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Posts posted by Kazyto

  1. "Um..... Thanks?" I took the money. I'll probably use it to buy a weapon instead, seeing as how I need to survive. I trust this guy, but he's a little too nice. But hey, free money. I'm wondering if he's serious about helping me. I tried to take this quest once, but it didn't work out. I sheathe my dagger, making sure I don't stab anyone. "I might take you up on that offer. You seem nice. Thanks for the help."

  2. " My name is Kazyto! The whispering shadow, known by....... Nobody. I am a low level player, I really haven't done much. I'm wanting to be a tailor, but I need a partner to do the quest." I plop back down on the bench. Man, I wish my skinny figure was a bit bigger, just so I could have launched this guy. "I have slept here for months since my guild doesn't have a place yet. I need some mula to finally sleep in an Inn." Oh, how I would love to sleep in a bed! My mouth waters just at the thought.

  3. I put my hand up. "Let me stop you there. I don't want to buy anything. And if your here to kill me, let me just say, I'm a master swordsman!" I swing my dagger around and then drop it. I sigh as I bend over and pick up my dagger. "What do you want? If your here for my party service, its 100 per quest." I jump off the bench and stand in front of him, glaring. This guy gives if a good vibe, but I need to impress him.

  4. I open my eyes to the sight of the morning sun, and move my hands to block it. Ugh, I hate sleeping outside, but hey its free. I slowly get up, not moving slowly, one foot in front of the other. As I'm getting up I accidentally poke myself, and I look down and see my dagger. Old Stabby, first dagger I ever had. Instead of getting up, I decided to sit on the bench I was sleeping on, playing with the dagger, practicing my swordplay. I stop and look around, seeing if there are any players in the Town of Beginnings. Maybe I'll find somebody to party with. I haven't met a player in months. "I wonder where everyone is." I say out loud.

  5. "Hey, good job everybody!" Kazyto exclaims as the other players talk and cheer after conquering the herd of wolves. "Well, I'm off he said as he walked back towards the Town of Beginnings. By now it was at least

    dawn, and Kazyto stares at the wonders of coding, good enough to simulate the sun, and waves back to the other players he just met, thinking he saw something in a tree a while back.

  6. The wolf looking at Klick took it's final breath and decided to attack, life on a limb. Vision blurry, it charged.

    Id 15478

    Md 6

    It just barely hit, whimpering in success. It ran and in circle as Klick doubled over in pain and cussed at the wolf.The wolf hhowled to his friend, the last wolf.

    Klick -1 hp

  7. The only thing Kazyto thought of was: I can't die, so he twisted his wrist to twirl his dagger and let his adrenaline flow throw his veins.




    The wolf targeting Zeri attacked Kazyto and hit his target with a scratch and Kazyto returned the favor with a big gash in its side. It howled in pain and leaped back, tail between its legs.

    Kazyto HP 4/5

    Wolf 3 HP 3/8

  8. Turning his attention to Ourian, he sees his arm get bit and his life go down. He charged towards the wolf, hoping to get a hit off.






    The wolf notices Kazyto and leaps at him, whilst in mid-air, Kazyto takes swing at the wolf and his dagger slips out of his hand. He lunges to his dagger fast enough to dodge the wolf and make his way over to Ourian, the wolf staring and growling all the way there.

  9. "I'll finish him off!" yelled Kazyto as he rushed towards the wolf he originally attacked, hoping to get the kill. Kazyto thought of all the troubles he went through just to kill one wolf, thinking he might die to the rest.






    Kazyto feels his blade puncture the wolf and saw it turn into a bunch of pixels, and then he redirected his attention to the wolf targetting Klick. He flicked his dagger to make sure he was handiling it well and ran next to Klick. "Hey, never thought i see you here." He told him.

  10. Back to back with Ourian, Kazyto stares at the wolves around him. He decides to attack the one he tried to hit before, trying his

    luck,hoping to have more luck on this try. Focusing on whst Ourian said to him he swings again.




    Hit! Kazyto feels his blade go through the wolf and a limb, as he looks down he sees a removed paw from its owner. The crippled'wolf attacked but missed yet again. Kazyto moves back to Ourian, and gestures to Zeri to come over towards him.

    Kazyto: 5/5 HP

    Wolf 2: 4/8 HP

  11. "Thanks!" He yelled to the other player, whose name seemed to be Ourian. He scrambled to his feet and grabbed his dagger in his hand and prepared to attack the second beast.






    Kazyto swung his dagger blindly, and missed as most would expect, while leaving himself open for a counter attack. The wolf took the offer and tried to scratch Kazyto but also missed. "That was a close one i could have died for a second there. Or worse." Kazyto got back up and positioned himself next to Ourian waiting for the next attack from either group.

  12. It was dark and gloomy news night in the world of Aincrad. Kazyto had just taken a quest given to him by an NPC named "Master Artisan". Kazyto never really liked masters, reminded him of school.While looking through his journal at this new quest, he thought of making a shop, and might even contribute some items to his guild. He whistles and stares as life goes by around him slowly, and he thinks about life on the outside.

  13. As Kazyto was getting ready to open his mouth to speak to the new arrival, four wolves had jumped out of the nearby gathering of trees, foaming at the mouth.

