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Posts posted by Mercy

  1. Kasai had been away for a while, and had been unable to pick up the new weapon, for her little friend, until later. She walked into the shop, and smiled at Meoka. She took a look at the war hammer, and smiled, She will love it. Then she continued on her way, before exiting the building, she was happy for Meoka, and was sure to stop in again soon. Then she remembered and went to go give it to Cho.



    +1 Dawn of Light

    -1 Dawn of Light (Given to Cho)



    Name: Dawn of light

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 4


    Roll: 12 + 1

    Item Type: War hammer

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage; +3


    Description: http://www.medievalc...e/887008_2_.png

  2. Kasai walked in yet again, and smiled at Meokka, Hello! I have a friend, who is in need of a new sword, she is very young, and I thought I should gift her with an item. She weilds... Kasai thought for a moment, War hammers! One-handed! Could you make me one, so I can give it to her?

    Name: Dawn of light

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 4



    Item Type: War hammer

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Damage; +3

    Description: http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/PRODUCT/large/887008_2_.png


    Kasai also had a burning question in her mind, Is your shop open to PKers?



    -5 materials

  3. Here is the first one, a mob drop!




    Name: Protection

    How did you acquire?: Mob drop

    ID: 21471

    Loot Roll: 20

    Item Type: Chestplate

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Heavy Momentum x1

    Description: A grey/silver chestpiece, with blue threads.

  4. Kasai walked towards the shop, to gather her items, she had gotten a PM earlier that day, that Meokka had her items, and so she walked towards the shop. She saw Meokka ringing a bell and saying Thank you! She let out a laugh, unusual for herself, and she walked forward, perhaps this game was making an impact on her, But I still have Lancelot I need to talk to... She shook off the thought, and smiled at Meokka, Hello! I heard you have the items I ordered! She was bound to come back, especially since Meokka's forge was the only forge she had ever been to, and Meokka was talented. Suddenly she thought, I wonder if her shop is PKer accetable, I should ask. M-meokka. If I ever end up becoming and orange player, is your shop PKer acceptable? Not that I would hurt you or anyone w-who has been nice to me! Meokka was a special girl, with a man of her own, and she would be an excellent friend. Kasai finally decided, in order to help her shop get along, Here is a donation! I want your shop to be even more successful than it already is!


    (We should RP sometime)


    +1 Courage

    +1 Bravery

    -5 mats

  5. Kasai walked in, with an order sheet, Hello Meokka, I was wondering if you could make this for me! I really need a new weapon! Kasai set the piece of paper on the counter, and sat down on a stool, to await her response to her weapon request.... She set down her payment, and noticed a shield, she went over, and picked it up, she set it on the counter as well, I also want this.
    Name: [Courage]
    Item Type: [One-handed Straight Sword: Long Sword]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [
    +1 damage,
    +2 accuracy]
    Description: [The blade is a rare shade of red, it starts at a very bright red, at the tip, and travels slowly to a a musky red near the hilt, it is made to look sharp and edged. The hilt is a black, and the handle is a black.]
    Name: [bravery]
    Item Type: [Gauntlets]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: [
    Unarmed damage:
    +3 damage]


    Description: [The gauntlets are blue, with a brown strap, connecting it to a blue plate above gauntlets..]



    Name: Vanguard 

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 18716 

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Shield 

    Quality: Perfect


    2 Thorns

    Effect: Deals X damage when Mob die/Enemy BD is a 6-8 (X being the amount of slots used)

    Description: (Just a fluffy description.)


    Damage Mitigation

    Effect: Removed 1 point of damage from every hit to you for every slot used. No matter how much damage mitigation you have, however, you will always take at least 1 point of damage.


    Description: The Vanguard shield is not only for those on the defensive, but those willing to risk a hit to strike back in return. This shield protects it's user, and provides damage support if needed. Picture 





    -10 materials (Custom payment)

    -1100 col (Perfect Item)

    +1 Vanguard Shield





    She bought the shield

  6. SentÅki stood in the plaza on floor 1, her sword in its sheath, she looked around the town, looking for someone to manipulate. She wanted to get her anger out on someone, possibly, lure them out to the wilderness, and fake duel them, kill them, and take off. She closed her eyes, and breathed in the scents of town, her expressionless face, was aware of her surroundings, as she opened her eyes, she kept on looking, keeping watch for anyone she might want to 'befriend'. She sat down under a tree, and looked straight ahead. She thought she saw a figure walking her way, but it might be her imagination. She shook off the sight, and looked elsewhere, she felt bored, and angry, but you wouldn't be able to tell through her face.


