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Posts posted by Arya

  1. Arya thought about the question. She hadn't even known there was a mayor in the Town of Beginnings. Arya hadn't found a reason for there to be. But guild approval and stuff like that may be a necessity when you put it like that. At least there was no tax there Arya knew and liked. " Couldn't say that I do know where the mayor is in town, but I must say I did not know there was a mayor's office," Arya said then took a deep breath. She wondered if it would be a beautiful mayor's office or a dumpy one.

  2. Arya felt the tug on her shoulder and looked up at Klick. " Oh. Right! " Then Arya took off in the other direction, starting to jog slowly, then going faster, then sprinting. Arya turned aroud and laughed. " You can't catch me! " Arya laughed as the city of beginnings came into view. Arya pulled out a bottle of water and drank it, which she actually thought the water tasted really really good to Arya for some weird reason. As she chugged down the water bottle, Arya actually slammed it onto the ground, just to see how many crystals she could make. Arya loved those crystals.


    (OOC:I didn't know how to make this post long enough without godmodding! XD Because I can't just say your behind me but I also can't just say your ahead of me!)

  3. Arya did not know if the crazy idea was her helping him or if it was something not yet to be revealed, but even so she tried to smile as she said, "  Blue, think about it. Is there any reason I wouldn't want to help you?" Arya grabbed a branch to help her up as Arya then leaped onto her feat. " So, what are we waiting for, Blue? Lets do this thing that you were talking about!" Arya finished her comment and then started walking slowly in one direction, with no idea where she was going, kinda hoping Blue would say something like they did in the movies, likke saying, "not this way. that way", turning the person around and pointing in the direction. 

  4. Arya swung her dagger around in her hand until she dove at the enemy, with her dagger pointing right at where the thing's hear would be if it were a human. But naturally the dwarfish creature dodged and grabbed some weird form of an axe, that was also painted green. Why would he paint everything green? Arya's dagger came towards the dwarf's heart as Arya got closer and she attempted to make a stab there.


    Battle Dice:6(Arya hits for 2 Damage, killing guardian)

    Loot Dice:14 (1 Material + 10 Col)




  5. But while she continued walking into the forest with her new dagger, she was stopped by a wall of vines. Her dagger was whipped out of her pocket as she examined the wall of thorns, which was what she found out was the walls name. (Since when did walls have names?) Arya then started to cut a little bit through the bottom of the wall as a huge vine came down to her leg and pulled her into the sky, as she noticed a monster now had a grip of her. The monsters name: Guardian of the wall of thorns. The thing had a rather long name that would neither speed up nor slow down the process of killing it. Arya quickly chopped herself down out of the vines as she eyed the small, dwarf like guardian that seemed to be painted green. 

  6. Arya stared at the flower for a few seconds after Klick had grabbed it and asked if it was what she was looking at. "Yah, actually, it was! Thanks!Arya smiled as she took the flower,studying it. It had beautiful graphics,and Arya enjoyed staring at it."My name is Lucillia. Can't say I really like that name though.....I like your name, Blue. I don't know why anyone wouldn't like your name..................................I guess my name is just a little bit too girly for me to like, you know?Arya grabbed another flower and compared them. exactly alike. whoever programmed this game had just copied and pasted the code for this flower into the other flower, not changing anything or distorting anything.

  7. Arya laughed at his last comment, even though she did not understand it completely, the way Klick used the lolz(Laugh out loud) was meaning for it to be a joke, and Arya felt happy laughing out loud even though she didn't understand the comment. This was the one time in Arya's life that she had felt happy around someone, never had Arya really felt happy around another human and talked to them this much. Arya sat down by the tree and noticed it had beautiful little pink flowerish things in the tree.Arya smiled as she layed back, and closed her eyes. Arya felt safe around Klick. She felt if there was danger, Klick would help her out with it. But Arya asked a question out of the blue, "What's your real name, Klick? I mean, you don't have to tell me, but........   "

  8. Arya had to take some time to consider this question. "Well," Arya said, "I'm still practicing my hurdles and haven't done those at a meet. I'm more of a..... You know, long distance person...... So I run 3200's and 1600's more often than not, i've done relays a few times, and I throw Discus a bit. That's about all."Arya looked proudly into the sun about her track career, which she so loved and joyed, then pictured Klick and her, racing on the track. Arya did not even think of the man even possibly passing out. There was no way he could. Arya thought for sure that he could destroy her if he really tried, but Arya kept it to herself. " You make any cool websites recently?  "She asked.

  9. Arya actually enjoyed Klick's career, and also noticed his mood levels were going up and he was forgetting about the comment it seemed, and Arya found that to make her happier as well. "Well, I'm actually a junior in high school, but I do work part time as a waiter at this one small restaurant and am also a track athlete!" Arya exclaimed happily. "Hey, say we make it out of this world alive, will you help me....You know, make a website from scratch maybe?" Arya smiled as she too looked up at the sun and the clouds and saw a cloud form unicorn.

