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Status Updates posted by Lowenthal

  1. Good evening everyone! Finally awake and comprehensible.

  2. Sorry guys, gotta do work stuff for about an hour, then I can go home! :D

  3. And I'm home! Whoop whoop!

  4. So, is there a report players button?

  5. So, who has a Uncommon dagger or higher I could buy off them?

  6. Good morning my friends!

  7. Battlin exhaustion and tiredness, they keep rolling 10's

  8. Good night friends

  9. Sorry for the waits. I had work, but I'm at home and everyone can now have my full and undivided attention.

  10. And now I am all caught up on posts, I do believe.

  11. anyone on who has or can make me a perfect set of armour?

  12. Good Morning everyone *spins in chair*

  13. So tired, but can't sleep because Boss is in. xD First world problems.

  14. "This is a quote."
    -By some guy behind a keyboard

  15. "Sarcasm is a dish, best served with turkey'

  16. Aught, gotta get some sleep. I'll be on later,

  17. Anyone new looking for a guild?

  18. lookingn for energy boosting foods. Who wants my munny?

  19. @Opal 

    You should follow it =P

  20. Currently trying to edit Unique Enhancements, and would like to know what the player base would like. Please, read and respond. Thank you ~Lowenthal

  21. New update!

    On the focus of evaluations, they must now follow the current form that is listed here. 


    any pending evala, will NOT be accepted if not used in this format. This is in the hope of that staff will be able to process evals much more quickly, and efficiently.

    I do hope that everyone is having a good day, and do expect an offical announcement regarding this issue later today. ~lemon/Lowenthal

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