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Posts posted by Ourian

  1. Turn 6
    I   Battle Check   



    D# 103704 results:

     Battle: 6 (Hit)

     Craft: 1 (1/20 for fairy to re-equip weapon)

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 8-1 (Hit)


       Battle Stats   


    HP: 62/80
    Energy: 3/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman 1
    HP: 13/15
    Damage: 7

    Fairy Swordsman 2 (Disarmed)
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7
    Assist: LD11+

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > ---
    Turn 2 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
    Turn 3 > ---
    Turn 4 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
         |----> Fairy Swordsman 2 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
    Turn 5 > Fairy Swordsman 2 has been disarmed and requires a collective CD score of 20 to retrieve its weapon)
    Turn 6 > Ourian deals 2 damage to Fairy Swordsman 1
         |----> Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian


  2. "According to the friend's list... he's in this area somewhere..." Ourian pondered, looking around for his new acquaintance that he had made some time ago. He was hoping that he might peak his interest with a small gathering quest in an attempt to gain materials for the both of them for when they both obtained their professions. 

    "Question is... where exactly is he... This map sucks..." He muttered, dismissing his map and menu to look around the area himself. Suddenly, he spots an old rundown shop with a little sign with a closed treasure chest on it. Catching his interest, Ourian walks inside and looks around. The walls were lined with shelves with interesting items and the like everywhere, all great assets to anyone who would be up for raiding a dungeon or travelling a long way. Looking more closely near the counter, Ourian notices that the area was recently disturbed, meaning someone was still in the shop.

    "Hello? I am looking for someone named Bongartz. Has he been here?" He asked aloud, hoping to catch the shop owner's attention. 

  3. Turn 5

       Battle Check   


    ID# 76216 results:

     Battle: 4 (Not Attacking) 

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 16

     MOB: 4 -1 (Miss)

    "Well they definitely are a rather annoying pair that's for sure... they leave no room to maneuver..." Ourian muttered, keeping his back to the tree to keep the fairies in his line of sight. He did not want to have them flank him and cause a pincer attack. At least he could keep an eye on them now, which relaxed him a bit as he tried to get a good view of the surrounding area in an attempt to use the terrain to get a leg up on the fairies so he could end this nightmare... seeing nothing that could aid him, he shook his fist and hit the tree with the back of his hand in frustration. Then it dawned on him... The tree...

    If this works, I may have some time to get in a good shot... He thought, starting to laugh and unsettling the fairies somewhat. 

    "What's the matter... you little pipsqueaks already out of energy?! I thought Fairies were to be feared on this floor..." He taunted, attempting to get them to attack him. 

    Come on, you little bastards... come at me... He thought, smiling as he did so and hoping that they would take the bait. Suddenly, one of them looked angered and rushed at Ourian, who smirked as he ducked, watching as the fairy's sword stuck itself into the tree, and deep at that. Backing away, Ourian laughed as his plan worked. With one of them disarmed, Ourian could have his one on one with the other fairy. At least until the other one freed its weapon.

       Battle Stats   


    HP: 66/80
    Energy: 3/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman 1
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7

    Fairy Swordsman 2
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7
    Assist: LD11+

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > ---
    Turn 2 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
    Turn 3 > ---
    Turn 4 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
         |----> Fairy Swordsman 2 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
    Turn 5 > Fairy Swordsman 2 has been disarmed and requires a collective CD score of 20 to retrieve its weapon)


  4. Turn 4

    (Battle Check)


    ID# 75989 results:

     Battle: 5 (Fail)

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 20 (Assist Successful)

     MOB: 7 -1 (Success)

    Ourian continued to stare the fairies down as they circled him, ready to attack at any given moment. In an attempt to stir the fairies into action, Ourian shifted his foot slightly. As expected, the fairies rushed him instantly and Ourian swung at the fairy that seemed injured. To his dismay, however, it ducked his swing with ease and returned in kind with its own slash to his ribs. Backing up a few steps, he clutched his side. Unable to react, the second fairy charged in and struck Ourian in his sword arm, leaving a decent cut on his forearm. 

