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Posts posted by K.Kazuo

  1. Kazuo looks As he takes his first step into virtual reality he walks around the town and he sees a blacksmith kazuo says hi and  the blacksmith sais you new to sao would you want some help kazuo says no while looking around  he wonders what else this place has he bumps into a stranger and walks on looking in his inventory is a book that sais floor 1 telapoting  he sais naa ill look at this later and walks on then he sees lots of peapole teleporting with the floor 1 telaport system he looks at the pad and clicks it and gets teleported to floor 1 he sees lots of boars and at the end a bit gusty some lions he sees other players fighting the  boars and lions even some getting killed  but just repairing behind him again he walks up to a boar looks in his inventory rank 1 straight sword and sais lets begin.

  2. » Username: K.Kazuo
    » Real name: lawan an Kazuon
    » Age: 18
    » Gender: Male
    » Height: 1‘78 mts


    Character Design:post-6134-0-47809000-1437854316.jpg






    K.Kazuo is a single child, whose mom  abandoned him when he was 3years old months old. Because his mom and his dad had littlemony worked all day to cover all expenses he grew being pretty lonely. In school, he was told that because he was alone, he could not accomplish anything, that he would end being no-one. To show them wrong, he become obsessed with progressing trough life. Trough his life he used a few people as stepping stones to advance. This created a reputation for him in both high school, and now college. People tend to avoid working with him because of this reputation, but those few who know him well understand that he is quite determind and a good fellow. And once he starts something he will move heaven and earth to complete it, be it a deal with someone, a job, or a simple promise. Now, he works at a judo stadium and is a pro rpg gamer while finishing his career as a for guns as his dad was Engineer for items whenever someone needed something he was allways there eventhugh he could barely remember his dad.

    What surprises many people is the fact that he is an eager MMORPG player. They think that someone who works on a  and at the same time studies for an engineering degree wouldn't have time (or even wouldn't want) to play an MMORPG, but this is false in his case. He had plenty of time to dedicate to a hobby, and what better hobby than this one. As soon as the very first VRMMORPG -Sword Art Online- came out, he was one of the first to get his hands on a copy. He had taken the day off from work, and rushed to buy the game. As soon as he returned home, he plugged the
    NerveGear in, and dived straight into the experience thinking that it was fine for him to take a day off, but he changed his opinion as soon as the true game started.!!!



    Committed: Once he sets an objective (whatever it may be) he will do everything in his power to see it done, be it bribing someone, having to go trough an entire underground mine or razing an entire block to the ground. His collegues know this, and they also know that any work given to him will be done in a orderly and timely manner, which is the reason he is given the hardest tasks of his workplace.


    Disciplined: While he did in fact use some people to advance when he was younger, he is quite well behaved with his friends and colleague's and will not lose his cool easily.  His speech style could be clasified as "a mix of Anger Intense training and snarking", where he will ask nicely for that sword you have to see it's craftsmanship, and once he has it he will cheerfuly point out how stupid it was to hand your weapon to another person just like that with a sarcastic remark.

    Honorable: Once he closed a deal with you, he will complete it. And if he is your ally, you can be sure he will not betray you unless you are planning to betray him. But this does not extend into his fighting, where he will use whatever means available to achieve victory.


    Resourceful:  He always finds a way to achieve his goals and complete his objectives, even if everything seems to be against him and the job close to impossible. He will find allies, recruit mercenaries, steal or bribe his way to victory or find cracks in alliances he can use to his gain. He rejects nothing that will help him, however small and seemengly useless, and use any advantage he can see.



    Lawful: if anyone he know dies or gets hurt no matter what hell find them and if could kill them or hurt them it’s a horrible side of him he try's to forget but cant as much as he tries this makes him a target no one want to be round so sometimes sh skiped schouul and wordked at his judo club pushing all his strees onto his dummies he was called anger issues boy and accused of asulting a 13 yearold kid purpousley so h went to a private school and stayed there for days at 18 he was not as angry as he was before and played mmo games till stumbuling apon a game called sword  art online he bought it went in and the real game began


    Overzealous:  While his commitment to an objective is admirable, many times he went far beyond whats reasonable often placing his health in danger. One example of this could be when he worked for almost 24 hours straight, without any pause while having a 40°C fever just because his laboratory needed the results for the next day, when the client would come over. It ended with him being rushed to a hospital after he lost consciousness while walking away from his boss desk.

    Practical:  While disciplined and honorable, he will not do something stupid, and will device the best and most efficient way to achieve what he wants. This can be easily seen in his combat style where he will disregard any of the "standart" customs of "honorable fighting" and use whatever means and opening he can get to defeat his oponents, be it something as simple as a groin attack or throwing sand in their eyes,  up to setting entire traps and ambushes and pitting ally vs ally while watching from the sidelines.


    Remorseless: He has no remorse for anything he has done in direct pursuit of his goals, as he sees everything he has done as something necesary to achieve them. Be it almost ruining the life of 5 students or causing injuries to other people, he will not back down and will not be affected by it. This does not include anything outside of his "actions to reach an objective", for example, causing innecesary suffering with his actions to someone who had nothing to do with the problem at hand. this often comes as a surprise to many: He will not bat an eye if 4 people were inside the house he needed to destroy, but will somehow try to repay a bystander who got affected by that destruction in any way.




    Skillpoins available: 0




    Weapon skills:
    » » Two-handed streght sword - Rank 1 - SP towards next rank: 0


    » Two-handed streght sword - Rank 1

    » black light armor robe

    » Bread x 10

    » Water x 15



    Nothing right now

    Relationships :


    Nothing right now.

    Story Thus Far.


    Just started, getting the feel of the game




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