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Posts posted by HolyKnight

  1. Waking up, HolyKnight opened her eyes and let them adjust past the HUD. Constantly having something in your field of view was somewhat distracting, but it was something she found herself used too rather quickly too. As her eyes looked past the HUD, she saw the town square ahead of her. Walking out of the alley she was calling 'home', she moved into the square and took a long look around.


    To her right was a party forming for a materials hunting expedition, and to her left were players who would be going on a more dangerous quest, a scouting party into one of the first dungeons found in Aincrad. Both parties were metaphors for the dichotomy of exploration in Aincrad. You could either go on dangerous hunting raids, or you could gather materials more slowly through exploration and collection. Looking down at her basic equipment, HolyKnight knew she wasn't ready yet to go explore the dungeons though she was more partial to that line of training, instead she would need to explore for materials, find what she could, sell them, so that she could upgrade her equipment in the hopes of leveling more quickly.


    Making her way out of town, she decided she was going to explore solo, it was easier that way, albeit more dangerous. She really hated other people.

  2. Carefully examining the chest, HolyKnight realized that the chest was trapped. As she determined this, a previously unavailable prompt appeared, offering her the chance to disarm. Doing so, she heard a whirling noise and the chest slightly popped open, signifying it was now safe.


    Opening the lid the rest of the way, her loot prompt appeared and she looked at the contents of the chest, inside it contained fifty col and two materials! Excitedly she added the supplies to her inventory. Conscious that she would be pushing her luck to continue exploring this area, HolyKnight wound her way out of the dungeon, but not before meticulously mapping her route to the dungeon and transcribing what she had seen within. She knew that this information would be useful later. She even included the part about 'riding the river', for faster transit.


    ID 17874 LD 20


    +50 Col (50 * Floor Level)

    +2 Materials


    Finally, sitting outside the dungeon she counted up her bounty from today's adventure. Happy with what she had, she made her way back towards town. Even though she had earned enough to stay in an Inn, she knew she wasn't going too. She slept outside her entire life, she wasn't bothered by it; instead she was going to save every last col and invest it in herself. She had a lot to do to grow stronger, but today had been a step in the right direction.


    RP Totals

    +1 Skill Point

    +800 Col - 2 RP Pages

    +65 Col - Loot/Treasure

    +8 Materials

  3. Walking into the dungeon, she casually observed the area around her. The air was cool. The stench was terrible. Bones littered all around, she could tell they were a mixture of animal, kobold, and human. Inside it was lit by lanterns. It wasn't so dark as to invoke a darkness penalty, but the place was far from cheery. With each step HolyKnight thought she could hear more and more dangerous enemies ahead. After moving through just a few rooms, she entered what appeared to be an old library.


    The bookshelves held many books, some of which were written in tongues she didn't recognize, though some were clearly mixtures of Japanese and English. HolyKnight was never the strongest reader, and though the books fascinated her, she felt she didn't have time to expend trying to decipher the text of the manuscripts.


    Moving through the library slowly, slightly skiddish at the moving and darting shadows, HolyKnight reached the last bookshelf, in the last row, of the room. Carefully rounding the corner, she was surprised when she came upon a dusty treasure chest tucked away in the back corner.


    ID 17873 LD 17

  4. Standing up, she worked her way to the dungeon entrance. Taking a long look at the looming tower in front of her, she observed everything about it. The open-air doors which lead into darkness. The markings alongside the outside of the tower. Quietly she pulled herself into her own mind, and recited a few words to give herself strength. She hadn't intended on coming this far, but she was NOT going to back down. Bravely, she walked towards the opening. She had decided, she was just going to take a quick look around.


    HolyKnight 5/5 (+1 Out of Combat Healing)

  5. Aware of her surroundings, HolyKnight closed her eyes and let herself think. She was sitting outside what could possibly be a very dangerous dungeon. It had taken her most of the day to get here, and she had nearly met her end with what was no-doubt one of the weakest monsters who would be contained within these walls. Still, the fact it took her almost all this time just to get here, only made her desire to want to go in even stronger. After all, who wanted to walk all the way back, just to have to come back here later. She knew she wouldn't get very far once inside the dungeon, but she still wanted to explore.