    Damn them... It pretended to be hurt to get me to lower my guard! He thought angrily as he re-positioned himself with his back to a nearby tree before they could start circling him again. He was starting to get a little worried now... If this fight was to continue in this direction, he could find himself in a pretty rough situation. He had to take at least one of them down and soon, or else he had no chance of survival...

    (Battle Stats)


    HP: 74/80 --(-8)--> 66/80
    Energy: 4/8 --(-2)--> 2/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman 1
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7

    Fairy Swordsman 2
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7
    Assist: LD11+

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > ---
    Turn 2 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
    Turn 3 > ---
    Turn 4 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
         |----> Fairy Swordsman 2 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian


  5. Turn 3

    (Battle Check)


    ID# 75987 results:

     Battle: 5 (Fail)

     Craft: 10

     Loot: 11

     MOB: 1 (Fail)

    As Ourian predicted, the fairies charged at him once again, only this time it was together with both of their blades trained on him, indicating a tag team attack. Thinking quickly, Ourian raises his blade up and deflects both of them with a quick spin of his sword, causing them to bounce off the flat of the blade. In response to their attack, Ourian steps forward and attempts to slash one of them while they were unable to retaliate, but failed as he slipped up in the grass, causing his swing to miss by mere inches.

    "Damn it..." He swore as he watched the fairies start to circle him, their swords trained on him as they watched his every move. Ourian stood his ground, his sword at his side and his left hand raised slightly in front of him at the ready to grab the hilt of his sword for a two-handed strike if needed.

    This is getting annoying... If I could just hit one of them... He thought as he continued to watch them circle him. He could feel their bloodlust in their glares. They truly were out to kill him... Looking to the one on his right, however, he noticed that it seemed to be favoring its left side a little, indicating a slight injury. 

    Must've been from when I deflected the attack just now... Maybe it hurt itself when it bounced off my blade... He thought, keeping a closer eye on that fairy than the other.

    (Battle Stats)


    HP: 74/80
    Energy: 5/8 --(-2)--> 3/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman 1
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7

    Fairy Swordsman 2
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7
    Assist: LD11+

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > ---
    Turn 2 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian
    Turn 3 > ---


  6. Turn 2

    (Battle Check)


    ID# 75986 results:

     Battle: 3 (Fail)

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 9 (Assist Failed)

     MOB: 7 -1 (Success)

    As Ourian attempted to devise a way to attack the fairies, he was surprised to see them both rush him. Swinging his sword, Ourian attempted to hit the first one, only to watch as it shifted to the left and flew past him, slashing his arm in the process. The other fairy just chuckled and flew away from Ourian. 

    Damn them... a feint attack... Ourian thought bitterly as he regained his composure, grabbing his shoulder where he was slashed and waited for the pain to subside before refocusing on his targets. He was no match for them in terms of speed and he knew that... It was a matter of trying to outsmart them at this point, which was going to prove difficult when they had the advantage in numbers. 

    Okay... They're going to have to charge me if they want to hit me... I should try to take advantage of that by standing my ground and letting them come to me... If I chase after them, it will prove futile as they will just fly away and attack me again... Ourian planned as he took his stance and awaited their next assault.

    (Battle stats)


    HP: 78/80 --(-4)--> 74/80
    Energy: 6/8 --(-2)--> 4/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman 1
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7

    Fairy Swordsman 2
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7
    Assist: LD11+

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > ---
    Turn 2 > Fairy Swordsman 1 deals 7-3 damage to Ourian


  7. Turn 1

    (Battle Check)


    ID# 75984 results:

     Battle: 2 (Fail)

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 13 (Assist Successful)

     MOB: 3 -1 (Fail)

    After waiting several minutes, Ourian found that it was going to be difficult to get a surprise attack in with two of them present, so he prepared to rush them. With a deep breath, Ourian focused his sights on the closest fairy and darted forward, sword trailing behind him as he leaped and swung his sword forward in a horizontal slash. Missing by a decent margin, he regained his footing just in time to bring his blade up to block one of the fairies as they swung their blade in response to his sudden attack. Before he could attempt to strike again, the other fairy tried to slash him in the arm, which Ourian evaded swiftly by twisting his body to the left, bringing his sword up in the process in the hopes of landing a hit on it mid-evasion. His efforts failed, however, as the first fairy slammed its sword onto Ourian's, causing it to miss his target. seeing an opening for him to disengage, Ourian backed off and prepared to attack again.

