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Honda Keiji

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Posts posted by Honda Keiji

  1. ID:14771 Battle:3 Craft:3 Loot:17 Mob:10

    Then he heard the last boar stomping toward him. "Hah! You won't get me!" He quickly turned around only to received the blow square to his stomach. It's tusk digging deep. Arthur almost screamed in pain, but he wouldn't dare. "Damn this is getting dangerous." He thought as he looked at his red hp. "I must not get hit at all cost." His face looking grim.


    Arthur 4 - 3 = 1


    ID:14777 Battle:9 Craft:11 Loot:20 Mob:7

    He quickly charged toward the boar and swung his sword. cutting the side of the boar from the head to the other end. He almost laughed, realizing how dangerous his situation was. He picked up the drops and found one material.



    col 20

    Boar tusk

  2. ID:14769 Battle:6 Craft:8 Loot:7 Mob:7

    Then one of them kicked Arthur! before he even saw it coming. Arthur quickly recomposed himself as the kicked rolled him away and acted fast as the boar charged toward him again. Dodging quickly and his sword scratching its side. "Damn, I need to focus more on what I am doing, or else I might die along the way, but definitely not against this boars!"


    Arthur: 5 - 1 = 4

    Boars: 4 - 2 = 2

  3. ID:14767 Battle:8 Craft:3 Loot:16 Mob:3 

    After looking around again, he was suddenly surrounded by three boars. He obviously didn't watched where he was going and couldn't help, but feel unlucky to be in this situation. Before they even charge he quickly slashed one, and killed it. "Huh? did the skill do that much improvement?" He wondered, forgetting about the boars.

    Boars:6 - 2 = 4

  4. "What now? He thought as he went to an area away from the boars and ate a piece of bread and drunk a bottle of water. "I can't get stronger if I continue at this pace. I need something stronger! but for that I need stronger equipment! Skills! and for that I can't waste my time fighting against this boars!" He scratched his head in irritation. "Better invest some points on skill for now." He breath deeply and calmed down.


    He opened the menu and invested two skill points on one-handed straight sword. The only two points he have. Then his skill reached rank 1.


    After a few minutes, he stood up and stretched his back. "Well nothing to get from just lazing around." He thought as he walked off and returned to boar area.


    Arthur: 5hp

  5. ID:14764 Battle:7 Craft:8 Loot:11 Mob:5


    "I"m honestly getting tired of this." Arthur said to the boar, not really expecting any response. The boar charged, and Arthur waited. Focusing on the boar, Arthur dodged sideward and quickly ran back toward it as soon it was inches away and stabbed it's side. Expecting it to be dead like the rest, but it didn't. "Damn! one more hit?!" He thought as he kicked backward.


    Boar: 2 - 1 = 1


    ID:14765 Battle:9 Craft:12 Loot:14 Mob:5


    Quickly before the boar even turn toward him, he leaped toward it and stabbed it's head. Finally leaving a fragmented data and another 10 col. "I can't believe I had a hard time against a mere boar." He cried inside his mind as he thankfully picked up the money.

  6. ID:14761 Battle:2 Craft:6 Loot:15 Mob:4
    ID:14762 Battle:1 Craft:4 Loot:11 Mob:3

    The boar charged again, and Arthur did the same. Arthur swung his sword, but embarrassingly missed, hitting the air above the boar, and the boar simply ran past him. "Huh?" He thought as his face turned red. He charged again, but for some reason the both of them repeated the same action. "This is getting embarrassing, I got to end this quick!" He thought out loud.


    ID:14763 Battle:4 Craft:7 Loot:12 Mob:6

    Finally some changes, but not a good thing for him. As they charged toward each other for the fourth time, Arthur started too slow and the  boar got the first strike, hitting Arthur square in the chest. "Gah!" He winced in pain as the boar sent him flying a few feet away. "Lucky boar." he thought as he slowly got up and rubbed his chest.


    Arthur: 4 - 1 = 3


  7. ID:14760






    "Oh! another boar!" He grinned as he dashed toward another one swinging his sword as soon as he got in range. The boar quickly turned around as if expecting it and charged toward Arthur mid-swing. He managed to leap over it, his strike hitting nothing. The boar stopped and turned around again. Preparing another charge. "Che, is that all you boars can do?" He mocked, knowing it doesn't really do a thing. Just making him feel good.

