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Posts posted by Dervish

  1. ID: 15180 Battle: 3     Mob: 9



    Dervish leapthaphazardlyinto the fight, obviously having troubles thinking about his past, in doing so completely forgot about the boar. In doing so had the boar slam into him long before he even had a chance to move his swordarm. The boar taking him as it did knockedhim back into consciousness of the real world as he slid backwards, a red mark where the tusk would have peirced his skin.


    He began to drift back to his childhood, consistantly being beaten by his father and being left to recover in his room mainly, but he shook that from his mind, he had to. This was due to the woman Zaz being with him. He yelled "Dammit! Switch!" as he punched the ground and got to his feet. The damage wasn't huge but it knocked his confidence a little seeing as he wasn't in the here and now.


    Dervish 11/13

    Boar 8/8

  2. He listened to her whilst he made his way over to the boar. He was actually leading the way this time and drew his large, oversized sword before moving but he stopped about 2/3rds of the way there and turns around quickly with an angry and painful expression on his face "You think I am coming with you and being nice because you're a girl! That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard! And I didn't come with you because I thought you needed help! I just said to be careful, I've seen people die out here because they were stupid enough to come alone! You can be as hard as you like because you had a shitty childhood, but I'm nice to people because I'm giving people what I never had! Shitty childhoods aside, you are probably a very decent person, just dig deep and look past your pain to find what you so desperately want to achieve!"

    He said his piece and much like the last pieces of information he assumed there would be a comeback or something to follow it up, so in order to avoid that he turned around and charged at the boar. He figured that after her explanation she understood him and he understood her a lot better, the pain of having bad childhoods was deep in the two of them. The difference was that Dervish found the light at the end. As he charged he turned to her whilst running and shouted almost as if the last conversation hasn happened "You coming or what!?"

  3. Dervish stated at her blankly, blinking in disbelief. "The reason you find me so annoying is because ... Basically ... I just am?" Dervish blinked while walking with her and kept staring at her. He wasn't sure what it was but this woman had issues with people, something told him she had issues with people in general, not just him. But to ease her a little, or what he thought would ease her, he said "Well how do you want me to treat you? I mean if you don't like me being nice that's fine but I am not gonna treat you like a piece of dirt. I don't know what kind of people you hang out with but I am not about to treat you in a non positive manner".

    He looked at her concernedly when she wasn't looking at him but if she did decide to turn around at this point he would jump and begin blushing again, before turning and spotting a boar grazing in the distance and he pointed to it "Well I guess we could stop the talking for a bit and kill something?" At this point he was a little confused, she wasn't treating him badly, she just wasn't being particularly nice like he was, he understood damage due to his past and hoped that she eventually would warm to him, because despite her brash nature, she let him tag along.

    "Oh we forgot!" At that point he slid his index finger down to pull up his menu and he sent an invite to a party to her "Ah that's it! Azazel, well either way I'm Dervish I'm sorry but I'm terrible with names personally!" He said sheepishly as he pressed confirm for the invite.