    Damn... this is going to be a right pain in my ass... One of these little bastards better drop the powder... He thought bitterly as he stared the fairies down. 

    (Battle Stats)


    HP: 78/80
    Energy: 7/8 --(-2)--> 5/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman 1
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7

    Fairy Swordsman 2
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7
    Assist: LD11+

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > ---


  8. Traversing the edge of the woods, Ourian decided to try his luck at finding more targets that may drop the desired item he needed in order to progress. In all honesty, Ourian was starting to feel as if this was become more hassle than it was worth, but shook the thought from his mind as he ducked behind a tree, spotting two fairies flying about a little ways away. Steeling himself for a fight, Ourian knew that this one wouldn't be easy... After all, it was going to be a two on one fight... He had to focus on one and hit it hard, then take the other one out fast before it could dish out the pain as well.

    Okay... what are we dealing with here... Ourian thought as he got a closer look at his targets. Both of them had bladed weapons, meaning they were going to attack at close range as well. Good, they will both be up close and personal... At least I won't have to bob and weave arrows...

    Drawing his sword, Ourian took a deep breath and calmed himself, focusing on the task at hand. He waited patiently for them to both turn their backs so he could attempt a preemptive strike.


    (HP: 75/80 --(+3)--> 78/80 / EN: 6/8 --(+1)--> 7/8)

  9. Turn 3
    (Battle Check)


     ID# 75702 results:

     Battle: 10 (Total Critical)

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 5

     MOB: 4-1 (Fail)

    The fairy, now angered by its foe's sudden strength, rushed in for a reckless charge. As the fairy came in close, however, Ourian smiled as he sidestepped the fairy and brought the tip of his sword through the fairy's back, killing it instantly. Sheathing his sword, Ourian checks to see if he managed to get the material he needed from this battle.

    (Advancement check: LD12+)


    ID# 75705 results:

     Battle: 4

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 9 (Failed. LD requirement reduced to 11+ for next encounter)

     MOB: 3

    "Damn it..." Ourian swore quietly as he discovered that he had failed, once again, to find the necessary material. Aggravated, Ourian walks away in the hopes of finding another fairy, and soon. He would prefer not to make this an all day quest and go back to get some rest before he looked around for a blacksmith to make him a new weapon, or a merchant to see if he could enhance Dark Steel beyond its current grade. 

    "Honestly... I really would like to keep this... it's been good to me so far throughout my stay in Aincrad..." Ourian admitted as he drew Dark Steel from its sheath to admire its ebony black blade. He then remembered that it was actually on this floor that he actually acquired the sword, along with his gauntlet and coat, which made him smirk a little. Seems that a lot happens here on the third floor for me... Ourian thought as he sheathed his weapon before returning to his search.

    (Battle Stats)


    HP: 75/80
    Energy: 6/8 --(-1)--> 5/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman
    HP: 3/15 --(-4)--> 0/15
    Damage: 7

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > Fairy Swordsman deals 4 damage upon successful Critical
    Turn 2 > Ourian deals (2+2)*3 damage to Fairy Swordsman upon successful Sword Art + Total Critical
    Turn 3 > Ourian deals 2+2 damage to Fairy Swordsman upon successful Total Critical
         |----> Fairy Swordsman is now {Deceased}


  10. Turn 2


    ID# 75225 results:

     Battle: 10 (Total Critical)

     Craft: 5

     Loot: 17

     MOB: 6-1 (Miss)

    Paying close attention to the fairy and watching its every move for a sign to strike, Ourian awaited even the slightest falter in the fairy's defenses so he could strike. Finally, the fairy rushed in and attempted to stab Ourian in the shoulder, which Ourian was prepared for and sidestepped at the last second to avoid being hit. As the fairy flew past him, Ourian activated his sword art and began his assault.

