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Posts posted by Crow

  1. Crow fell on his side, after falling for about 2 minutes he hadn't realized he'd been flipping around. He yelled out in pain, holding his left arm and standing up. He looked to his top left to check his health, but realized that he miraculously had taken no damage. He looked around the area and noticed that the small walls were dimly lit by candles. He also realized there was a white furred wolf that was coming at him really fast. He looked around quickly but realized that there was a wall behind him. He realized that he would have to fight the wolf or die. He sighed, unsheathing his sword, and then realized how close the wolf was and tried jumped out of the way.


    Crow: 10/10

    Wolf: 8/8

  2. Crow walked out of the Town of Beginnings, and after making sure he wasn't followed, he ran as quickly as he could thought the fields, putting as much distance as he could between him and the town. He wasn't intending to come back for the rest of the day. He had heard rumors from a recent friend of his that there was a hidden dungeon in a forest far from the Town of Beginnings. He used the map in his drop down menu and moved through the trees to the point his friend had told him about. He looked around. "A hollow tree will mark the entrance..." He moved around, knocking on the surrounding trees. He moved throughout them, and after about 5 minutes found a tree that was hollow. "Knock 3 times on the bottom..." He muttered, following the instructions his friend had given him. "And cut an X into the bark!" He unsheathed his sword and cut into the bark with one movement, the fact that there was no immortal object message letting him know that it was real. He cut again, carving an X into the bark. The tree opened up to reveal a trapdoor down into a dungeon. He smiled. "So he wasn't pranking me." He dropped down into the depths below, the tree moving the close up the entrance behind him. The X on the bark vanished as he descended into the dungeon below him.

  3. Crow walked out of the Town of Beginnings and scouted the field around it for some enemies to fight. He walked out a bit further as he saw 3 Boars standing out in the center of his vision. Drawing his sword, he moved cautiously towards them. His grip immediately tightened as he saw that he had drawn their attention. "This should be fun. A nice change of pace from commanding forces to being a lone wolf warrior." Grinning, he ran towards them, letting out a battle cry as he did so.

  4. Crow smiled. He took the hand and shook. "My name's Crow. Nice to meet you Corvus." He looked him over. "He's a newbie player as well, looks like cloth armor." Crow thought as he looked over Corvus's clothes. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your level?"

  5. Crow looked back at the man. "I don't believe so, at least I don't recognize your face." He thought about it again though. Again, the man's face turned up blank in Crow's memory. He shook his head. "You must be thinking of someone else, I don't recognize you at least..." Crow turned his attention partially on the scene, then back to the man.

  6. Crow looked over at Zeri. "I guess he's the heroic type." He thought as he took a step back. "Do these two know each other?" He thought. He had noticed Zeri had said "Out of all the places..." Upon seeing the guy but Crow decided not to say anything about it. He decided to keep silent as he would probably find out soon enough. He looked the two over and realized that a fight would probably not come again here- at least probably not a physical one.

  7. Crow looked on the group as silently as he could behind a nearby tree, hoping no one would see him. Hoping to be able to just walk around and sort his thoughts out for a while, he had taken a walk in the forest. However, upon hearing the sound of someone- or something moving through the forest as well, he instinctively lay found the nearest hiding spot and bolted as quietly as he could for cover. He now looked upon the scene and spotted one player he recognized-the performer at that restaraunt he'd met Zeri at. As he watched more people show up, he decided to try to sneak away undetected, hoping to avoid social contact with this group, he'd dealt with enough crowds today. Just as he almost made it out of view he tripped over (and managed to snap) a root of the tree, falling on his face to the ground. "Well, just perfect." He muttered. "Now they're gonna think I'm a stalker."

  8. Crow smiled at Zeri. "I know, it's just a reflex." Crow looked over at the fight still going on outside. "I think we should go get some details on this fight. This fight looks like it's got some back story to it, and I want to get to the bottom of it." He stood up as he watched the man deliver a hard punch. "This guy looks like he has much more strength than me. Even though he can't do damage to our health in a safe zone, I'd rather stay off his bad side." Crow thought as he and Zeri began walking to get a closer look at the fight.

  9. Crow looked over the fight with some interest, it seemed like one of the fighters and the performer knew each other. He looked at Zeri for a moment then back at the fight, almost immediately noticing the new player who had walked in. He saw the player suddenly throw his hand back and grab his weapon, and did the same as a reflex. Then realizing that the other player had obviously done it instinctively, put his own hand down. He saw the man who had been chased make a threat. They had obviously not been fazed; strange considering just moments ago they weren't doing too well against the man's combat ability. He watched the one not being held up go for another attack before having his companion thrown at him.

