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Status Updates posted by Ashrah

  1. Under the burning sun, I take a look around- Imagine if this all went down...

  2. Happy New Year from HELL.

  3. That feeling when you get back from the gym and your everything aches, though.

  4. That moment when "I don't want to work today" but "I do want them to go through with that promotion I'm lined up for."

  5. I'm getting way too excited reading Rothbard.

    Mmmm... "Man, Economy, and the State." This'll be fun...

  6. That feeling when you're in the Dairy cooler and the power goes out. Now it's cold, dark, and you have to run out and put wrap over everything. Except you don't know where to walk because you're not specced for Night Vision and it's chaos.

    What is life.

  7. Guess which nutter is working on half an hour of sleep?


  8. That feeling when you walk into literal hell.



  9. Iol, and my luck is on a roll tonight, power's out at the house.

  10. I'll have to start posting triple time when I get my power back. I'm falling behind. X.x

  11. Sad admissions from a SAO fan:

    Sinon <3

  12. The triumphant return.

  13. Alright, took the weekend to catch up on some much needed rest.

    Now, to write. Well. Increase frequency.

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