    "Snake Bite!" He shouted as his sword glowed green and stabbed the fairy in the back, twisting around and pulling the sword out of his target as he spun around to perform a horizontal slash, then quickly reversed his slash by planting his right foot firm on the ground to halt his momentum and swung up and to the left with his sword to deliver the last hit of the three-hit sword art before his blade stopped glowing. As the last hit sent the fairy flying, Ourian kept his eyes trained on it and resumed his stance, ready for another attack.


    HP: 75/80
    Energy: 8/8 --(-3)--> 5/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman
    HP: 15/15 --(-12)--> 3/15
    Damage: 7

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > Fairy Swordsman deals 4 damage upon successful Critical
    Turn 2 > Ourian deals (2+2)*3 damage to Fairy Swordsman upon successful Sword Art + Total Critical


  11. Turn 1


    ID# 75044 results:

     Battle: 2 (Miss)

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 13

     MOB: 9 (Critical)

    The fairy continued to weave and bob in the air just out of his reach. Frustration overcoming him, Ourian rushes towards the fairy and engages it in combat. Leaping up from his sprint, Ourian pulls the sword from its sheath and swings up and to the left, but misses his mark as he lands in the grass. Before he could recover, the fairy rushes down and slashes at his shoulder with a dagger, cutting deep as its speed allowed it to react faster than Ourian.

    "You little-!" Ourian raged as he swung wildly behind him in an attempt to cut the fairy as it flew past him, however it was already out of his reach and laughing at him. Taking a deep breath, Ourian manages to calm himself and take his stance, the tip of his blade pointing straight at the fairy and his left hand along the side of the blade as if guiding it towards its target. 

    Gotta keep calm... wait for an opportune moment to strike... Ourian thought to himself as he watched the fairy closely.


    HP: 80/80 --(-5)--> 75/80
    Energy: 8/8 --(-2)--> 6/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Swordsman
    HP: 15/15
    Damage: 7

    Battle Log
    Turn 1 > Fairy Swordsman deals 4 damage upon successful Critical


  12. It didn't take him long to find another fairy as he continued to walk around the prairies. Fluttering along, its wings moving as fast as a hummingbird's, it darted around playfully and cheerfully. As Ourian began to draw his blade, he almost felt bad for what he was about to do...

    Focus, Ourian... we have a job to do... Ourian thought, shaking his head of any thought of sparing the fairy and prepared to strike, his sword drawn and his posture perfect for rushing in and performing a surprise attack. He just hid in the tall grass waiting for it to come a little closer... a few minutes seemed like hours as he continued to watch it play  in the air... Impatience was growing in the swordsman as he continued to wait for it to come closer so he had an easier shot at it...

    Come on... just a little more... He thought, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword... 

  13.  ID# 74679 results:

     Battle: 10 (True Critical)

     Craft: 1

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 1 (Fail)

    Without hesitation, Ourian sprints into action once again, closing the gap between himself and the fairy with ease and swiftness, taking the fairy by surprise.

    "Boo!" Ourian spat as he slashed the fairy in half with his sword in an upward arc, sheathing his sword as he finished the attack and heard the tell-tale sound of the foe shattering behind him. Smirking, Ourian turns around to check if what he needed dropped.

     ID# 74680 results:

     Battle: 6

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 7 (Item did not drop. LD requirement decreased to 12+)

     MOB: 10

    "Sonova-" Ourian swore, kicking up the dirt a bit in frustration as he walked away in search of another target. Damn it... today is gonna be another one of those days... isn't it... He thought, looking every inch of the fields for another fairy to go after in an attempt to get the powder he needed. As he pondered the fields, he kept looking to the Tulip he found earlier in his inventory, which reminded him of someone from the real world that he missed dearly and, in a way, wished were here with him... 

    Sierra... I wonder how you're doing?

  14. Spoiler


    ID# 74678 results:

     Battle: 7 (Hit)

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 15

     MOB: 6-1 (Miss)


    Wasting no time, Ourian darted forward in an attempt to catch the fairy off guard. As he approached, the fairy let loose another arrow, which Ourian managed to dodge at the last second, but not without it tearing a hole in his coat. Leaping forward, Ourian swings his blade from behind him and slashes the fairy in the arm, causing it to gasp in pain and back away to rethink its approach to its foe. Ourian, however, turned around and smirked.