  8. ID:14759






    "You-You cheat!" Arthur growled as his head hit the ground, the tackle reduced his hp by 1. The boar stomped on the ground, preparing to charge again, but Arthur didn't waited, obviously quite mad from the unannounced attack, despite doing it himself not too long ago... He leaped toward the boar and made a big swing and finished it off. Leaving a loot!


    You gained 10 col!


    Arthur smiled "That's better, time to move on to the next." He said as he continued his hunt.

  9. ID:14754






    As soon as Arthur found his target, he immediately dashed toward the boar and quickly drew his sword, connecting to a quick strike. The boar squealed in pain and disappeared, leaving a small loot, nothing... "Damn, well that's that, time to move on to the next." He shrugged.








    As soon as he turned around there was another boar already charging and is only inches away from him. "Waah!" Was all the word he managed to say before instinctively crossing his arms as the boar collide against him. 


    Arthur: 5 - 1 = 4 hp

  10. Standing in the middle of the field was a blonde haired boy watching the boars grazing? or just wandering, waiting to be approached by a player. The boy checked his menu and Lvl 1... Above it was his Healthpoint and beside it was his name Â«Arthur»Arthur looked at his level disappointingly and snorted. What did he expect? He was just starting out. "Hmph, I guess I'll have to settle with these fodders for now." He cracked his neck, and fingers. Then he grinned.

  11. image_by_yusakuchan45-d8beng2.jpg
    art done by me, for me.
    » Username: Arthur
    » Real name: Honda Keiji
    » Age: 17
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 6'
    » About:
         Honda Keiji is your typical cool guy who is good at sports, studies, and some other stuffs. His hair dyed blonde to look cooler. Have a loving family, and friends he spend his time with. His life was in a sense average, no thrilling event, nothing he wants to do with all his might, still he enjoyed every little bit of it, but deep inside he found it... lacking.
         He likes playing games, but doesn't appear to enjoy it. He was just doing it. He would complete a game and move on to the next. If it is a MMORPG, he max his levels and get all the strongest equipments and quits. Really, he just played for the sake of playing. That was until he found Sword Art Online. The game was on an entirely different level from the rest! It was like a completely different world that he can access by a single action. Unfortunately he didn't get to be a beta tester. Making him wait for the release. Forcing him to go on with his average life. He began daydreaming often and less responsive, dreaming of the moment he can get his hands on the game.
         Finally after long wait he got it! Waiting among hundred thousands of people who feels the same as he does. He got it! a privilage only handed out to a mere ten thousand, and he was a part of it! He didn't waited, as soon as he grabbed his chance he used it. He picked the name «Arthur» He do look a bit foreign, despite being a pure japanese and his dyed hair only added to it.
         Then he awaken to a whole new world! The sensation felt so real. Everything was out of the ordinary, he felt that he finally found what was meant for him. A world that is not the world he once lived in. Eventually it ended up as his reality after the announcement. What he felt wasn't fear, anger, or confusion, but rather thrill. He can't revive when he die, that makes it as real as the world he lived in before.
    » Virtues:
    Brave: Arthur wouldn't dare run with his tail between his legs. When the odds are against him he fight to attain victory, but when situation calls, well... A strategic retreat is in order.
    Calm: He might act reckless sometimes, but he always do the action when he has something in mind that makes him sure he can do it. He won't panic under any situation and can act accordingly.
    Focused: Arthur tends to focus on one thing. If he fights, he fights. He watches his opponent carefully and perform the most effective action and catches the slightest movement.
    » Flaws:
    Curious: For example, there is a button with a skull mark near it. You can't help, but wonder right? Nothing more. Well Arthur is the type of person who presses the said button that obviously smell of danger.
    Selfish: Arthur can be quite selfish sometimes. When there is a situation were most disagree with him, he would push through with it, even alone or force them to go along. Unless he knows that it is out of his hand.
    Blunt: He likes who he likes and hates who he hates. He won't pretend. When something about other bothers him, he says it. When he hears something he don't like, like for something important, he snaps.
    Weapon skills:
    »Rank 1: One-handed straight sword
    » 9 bread, 14 water, Clothes
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)
    Relationships (optional)
    Story Thus Far (optional)
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