  10. Arya could somehow seem to tell that Klick was still flustered by the other mans comment of calling him a kid, and found that as the reason of Klick leading the "B13" party into the sun, to live or to die. Arya was really close to Klick as he walked. Arya was starting to like the man a bit... Arya was smaller than most kids in her high schol, most definitely smaller than Klick here. Arya spun her dagger around in her hand, knowing you could never be to safe. They were in the middle of non-safe zone, so they should be more careful............. "Hey Klick, ", Arya asked all of the sudden, "What do you do in real life?" Arya wanted to know more about Klick. Arya knew somewhere inside this would become a long-term friendship.....

  11. Arya noticed that as one of the other players had called them "kids", Klick got a little upset. Arya could easily tell that the man named Klick had tried to ignore the comment. But Arya couldn't really take offense to it, she was what the Americans would have called a Junior in High School but just in Japanese. So she turned to see the player that had called them kids, but almost immediately she looked back at Klick's beautiful orange-ish hair. Then she answered Klick's question in English. "Sure! It wouldn't really...... You know...... do us any harm....."

  12. Arya found it hard to keep from laughing. The boy didn't know she spoke English and Japanese. Arya's mother had wanted her to study the Englsih language as well  and so Arya had. It wasn't a very hard language to learn after learning Japanese, another one language that is considered "hard to learn". Arya looked back up at thee man and said in English, "I know English....So you can speak to me either way!" Arya turned to notice three other human players in the distance. Then she looked back up at Klick and tried to stay casual and speaking in English, " My name is Arya...... And I....... Haven't really partied yet....   "

  13. Arya ran in the opposite direction of the sun, towards town, with her hair flying back into the wind, until she stopped abruptly to hear the voice of another humanIs this man talking to me??? He couldn't be......Arya looked at the man. She didn't know what to say, but she had to say something. "Oh......Ummm........Thank you.....Your hair looks...nice....too!" Arya turned away for a moment then looked back at the man with his orangish hair. It was actually very pretty to her in the sunlight as well. Arya then looked away for a second, at the ground.

  14. Arya was gonna head to the forest soon, to maybe go view the beautiful lake that was fabled to be in the forest of wanders, but Arya didn't know if she would be able to survive to make it down there........ Arya was happy to be trapped in this game, but still, she did not wish to be killed and defeated in battle. But Arya would continue forward into the forest and wish to not be stopped by a forest monster, and there she went.

  15. Arya walks outside of the city, in the out and open fields of floor one near the city rather than far in the forests. Arya sighs and looks up at the beautiful rising sun, but it was not near as good as seeing the sunset at the end of the night. It was almost time for Arya to disappear, only to rise again at sunset. But where would she disappear to...... Arya would need to hurry, so no humans could see her before she got far away from them where they could not find her. Or she could hide in plain sight, in the middle of town, so no one will stop to talk to her....... She stared into the sun for a few more seconds before heading back towards the town of beginnings in a quick manner.


  16. Arya watched as the wolf turned into millions of crystal shards. She found these crystals so pretty! Arya turned right. Nothing. Arya turned left. Nothing. The crystals had now faded away, but Arya wished to see more crystals. Arya was also happy that she had defeated her first monster, although it was her favorite animal, a dire wolf. But it was not like the monster did not deserve to die, it deserved every strike Arya's blade did to it. Arya was not upset about her being stuck in this game. No, not at all. She loved it in the game!

  17. Arya had somehow managed to get the huge wolf off of her. "Ha!" Arya said at the wolf, who replied by snarling at Arya and walking slowly closer to her. Arya flipped her dagger around, so the handle was in her hand(as usual) and the dagger's blade was facing the oppisite direction of the wolf and the way Arya was facing. Now Arya could hold it high into the air and then stab the wolf. And that was what she attempted to do.
    Battle Dice:7 (Arya kills the wolf!)

    Loot Dice:20(Nice Loot!)





    Name: Accurate Dagger

    Your Profession: (what profession are you? This is just so we know you're not a tailor making a meal or a fisherman performing a song)

    Your Rank: (this is so we know you're not making something that comes with rank 5 when you're only rank 2)

    ID: 14853

    Roll: 20(Loot Dice)

    Item Type: Dagger

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: [+1 Accuracy]

    Description: A dagger that seems to make the wielder a bit more accurate when using the blade.

    And +1 Material
  18. Quote

    Name: Accurate Dagger

    Your Profession: (what profession are you? This is just so we know you're not a tailor making a meal or a fisherman performing a song)

    Your Rank: (this is so we know you're not making something that comes with rank 5 when you're only rank 2)

    ID: 14853

    Roll: 20(Loot Dice)

    Item Type: Dagger

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: [+1 Accuracy]

    Description: A dagger that seems to make the wielder a bit more accurate when using the blade.



