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Posts posted by Narshe

  1. Mack looked to be struggling just a bit, but only that. The warrior he had met just a few moments ago was carrying himself with composure in a place of danger. Natural leader. He'd follow. "You've got it!" He said, getting into a good stance. The alpha had jumped away, into the red zone. His attack pattern definitely changed, but it wouldn't matter if Narshe could land one good attack. He took his blade and raised it high in the sky, readying a rush attack. He sprinted towards the leader of the pack with a fierce scream.

    #27335 CD: 10 (epic finish.)

    Narshe HP: level up, 8/9

    His assault ended with a shattering of pixels. the blade had fallen right on the wolf's head, and it's HP immediately dropped to zero. "Got him!! Moving on, stay sharp!" He shouted at Mack. He was holding his own pretty damn well, so Narshe thought to give some well earned encouragement.

  2. He listened to the lyrics intently. Very, very intently. This tune wasn't exactly Narshe's style, but art was art so he intended to listen. As he listened, he swirled the tea cup in his hand to the rhythm. He tapped his foot to the floor as best he could (rhythm was not one of his fortes), and tried to enjoy the melody. Honestly, the lyrics freaked him out a little bit. I could have died? No thank you, he was fighting every day for his life. Narshe didn't need a reminder. Still, the guy had a nice voice, so after the first chorus he blocked out the lyrics and just paid attention to the melodic line. He took another sip of tea and turned back around to the bar counter.

  3. He slowly minded his HP gauge while standing in his fighting stance. Yeah, it was a lot lower, but he'd be careful. The hate system was a little predictable or so he thought. If he ever got in a pinch, he'd step to the back. Narshe knew the opening levels were the toughest, but fighting wolves at level two was practically powerleveling. Be careful, and you'll be fine... He thought nervously.

    The wolf he was fighting wheeled around and struck at the man, as he was unable to block in time. Regardless, it was time to put himself back into the fray. This opportunity was perfect. He put his sword in the horizontal position and came in for a slash at the back of the wolf.

    ID #27294 CD:10 MD:7

    Narshe HP: 6/7 (lol)

    MWolf HP: 7-4=3

    His sword must have cut through the weak point, because the moment his sword skill connected the wolf's HP dropped considerably. "Hah! I've got you now!!," he managed with gritted teeth. He was happy about his punishing assault, but unfortunately, he was momentarily stunned after his wicked swing. His target yelped, jumped around and immediately lunged for his sword arm. Narshe clenched his teeth, knowing what was coming. The wolf sunk his teeth into Narshe's limb and his HP slowly dropped. Not into the yellow, but damn, was it a considerable amount. Time to switch. He wished that high level looking chick didn't walk off... oh well. He'd watch himself.

  4. He smiled was about to open his mouth, but was not so gently interrupted. Narshe brought his own tea to his lips and turned to the stage after some mic tapping got his attention. This was his first experience with the performance system in the game, but it wasn't that bad. From what he understood, you had to have real life skills in order to make the system work best. Not a lot of people chose the profession, and coincidentally, the ones that did were usually pretty good. That said, his full attention was on the stage. He thought to enjoy it while he was here. He'd have to go back in a bit... but at least this was soothing. Hearing Koumori mutter, he turned slowly in his stool not wanting to disrupt the performance. "It's not too bad of a place. First time i've seen this happen, but I'm not upset." He said softly. Another sip of the tea did him well.

  5. Shock.

    Narshe couldn't move. What he tried to do was be friendly. What ended up happening was a sad, sad reality check. He slowly moved his head to look at his blade, then back up. It stayed like this for awhile. How long, he couldn't remember. I may not be strong now.... he thought, but I will get strong. I will stay the course. He shuffled his feet, feeling in his body somewhat returning. He would catch up to Mack and do as best he could. This was his first fight, but it started today. His long journey. He slowly bent his knees and took off in a sprint towards the wolf slaying party.

