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Posts posted by Freeze

  1. (Please bear with me as i have always bad luck with the dice roller)


    As a stranger slashed the life out of one of the wolves. It's now Freeze's turn so he unsheath his new sword and aimed for the last word. He must know and focus where to strike before attacking. Attacking suddenly always misses but it is sometimes worth it. So he closed his eyes and imagined that the wolf was in front of him. He focused there where to attack and where to strike. As he was sure with his attack, he lunged at the wolf. "KYAAAAHHH!!!" he shouted as he lunges at the target.


    id: 17199


    Freeze rolled 2


    (told you so xD)

  2. Freeze was running like crazy in the middle of the prairie. He doesn't expect to be chased by two wolves! He can handle a wolf but he can't handle two wolves! although he has a new weapon, it wouldn't suffice. He needs a new armor as well so he can take low damage with it but no, he still has his newbie clothes and now he is in big trouble. He is running for a few minutes and it seems that these wolves are not giving up unless they get some meat or killed him. Freeze is running out of energy to run and if he ran any further, he might get tired and have no choice but to try to kill these two wolves by himself but Freeze is not giving up hope, he is now running for the nearest teleport stand but it seems that he is lost. He also hopes that someone might wanna save his butt any moment now but in case there is somebody, they need to do it fast. Of course, Freeze is gonna help him as well.

  3. Freeze was lost in thought until two players approached him. Both are males but one seems to be higher level and the other seems to be the same level as him. He doesn't know whether he could trust these guys or not but it seems that they are the only people who noticed him being like this 'strange'. So is that a criteria that they're good guys? Freeze doesn't know. He needs to know more about them so he will open his mind and try not to be shy just for these guys. "Oh? i'm sorry! haha! I don't have a stroke or anything! haha... in fact, i was just lost in thought" he said,scratching the back of his head, feeling humiliated at the moment there. He was nervously laughing as well as he did realized that standing, frozen still, in the middle of the crowd is strange. He should've sit or something like that in order to avoid suspicion. Well, what's done is done. "umm... also... i am finding somebody to trust on. that's why im observing everybody. Sorry for making you worry guys" he apologized, still scratching the back of his and still feeling humiliated.


    "You!" he suddenly pointed at Calrex with shocked eyes. "You look like a high leveled player. Maybe you can help me how to, you know, survive the game. If you don't mind that is. I hope teaching a newbie won't be a pain for you"  he added. He is not sure if they will all get along because of this weirdness but it's worth a shot though. So far, this is an achievement for Freeze by interacting with somebody successfully for the first time. So congratulations for him but the atmosphere was strange though. He is a big oddball after all.

  4. Now in order to make something, he needs something called 'mats' or materials in short. They can be looted everywhere or from a mob. Freeze doesn't wanna risk getting hurt from a mob. He will try to loot the ground and see what do they have. So Freeze crouched and tried to search the ground for mats hoping luck will come to him and he will find a bunch of mats. "Hmmm.... let's see what do we have here" he said to himself and after a few minutes of searching, he felt something on his hand. "Uh-huh!"


    ID: 16457

    Loot dice rolled 14


    Oops it was just a rock. It was not considered a material as smithing involves metal so he threw it away. Wait a minute! if he needs to find metal, he should be searching in a cave but the caves are too high-leveled for him though, it's risky. So whether he likes it or not, he needs enough effort to find a mat here. He also hope that mobs won't almost kill him this time.

  5. After getting his new sword from Oikawa, he is now interested to make swords himself. He just likes swords! and he wants to experience how to make swords in this game. The good thing there is a quest about profession. There are a lot of professions to choose from there is cooking,tailoring,performing,brewing potions, and last but not the least making armor and swords! Freeze got excited so he took a quest to be a blacksmith. Now, he needs training! he doesn't know where to start so he just go to the plains and see what he can do about it.

  6. Time to find some allies! but the problem is Freeze is shy so he can't help but to just watch people pass by. He was just standing in one place like he was a statue but he is choosing who will he side with. There are lots of people in SAO so there are many choices but he has to be careful who to trust because betrayal might happen and he doesn't want that as his cause of death. He doesn't wanna approach random people too because it will be weird or he is just that shy to approach somebody. He really needs to conquer his shy personality to have allies. After all, you can't survive alone but you can't also trust random people. So for now, Freeze is just standing there, too suspicious, as he is not moving i mean like frozen still but his eyes are moving though, observing the surroundings.

  7. As Freeze walked in the shop, he was astonished by the number of weapons and combat equipment displayed. Especially the swords got his attention and it looks like art for him. After looking at so many swords to buy, one got his attention. The sword was named Leviticus and it does 2 damage plus it was a broadsword so he can do 3 damage to it! Well, he is taking an another and he needs to increase his damage even for a little bit. So he took the sword and placed it in the counter. "Hello? Is the owner here?" he called for the owner.

