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Posts posted by Sycress

  1. «Sycress» the Spike


    » Username: Sycress

    » Real name: Sycress Horune

    » Age: 26

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6.2 ft

    » About: Sycress Horune started his life in a big city. His father was a metal worker, who made skylights and air conditioners for buildings. He has another job now, which is architecture. He is quite skilled at it. Sycress' mother works at a hospital. She is a boss of sorts, as she only controls a small group of people. She is nice to them and let's them have much choice. She is in charge of money withdrawals and inserts of the patients. At the age of 8, Sycress had moved to a suburban area. This didn't affect him too much as he was only 8. He quickly made new friends despite his lack of confidence. At this time he became clumsy. At the age of 20, he got a girlfriend. Her name was Amaterasu, named after a goddess. She still has a relationship with Sycress. However...

    Current day. Sycress had no idea this death game would take place. He just felt like trying out an MMO, as all he had really played before were FPS games. What better than a VRMMORPG? Amaterasu must be freaking out. His parents must have also heard the news. He is not a fighter, and will most likely die. Now, his only wish is to survive. No becoming the strongest or the most skilled. Just don't die.

    (Sycress is known as the Spike because he uses lances to a powerful degree. He deals powerful blows at a slightly less than medium rate, so he is faster than a two handed axe user but slower than a one handed sword user. He uses a heavy shield along with his lance to block enemy attacks while he prepares his.)

    » Virtues:

    Intelligent. Sycress is an intelligent person, who has always gotten top marks in school. Only once or twice has he failed miserably. Strategy is his thing. However, there is one other thing he is good at, and that's math. He attempts to calculate the numbers in games to ensure the outcome will be in his favor. In SAO, the aspect of player skill makes him feel underpowered as he is not very skilled. Numbers cannot beat skill.

    Humorous. Sycress is very funny, and cannot get very serious in any situation. In a battle of life or death, he will crack a joke or make a reference. Like Shawn Spencer from Psyche, he puts a hot situation in the freezer, making everyone around him cool down a little. He encourages people not to be serious.

    Open Minded. Sycress is very open minded and accepts all ideas as to what he should do. In a battle, he will usually do what his partner reccomends unless he deems it stupid. When he hears or is in an arguement, he will understand all sides and all views from each person involved. Give him an idea and he will at the least consider it.

    » Flaws:

    Self Critical: Sycress will criticize himself when making a strategy or calculating numbers. If he messes up doing somthing, he will feel weak and stupid inside of his head. This also makes him susceptable to manipulation - so all of you characters who have the ability to manipulate people can come and manipulate Sycress..

    Sarcastic: Sycress is sarcastic and this very often gets him into trouble. He doesn't know when to shut his mouth and sometimes he makes people sad about themselves by accident..

    Paranoid: Despite his traits, Sycress is paranoid. He is afraid of losing things dear to him and will investigate the tiniest clue as to whether somebody is planning to hurt him or his friends. This makes him afraid of the dark, as if he were to be stabbed in the heart just once, from a sneak attack, he would be dead. He would have no chance of doing anything to prevent his death, the thing he fears most. No time to say goodbye or to make his last words known. Instant Death..

    Profession: Merchant

    Rank: 0

    Posts: 0



    » Familiar Communication [0] (0)


    » Extended Weight Limit [0] (0)


    » Heavy Metal Armor [0] (0)

    Weapon skills :

    » One-Handed Assault Spears [1] (2)



    15 Bread

    10 Water

    Beginner's Assault Spear [E]

    Beginner's Heavy Armor [E]

    Beginner's Green Cape


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    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

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