    "MACK!", He yelled. He stopped his run just as soon as he saw what was unfolding. The big man with the axe had just dealt a giant blow to a sub-boss of the area, and he watched as the alpha wolf dropped to 75% with just a single blow. Nice! Narshe unsheathed his sword. Time for him to prove himself. He knew he was weak, weaker than the rest of the party, but there was but one way to get stronger. He twirled his green blade once and eyed his target. A man he didn't have the pleasure of meeting was in combat with one of the lesser wolves, and has his rear to him. "Flanking!", he screamed as he raised his blade into the air, a green glow surrounding it. He felt like he was moving at the speed of light as system assist took over and guided him to the unexpecting wolf.

    #27229 BD-6

    MWolf's HP- 9-2=7.

    The sword skill landed perfectly. Narshe smirked with delight as the blade sunk into the virtual wolf's flesh. As the blade passed through, a deep red gash was left where his sword was not but half a second ago. The wolf yelped and spun around on all fours, staring down the warrior who just slashed him. Narshe looked at the man he had yet to meet and said, "Your turn." He would have been sweating if there was a game mechanic for that. He gave his blade another flourish and flashed a smile.

  6. Narshe continued to sip. He knew it was hot, but it didn't matter. Something about the beverage was just refreshing. Maybe it was a mechanical thing in the game? Regardless, he savored it. He knew that his daily grind would most likely be back on in a moment, and that he might as well make the most of it. Shortly after he ordered his drink, another man came up to the bar looking... honestly, pretty ragged. He had sheathed his sword and slumped down into his seat, and with a single word, ordered a tea. I wonder if i looked like that just a minute ago... He thought. "The tea is always nice here. It's becoming my favorite," Narshe spoke with a friendly attitude. Maybe he could get a companion to go level with?

  7. Narshe had always wondered what a beer had tasted like. His father never let him get close, and he was never eager to try anyways, but the curiousity was always there. Was it certainly the worst taste as his family had said? Or was it like coffee? He walked into one of the pubs the starting city had to offer and sat down at the bar stool. He needed something to keep him going. Those powerlevelers and frontliners were something else. He'd get there eventually, but seeing as it's summer and season and it's hot, it was time for a drink.

    As he opened the door, a small blast of cool air caressed his face. This is really what he needed. Sighing, he activated the inventory menu with a quick finger swipe and stored his sword away. With a flash of light, the weight on his hip vanished. Feeling ten times lighter, he walked to the bar and grabbed a nearby barstool, spinning it around and sitting down. In a very crass manner, he plopped his elbows down on the bar and held his chin with both hands. His father called this method of relaxation, 'making a kickstand', in reference to a bicycle, but he didn't care.

    Obviously by some coding, the NPC barkeep walked over and asked, "What'll you have today?", while continuing to polish the same glass over and over. He thought long and hard about it, and could manage to order the beer. "I'll have a tea," he said with a smile. The barkeep gave a small nod and walked away presumably to bring him the ordered beverage of choice. Narshe marveled again at the detail of Aincrad, trying to enjoy what little of it he could. Every single chair, or brick in the wall, was meticulously crafted to appear perfectly in the grand scheme of things, but it was made for something so dreadful it almost didn't even matter. The tea was clattered down in front of him as he sighed again, shaking the thoughts from his mind. Damn, did he need someone to talk to. He took a sip. It was a tad bitter for his personal standards, but it didn't matter. It was what he needed.

  8. This place was so deceptive. At least Narshe felt deceived. The morning sun was about to disappear as it shown through the gap in the ceiling between the 1st and 2nd floor, and it's warmth heated my virtual bones. He stayed the night at an inn and his col took an immediate hit. There was no time for moping around. Someone has to get to work! He thought. Narshe walked outside and a fresh air smell had hit him. Everything seemed so real, but it was all fake. He set off for the town gate.

    It wasn't long before Narshe heard the voice of a gruff sounding man. He had heard it a bit before he had seen him, the man wielding the starting battle axe. His appearance looked strikingly familiar to Vietnam-era army BDUs, or at least so he thought. He shook his head at the quick reminder of his family and stored it inside. I'll need that if I'm going to make it out of here, He thought. He wondered if he was anything like him, or had any army affiliation on the other side. Unfortunately, it's taboo to ask about those things, so he let it slide. Time to make friends, he guesssed.

