Oh~ Can the baby even speak normal words? Do. You. Understand. me?" The teenager laughed again and shook her head, pulling out a dagger. "You're at my mercy little girl. Only big girls can play this game. You don't belong here."


    Sapphire stomped on the ground, angry now since her quest had been interrupted. "What's so funny! I don't get it..." She plopped on the ground and pouted when the other player only laughed louder and teased her further, keeping her blade out to scare Sapphire, but not actually hurting the young girl. I-Is this what bullying is? ...It's not fun at all...

  18. Sapphire was happily skipping alongside Jacob when he backed up into her. "Oof." She stumbled back, but fortunately remained on her feet, especially lucky since she'd been rather clumsy today. "Oh!" Sapphire gasped as Jacob had noticed a wolf heading their way. That's a huge monster. I wonder what bosses look like! He didn't attack, so she would. Sapphire pulled her sword from its holster and went ballistic on the poor wolf. It had no idea how crazy Sapphire was. "Back off, stupid wolf!" 


    Her sword clashed with the animal, swiping along its chest, causing the wolf whimper and growl at the same time.


    14265 8 9 13 9 Sapphire Msg_hover2.png 2015-04-06 07:01:31


    Jacob 25/25
    Sapphire 7/7

    Alpha wolf 13/15 

  19. "2015? That was when I was born." Sapphire noticed the year immediately. I wonder what it was like, and before that too... She listened to the song intently, and even closed her eyes, so she could get a feeling of the music. When Sotana asked the question, Sapphire merely shrugged. "I prefer classical music, or the kind of music that makes you want to dance!" She jumped and shook her hips, making Liz sway with her motions.


    "It was alright, though. I listened to the lyrics and they have a little bit of meaning to them." Sapphire smiled and nodded in approval of the song before turning to her non-serious attitude once more. "C'mon c'mon! You said dress up..." Sapphire stuck her bottom lip out and pouted. "Let's do it now~"

  20. "Oh..." Sapphire muttered when Sotana mentioned death itself. That was a topic that always made Sapphire sad, especially with her natural ability to feel what others felt. Her blue eyes were glued to Sotana as she thought about what to say about herself. "Well I'm 7 years old. My mommy and daddy say I'm the smartest little girl they ever met. I wanna be a scientist when I grow up just like my daddy!" She jumped with pure excitement but remained sitting down. Sotana is the nicest lady I've met so far. I hope we can be best friends, and that means a lot to me.


    Sapphire tilted her head upon hearing music. "When you were younger? What's it called?" She clapped and stood up. "Oh yes, oh yes, dress up! That's Liz's favorite thing to do sometimes!" Sapphire wrapped her arms around Sotana's neck and hugged her again. "You would be the prettiest girl in the world in a dress~"

  21. Sapphire noticed out of her peripheral vision that Noctis was leaving. She would've waved goodbye or said something, but assumed he didn't want the leave to be noticed, and shrugged the thought away. I know I'm little and in a big crowd but does he really think I'd run away? Well... I probably would actually. The young girl stared up at Oikawa and smiled, nodding in agreement. "Of course. That's all I want." She didn't notice the "rivalry" between X and Rusty. "I'll let you know, m'kay?" She told X. Sapphire then skipped ahead, holding Liz tightly in her arms. 


    She turned and motioned for the boys to come along. "Let's hurry! I wanna see as much as I can, so don't be slow." Sapphire twirled around, hugging Liz tightly. "Oh this'll be fun Liz~"  The young girl was extremely excited for the short adventure, but adventure nonetheless. Her blue eyes shifted to the people and buildings around, glimmering with wonder at building could seem so beautiful and be entertaining. Daddy did good, super good. I wish he could see this now.

  22. Sapphire was about to begin bickering with Noctis, to give him reasons why he was wrong, and why she was right, but was interrupted by a dog. She gasped and turned to the puppy, bending down to pet the familiar. "Wow, wow, wow! So cute~" The young girl dropped down to her knees and began to pet the fur of the puppy when another male player made his way towards the group. Must be his pet. Sapphire's thought were confirmed when the stranger sat next to her. She waved in a friendly fashion and raised an eyebrow at his comment. That... was unexpected. But good too I guess.


    Sapphire shifted her blue eyes to Rusty, then to X, and back at Rusty. She stood up and frowned, kicking at the ground. "I-I'm afraid of heights,,," She admitted embarrassingly. The young girl listened to each player suggest and  offer options, Oikawa finally giving her what she knew was to come. What do I want to do? 


    She tapped her chin for a few moments before answering. "Show me around! Show me around!" Sapphire jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "I'm not supposed to go out too far. Ms. Ann says." Sapphire crossed her arms while becoming more serious about the rules her caretaker gave her.

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