  4. He wandered into the cave, this time more ready than he was before. His sword drawn and ready for battle. He charged into the cave and went straight for the first dragon he saw.
    <Dragon Whelp> 10/10
    <Dervish> 13/13
    ID: 15145 Hit:1 Mob: 2 all misses
    After some time of the little whelp juking and jiving around his swings, the whelp fired at Dervish with a little fireball. Or what seemed like attempting to since it seemed to get caught in his throat and it spat out a small lump of coal. Dervish found this odd and silly, instantly beginning to laugh at this little whelp. Almost completely forgetting the whelp was hostile and he was trying to kill it. The small thing kept hacking up these lumps of coal like a cat hacks up hairballs and he was filling the cave with howls of his laughter.
    This lasted around thirty seconds and Dervish had already sauntered over to pick up his sword that he dropped previously. Before  long however the small dragon whelp recovered and launched another fireball at him which missed awfully but meant that Dervish  was ready to fight again and stood ready to swing once more.
  5. Approaching the top of the mountain, Dervish decided a good idea would be to scout the inside of the cave since he was not sure what he as dealing with. Approaching the dragon's cave he poked his head inside a little and let his eyes adjust to the darkness. In here and the darkness he could eventually see what he was meant to be fighting. Small scrawny winged lizards by the look of it Dervish was a lucky guy because he had to kill these things and that was it?! Awesome!!!
    With that he turned about and began walking into the cave where one of the dragons were, the small dragon looked up at him with a pair of beady reptilian eyes and opened its mouth. Dervish didn't expect the next part of the adventure. A small fireball was launched from the dragon's mouth and this was followed by Dervish screaming and running out of the cave with a "No no no no no no no no no" and he turned the corner to use it as cover. 
    He did remember something though. This was the second floor! He didn't need to particularly worry about the damage output of these small dragons. So he stood up, turned about and started to wander back into the cave, only wishing that he had a shield to make use of.
  6. When she said fine, he looked at her rather dumbfoundedly, did that mean that he could come? He said to himself 'Really?' before she turned about and asked if he was coming. "Y-Yes, I am!" to which he covered the few meters between them in the space of a few fractions of a second. Grinning at her when he arrived next to her he said "So ... What were you planning on doing, just grinding or did you have a sort of goal?" Dervish smiled at her and followed maybe a foot behind her off to her right, that way if anything came out he could stand in front of her. He never outwardly said it but his true strength came from protecting others. 


    After a minute or two of silence he looked at her and said "Hey, not that you have to answer ... But why are you so ... hostile to me. I mean I don't think I have done anything wrong but if I have then I apologise for whatever it was I did!" he stopped to take a full 90 degree bow of apology. When he looked up at her he would have a sad but happy expression hoping that she would accept his apology if there was one to give. but regardless, he would catch up with her and continue walking shortly after

  7. Dervish got to the foot of the mountain and looked up at all of the mountains that were there, while it made sense that flying creatures wanted to live in caves at high altitudes it proved to be a common occurrence with Dervish's quests as of late. Granted he'd only done one other one so far but he was somewhat sick of all the hiking he had to do. Nevertheless he began his slow climb up towards the summit of the mountain, which in reality could have been considered a large hill. But Dervish had almost had it with mountains and was complaining like he was 5 years old anyways mentally.

    After about twenty minutes he looks around and discovered that he was around halfway there, this however was not true, he was halfway up the mountain, he was spiralling around it so it would take him a relatively long time to reach the top in order to fight the dragons, he wasn't even sure if he would be fighting a huge dragon or if there were several hatchlings to fight. But regardless he sat down and took a small break to admire the computer generated view, generated by the altitude.

  8. Dervish grinned an his I y blue eyes glimmered like sapphires as the sword was drawn. The man apparantly named Life said some very prevalent things however and Dervish listened to this man almost like a martial art student does his master. He listened intently to the talk of equality and of power and Dervish smiled at it "I'm not making your point any less valid but I wish to gain power so I can protect those who I care about, which as far as I am concerned I have no reason not to care about the lives of everyone in this game."

    Dervish then squealed as the giant blade was drawn, it was frankly beautiful but was clearly a deadly tool designed to end lives, that was when he stood in awe as he explained it, of course the weapons and war history geek knew this but he wasn't going to cut him off with an 'I know' so he let him talk. He smiled at the end and said "Thank you for the information, however I i remember correctly samurai only drew their blades with intent to kill with them. I mean, granted this is a game and your attire is remeniscent of samurai, just thought you'd find that fact cool"

  9. He grinned as she began talking of chivalry and how it wasn't working on her so he decided to turn that switch off for a moment when he said the next thing. It was quiet and deadpan but lingering, like the icy breath of some creature breathing down your neck "It's not that you could do it yourself, it's that you believe that you going out there alone will be beneficial, when even if the worst happens and you died, you wouldn't want someone there with you? Or even just there to be with you in general, since no one would even know you passed on if you went alone. You seem the type to care about others despite this cold exterior so I will say this as frankly as I can. Let others care about you" with that sentence said he simply stood there and turned back to his old voice "Besides, I'm not trying to be chivalrous, but I am trying to make friends. Since you are someone I have seen more than once I would like it if we could be considered that at some point, that's all".