  19. Arya looked up as the sun continued to fade away, until it was completely out of view on her position on Earth. Arya continued walking around out in the wilds until something stroke her eye. A wolf! Perfecto! Arya's dagger was already ready to slash the guts out of the wolf, and Arya was ready too. So she swung her dagger around in the air a bit before charging the enemy creature-wolf. When she did charge, she started it with a huge leap to get her closer to her foe, then ran in high sprint, thrashing her dagger around. But the dagger missed as the wolf toppled Arya. "Get off of me!" Arya thrashed around as she attempted to get the wolf off of her, in which a few seconds she succeeded.


    Battle Dice:1(Arya's attack misses)

    Mob Dice:6(The enemy wolf deals one damage to Arya)




  20. Our story starts out with a female of the age of sixteen, walking around the cities in the shadows, not picking up a chat with any of the good or bad folk in the town. This was one of the things she hated about herself: She was too shy to talk to anyone, so Arya would probably be alone for the rest of her days if she kept that up. Arya looked up to see the beautiful cloud formation with the sun in the right spot for the clouds to form the pink color, which she always found to be a beautiful view. 


    Arya pulled out here dagger and turns it around in her hand a bit as she watches the clouds and the sunset, meaning it was Arya's time to escape. Arya ran through the town to where she would find the gate and took a footstep out of the gate. Boy, did it feel good. Night time's chilly wind at an 70 degree temperature.

  21. photo-5219.jpg?_r=1428960656



    The Concealed Fox of the Night

    » Username: Arya
    » Real name: Lucillia Johnson
    » Age:16
    » Gender:Female
    » Height: 4'5"

    » About:Arya was born in a Tokyo suburb know as Machida. Machida is a lurky place with a huge population and food shortage when Sword Art Online comes out. Luckily, when Arya came out of her mothers placenta, she came to know her parents as rich people and lived happily in the environment, although she got sad a few times when her friends were poor. 


    Arya was born on a late September day, as the winter began to come to everyone. When Arya was a kid, she began a quick learner and began to read old books not-of-her-time such as Eragon and Ender's Game, all at age eight. When Arya was eleven, she would sneak out of her bed to see her dad watching old re-runs of the Game of Thrones, and began to read the series the Song of Ice and Fire, which the Game of Thrones was based off.


    Arya was a fancy high-class nerd in her class and everyone disliked her. But Arya found her way out of the bad times with books and arcade games, more specifically Pac-Man. for Arya's twelth birthday, She begged her mother and father for an original Pac-Man console. and with begging a whole bunch, Arya got what she had wished for.


    So Arya began to become a fanatic of old arcade games from previous ages, possibly ages and ages ago, and had all A's through her freshman year of high school. But as a sophomore, her mother had gotten Arya a little surprise......It was the brand new NerveGear. Arya was able to log in when the game was released to the general public, only to see that she was trapped in Aincrad....................Forever.


    » Virtues:

    (Sneaky). Arya kinda went around for students at her school, gathering intellect on the latest rumors about the "popular kids" in the school. Arya was so sneaky that people asked her to do that, no matter how much they hated her for having stinkin' rich people for parents.

    (Clever). As we spoke of earlier, Arya is a nerd. Most people think of nerds as super smart students that are stupid in common sense.  But if that was the true definition of "nerd", Arya should not be classified as a nerd. She is smart on both ends, street smart while book smart, while she is also a new breed of smart. Sneaky Smart.

    (Cautious). Arya does not wish to die in this game and is a bit scared of that factor, keeping her thoughts rolling and being cautious to prevent death in battle or by any other means. While Arya may only carry around a simple dagger, she knows how to wield it well.

    » Flaws:

    (Overly Cautious). Arya knows that it is good of her to be cautious and can be considered a virtue. But sometime in a fast-paced battle, Arya may be defeated by taking too long to think up the proper attack. This is why she tries not be as scared as she is. Other players can not see how scared of dying she is really in her heart.

    (Shy). Ever since being called a nerd, Arya had began to die down and hang low of her fellow peers and classmates, not wishing to be made fun of by the jealous and poor kids. Then again, this is when her ability to be sneaky comes in handy, allowing her to stay out of situations such as fights.

    (Heavy Weaponry). Arya can not handle using heavy items, weapons, and armor for four major reasons: one is too not be clanking around everyone, two is she hates the noise,three is that it is harder to be sneaky with the noise, and four is the fact that you cannot be quick and agile in battle with that heavy equipment rather than the light equipment, that may be weaker but keeps her more agile in battle.



    Weapon Skills:

    »One Handed Dagger: Rank 1, 2 Points used [0/4]


    Armor Skills


    Skill Points Used:2

    Skill Points Un-used:0


    Total Skill Points:2

    Not Equipped:


    ^Basic dagger^


    (Others found in inventory)









    [sP-F1] An Edgy Beginning!-Solo

    [OP-F1]When Life Gives you Limes, Make Limeade!-Open




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