    "Ahh!" He said while spasms were happening all over his arm. He reached for his dagger and dropped it. As he bent over to pick it up the wolves got closer and closer.

    "Damn moonlight." He exlcaimed looking for his dagger, rustling through the dirt, getting more and more frustrated as he went on. He grabbed it and jumped back. "I can use a little help!" He shouted to the players he just met.

  14. I'm here and counted for!

    For rankings i thought of:

    10) Grunt-lowest rank, are new members and at least lvl 1

    9) Thug-trusted member

    8) Chief- reliable member. Allowed access to the guild shops.

    7)Commander- allowed to make shops and is in charge of stocks(armor, etc)

    6) Diplomat or General- Can either gather troops or deal with problems involving other guilds.

    5) Sergeant- Has access to almost all of the guild except for vault.

    4) Major- has access to the guild col and stocks.

    3)Elite-Must be chosen by either the leader, or a Founder.

    2)Founder- One of the first members of the guild.

    1)Leader-the top of the chain

  15. After a successful day of absolutely nothing, Kazyto decided to go to his favorite place, the hill. "O really need to give a name to this place," he thought to himself as he ventured up there, but suddenly stopped halfway up to look at the two figures on top of the hill. One looks like a male and the other a female. He draws his dagger, prepared for anything, hoping to fair against some PKers or a boar.

  16. Kazyto then woke up just in time to here somebody say "So is there anything in particular your looking for?" Still a little drowsy he turns to look at said player. Above his head it says 'Zeri'. "Cool name, also he seems nice enough to talk to." he thought to himself. "Uhh, yeah you up for killing some wolves, I heard a pack of them nearby. All though they probably left a while ago. We could always go hunting." 

  17. Kazyto opened his eyes from a deep slumber, probably from wandering about the day prior. "Yawn! Well, guess it's time to level up, I suppose. Wonder what deserves to die to my dagger!" From the distance he hears a pack of wolves. From the adventure he had had yesterday he knew hat the Field of Crossroads was over there. But instead decides to lay down under a tree, and take another nap. Wondering, why he chose a tree and not a rock or walk towards one of he various villages around the floor. "To much of a hassle at night, moonlight is not as great as the sun, so I should wait for a partner." Also grabs a bite right before he sleeps.

    -1 Bread

    -1 Water



    9 Bread

    14 Water

  18. <<Kazyto>> The Whispering Shadow



    >> Username: Kazyto

    >> Real Name: Seth Barnes

    >> Age: 13

    >> Gender: Male

    >> Height: 5' 11"



    >> About: In a small town just outside of Tokyo a boy was born. Speed up a few years and you get the wanted-in-2-towns Kazyto. At the age of 5 he was kidnapped by the yakuza. Since then he's been living with them, not questioning where he's from or why. He just lived like any other kid, goes to school, gets bad grades, usual gets arrested every Tuesday, the good stuff. Also had a weird interest in virtual reality but never tried it.


    Kazyto has been through trouble throughout his life. Stealing, Gang violence, Vandalism, this can go on forever. Until one day his teacher asked him if he's ever tried VR. He obviously said no, he doesn't really care about what his teachers say. She then told him to try a new game that came out called SAO. To heck with it right? So he went to the store and bought both the nerve gear and a copy of SAO. Ran home to get started.


    "Link Start!" After starting the game, the character creation menu came up. He chose black shaggy hair and typed in his signature name, "Kazyto". And pressed enter. After that he loaded up into the starting village to start his adventure.


    Maybe his last...



    >> Virtues:

    Shy: Kazyto has always kept to himself. None of the other kids would talk to him when he was young. Nowadays people stay away as far as possible. Only talks to friends and is a little awkward around girls, but makes do with it. Also doesn't talk unless required. So expect lots of ...'s .


    Humor: Kazyto always had humor, but others call this humor dark. He would say things like "The way of life is death." or "Aim for the neck!" Tries to impress, and makes friends with the wrong crowd. Like those people you see in a dark alley, he was there. Ever here dark laughter in the middle if the night? That was him.


    Childish: Will find any thing funny or interesting. For example random animal feces or  tripping over nothing. Can sit still for long and whenever you see him in the open he probably has a ball or throwing knives at a wall, or your friend. Pranks are his specialty.




    Clumsy: Kazyto has a tendency to drop this. Whether it be his knife or a smoke bomb. Sometime its intentional or bad luck. Usual his fault when it comes to collateral damage, or something of yours is ''gone''. Never give him your sword.


    Partially-Blind: Kazyto has been born with bad eyesight. He has worn glasses for years but now decides to not  wear them only because they get in the way. And are really small. Plus, with glasses comes glare, being careful, responsible, and everything else he's not.


    Dumb: He's just flat out stupid. Horrible with math and spelling he gets about 3/10 in every subject. That is unless it involves creativity or simple motor skills. Often will forget your name or when he met you. This also goes for various quests and dividing up the group loot.





    Unspent Skill points=0









    Weapon Skills:

    One- handed Dagger Rank 1




    >> 9 Bread

    14 Water

    1 Dagger

    Cloth Clothing





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    Pleasant Night in an unpleasant world

    Die-r Wolf


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