    Firmly, her butt stayed planted.


    HolyKnight 4/5 (+1 Out of Combat Healing)

  6. Walking up to the tower base, though being careful to avoid the door, HolyAngel took a seat. Sitting down, she looked out over the grass in the immediate area as she took a breather. Curiously, she thought she saw something nestled in-between the grass. Moving up, she wanted to see if it was anything valuable.


    ID 17872 LD 3


    It turned out that what she thought she saw, was nothing. Still, it was worth the effort of looking. Quietly, she returned to her seat with her back against the tower.


    HolyKnight 3/5 (+1 Out of Combat Healing)

  7. Looking around the area, she observed that the river she rode in on ended at a lake nearby. She didn't have any desire to explore the lake right now, and instead was more interested in the tower in front of her. It was large, black, and circular. It appeared to extend from the floor to the next level of Aincrad. There were several of these towers scattered on the first floor actually, and so they must be support beams for all of Aincrad. It was likely that the way 'up' to the next floor would be through one of these towers, though HolyKnight had no idea if this was the tower which would take them to the next floor. Either way, she certainly didn't have the firepower to clear the tower on her own yet.


    Still...she couldn't resist the temptation to have a look around.




    HolyKnight 2/5 (+1 Out of Combat Healing)

  8. Stepping into what could be her final attack, she dropped her blade down low and felt it land with vigor. The Minion in front of her exploded into pixels and silently she stood. She was aware of just how close she had come to dying, how it was in large part chance, in small part her own skill, which saved her. 


    Checking the loot results she saw that once again, it was only a material she gained. She was not thrilled with this, that battle had been much, much too close, and she had been hoping for a loot die reward. Still, she pocked the material and decided she wanted to explore the area some more. She would have to be extremely careful, but she had come this far, and turning back or being afraid was not in her nature.


    ID 17871 BD 6 LD 9


    HolyKnight 1/5 

    Kobold 0/4 (-1)


    +1 Material

  9. The minion responded in kind with its own critical strike. As its attack landed, she felt nervousness now as she eyed down the snarling, blue monster. She wasn't just within a critical strike of dying, she was within any strike of dying. She could quite literally, perish in this world before her adventure could even begin. She knew she didn't have a choice though, if she didn't attack, the monster would attack her. If she ran, the monster would cut her down as she turned. All she could do now was rely on herself, something she had always done, and would always have to do.


    ID 17869 BD 1 MD 9


    HolyKnight 1/5 (-2)

    Kobold 1/4 

  10. Going on the offensive yet again, HolyKnight shouted "HOLY STRIKE!" as she delivered her blade deep into the shoulder of the Kobold Minion. As her attack landed, she felt the reverberation of a critical hit in the handle of her sword. It was a soothing feeling, it meant she had just gained the upper-hand in this battle. Confidently, she continued her assault, expertly deflecting the Minions blows and positioning herself for her next strike on the snarling, blue monster.


    ID 17868 BD 9 MD 5


    HolyKnight 3/5 

    Kobold 1/4 (-3)

  11. Attacking the creature yet again, HolyKnight again screamed with intensity as she attacked. The Kobold, once again easily deflected her attack however. This time, when the Kobold deflected the attack and launched its' own counter-strike, she was more prepared defensively. Carefully dodging, she could feel just how close the blade came to her face. It missed by mere inches. Staring at the snarling blue snout of this Kobold, all she felt was a desire to kill this beast.


    ID 17865 BD 1 MD 5


    HolyKnight 3/5 

    Kobold 4/4

  12. The strike from the Kobold Minion came quick and from HolyKnights blind-spot. As it struck her, she felt the pain of a critical hit. Previously the boars had simply charged at her and were relatively easy to fight off, here however, the Minion attacked in a strange and different way, using feints and odd angles with its' curved blade. As her health bar lowered, she couldn't help but wonder if she was in over her head.


    ID 17864 BD 1 MD 9


    HolyKnight 3/5 (-2)

    Kobold 4/4

  13. Moving through the fields looking for something to fight, she became consciously aware of a looming tower which stretched out before her. Curious, she decided she would investigate. She would be fine after all, she was strong, she reminded herself.