    Sentoki's Weapons/Shields/Armor and Stats:

    Shield: Vanguard

    +1 mitigation

    +2 thorns


    Sword: Courage

    +1 base dmg

    +1 damage enhancement

    +2 Accuracy



    +3 Damage




    HP: 15

    DMG: +6

    -weapon base dmg 1

    -skill = 1

    -sword enhancement of 1

    -Gauntlets enhancement of 3

    ACC: +2

    Sword enhancements of 2

    EVA: +1

    Shield enhancements of 1

  7. 8009e76f6009be5482ddef3a63a7b994.jpg




    » Username: Kasai
    » Real name: Gassei SentÅki
    » Age: 19
    » Gender: Female
    » Height: 5' 6"

    About: History


    SentÅki was always silent, and never known about, when she was born, she never cried. Her mother quickly forgot about her, when the twins were born. She stayed silent. and watched from afar, when her sister died, Youno, the twin was forced to do everything, upon being blamed. She protected her sister, and watching her get beaten if she did something wrong, hardened her from the world. Finally, Youno ran away, and SentÅki followed her, when Youno went upon a farm, and was adopted, SentÅki visited the man, when Youno was busy, he allowed her to become his 'daughter' and she became Youno's 'adoptive' sister. She protected Youno, and they grew an unbreakable bond. When Youno got SAO, SentÅki got one to! SentÅki followed Youno into the world, and once there, they did not see eachother, when SentÅki found out it was a death game, she kept looking to see if Youno was alive, but upon not finding her, she assumed she had died. Upon this, she grew cold against the world, and does everything solo.


    Beautiful: SentÅki is beautiful, this means she will almost always get her way. Very many people are swayed to her side, by her outward appearance. This makes it extremely easy for her to convince people, however, this has made her arrogant and self-absorbed. She is beautiful, in that many people compliment her, when they first meet her. Such as: 'I love you hair!" or, "I love your eyes!' Some even go so far as to say, 'You have nice curves!' Her beauty is a blessing and a curse.

    Protective: SentÅki is protective, as soon as you become her friend, she will start to be nice towards you. She will protect you, jumping in front of a train, or in front of a bullet, even if you won't do the same. She protects only her family and friends, and rarely ever saves others. This is a special personality for her, and it is rare you will ever see it in her. She will protect you in many ways, the most of her protection however, goes towards Youno, her sister. Other than that, she protects herself.


    Lucky: SentÅki is very lucky, she will almost always get her way, and whenever she is doing something, she always guesses right. On her school tests, when she doesn't know the answer, she guesses, and she gets 95% of them correct. Her luck is amazing, and truly a sight to behold. The more she interacts with someone, the more lucky they get as well. This is a big blessing to SentÅki. This allows her to get many things, and win many things.

    Reference: http://www.darkworld...lore/flaws.html
    Arrogant: SentÅki is very arrogant. She is self absorbed and can be snobbish. This means that she will always think about herself, and almost never of others. She thinks she is better than everyone else, but she works on improving this flaw, that is why she is a solo player. Because the more she hangs around others, the more arrogant she becomes. She tends to think she is the best, around other players. And will only interact when necessary.

    Callous: SentÅki is callous, this means, she rarely ever shows any emotion at all. She only shows her emotions when it is bad, and that her little sister is in danger, she is thought to be cold, and emotionless. Inside she is full of protective behavior, but outside, she has next to no emotion. This is a result of her Arrogant and egotistical behavior. She hates showing emotions, and thinks they are weak, and open up a player to other players.

    Egotistical: SentÅki is very egotistical, this means that she has a high importance on her list, and that she is very boastful. almost every time she sees players, she boasts to them, or is rude to them. She tends to speak coldly to others, and only cares about herself. Or that is how it seems. She tends to speak about her skills, and what she has accomplished rather than what others do. She never speaks of when she fails, for she forgets those times, on purpose. She only wants to remember the time she succeeds. She almost always remembers when others fail though, so she can take note, and boast how she doesn't fail to others later.


    Will be Merchant


    Points Remaining: 4





    Weapon skills:


    Weapons/Tools: Straight Swords

    » One-Handed Straight Sword (Long Sword)-not equipped

    » Shield-equipped

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 18716 

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Shield 

    Quality: Perfect


    2 Thorns

    Effect: Deals X damage when Mob die/Enemy BD is a 6-8 (X being the amount of slots used)

    Description: (Just a fluffy description.)


    Damage Mitigation

    Effect: Removed 1 point of damage from every hit to you for every slot used. No matter how much damage mitigation you have, however, you will always take at least 1 point of damage.


    Description: The Vanguard shield is not only for those on the defensive, but those willing to risk a hit to strike back in return. This shield protects it's user, and provides damage support if needed. Picture 

    Name: Vanguard 


    » Sword-equipped

    Name: [Courage]


    Roll: 12 + 1

    Item Type: [One-handed Straight Sword: Long Sword]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    +1 damage,
    +2 accuracy]
    Description: [The blade is a rare shade of red, it starts at a very bright red, at the tip, and travels slowly to a a musky red near the hilt, it is made to look sharp and edged. The hilt is a black, and the handle is a black.]



    » Cloth Clothing

    »  Gauntlets-equipped

    Name: [bravery]
    ID: 21415 
    Roll: 12 + 1
    Item Type: [Gauntlets]
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Unarmed damage:
    +3 damage]

    Description: [The gauntlets are blue, with a brown strap, connecting it to a blue plate above gauntlets..]






    » Bread x10

    » Water x15



    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)




    60 col



    5 materials

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