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Posts posted by Ryukaiji

  1. Exploring the forest near the Town of Beginning. Ryukaiji felt the warmth of the sunlight and the cool breeze of the wind. The bizarre view of the Town of Beginning from the forest is beautiful. Just by the sight makes him eager to see other beautiful places throughout the game. "Such wonders existed in this world" he whispered. Hearing a noise behind a bush startled Ryukaiji. "Show yourself and face your fate!" he shouted. Nevertheless, a wild boar runs straight towards him. Ryukaiji then uses the Beginners Sword from his inventory. The wild boar charged him without hesitation. Fast as he was surprised, he was unable to dodge the attack and the wild boar knocked him off a tree. "Don't get too hasty you sack of flesh!" Ryukaiji recovers his balance. The Wild Boar charges again and He at the wild boar. After they get passed one another, none of them wants to show any signs of defeat then after some few seconds the Wild Boar dissipate. "Well, that's too easy."

  2. «Name» Ryukaiji, The Trickster


    » Username: Ryukaiji

    » Real name: Ryukaiji

    » Age: 21

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'5''

    » Appearance:

    Ryukaiji is a white guy with black hair with a slim body and a dark violet eyes.

    » Personality:

    Ryukaiji likes to play alone since the first time he was playing MMO's. Though there are times that he needed to group up with others when hunting bosses. He dislikes crowded places where people makes noises and untidy.

    » Virtues:

    . Tactician

    From the time Ryukaiji started playing MMO's he has developed to build up several plan ahead before initiating an action.

    . Deceitful

    To make hard work easier, Ryukaiji improved his communication skills to make tricks and lie to players to take something he wants from the player.

    . Strong Will

    During critical situations. Ryukaiji never gives up the fight even if it takes his life.

    » Flaws:

    . Brutal

    When Ryukaiji was still a kid, he was fond of making fun with small animals like rats. Playing with them before doing the kill brings pleasure for him.

    . Fierce

    Growing up in a world where fighting, sparring, and stealing made him fear no one even if the opponents is obviously stronger than him.

    . Aerophobia

    Ryukaiji started this phobia when the time that he fell from the 3rd floor of his house, luckily a stranger below caught him and survived the certain death.









    Weapon skills :






    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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