    "You're not gonna run, are you? Make this interesting..." Ourian taunted deviously as he twirled the blade in his hand before assuming his stance with his sword's tip aimed right at the fairy. He eyed it carefully. He knew that this was not something he wanted to deal with for too long, for he was sure there were more in the area and he didn't feel like getting swarmed. He had to end this fast.


    HP: 80/80
    Energy: 7/8 (-1)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    Fairy Archer
    HP: 4/6 (-2)
    Damage: 5
    Ammunition: 9/10


  15. As we part ways at the gates, I watch as Bongartz walks off in the distance. It felt good for once to have someone's name in that list... and he swore that if he ever saw Zeri again, he would apologize and rekindle what could have been a very powerful friendship. Nodding, Ourian starts walking towards the inn near the center of town where he had stayed the night prior. If there was one thing he was grateful to Kaiyaba for, it was that he did make a free inn system for those under a certain level... Getting his room key back from the innkeeper, Ourian walked up to his room, grabbing another apple along the way. Taking a bite, he savored the juicy sweet taste and reflected on the days events as he walked into his room and sat on the bed, unbuckling his sword and removing his coat. 

    "All in all... despite an oversized pig getting a few good hits in on me, I guess today was a pretty good day after all... Still wish we would have gotten that loot drop though... Would've helped bongartz a lot starting out..." He said, yawning as he finished his apple and laid back to fall asleep.

  16. Saw that coming... Ourian thought bitterly as he was asked to be friends with the player... He knew it was gonna happen eventually, though he did wish that it was later rather than sooner... He felt that he needed to become a lot stronger, and in order to do that, he felt that he needed to do it alone. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked to the ground... I don't see the harm in it... he's proven himself to have quite a bit of potential... but what if I fail to protect him in the future? That boar did a number on me today... He thought as he continued to ponder the idea of adding him to his friends list. In all honesty... it would just be a way to keep in touch...

    "I guess it can't hurt..." He told him, opening up his friends list and getting the invite ready. Once he typed in Bongartz's name, he went to press send, but hesitated for a second... 

    Zeri... He thought, remembering the player who had helped him out in the beginning. He chuckled to himself as he just realized that the student had just become the teacher. Pressing the send option, he truly smiled for the first time in a long time.

    "You need someone to help you dish out damage in the future, gimme a shout." Ourian offered, holding a fist out for Bongartz to fistbump. "But don't expect me to accompany you for every little thing though.." He teased, smirking at his new student.

  17. Spoiler

    ID# 74610 results:

     Battle: 7 (Hit)

     Craft: 11

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 4-1 (Fail)

    Sighing, Ourian pulls his sword out of the ground and flicks it to the side to sling the dirt off of it. As he approached the boar to finish it off, Ourian hears bongartz's comment.

    "Sure, they're programs... but if you pay close attention, they still do have emotion... this one has hate... and lots of it for us... The Cardinal System is an amazing technological breakthrough.... true Artificial Intelligence..." Ourian informed as he walked up to the boar, whose little spurt of energy seemed to have worn off as it collapsed to the ground. Reversing his grip on the sword, he walks up to the boar's head and plunges the blade straight through its skull, killing it and causing it to shatter like glass. Returning his sword to its sheath, he picks up the loot sphere and hands it to bongartz.

    "Here, you keep it. It's a Tier 1 Crafting Material... use it to help yourself get some better gear later on down the road. You can also take it to any craftsman and they will turn it into something usable... if their crafting skill is high enough, anyway..." Ourian told Bongartz as he scanned the horizon to see the sun had started to set and it was starting to get dark. They had just enough time to get back to town if they left now.

    "We should leave now. It's getting dark." he told him, leading them back to town. "Good job, by the way. you handled yourself well..."