    Moving closer to the tower she found a monster the likes she had never read or seen before. It was squat, piggish, and walked on two legs. Armored and armed, it was tamely patrolling an area near the tower. Looking at the whole picture, HolyKnight could see that it was the only one out here, though more probably were within the tower.


    Approaching the enemy, it suddenly gained a health bar and it's name identified as 'Kobold Minion'. Not sure what a Kobold was, HolyKnight simply decided that she was going to kill it and rushed the creature.


    Attacking with her sword, she was surprised when the Kobold used its own curved sword to deflect her strike. Quickly regaining her composure, she then deflected its sword strike. This was certainly different then fighting boars!


    ID 17863 BD 4 MD 1


    HolyKnight 5/5 

    Kobold 4/4

  14. Waking up almost an hour later, she was amazed how amazing she felt now. Her skin had dried, and she felt recuperated from her nap. Picking up clothes, she slowly donned her equipment again. The clothes had a 'warm' feeling to them now, which made sense because they had been in the sun for the past hour. The game's ability to simulate hot and cold and weather and its effects on the players and the environment was simply astounding. Clearly, 'touch' was a key sensation to making the nerve-gear fully immerse you in a digital world. Perhaps it was even the most important sense to emulate, she pondered.


    Her clothes now back on, HolyKnight stood up and decided to find another boar to attack. She was thrilled with the combat system, it felt so exhilarating, so life-like, so immersive. She was able to throw her entire being into fighting a mob, it gave her a feeling she couldn't begin to describe, though the closest words she could think of would be unfiltered ecstasy..

  15. Finally, after much floating downstream, she made her way to the riverbank once again. Pulling herself up out of the water, she watched as the game dripped water virtually from her clothes. It was all so very detailed. Realizing that she was soaking wet, HolyKnight suddenly had another epiphany of how to dry herself out. Taking a long look around the area, she made sure no-one else was here.


    Once she was sure the area was clear of other players and monsters, she pulled up her menu, and navigated to, Remove Clothes. After pressing it once, her clothes went into her inventory, which she then opened and pressed 'Drop'. Watching them appear on the ground in front of her, she then navigated to her menu again and selected 'Remove All Clothes', and with a poof, her undergarments moved into her inventory.


    Finally, standing butt-naked and bare-chested on a hill in the Field of Beginnings, HolyKnight laid down to take a nap in the warm sun. This would dry her off she thought, & she'd get to take a nap in the relaxing sun. Yes, this was truly better than real life had been.

  16. Walking along the riverbank, she suddenly had an epiphany. The river was moving much faster then she could walk, and from the looks of the river, she wasn't going to be able to walk its length in a reasonable amount of time. Her mind made up, HolyKnight leaped and threw herself splashing into the water.


    Letting the river whisk her away, she went tumbling through the water being flipped, turned, and tossed as if she was nothing more then a stick stuck in the current. Finally, she managed to right herself and find balance as she floated down-stream. It wasn't a rough stream, it had simply caught her more off-guard then she had been expecting. Floating down the river, she couldn't yet see the end, but she did have time to take in the beautiful scenery of the First Floor. It was all so gorgeous, so alive with color and teeming with life. She was truly amazed that this was now her life.


    HolyKnight 5/5 +1 (Out of Combat Healing)

  17. Checking the area for more frogs, she crinkled her nose when she failed to find any more. Perhaps it was time she take a break from hunting for materials and explore a bit. She had the five materials she had wanted to obtain, and while more would certainly be nice, HolyKnight also knew that it would be good for her to obtain more knowledge of the area. Slowly, she started following the riverbank downstream, curious to where the river would take her.


    ID 17862 LD 2


    HolyKnight 4/5 +1 (Out of Combat Healing)

  18. Earnestly HolyKnight realized she needed a break from combat. Going back to hunting Materials, she felt like she was now establishing a rhythm to which she could excel with. Fighting, taking a break, fighting, taking a break. The key to surviving this early part of the game was to simply take things slow.