    Dervish prodded his two index fingers against the other, almost completely forgetting the dark things he said beforehand as he felt embarassed, he hadn't said anything about liking her but when she threw that part up in the air he became a little embarassed as well as a bit astounded as he realised something, he DID in fact like her but that was not the point of this conversation, his point was he didn't want her to die and even if she did. There would be someone to witness it, someone to know how she died an mourn her.

  10. Dervish headed out that day to test his new weapon more out of boredom than necessity, this was because he felt like he hadn't looked anything just yet and he still hasn't determined his profession, this bugged him somewhat as he heard you could find chests randomly in the wilds outside the cities. He looks around and stood at the edge of the town of beginnings looking for a way in which to head first. That was when he heard it, a voice of a girl he heard from before one that was quite hostile towards him before hand, but he held no I'll will towards her.

    "What can you do then? Since you seem to be trying to convince yourself" he approached her at the entrance and said simply "You going into the wilds then. Although I'm sure you could handle it yourself I would be happier if you'd let me accompany you into the wilds". If he was being honest he had thought back about Azazel before, not for long but he had a few thoughts about her, mainly that he like the individuality of her. So he waited for her answer happily. Smiling at her warmly so that even if his words may have seemed insulting or upsetting to say he meant it in te nicest and warmest way he could, his ice blue eyes glittering in the computer generated sunlight.

  11. Then Dervish realised that he hadn't actually teleported yet and quickly said "Teleport! Floor 2: Urbus" to which he became a stream of pixels flying straight to the next floor up. Again this tingly sensation was felt, and maybe it was the feeling of being temporarily disembodied and then put back that made him feel weird each time he did it, not violated or wrong, just weird. 
    Looking around this floor he could see that not much had changed from the first floor, indeed he could move around and fight just like the boars on level 1 could but in the end he just ended up boring himself trying to do that, this way at least he could fight without a real risk of dying right away. The first quest he did he hoped to avoid fighting however it seemed that he ended up fighting more than he reasonably should've first time too. 
    That near death experience so early on showev him how necessary it was for him to try and get more powerful and thrive in this place, and as a result he was doing this, because anywhere is a start in reality. And killing dragonlings for their hides and scales was a good start.
  12. Following on from this he made his way to the teleporter, looking around he saw other players going about their lives on the first floor and simply looked at them as NPCs for some reason, he shook his head. He was after power to help these people. Not look down on them like ants to be crushed under his boot. Moving on he got to the teleporter and began to look around again, as he thought, the town of beginnings was not a place for the higher levels usually, any that were down here were probably just staying for a while before heading back up to the upper levels where they came from. 
    Dervish looked to his map and took it to level 2, which upon quick examination it as smaller than level 4 but much bigger than the starting town of beginnings. This resulted in him growing more and more awed by this game, hoping that after this death game was all over he could play this again, without the threat of death being a thing that is. Since the game was so new and so interesting a concept as a VR game, he loved it and despite the death game that everyone was fighting to escape from, he was trying his best to enjoy himself.
  13. Dervish had recently, very recently in fact recieved his uncommon sword from the litle girl SAI and began making his way back down to the Old Blacksmith Griswold to finally attempt that quest. Upon arrival he was greeted with the same dialogue as last time.

    “Yeah, and whadd’ya want stranger, I be Griswold. You look like a sorry state, HAHAHA, tell ya what, I can talk to me wife Hanna and craft ye some armour, free o’ charge!†At last this seemed like Dervish had a chance at getting his armour he needed to start, though so far no shield was in sight sadly. “BUT! You’ll need to git the materials for it yerself.†This didn’t sound like a huge but before, however since he knew what was coming he took a quick step back and a deep breath before moving on with the conversation “Ah, y’wanna stand there and take the beatin huh? Well, you’ll need to get dragon bones from the second floor dragon’s cave!â€. 

    There was the quote Dervish had awaited for since he began this little escapade and he took it in his stride. Touching the accept button and turning about very quickly indeed to head off for his new armour. Oddly enough forgetting that he was now Level 4.

  14. Dervish turned to the newcomer and looked at his items with some sort of awe in his eyes "No I'm fine thank you I just accidentally upset this fine lady and was about to apologise, and then there is this guy apparantly named X who was so rude as to ignore us." Dervish felt like he was standing in front of some sort of god. Physically unable to move really and just stared at this man and his armour, it may have looked like a kimono but next to all of the NPCs and his own clothes he created this man looked like a lord compared to Dervish in his peasantly clothing. 