    HP: 55/80 
    Energy: 2/8 (-1)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 1/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 0 (-2)
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [8] --- Bongartz [4]

    Battle Log:
    Turn 1> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
    Turn 2> ---
    Turn 3> ---
    Turn 4> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
         |----> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
    Turn 5> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
         |----> Bongartz deals 4 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful True Critical
    Turn 6> Tusk Boar deals 9 damage to Ourian upon successful True Critical
    Turn 7> Ourian deals 12 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Furious Rush (3x1) + True Critical
         |----> Bongartz deals 3 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Critical: Vertical (1x1)
    Turn 8> Ourian deals 2 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful attack
    Turn 9> Ourian deals 2 damage to the Tusk Boar upon successful attack
         |----> Tusk Boar is now Deceased. (Killshot: Ourian)

    Loot Obtained
    1 T1 Crafting Material (Given to Bongartz)


  18. Spoiler

    ID# 74599 results:

     Battle: 7 (Hit)

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 2-1 (Fail)

    Mercy, huh... Ourian thought as he stared at the boar, its eyes full of hate towards the two players that brought it down to its knees despite its power... To make sure it couldn't retaliate, Ourian rushes in ans sweeps low with a horizontal slash, striking its legs and making it collapse to the ground once more. backing up from it, Ourian sticks his sword into the ground and watches it, resting his hands on the pommel of the sword.

    "If you want to give it mercy, be my guest... I'm too drained to put it down with one strike..." Ourian admitted as he bent over slightly to catch his breath. Looking over to his energy gauge, it did indeed show that he was low on energy. 

    Just one more good swing should do it... Come on, bongartz... take this opportunity to strike it now... He thought as he continued to rest, still keeping a firm grip on the pommel should he need to rush in and attack again...


    HP: 55/80 
    Energy: 2/8 (-1)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 1/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 1 (-2)
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [7]--- Bongartz [4]

    Battle Log:
    Turn 1> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
    Turn 2> ---
    Turn 3> ---
    Turn 4> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
         |----> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
    Turn 5> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
         |----> Bongartz deals 4 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful True Critical
    Turn 6> Tusk Boar deals 9 damage to Ourian upon successful True Critical
    Turn 7> Ourian deals 12 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Furious Rush (3x1) + True Critical
         |----> Bongartz deals 3 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Critical: Vertical (1x1)
    Turn 8> Ourian deals 2 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful attack


  19. Spoiler

    ID# 74591 results:

     Battle: 10 (True Critical)

     Craft: 9

     Loot: 10

     MOB: 4-1 (Fail)

    "Agreed... Let's finish this swiftly..." Ourian said in a grim tone, now becoming more serious as he took a deep breath to calm himself and help him focus. He was about to try something, but he didn't know if it would work or not... Normally, the Sword Art guides him through the attack, but he wondered if he could alter it slightly to suit his combat style... Charging up another Sword Art, he had to make sure this one made its mark... He won't be able to use another one for some time... If it worked, another good hit or two after that would put the beast down... If he failed, they were in for a long fight...

    Okay Ourian... think... it likes moving in a linear motion, making its attacks easy to predict, but the thrashing bit as you try to dodge makes it unpredictable and hard to counter... It's also fast despite its size... What I need to do is keep it from moving its head... Then I can attack with ease... But what can I use... He calculated, searching for a way to get above it. Finally, the answer came to him in the form of the boulder they used to hide behind not long ago. 

    "Back me up! If this works, it should have a hard time evading your next attack!" Ourian said as he charged the boar and at the last minute, drew his sword flat in front of him and pushed off against the boar's tusks, then began to run towards the boulder. Looking back, he notices that the boar took the bait and got pissed off from his fake attack and gave chase. Stopping in front of the boulder, he waited for it and finished charging his sword art... only this time, he held the blade behind him and switched it to a back-handed grip. This time, the sword glowed blue.

    As the boar got close enough, Ourian leaped up and avoided the tusks, which caught on the boulder so it couldn't retaliate to his jump. Jumping off the boar's head, he unleashed his improvised Sword Art.

    "Furious Rush!" He shouted, cleaving one of the boar's tusks with a downward slash, as he landed, he spun on his heel and delivered two spinning upward slashes, lifting the boar into the air a bit. Pushing himself back, Ourian called out to Bongartz.

    "Now's your chance! Help me finish him off!" Ourian commanded as he got into his stance hopefully for the last time.