  10. Crow met Zeri's eyes. "That is a long story that I'd rather not get into, but to summarize I just needed something new." Crow looked at the ceiling for a moment and considered the story he mentioned. "I can tell you later if you really want to know..." Crow's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud sound and he looked over at the door. "Who's that?... What was that about a crow?..." He thought. He hadn't been paying much attention to anyone besides Zeri, so he was surprised to see the door almost destroyed and a guy standing near it. "This should definitely be interesting." He said as he looked out the door to see some people outside. Crow smiled once again.

    "Let's enjoy the show, Zeri."

  11. Crow frowned as he cut off his question. "It's a little harder to pull off on someone I just met. I need to get a little deeper in your head to pull it off. Let me talk with you a bit more and I may be able to predict your thoughts." Crow then looked over as someone began to perform on stage. He smiled as he listened to the song. "Spanish. One of the world's most spoken languages." He then looked over at Zeri again, this time intent on answering the question.

  12. "Name's Crow. There's nothing really that special about me besides being able to use cold reading. Nice to meet you, Zeri." Crow looked Zeri over once again. "There is a question I want to ask you though." He once again found himself focusing on the scar more than anything. "Where did you get that scar?"

    (Sorry for short writing, really, really, REALLY tired right now and I'm about to crash for the night. Ciao.)

  13. Be cool if rarer fish scales could be used in armor or bone for swords. In the game Dark Cloud on the ps2 if you catch one of the legendary fish when you open locked chests it'll tell you if it's trapped. Just a thought. Maybe there'll be some cool fishing quests or festivals to come for it. That'd be nice.

    That would be pretty cool. Profession or skill, IDC either way. Meokka's idea for armor and swords would be pretty awesome to be put into practice and it would probably draw people like me (I.e. combat oriented mostly) towards fishing.
  14. Crow took a seat and ordered some food. He was glad that he'd escaped that crowd, another few seconds and he would've snapped. He relaxed himself for a moment and took another look through the restaurant. "Pretty quiet in here..." He thought as he noticed one of the players watching him. He made eye contact with him and silently looked him over. "He looks like he could put up a decent fight, where did he get that scar?" He thought it over in his mind and realized quite quickly that the only way to find out was to talk to him. He tried to ignore him, not wanting to really talk to anyone. He tried his best to just enjoy his meal, but curiosity gnawed at him. He cast a quick glance at the player to see if he was still watching and he was. "Well, curiosity may have killed the cat, but wonderring destroyed the cat's mind." He thought and sighed as he got up to go and say hello. "Well, let's see what we can do here." He thought as he walked over to the wolf haired player who was watching him. He took his seat and looked him straight in the eyes. "So... How's it going over here?" Crow smiled.

  15. Crow's eyes darted from one end of the crowd to the other. Upon beginning an aimless walk around the Town of Beginnings he'd accidently allowed to be caught in a sea of people that was steadily growing. "Where are these people going anyway?" He thought anxiously as he looked once again through the crowd, trying to keep at least everyone ahead of him in his field of vision. He was close to losing it. He looked around for a way to get out-by any means necessary. His eyes stopped scanning the area as he shifted his path to a nearby restaurant. He opened the door and walked in, glad to be out of what seemed like a never ending sea of possible enemies. Even in a safe zone, Crow can't stifle his fear, even for a moment. After taking a moment to compose himself he looked up at the people in the restaraunt.

  16. «Crow»


    » Username: Crow

    » Real name: Sora Asahi

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'5

    » About:


    Sora was born in Tokyo, Japan, after his mother had an affair. After a long drawn out argument between his mother, her actual husband, and the bad timed arrival of his father, his mother, Akiko Asahi, alone with a baby coming in several months. She was in a very tough place and considered aborting Sora, just to get rid of one problem that existed in her life, but realized it went against what she believed; all life had the right to try to live. She pulled herself together and got help from her sister Saya to stay afloat while she looked for employment to be able to raise her son. Eventually, she found a job in developing technology. She worked out how she would raise Sora, and eventually, the day came. Sora came out quite peacefully, giving no trouble to anyone. He lived out his early years learning mostly, saying his first word at 8 months old. Crow loved knowing things. He focused all his time on school and pushed all of his learning into technology. He was very interested in pushing the limits of technology. He also enjoyed playing video games. Especially strategy games. He loved games of war. Something revolutionized the way he played games, NerveGear. He bought his rig almost immediately after he heard about it, and started playing a lot of games of war actually serving as the king. This helped him develop confidence, however he was still antisocial, and often avoided going outside. He always had a knack for knowing what people were thinking, a result of being an observer. He was always picked on for never really standing out. He never fought back either. He was utterly alone and never even truly opened up to his mother. His life at school was bad, and he shut himself off further and further from the world, and his mother was worried. She made him talk with a therapist, and after observing the tricks they used, realized exactly what he could do. He would manipulate the people who tried to beat him and make friends. He didn't open to the therapists at all. He simply planned and took what he knew of the bullies. He thought it over and knew what to do. The next day, he did his usual act of the observer, and waited for one of the people who hated him to try to attack him. What he got that day was unexpected, one of the girls he knew took him by the shoulder and he was pushed against a wall. It was one of the popular girls and she was crazy for him. His heart sunk as he realized that there was no one else around. She had him cornered in the girl's bathroom and she was blocking the door. Fear filled him. Something in him finally snapped. His mind went into overdrive. He began talking as quickly as he could to disarm the girl. The girl were taken aback by what he said, he knew just about everything she knew about herself and she didn't know what to do. Using his cold reading, he was able to read her thoughts enough to get her in a very vulnerable position. Once he was sure he'd unwound her composure, he went in to seal the deal. "So, what could you do now? I know all of your secrets, I can read your mind like an open book, and I've cornered you. You were about to do a depraved action and I easily took hold of your mind. So I ask again, what could you do?" Their eyes looked into his, and their eyes showed a plea for mercy. His own eyes opened up wide as he realized what he had just done. His mind had been taken by fear, and he lost control. He was horrified by his unknown dark side, realizing the result of his pent up anger. His mind was going a mile a minute, taking in all that had just happened. He shook his head to clear it, and made up his mind. "Listen... Thinking about this, I realize how stupid I just was. So do you maybe want to..." He put his hand forward, doing something he'd never actually done. "Be friends?" The girl looked at him and at his outstretched hand. She took it in her own and smiled, realizing that he was truly regretful. "Eyes don't lie," She thought. Suddenly, a teacher came into the bathroom. Sora looked back quickly and ran. "No, wait!" He didn't even here her, he swerved though the halls and shot like a bullet home grabbing the door, and slamming it shut, bolting to his room. He buried his face into his pillow. He looked over at his NerveGear rig. He needed a way out of this. A way out of his own mind. He looked at his games. "Something new..." He thought. A new game was what he needed. He saw one he never played but bought in the beta, never actually playing it. He turned on the rig and put in the game. Waiting a few seconds for the rig to warm up. "Link start."


    » Virtues:

    (Manipulative) Crow is the type of person who analyzes a person's mind and then tries burrowing his way into their psyche, using their mental make-up to control them. Though only an amateur, Crow possesses an ability known as Cold Reading. This basically allows him to get an idea of someone's thoughts. Using this skill, he finds people and wraps them around his finger, using them like a parasite would.

    (Acting) Another part of him that allows him to get inside people's heads, being able to make friends with most people, his ability to act often entices people to like him.

    (Good Hearted) While it may seem like these virtues immediately convict him of being a bad person (what with that parasite analogy and all that-WHO'S IDEA WAS THAT AGAIN? Oh. Right. Moving on!) He in fact is a good person. He uses these abilities to advance players and their potential. He truly wants to help as much as he can.

    » Flaws:


    (Paranoid) Given Crow's skill set, most people would disapprove of his methods, often leading to pretty serious fights. This has given Crow a paranoid mindset of everyone against him. Being trapped in a death game has only made this worse, and in a fight, he may freeze up in action, thinking through a situation too much and throwing his mind into a frenzy of whether to move against an enemy or not.

    (Clumsy) Crow almost always makes a few mistakes in an action movement unless he focuses on getting it perfect. If he makes a lot of little mistakes, they add up and bite back at him.

    (Demophobia) The fear of crowds. Adding on to his paranoia of being targeted by anybody, if caught in a surging mob like a crowd, Crow will be on edge. The slightest thing like a tap on the shoulder would make him jump.









    Weapon skills:

    » One-Handed Straight Sword:2



    »10 bread, 15 water, Basic Longsword.


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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