    Walking across the plain he said, "You've found your guy!" in a loud but clear voice. It was time to use the sword skills he'd practiced. He didn't have a shield and this sounded a little dangerous, but at least this big man looked like he had a level or two under him. Strolling up as nonchalantly as he could manage, he croaked out, "Narshe the Knight." He coughed. You couldn't cough in this game, really. There wasn't a reason to, unless you did something stupid or crazy and your brain told you to. I'll have to work on my introductions, because that was dreadful... He shifted awkwardly and jutted out a quick, "Or just Narshe for short," and gave off an uneasy laugh while sticking out his hand.

  9. Narshe.thumb.jpeg.c9a162e9a162dc7cbf54a2

    (One handed straight sword and shield, not spear)

    Username: Narshe
    Real name: Joshua Abbott
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5"7'

    About: History/personality

    Josh was born in America while his family was bouncing around the globe. Being an army brat, his dad often traveled and the family went with him. He doesn't remember much about getting to Japan, but his father has been stationed here for awhile now. Growing up around kids much different than him was hard, but he was able to make friends by playing video games. He didn't like it at first, but they grew on him. He made his first group of friends in secondary school, and luckily the family hasn't moved since. As he grew older, his responsibilities began to tally up. Any grade but an A was looked down upon, chores not being completed on time resulted in grounding. Working out with his dad was also grueling, hard work. He wondered what it meant to be normal. To be someone else.

    Gaming with his friends soon became his only escape from his strict home life. The idea of being someone else, or doing heroic things, was always something he wanted to do. He always dreamed of being a soldier, but being a knight that rescued the beauty was the realization of that dream. Strapping on his armor and using a sword and shield to defend his friends against his foes?! That was what he wanted to be. As soon as SAO was announced his excitement went through the roof. He worked extra hard at home to convince his father that getting a NerveGear set was a good idea, and got the game as soon as it came out. What he didn't know, is that he'd be protecting actual lives in the death game.

    Selfless: Narshe's selfless attitude began in an early chapter of his life, simply sharing toys or part of his lunch. Now, that's evolved into talking with a friend at a moment's notice, or doing what he can to protect them. Right now, that means doing everything he can to clear all one hundred floors.

    Loyal: You can count on Narshe to stick with you to end, if you're his friend. Growing up in a military family, he envied the camaraderie his father had with all of his army buddies. Now, trying to get out of this death game, he'll do anything to help a friend in need and has even stuck his neck out a few times.

    Duty: Most likely to enlist out of high school like his father before him, Narshe has always felt the call to duty. Those plans were cut short the day he put on his NerveGear and dived in, unable to get out. His duty now is to do what he can for everyone inside Aincrad and return to the real world. Time to make dad proud. Hooah.

    Pride: Narshe often loses report with people because he can't keep his mouth shut. You can hear him talking about his own personal accomplishments all the time. While he will help out anyone to succeed in this game, he often takes a lot of credit for himself. Possibly too much.

    Anger: Narshe has a very, very low flashpoint when it comes to things getting on his nerves. He'll go off on someone, even if they make a simple mistake that put them in harm's way. His parents were always hard on him as a kid, so he feels his behavior is justified when he gets hot-headed. He doesn't like to accept failure, and is often angry at himself as well.

    Perfection: Back in the real world, Narshe had to have his bed made by 0600 hours to perfection. He did his own laundry, and cooked his own food. Much was expected of him in his house and in his studies as well. It's only natural that he seeks perfection in everything he does now. This doesn't wear too well with many people trapped in SAO, though. His perfectionist attitude makes him very critical of himself and of others. To him, it's necessary to survive. Others see it as a hindrance.

    Profession: Unemployed.





    Weapon skills:
    » One-handed straight sword 1

    »10 bread, 15 water, Small Sword, Cloth Clothing



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