    He still looked in awe to this very high level individual and became a little green with the stuff the man was wearing. The words stated were "Where did you get your sword and where can I get one as good as that sir? I'm rather in need of a merchant who can make me a great tank"

  15. He wound up back where he started all of this journey in and arrived back in the middle of the town. Yet for some reason everything seemed smaller, like the huge starting city was just so small in the end. This was probably due to his recent trip to the fourth floor but it gave him a sense of scale for the place. It was a big place in the end and ultimately it was needed to make this world.


    He made his way straight back to the little girl smith and initiated a conversation with her, while doing so basically threw all 10 items he collected at her "She followed this up with a "WOW MISTER, YOU GOT IT ALL, I'LL make your sword now!" To which she skipped of into her shop, he sat outside and looked at the blade shop, it looked desolate and as though she hadn't got any. She slammed her door open and handed him a blade whic he took and it despawned in his hand to which she said "HA gotcha, no but here's your sword" When he took it he got a very long and thick one handed sword, that was just shorter than a claymore. He set the sheath on his back and began to swing the sword around, grinning at its power and he could tell that it was considerably better than his current weapon.


    He waved goodbye to the little girl Sai and decided today he would go and get his armour done.

  16. He had already met some powerful people already and he knew he had to get to their level if he were to succeed. This is where he needed to reach. He would do every quest, grind with monsters, practice crafting and ultimately become the best he could be.


    He reached the teleporter after having already locked in his location and called out "Teleport, Town of Beginnings!" After that he felt the sensation of the teleporter, it feels like having static shocks all over your body whilst also having your body warmed at the same time, in the end it was a nice feeling, and then there was darkness followed by a bright light as his avatar was transported back to the town of beginnings

  17. As he headed to the teleporter platform he thought about his time on the fourth floor, he hadn't explored it due to the rather colossal gap between the mobs and himself apart from the bats in the cave. But he looked over the place and told himself "You are gonna come back and crush those large monsters someday".


    When he opened his map, he smiled and thought back once more, he did a lot to get his first quest complete, and ultimately he created a wall for himself. Thinking that there was some kind of difficulty curve to learn with, but in truth this whole game is a mental battle to see who performs better overall in this struggle. Since it was about both levels and risking your life to get better skill wise and despite his current status, he hadn't met anybody else worth partying with since he needed to collect yet more abilities and skills.

  18. Eventually Dervish decided to head inside the the inn and  sat down, luckily he had taken damage and slowly that began to heal, he took a room and slept. Whilst he slept and his wounds recovered, he dreamt about what he would be doing in future, such as tanking a boss whilst he was taking minimal damage from everything his allies would be killing that areas boss, he wouldn’t need to deal any damage to them, he would just need to not take any, he knew what he was going to do. He was going to support everyone he possibly could, by any means necessary.


    The next morning he awoke and headed down into the main hall and sat there for a moment, he found it odd that the glowing red areas where he was injured just disappeared and there was no marks to boot, this seemed odd because it meant that people could never tell how hurt you might have been in the first place. But still, he had to go back to the town of beginnings. He waved off to the innkeeper and thanked them

  19. He began the long walk back to the town as soon as he left. however sadly the storm cycle started again. This made the walk back difficult as he could not actually see the road in front of him, and although there wasn’t actually any snow build up, he still couldn’t see his hand in front of his face. It was cold too, like insanely cold, but due to the brew he drank he didn’t get any negatives. It just meant that he couldn’t see and the wind was pushing against him all the while.


    It was a long walk back and sadly due to his lack of sight he had more than one fall here and there such as falling down to the next spiral of the path before collapsing down and hunkering in a small alcove until the storm passed.


    By the time the storm had dissipated, it was night time, he moved through the dark, using the torch he hadn’t bothered to relinquish from the cave. But ultimately it helped him make it back to the inn where he simply stood outside of for a moment, looking at his injuries and assessing the damage. It wasn’t too bad in hindsight and this could be healed through the use of the inn and some rest.