    HP: 55/80 
    Energy: 2/8 (-3)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 1/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 6/40 (-12)
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [6] --- Bongartz [2]

    Battle Log:
    Turn 1> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
    Turn 2> ---
    Turn 3> ---
    Turn 4> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
         |----> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
    Turn 5> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
         |----> Bongartz deals 4 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful True Critical
    Turn 6> Tusk Boar deals 9 damage to Ourian upon successful True Critical
    Turn 7> Ourian deals 12 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Furious Rush (3x1) + True Critical


    Ourian has made a Sword Art variant: Furious Rush

    Furious Rush
    Snake Bite variant
    3x1 Sword Art
    3 Energy consumption
         A three slash combo where one wields the weapon back-handed, attacking in a leaping attack on a target with a downward slash, then following up with two upward spinning slashes. 

    (OoC: To Admin or PST who looks over this topic. If making a variant of a Sword Art is not permitted, please send me a message and I will correct the post to change it back to Snake Bite and will refrain myself from doing so in other RPs)

  20. Spoiler

     ID# 74586 results:

     Battle: 3 (Fail)

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 20

     MOB: 10 (True Critical)

    As he watched Bongartz get into the heat of battle, he couldn't help but feel good for him. It was his first real fight and he was doing pretty good. Now he just had to keep his part of the deal and help finish it off.

    "Good. Keep it up, but keep anything you have to say short and sweet. Don't want to get distr-AGH!" Ourian exclaimed as he felt something pierce his arm. Looking over, it was the boar and it seemed to take advantage of him complimenting Bongartz. Damn it, I took my eyes off it again... I was careless! He thought bitterly as he leaped back and away. He was thankful that it still had its attention on him, but he would prefer to finish this quickly. He knew he couldn't take too much more abuse or else it could spell not only game over for him, but game over for Bongartz as well.

    "Adding on to our plan. If my health drops near twenty five, we haul ass and try to escape it. With the odds in our favor, it should be easy for us to do so. We should be able to get him by then, but it's a worst case scenario." Ourian instructed as he massaged his arm before resuming his stance.

    (OoC: Remember, Critical Attacks generate 2 Hate instead of 1, Bongartz.)


    HP: 55/80 (-9)
    Energy: 4/8
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 1/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 18/40
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [4] --- Bongartz [2]

    Battle Log:
    Turn 1> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
    Turn 2> ---
    Turn 3> ---
    Turn 4> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
         |----> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
    Turn 5> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
         |----> Bongartz deals 4 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful True Critical
    Turn 6> Tusk Boar deals 9 damage to Ourian upon successful True Critical


  21. Spoiler

    ID# 74582 results:

     Battle: 4 (Fail)

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 16

     MOB: 9 (Critical)

    "Remember to keep yourself calm... making you wait was also a test to see if you could remain calm in a situation like this." Ourian told Bongartz who admitted to his impatience. Though, he was not angry... he was actually rather pleased that the new player had decided to admit his flaw and was willing to keep going through with the plan. Dashing forward, Ourian initiated the attack and slashed at the boar, who blocked with its tusk and instead of backing off like it did last time, it pushed forward, causing Ourian to lose his balance and get jabbed in the leg.

    "NGH! Bastard!" Ourian swore as the pain shot up his leg as he leaped back and resumed his stance. This thing was tough, but he was gonna prove he was tougher and he wasn't going to let Bongartz die.

    This person is relying on me... looking to me as a mentor... I gotta make sure I don't get us in over our heads... He thought as he tried to rethink their strategy a little to help end things quickly as he noticed that the sun had begun to descend. They had an hour at most to get back to town, which meant they only had a good fifteen to twenty minutes to finish this rare spawn off.


    HP: 64/80 (-8)
    Energy: 3/8 (-1)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 2/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 22/40 
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [4] --- Bongartz [0]

    Battle Log:
    Turn 1> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
    Turn 2> ---
    Turn 3> ---
    Turn 4> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
         |----> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical
    Turn 5> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical


  22. Spoiler

    ID# 74571 results:

     Battle: 9 (Critical)

     Craft: 8

     Loot: 1

     MOB: 9 (Critical)

    Side stepping the boar, Ourian was starting to notice its patterns for attacking and realized that it was, indeed, more primitive than the wolves in the fact that all it kept on doing was constantly charge at him in a straight line. It's speed, however, was the issue. Taking that into account, Ourian decided to wait once again, only this time he was sure that his tactic would work. Charging up another Sword Art, he waited patiently as his sword glowed green once again...