    If the owner appeared, he will then say "Hello sir ahh I want to buy this sword. I just wanted to make sure that's not pre-ordered so that's why im purchasing it face-to-face". After that, he left the store leaving 700 Col on the counter.

    If the owner didn't appeared, Freeze will thought of this as a pre-ordered sword. So he returned the sword to its place then left the store without buying anything.

    Name: (Leviticus)

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (5)

    ID: (12592)

    Roll: (10)

    Item Type: (One-Handed Straight Sword)

    Quality: (Rare)

    Enhancements: (+2 Damage)

    Description: (A silver handled broadsword with a golden hilt. The blade seems to be chiseled from diamonds as it shimmers from every angle. The weapon is crafted with dealing damage and as such it has quite the cutting edge.)

    (OOC:Sorry about the post. It's just that the sword was made 2 months ago and somebody might've already bought it. Maybe, you just forgot to remove it from the list. I am just making sure)


    May 15 2015

    - Gained the following from this thread:
    > Anneal Blade
    > 800 Col
    > 3 Skill Points

    - Spent 2 skills points for Rank 1 Battle Healing

    May 16 2015

    Bought an item in this store:

    Name: (Leviticus)

    Profession: (Blacksmith)
    Rank: (5)
    ID: (12592)
    Roll: (10)
    Item Type: (One-Handed Straight Sword)
    Quality: (Rare)
    Enhancements: (+2 Damage)
    Description: (A silver handled broadsword with a golden hilt. The blade seems to be chiseled from diamonds as it shimmers from every angle. The weapon is crafted with dealing damage and as such it has quite the cutting edge.)

    > lost 700 Col due to the product

  9. im kinda shy to ask this so please don't be mean to me. It's not much of a big deal but im finding buddies to RP with. If you are interested with RPing with me, don't hesitate to drop down a reply. I don't mind setting up the thread :3 I think that's all, have a good day everyone!

  10. As the Nepent vanished into the air, it dropped a flower. It must be the medicine! Freeze's eyes shimmered as he saw the flower and he quickly took the flower. He was all like "WOOHOO! I GOT IT FINALLY!" he was all jumpy and smiling while holding the flower. It seems that Freeze is happy about completing his first quest. So without anymore hesitations, Freeze ran to the Starting City to complete the quest. Freeze enjoyed the quest so much.


    Freeze gets the following:
    1 Skill Point for Completed Thread
    1 Skill Point for Completed Quest

    800 Col for 2 roleplay pages

    Also the quest reward:
    Anneal Blade
    1 Skill Point (Deducted if the second skill point i gained is considered as the quest reward)

  11. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP: 7 HP: 1

    ID: 15816

    Freeze rolled 10

    Nepent rolled 4

    Just one more strike, just one more. Freeze closed his eyes then relaxed. He imagined that he is aiming for the Nepent. He wants to be sure with his strike so he can't miss again. He thought where to strike and where to run in order to avoid further attacks. Once he is sure with his decision, he started to run in zigzag patterns. The Nepent tried to attack him but it was futile, all of them missed. So Freeze landed the last strike successfully. Finally, he won the battle.


  12. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP: 8 HP: 1

    ID: 15813

    Freeze rolled 2

    Nepent rolled 7

    Ok that hit made Freeze fell out of his balance. He quickly stood up and tried to land a strike again but once again, Nepent used his vines in order to steal Freeze's sword and throwing it away again. Freeze was annoyed again so he tried to retrieve his sword again. He was running but he tripped one of his vines, hurting him but he still continued and successfully retrieved his sword again. Just one more strike and he can end this.

  13. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP: 9 HP: 2

    ID: 15812

    Freeze rolled 7

    Nepent rolled 6

    Ok this is ot, Freeze was really annoyed right now. He wants that Nepent dead right here and right now. So he just recklessly charged again with his sword but because of enormous speed due to his rage, he managed to land an another hit again. Also, due to that reckless action, Nepent countered the attack so easily. Ok Freeze 1 more strike and that Nepent is gone.

  14. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP: 9 HP: 2

    ID: 15786

    Freeze rolled 5

    Nepent rolled 4

    Freeze still continued going for the plant-type mob. It was an ordinary mob but this was like a biss battle for him. The carnivorous plant was more tougher than he have thought. He though that he would just simply slash the mob out of his misery but no, due to his low level character and lack of allies, this was rather a hard battle for him. As he was charging for the Nepent and tried to strike it, he used his vines then hardened it in order to block Freeze's attack and then there goes an another vine which is for attacking but Freeze managed to dodge it.

