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Posts posted by Thyri

  1. "I thank you, but it was not necessary on your part."


    Thyri looked up as the man's German accent caught her by surprise. Until now, she was used to nearly everyone speaking Japanese or a variation of it. Even the NPC's still had Japanese accents in her version of the game. "Perhaps not, no. But I prefer to help people wherever possible, regardless of it being 'necessary' or not." She sheathed her Epee again, the scabbard was getting more use then the actual weapon today. Walking into the mouth of the cave, she looked at the meditating man. On one hand, it was frustrating her that he was so aloof, but on the other hand she respected his restraint and clear sign of him not wanting to be disturbed.


    It seemed like she wasn't going to get any real sword practice done, so she decided to instead focus on her own stamina. It was something she could do in silence, as a sign of respect towards the meditating man.

  2. The ball hitting the guy in the head had distracted her just as much as it had done to him, as she slid the weapon back into her sheath with a soft sigh. Were they NPC's? Probably, she mused as she watched the children run back towards the edge of the prairie lake. Folding a string of ginger hair back around her ear, Thyri looked as the male player picked up his huge weapon and strode off to the nearby caves. She'd have understood if he was mad for being disturbed in his meditation. She knew she'd be pretty pissed, but it felt more like there was an aura of disdain around the male.


    As he sat down on his new meditation spot, Thyri followed a few meters behind. He had caught her curiosity, and not just because of the gigantic weapon. "Hmm.. Oh, I know." The Irish player smiled lightly as she pulled two bottles of water from her backpack that she'd obtained in Starter City. One of them she rolled over the sand towards him, the other, she kept as she moved to flat slab of terrain. Hopefully just outside of hearing distance from Saber, she restarted the elementries of Rapier swordsmenship like the guide had told her to do.



    -2 water))

  3. "So this is floor 3. Niiice." Thyri smirked as she stepped out of the transportation zone and made her way towards the cawing of the seabirds that floated on updrafts. Her cream colored linen dress fluttered around her white legs, ginger hair dancing against the breeze. The scabbard of her Epee clincked lightly against her belt as she walked.
    She had never been to this zone, prefering the safety of Floor 1 or the large collection of flowers in the High Fields up in Floor 2 where she could pratice what she remember from her botany classes. She haden't been very succesful yet, but that was beside the point.


    "I eh.. did kinda underestimate how hot it is here though." She shook her head while looking up at the burning hot sun as it blazed down onto the prairie, wincing at the intensity. She'd been a part of SAO for a little more then 4 days now (was it 4 days? She couldn't really tell time anymore.); still getting used to many of the intricacies of the game (and some basics too). As she looked down, she saw the silver hair dancing in the wind, similar to hers aside from the color. What impressed her more was the huge Zweihander that was poking out from either side of the person's lap, it made her Epee feel small and dainty in comparison.


    "Okay, here goes." With a gentle hiss, the weapon slid out of its sheath and after she'd made sure that she was well enough away from the other player, she closed her eyes. Her right foot slowly scraped over the sand as she prepared herself for her second actual practice routine with the weapon.

  4. anime-red-hair.jpg

    (Art credits to Japanpowered.com Blog)


    » Username:

    » Real name: Thyrienne O'Donnaghue

    » Age: 24

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 6 foot 3 (192 cm)


    » About Thyri:


    Growing up on a sheepfarm in the Irish hills was not a life she'd wish on anyone, and yet that's exactly where Thyri comes from. Daughter of local sheep and cattle farmers, life growing up was intense pleasure mixed with bouts of intense tedium. Thyri loved playing with the animals, loved helping her parents wherever she could, but she hated the fact that there was almost no top-of-the-line technology. Between the ages of 9 and 15, one of her most used lines was "Mom, we live in the 21st century for goodness sakes!" followed by a sigh of resignment from her mother as the ginger teenager stomped to her room to play on the computer that her parents had bought from a second-hand store.


    Much to her relief, after college was completed, her parents allowed her to live in Dublin, Ireland to study at university to become a botanist. In her second year, Thyri met Melissa, a girl from similar backgrounds as herself. Raised in a small village in the middle of nowhere, Melissa was a daredevil, a cheeky imp and a massive, MASSIVE RPG nerd. She managed to drag Thyri into the world of roleplay nights, dice rolls, pen and paper and everything surrounding the RolePlaying scene.

    While Thyri had always loved fantasy, even when she was just a child, she just couldn't get into the mindset needed to create compelling characters. She did however found out eventually that she made a pretty badass Game Master/Mistress, crafting intricate and often fantasy laced stories for Melissa and her friends to adventure into.


    When the beta test for SAO came out, Melissa was one of the lucky 1000 who managed to score a key. A very rare event for someone not from Japan. It was all she could talk of, much to Thyri's annoyance at times.
    One month later, SAO is finally released to the public. As a gesture of friendship, Melissa offers her best friend to try the game out. To get a little taste of what SAO is like. Neither of them have a clue of what lies in store for the nervous, inexperienced ginger haired girl.


    » Virtues:


    Loyal: Thyri will never abandon someone who she considers a friend. Sometimes it will even go as far as she will risk her own life to safe that of a friend. "If I don't risk injury to myself, how can I expect anyone to do the same?"


    Caring: Thyri loves to take care of her friends, through cooking, conversation or simply being a shoulder to cry on. She is a firm believer in the mindset that nobody is alone in the world, they just need to find the right person. And if she can help ease that journey, she'll gladly help.

    Creativity: Fueled by her many months working as the Game Mistress for Melissa and her friends, and harboring back to the many Irish folklore stories she was raised with, Thyri has a very creative mind, quick to adapt to any special situation. As long as she can prepare, ofcourse. "If path B is blocked, then why not use pathes C and D?"


    » Flaws:

    Ignorant: Thyri knows only the very basics about RPG's, things she picked up watching her friends play her dungeons. Many things an experienced gamer knows by heart are completely new to her. While she is eager to learn, things will take time.

    Soft-hearted: Especially when it comes to animals, Thyri has a tiny heart. When she was a teen, she even had her own small animal hospital because she couldn't stand seeing ducklings or chicks getting hurt or neglected by their parents.

    Indecisive: When Thyri is put under pressure, she often desolves into stutters and non-sensical speech. While she often manages to collect herself relatively quickly again, it leaves her very distracted from whatever she was doing and often under great emberassment to herself.


    Profession: None yet



    Weapon skills:


    >> One Handed Rapier. Rank 1





    >> Basic Linen Clothes
    >> Basic Epee

    None Yet

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