  20. ID 15080

    Battle 10

    Craft 2

    Loot 19

    MOB 2

    Character Dervish


    Dervish ran and heard the screech of the bat, it was close and dangerous. For some reason Dervish sensed something and ducked quickly, as a result the small bat sailed over his head and collided with the wall. Dervish in a fit of rage got up and ran to the bat with sword in hand. And very hard and very quickly ran to it and drove his sword deep into the face of the bat. It was odd as the bat writhed around rather lifelike as he was in his death throes.


    After the bat stopped moving and Dervish removed his sword, the body grew limp and disappeared into the rather serene and beautiful array of pixels much as the others did, only now he felt hollow as he realised something within himself. He would always seem to stay and fight. Regardless of the danger it represented he would fight. But now he had to get out.

    On his way out however he came across one of the largest pieces of ore he had seen and as a result walked up to it and tapped it, this gave him the notification of Obtain 10 <Black Metal Ore> completed, which was met with a very loud “YES!!!â€

  21. ID 15079

    Battle 2

    Craft 2

    Loot 1

    MOB 4

    Character Dervish


    Dervish trying to avoid drawing attention to himself was not going as planned at all. He managed to disturb several bat swarms and sadly he managed to disturb one too many. As yet another large bat appeared much like the one before, except this one was on full health and looked mean. Very mean in fact due to the fact that one of it’s ears looked like it had been chewed off.


    Dervish took a deep gulp as he saw this creature, though no engagement had occurred yet he decided to hang back and wait for the bat to attack. The bat did not take a massive amount of time to begin, maybe twenty odd seconds but when it did it seemed to skyrocket straight towards Dervish’s face, only to which did Dervish duck and begin sprinting towards the exit, hoping that he could find another piece of ore on his way out, but he would fight if absolutely necessary, just with his health as it was, and his self without a shield meant that he could not fight very easily or as he was comfortable with. So for now in the battle of fight or flight, flight won and Dervish was sprinting for the exit.

  22. ID 15078

    Battle 1

    Craft 10

    Loot 18

    MOB 1

    Character Dervish


    The slow crawl back up the icy slope was difficult. Even after recovering his sword which took a long time trying to dislodge his sword, inching it out by lifting it up and pulling it down was tiring, and not he had to climb a wet icy slope by lodging his sword into the ice and pulling himself up. In fact he almost reached the top sometimes and slid back down. This caused great irritation to him but he was always inching to the top of the slope.


    He got desperate, putting his body in awkward angles to keep himself where he was on the slope. Using his sword to make a grip for himself. Luckily though he saw another large chunk of the ore in the ice, which when he tapped it he got his favorite message he could receive Obtained: <Black Metal Ore> x2. That made 8! Dervish was so happy he almost let go of his sword as he was nearing the end of his quest.


    Eventually he neared the top and began to head for the exit, slowly but surely and paying extra care to not disturb any more bats since he couldn’t take another hit such as he did previously. Looking at his health bar he only had about ⅓ of it remaining and this scared him a little but not enough to quit now. Not so close to the end.

  23. ID 15077

    Battle 6

    Craft 2

    Loot 12

    MOB 10

    Character Dervish


    Dervish takes 3 damage from the mob Critical â…– HP remaining

    Bat takes 1 damage from Dervish 0/3 HP Remaining, bat dies

    1 Black ore found


    Dervish saw the bat screech and head for him immediately after his movement to grab at the sword. But Dervish foresaw this happening and immediately moved to swing at it. Originally he missed and the bat flew into him, landing on his chest. It looked at him, Dervish looked at this bat and oddly enough, the bat looked harmless. This was a strange moment for the bat, and for Dervish since nothing appeared to be happening, but then the bat arced it’s head down and sunk it’s fangs into his shoulder, Dervish was not sure why but whilst he didn’t feel pain he winced at it.

    From this however he grabbed the bat with his free hand and put his torch to it’s back, the bat screeched and writhed around whilst it’s teeth were still inside Dervish’s avatar, resulting in ripping and tearing to occur before finally the bat disappeared into the explosion of harmless green pixels like anything else that expires in this game. He did however recover another ore and decided that now he had 6/10 ores he would head back to the surface and look for them in a safer location. One without bats, since he had 2 HP left total not and it put him on edge.

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