  15. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP: 10 HP: 2

    ID: 15784

    Freeze rolled 3

    Nepent rolled 6

    No time for anything, Freeze needs to finish him off right here and right now! There is no turning back also, the Nepent is already at low health! So turning back now is a waste of effort. He doesn't care if he will get seriously injured again, all he wants is that Nepent dead with his own hands or i mean sword. So Freeze go for the Nepent again but he didn't noticed the attack going for him so he got hit and he missed his chance of hitting the Nepent. Freeze is so annoyed right now, he is really hungry to hit that Nepent with his own sword.

  16. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP: 10 HP: 2

    ID: 15783

    Freeze rolled 4

    Nepent rolled 4

    Once again, Freeze charged at the Nepent for the last time, I hope. Freeze really needs to land at least 2 strikes to finish him off but it gets harder. This time, Nepent stole Freeze's sword and threw it away from him. Oh no, this could be trouble. A player is open to attack when not equipped with a weapon. So Freeze reckless go for the sword to retrieve it. Meanwhile, the Nepent used his thorns to attack Freeze. Luckily, Freeze just jumped on them. He successfully retrieves his sword.

  17. STATUS

    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP:11 HP: 2

    ID: 15781

    Freeze rolled 2

    Nepent rolled 7

    Ok once again, Freeze tried to slash the Nepent again to finish it off as Freeze's first strike got the Nepent good so the plant is seriously weak now. As he was about to slash, the tentacles grabbed Freeze's sword and the tentacles threw him a meter away from the Nepent but the fall was so hard that it hurted. So it took him some time to regain his balance before focusing on the Nepent again. "I'm gonna kill you" he cursed at the Nepent while aiming his sword on him.

  18. As he was about to leave the area, the ground was starting to shake but weak. Is it a baby earthquake? Either way, it's not more like of an earthquake, it's more like something is emerging from the ground. So he looked behind him just to discover that a plant is rapidly growing behind him. It's not just any ordinary plant, it's the Nepent! It looks like a carnivorous plant so this battle might take a while also. "There you are, i've been looking everywhere for you" Freeze said while unsheathing his sword.



    Freeze - Little Nepent's Ovule

    HP:11 HP:5

    ID: 15779

    Freeze rolled 10

    Nepent rolled 4

    Freeze aimed his sword at the Nepent and focused at his target. Once he is sure with his attack, he charged at him then slashed through leafy body. The sword got the Nepent really good that the wound started to spill a mysterious white fluid, plant blood perhaps? However, the Nepent tried to attack Freeze with his barbed tentacles and Freeze managed to cut them so Freeze was not hit.

  19. The shouting was useless, the Nepent didn't showed himself. Suddenly, an idea pooped up into his brain. He thought that if he can't be found on the ground maybe he can found him underground. It can't be the skies though, it's a plant. So he looked around on the ground and found a suspicious patch. It's not the Nepent but it might be a medicine or something so he plucked it out.

    ID: 15777

    Loot dice rolled 1

    Unfortunately, it was just a weed. Freeze sucks at identifying plant or herbs so maybe that's why he thought that this weed is a medicine or something. Either way, he moved so he can search for the Nepent. Go Freeze!

  20. Uhh this endless searching made Freeze thought that he needs to go back to the town for information but he also thought that he have gone too far to go back so he will end this today even if it will take forever to find this mob and even if he needs to slay a thousand mobs to show himself. So he started shouting around the forest. "WHERE ARE YOU! SHOW YOURSELF" he shouted. "NEPENT! YOU COWARD!" oh my, this quest must've made Freeze crazy but that Nepent really needs to show up sooner or Freeze will go all bananas.

  21. This might be just a small battle but Freeze feels like he won a competition and oh look! double level up! he is level 4 now thanks to the wolf battle. Now his health is replenished and his health is more higher. Now he is really prepared to fight the Nepent but the problem is where the hell is that stupid mob? Why won't it show itself? is that creature scared? or he is just that good at hiding? Whatever


    ID: 15772

    Loot dice rolled 1


    He almost forgot! He needs to loot this guy! He forgot to loot the boar last time so he will try to get some loot on this wolf. So he searched around the wolf's corpse but unfortunately, there is nothing to be found on the wolf's dead body. So he just left the corpse and moved on, still in search for the plant-type mob he needs to find.

  22. STATUS

    Freeze - Wolf

    HP: 6       HP: 1


    ID: 15771

    Freeze rolled 10

    Wolf rolled 1


    Ok it's time to finish this wolf up! The wolf was busy biting his leg so any further attack will undoubtedly miss. So Freeze just simply stabbed the wolf on its head with his sword, ending his miserable virtual life. Yet, he won an another battle and thankfully, he is not seriously injured this time. Freeze might've improved on fighting on this world but there is no need to rejoice yet as he needs to finish the quest. So he just put his sword back on its sheat.



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