    Suddenly, the boar rushed him, as he had hoped, and Ourian leaped up, allowing the boar to position itself right under him as he unleashed his attack.

    "Sit still, Ham Bone! Snake Bite!" Ourian shouted as he thrust the blade into its thick skull, then pulled the blade out before leaping to the side in a spinning slash, slashing it twice as he landed gracefully to the side of the boar and shouldered his blade.

    "Let's go, Bongartz! Give em hell!" Ourian shouted over his shoulder to the boulder where Bongartz was, no doubt, becoming impatient. He turned back to the boar and waved a hand to motion it to keep fighting as it squealed and thrashed in pain. Immediately to the taunt, it rushed at Ourian in a frenzy and managed to catch Ourian off guard, jabbing him in the gut with its tusk before tossing him aside. Getting back to his feet, he glared the boar down, who was squealing with delight at finally landing a blow.

    "Oink Oink to you to, fatass. Shut up and fight!" He snapped, smiling as he resumed his stance and prepared to fight again. 


    HP: 72/80 (-8)
    Energy: 3/8 (-3)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 2/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 22/40 (-9)
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [4] --- Bongartz [0]

    Battle Log:
    Turn 1> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
    Turn 2> ---
    Turn 3> ---
    Turn 4> Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit
         |----> Tusk Boar deals 8 damage to Ourian upon successful Critical



  23. Spoiler

    ID# 74568 results:

     Battle: 3 (Fail)

     Craft: 4

     Loot: 10

     MOB: 3-1 (Fail)

    This is getting us nowhere... I need to hit the damn thing! Ourian thought as he, once again, failed to execute a proper attack on the beast as it charged him once again. This time, Ourian ran straight for it instead of waiting for it to charge. As he got close, he leaped to the side and attempted a horizontal slash across the pig's gut, however, it leaped away from him as well and prevented the attack from connecting. Before he had a chance to catch his breath, the Boar attempted to pin Ourian to the ground. Ourian, however, leaped up and jumped off of the boar's head to get away and continued to evade its attacks. Although he did have a decent Mitigation, he did not want to be on the business end of that boar's tusks...

    "Damn... for a fatty you really can move, huh Porky Pig?" Ourian taunted, still trying to keep its attention focused on him and seemed to be succeeding.



    HP: 80/80
    Energy: 5/8 (-1)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 2/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 31/40
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [2] --- Bongartz [0]

    Battle Log:
    > Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit



  24. Spoiler


     ID# 74567 results:

     Battle: 2 (Fail)

     Craft: 7

     Loot: 18

     MOB: 6-1 (Fail)


    Circling around the boar, who was now giving Ourian its undivided attention, Ourian made sure that the flank of the boar was facing the boulder and Bongartz. For a few seconds, they faced off, but that was short lived when the Tusk Boar, which was obviously more impatient than the wolves, charged at Ourian and tried to jab him with its tusks. reacting quickly, Ourian swings his sword down and pushes the flat of the blade to make a makeshift springboard and pushed himself away and out of its line of sight. It quickly turned around and repeated, only this time, Ourian swung his sword at it and watched as it bounced off its raised tusk, shooting sparks as the blade and tusk collided. Leaping back, Ourian resumed his stance and awaited the next move.

    "Now THIS is a fight... bring it on, Pork Chop!" Ourian taunted as he twisted his hand and taunted the boar to attack by waving it towards him before returning his hand to its original position.



    HP: 80/80
    Energy: 5/8 (-1)
    Damage: 2
    Mitigation: 3
    Evasion: +1

    HP: 20/20
    Energy: 2/2
    Damage: 2

    Tusk Boar
    HP: 31/40
    Damage: 10
    Hate: Ourian [2] --- Bongartz [0]

    Battle Log:
    > Ourian deals 9 damage to Tusk Boar upon successful Sword Art: Snake Bite (3x1) + Crit



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