    Letting her eyes follow the ground, HolyKnight pushed her way through a series of tall reeds which covered a riverbank, checking the area, she found strange purple-spotted frogs which she was able to collect with little trouble. 'What an interesting material', she said to no-one in particular.



    ID 17861 LD 20


    HolyKnight 3/5 +1 (Out of Combat Healing)


    +1 Material

  19. Focusing her energy into her next attack, HolyKnight locked blade with the beast. Forcing herself to overpower the boar, she managed to force it to yield its forward assault, and when it turned, she struck it in the side. Watching it burst into pixels, she felt extremely proud of herself for not letting her confidence be shaken.


    Checking the loot results, she was happy to see that this time it was a material and some col. It wasn't much, but the col she earned would hopefully help her buy a basic healing potion which would help keep her alive just a little longer in this game.


    ID 17860 BD 7 LD 14


    HolyKnight 2/5 

    Boar 0 / 3 (-2)


    +1 Material

    +15 Col (5 x Boar Health)

  20. Moving forward swinging her sword at the beast, HolyKnight was taken by surprise when the boar attacked her first. As the creature's damage lowered her health bar, she began to worry. She was now within a critical strike of dying here. This wasn't her place to die she thought. She would have to make her next attack count if she was going to keep on living.


    ID 17858 BD 2 MD 8


    HolyKnight 2/5 (-1)

    Boar 1/3 

  21. Quickly hopping back to her feet, HolyKnight attacked with her signature screaming "Holy Strike!", but once again her attack missed. Quickly darting out of the way, she managed to avoid the boars counter-strike with a fanciful evasive move. The pair carefully moved the battle away from the rocky terrain and onto more flat grass, hopefully here she would be able to finish off the boar.


    ID 17857 BD 5 MD 5


    HolyKnight 3/5 

    Boar 1/3 

  22. Following up the beasts nose-dive, HolyKnight stepped back but tripped over a boulder that was behind her. Landing on her butt, with an 'oof', she felt rather embarrassed. As the boar rushed in to attack, it also tripped over a rock and went tumbling, a rather lucky break for HolyKnight.


    ID 17856 BD 2 MD 4


    HolyKnight 3/5 

    Boar 1/3 

  23. Once again HolyKnight charged at her fiendish enemy. This time, the pair locked up blade to tusks and the creature let out a great snort. Breaking the gridlock off, she was unable to find a place to strike, while the boar's snout was driven straight into the ground. It wasn't damaged from this however, the move simply allowed HolyKnight to step away from the boar, in an attempt to create space between them.


    ID 17855 BD 5 MD 1


    HolyKnight 3/5 

    Boar 1/3 

  24. Seeing another boar in front of her, HolyKnight decided it was time for more combat. She re-equipped her sword and charged at the monster. As she neared it, she swung her blade and made contact. Angrily, the beast snorted and charged HolyKnight right back. Slamming into her, HolyKnight took quite a bit of damage from the beasts critical hit. Her health bar ticked down to nearly half just from the one blow. Serving as a reminder of her own fragility, HolyKnight quietly prepared herself in case of a quick death. She wasn't afraid to die here, it would be better to die here then in real life; but still, she would rather she not die until she got to see the very top level of this world. There was still so much more for her to see!


    ID 17853 BD 7 MD 9


    HolyKnight 3/5 (-2)

    Boar 1/3 (-2)

  25. The field of beginnings, was vast and covered in beautiful green grass. It crossed her mind that sleeping out here, might be more comfortable then sleeping on the stone ground of the Starting City, but of course there was more danger involved in sleeping outside of here. Player Killers roamed these hills, and even more, animals came out at night. Monsters much stronger then what would be encountered during the day. And of course, players couldn't operate well in the dark. Their were in-game penalties you would suffer if you didn't have necessary skills to survive in darkness. 


    Still...the weather was nice. Coming across a small stream, HolyKnight drove her hands deep into its crystal blue waters. Feeling the stones at the bottom, she yanked one up, seeing it labeled as a 'Water Crafting Stone', she added it in to her inventory. Slowly, her collection was growing.


    ID 17851 LD 19


    +1 Material

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